Werewolf Courtship Etiquette

Story by KaninZ on SoFurry

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Werewolf Courtship Etiquette



This is an excerpt (more of an excision) from the recently published "Iron Wolves of Elbe" by Dale Crowe. I was trying more for romance than erotica and my editor suggested this bit be rewritten to keep from crossing that line. Instead of letting this slip into electronic limbo, I figured I'd share it here for your pleasure.

Here's the set up: David Steinman, a furry writer of crime novels met a sexy werewolf and after a fun bit of drama has agreed to be "turned". Yeah, like it would take a cattle prod to force a furry to become a werewolf ;)

Here's the twist on lycanthropy from my little world, it isn't transmitted by a scratch or bite though those are quite likely to occur during transmission!

Since this was cut prior to editing, I claim any and all errors as my own. Enjoy!

The walk to the bar to pick up the bow bedecked bottle from Ilyana had been mortifying. As he worked his way through the maze of tables David was subjected to a stream of not terribly helpful and undeniably lewd tips and suggestions from a few of the happily inebriated Iron Wolves.

David nearly exited through the cloth roof of the Jeep when Martin touched his leg gently. "A bit nervous?" Martin asked with a chuckle. "Like a virgin bride on her wedding night." David replied. He then continued jokingly with "Thankfully, I'm neither a virgin or a bride unless this sponsorship thing has implications I haven't been made aware of."

Martin shook his head, laughing out loud this time. "No, once you've been turned you're free to find another bed. If you do I may have to fill it with dismembered squirrels or an over-ripe elk at some point, just to save face you understand."

"Hell, once I'm turned I may see that as a love-offering to win me back." David replied as laughter carried away his apprehension. "Isn't filling someones bed with road kill the lupine equivalent to a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers?" The rest of the ride they kept each other giggling as they came up with a whole set of ridiculous werewolf courting rituals.

The silence descended like a dropped hammer as they pulled into the driveway of Martin's house. The tension eased a bit when Martin told him "Don't worry, I don't plan to ravage you as soon as we walk through the door.

I'll at least wait until we've reached the bedroom. Or maybe the living room depending on what form you want me in. Your choice, see what a considerate, thoughtful lover I am?"

Remaining nervously silent until they were inside and seated on the couch, David asked "Do you, um, have any preference on form? I mean, I raised enough dogs to know the mechanics involved and how they are, um, built. Tell me about your anthro form. Are there any significant differences in shape or size or, um...function?"

Standing, Martin began to remove his clothes saying "I think it will be easier ...and more fun... to just show you. Nothing like hands-on experience I always say. 'Specially when it's being said about my wolfie bits." He waggled his eyebrows at David once he was standing before him nude and then began to blur into his werewolf form.

David looked at his friend with new eyes. The way the light seemed to shimmer on the highlights in his fur. The way his muscles rippled and flowed as he moved his arms and bent forward to plant a wet kiss on David's face. David sputtered and giggled proclaiming "OK, loving a lupine lesson number one, watch out for the tickley whiskers when smooching." That won him a wet lick from a wide lupine tongue that went from his chin to the bridge of his nose and left him sputtering even more.

Shifting his hands to grip David's upper arms, Martin pulled him to his feet and then embraced him. David found himself nearly smothered in fragrant, living fur.

In other words, the furry idea of heaven. Returning the embrace, David let his hands explore the fur down Martin's back, stroking and scritching through the thickness which elicited an appreciative growl from Martin.

David became aware of the sheath pressed into his stomach as what was hidden within began to lengthen and harden. He broke the embrace and leaned back for a look. Spreading his arms and legs open, Martin gave him free reign to explore his werewolf form.

At the top of Martin's sheath a red tip began to emerge and swell. Placing his hands on Martins chest, David began slowly stroking and scritching his way down. By the time he reached Martin's lower abdomen a good three inches of glistening red lupine meat stood forth.

Martin gasped and his hips hunched forward, exposing even more of his wolfhood as David traced a hand down the furry tube of his sheath. The pleasure filled growl got louder as David turned his hand to feel the swelling knot at the base of the lupine shaft through the sheath.

"How big does this get? It's already about the size of a golf ball. Are we talking tennis time or bowling league action?"

When Martin's hands gripped David's shoulders and gently pressed him downward, he got the idea right away. _ "The best way is to find out for yourself, explore me, taste me." _ the werewolf before him rumbled.

Reaching up again, David grasped Martin's sheath and slid it down, leaving him fully exposed. He took Martin's suggestion and began his transition into a new reality with the coppery, salty taste of lupine on his tongue.

One of Martin's hands went from David's shoulder to the top of his head as the shaft in his mouth pulsed, squirting watery bursts of pre-ejaculate. David's eyes widened as the flow increased and Martin began to gently thrust, sliding his wolfhood across his tongue and scraping the blunt tip along the roof of his mouth. With each pulse, each motion it seemed to swell until David had to pull back to relieve his aching jaw muscles.

Looking at what he gripped in his hands, David stood and told Martin "When we started I wasn't too comfortable with the idea of doing anything with you in your feral form.

I'm so over that now. I don't think I could take that anally considering your girth without a couple of days or more of stretching to prepare myself. Like I said, I'm no virgin, but, even without the knot...woof!"

Martin nodded his muzzle up and down and David nearly fainted when he grinned toothily at him and said _ "I understand. The full wolf form hits up against the bestiality taboo and frankly, some never get past that. Just remember that it is still me, my mind, my heart and soul. I'm just wearing a different form." _

Nodding, David began to undress. When he looked up from laying the last of his folded clothes on the couch he found Martin's wolf sitting there with a derpy expression, tongue lolling from one side of his muzzle and a smaller (though still enormous looking to David considering where it was about to go) lupine shaft protruding from his groin.

David gasped as the wolf stood and walked over to stick its nose underneath his semi-erect penis and then stroked it from base to tip with its tongue.

"Oh, damn...that tongue." David moaned as the wolf began lapping at his now fully engorged member. He moaned even louder as the lupine muzzle closed on his shaft, engulfing it completely and he felt the teeth encasing him as the tongue began to work the sensitive underside. It didn't take much of that until David grasped the wolf's head and blasted spurt after spurt into the hot muzzle.

Martin the wolf withdrew his muzzle slowly along David's still pulsing shaft to let David's manhood flop out into the cool air and then walked around behind him. David knew what to do when he felt the paws land on his shoulders. He knelt to the ground with warm fur settling on his back. A lupine muzzle nestled against the side of his neck just below his left ear as he felt something warm and slick part the cheeks of his ass and begin a probing search.

When Martin's wolf found its mark David was surprised at the ease of entrance. As the quick jabbing motions began, David felt hot spurts begin flowing again in a constant, pulsing stream, providing a natural lubricant. It seemed to him there was an increase in the size of the wolfs member with each insertion and each insertion went deeper.

With a growl, Martin's wolf took over. His paws slid down to grasp Davids midsection and David grunted as Martin thrust into him and stayed inserted. As the swelling member inside him began to hurt, David's mind was taken off that pain by the jaws that locked around his neck from behind.

As Martin's knot fully engorged, locking them together, David's entire body was shaken as the furry hips pulled him back and forth. The meaty thud of repeated impacts felt like they were rattling his teeth in his skull and he could tell the impacts were going to leave a nice set of bruises on his battered ass cheeks. David shifted his arms wider to brace himself as the thrusting became faster and even more intense.

Suddenly, he felt the jaws release and Martin's paws shift to press claws into the flesh of his back, raking them down slowly as the wolf howled and danced on his rear legs as David felt liquid heat spurted into his loins. The wolf's hips seemed to vibrate as lupine muscles strained to force his member in as far as it would go and hold it there, pulsing, squirting hot liquid jets of wolf semen.

There were stars and a black fog at the edge of his vision when David felt the weight of the wolf drop down onto his back resting fully upon him like a hot, panting fur coat. With each beat of the wolf's heart, another spurt came as David was filled from inside with the virus carrying wolf semen that would seal his fate to theirs.

His head in a sexual fog, David had no idea how long he stayed in that position with Martin's wolf on his back. When the wolf had deflated enough to slip from him they both flopped over on their sides. David pulled a blanket from the couch and spread it over himself as the wolf curled up with its head in his lap to snuggle warmly with him in afterglow.

The first indication that he'd fallen asleep was when he awakened after a strange dream where he and Martin's wolf had been chasing deer together. David had at first been amazed that he could even keep up with the wolf, much less keep pace alongside it as they ran across a field and chose their prey from the scattering herd.

It was the shock of looking down at his feet and seeing two black paws instead that brought him awake. There was a fire going in the wood stove and he'd been moved onto the couch and tucked in with a pillow and blanket. The door rattled as something heavy bumped it, startling him David tried to get up and found that he wasn't too steady on his feet. He flopped back down onto the couch weakly as the door opened and Martin's wolf entered, prancing with a lupine gait full of pride and accomplishment, to drop a bloody haunch of deer onto the carpet right at his feet.

David chuckled and said "I hope this isn't the werewolf version of breakfast in bed. I'm more of a coffee and toast guy I'm afraid." The wolf managed to look insulted and gave him a snort and an flick of one ear that spoke volumes.