Krysten's Corruption Chapter 5

Story by Mistress Adrianna on SoFurry

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#5 of Krysten's Corruption

Dante reclaims his daughter, as well as takes that last virginity from her. Together they touch on their feelings just a little.

Krysten's Corruption Chapter 5

Copyright of The Lady Adrianna 2013

The two of them stood under the hot spray of the shower for the second time that day. Only this time, Dante was taking his time and washing his daughter, and now lover, clean of the touch of another man. He took care to make sure she was clean, both inside and out, sliding his fingers into her tight sex to spread her open for the water to flush her out. She leaned into him, her face buried into his hair as he knelt there, those fingers making her moan softly as her hips rocked against his fingers. "Are you mad at me Daddy," she finally asked, causing him to look up at her.

Slowly, his fingers withdrew from her and he stood, setting the shower head aside. "No Krysten. I'm not mad at you so much as at myself. If I had had more control, we wouldn't have had to go down that route." He pulled her long wet hair back and nuzzled into her neck. "Seeing you with another was definitely something I'd never thought I'd see, but the general idea is not new to me. Your mother and I used to do similar." His words had her pulling back, confusion evident in her features.

"You and Mommy? But, you're so proper Daddy. And so was Mommy. Isn't what I did today wrong? Aren't I a loose woman now?" She looked so confused, so afraid that he drew her in tight to his chest and chuckled. She held herself stiff for a second before melting into him, her arms sliding around his waist to rub her cheek to his chest.

"On the contrary. There are things about your mother and I that you've never been told." He turned off the water, then wrapped a towel around her, drying her off. "I was raised very conservative, much as I have brought you up. But then I met your mother. She was what my parents called a wild child and believed that new things should be experienced." He met her eyes, her head tipped back to watch him talk with rapt attention. He so rarely talked about his deceased wife that any bit of information was so important to her. "Sex was one of those things. She taught me so much, taught me to live. And there was such joy and brightness in her I couldn't give her up. She taught me to try so many things, to enjoy so much. It was only after I lost her that I started to doubt myself." He sat her down and started to run the brush through her hair, combing out the tangles. "I'll teach you all of those things if you'd like Krysten. Teach you to be just as beautiful and vibrant as your mother."

She thought for a long moment, quietly enjoying the slide of the brush over her scalp. No one else had brushed her hair since she was ten and she frankly had missed the feeling. Add in all of the revelations about her mother that he had just admitted and she was finding it hard to focus on the future. Her whole life, she had thought her mother to be just like her father. Proper, well behaved, mannered. She had worked so hard to be just like that. To be the good proper lady her father seemed to love so she could feel somewhat closer to the mother she barely remembered. And now he was telling her that her mother had been nothing like that.

"I..don't know," she finally admitted. Turning to look up at him, she bit her lip. "I want to make you happy Daddy. But, I never knew about all that. I..kinda liked when Rusty was here. But, I like him. Wh..what would you expect of me?" She twisted her fingers in the edge of her towel as she blushed brightly, remembering just how much she had relished Rusty's touch, much to her own surprise. "You wouldn't ask me to do anything I don't like, would you?"

Dante chuckled and he lifted her up and into his arms. "If you truly did not like something, then no. Though, there will be times that I'll push you to try something that makes you uncomfortable or a little painful at first. Like what we'll be doing tonight. It might hurt a little at first, but afterward, will likely feel pleasurable. Your mother was quite fond of it herself, but not everyone likes it." He carried her into the bedroom, laying her still damp form on his bed. Tugging the towel away, he ran his eyes over her body and breathed deeply of her scent, still heavy with her heat. "You look so much like your mother Krysten." He said it so quietly, the pain of loss still so poignant inside him. It had been a decade, but one doesn't recover from the loss of their soul mate easily.

Pushing herself up and onto her elbows, she fought the urge to hide her nude form as he looked her over. That was still new, something she was having a hard time adjusting to. "R..really Daddy?" Her ears perked up and eyes lit up. Looking down at herself, she tried to remember again, only to get just that vague comforting figure in her mind when she tried to recall her mother. "I..I want you to teach me Daddy." Surprising herself slightly when she said it, squirming just a bit. But, she was rewarded with that rough purr of his and him lowering down to tilt her chin up and kiss her. She was definitely getting used to that. It felt so nice! Returning it, she slid her arms around his shoulders, laying back on the bed and letting her body go pliant beneath his. Her legs splaying slightly to let him closer and she felt his mostly hard length nudging against her slightly sore sex. But, despite the soreness, she arched up to get closer, wanting that burn inside her sated again, to feel him moving over and over again, making them closer, in more ways than just the physical.

Letting himself slide along her wet folds, Dante kissed her harder, taking control of her lips almost savagely. Feeling her tremble beneath him, he started to soften a bit, but a rush of liquid heat against his cock had him pausing. Hands moved to her wrists and he gripped them, lifting her hands above her head and pinning her to the bed, stretching her small body out beneath his, her hard nipples sliding through the fur on his chest. A soft submissive whimper and another rush of wetness was his reward and he grinned inwardly. His little girl wanted it rougher, or seemed to crave it. She'd never be someone who took control of men, preferring they took control of her. But that worked fine for him. He liked being in control.

Breaking the kiss, he lifted his head to look down at her. "Look at me Krysten." When her eyes opened, he saw how dark the bright green depths had gotten. Grinning just a touch, he tightened his grip on her wrists, causing her to gasp and arch up against him some. "If you truly don't want something, you will say so by saying the word fuchsia. If I don't hear that word, I will think that all of the whimpers and struggles may be you just not aware, but liking that little extra control. Like now." He ran a thumb over her inner wrist lightly, then watched as her eyes closed and body trembled slightly. She was so responsive, so passionate. How could he have missed this over the years?

Krysten slowly nodded in agreement, finding it hard to concentrate with his body over hers, that firm grip of control he had on her, both physical and emotional. Seeing the point in his words, because right now, she wanted to fight and squirm beneath him, if only to feel his grip tighten and him just take control over her as he always had. "Yes Daddy. Is that why I liked the spanking last night?" she asked, shocking herself. She had been wondering at that all day, but had been afraid to ask for fear of him finding her odd and disgusting. To her surprise, he just chuckled softly and nuzzled into her neck.

"Yes sweetheart. You were already aroused from your heat and the spanking just added to it. We'll have to experiment with that later." He pulled back and rolled her to her hands and knees. "For now, I have a desire to teach you something else." Holding her hips steady, he knelt by the edge of the bed and pulled her back towards him. His tongue slowly slid up her inner thigh to her slick folds and he heard her take a shuddering breath. Pushing back a little towards him, she bunched her hands in the comforter.

Krysten still felt torn about this act. So much of her worried about how he could enjoy it, given what she did there, but she couldn't deny the pleasure it gave her. Her modesty and her arousal constantly warring with each other until he got her worked up enough to just let go. Which was helped by that firm grip on her hips, fingers almost bruising in his determination to keep her steady. As his tongue tip parted her folds to find her clit, she gasped and her head dropped, cheeks still a bright red. He grinned against her, circling that small bud slowly, coaxing it from the protective hood, even as one finger slowly slid into her from above. Gathering her juices, then sliding up and over her tailhole, coating it. That act alone had her squirming and whimpering softly, at first trying to pull away, then pressing back as his finger dipped back inside her again and again. Once her tailhole was as wet as her folds, he switched to suckling on her clit, his finger slowly starting to push into her tightest hole, letting her get used to an intruder.

She cried out as he slid his finger into her, stretching her and opening her some. It felt so weird, so foreign, and so big! She had no idea how she was going to be able to fit the male part of him. Since she was fully aware of what he planned on doing. But, she trusted him completely as she pressed back against him, rocking her hips slightly. The pleasure of his tongue on that center of her pleasure started to overwhelm the slight discomfort of his finger and she relaxed around him. He thrust his finger, tongue flicking out to gather her juices. Moaning at her sweet clean flavor, he closed his eyes and his other hand dropped to give his length a few strokes to satisfy his need to be touched. He was tempted to repeat the dual oral they had shared that morning. But if he did that, he'd finish in her mouth again and never get to taking her tailhole.

So, instead, he pulled back and panted softly, watching her take his finger again and again. And to his delight, she was still rocking back, even without his tongue to distract her. Pulling his finger out, he reached into the bedside drawer and grabbed a small tube of numbing anal lube he had bought that morning. Flicking the cap open, he spread her cheeks open, then pressed the tapered tip of the tube into her slightly stretched hole and squeezed. "Shhh...just relax," he murmured, feeling her jerk at the coolness of the liquid. She whimpered again then looked back at him, her tail trying to lower. He moved to hold it up and met her eyes. "It'll keep it from hurting Krysten. Now, keep your tail up or I'll find a way to make it stay up." Her eyes widened and then she nodded slowly. Another squirt and he pulled the tube away, watching some of the lube leak from her.

Rubbing it in with the pad of his thumb, he turned his eyes back to her. "How does that feel?" Her mouth parted to answer, but all that came was a low moan as his thumb pushed easily into her. Her eyes closed and ears splayed, cheeks flushed with embarrassment and arousal. "I see. Think you're ready for more?" She paused and nodded, pushing back against his thumb greedily. He could see her losing herself in the pleasure, the need of her body again and he delighted in it. She was so very easy to corrupt into a sexual creature. And after the sex was done, she was still his well-behaved little girl.

"Please Daddy. I think I can take more." Her voice came to him finally and he grinned slowly, using the thumb of his other hand to spread her wider. His cock was leaking pre onto the floor beneath him, but he wanted to make sure she was nice and ready for him. Pulling his thumbs apart, he looked down to watch her hole resist, then give, her sex clenching and more of her juices escaping. Another low moan escaped her and she clutched at the covers.

Krysten was shocked at how good it was feeling now. It had burned a little when his finger had first slid in. Then that cold stuff had shocked her and made her entire body clench. But then it had made everything slicker, hotter. Her body felt a little numb down there now, which just made the fact that she could feel his thumbs sliding so easily into her that much hotter. No more burn, just slick sliding back and forth, the feeling of being stretched. She wondered briefly if the lube had anything to do with it or if it was just the fact that she was that needy. Either way, she squirmed against his fingers.

When he pulled his fingers back, she cried out softly at the loss, her tail hiking higher against her back in case that was the reason. Maybe she had lowered it too much. But he just chuckled softly and he rubbed her thigh soothingly. Stroking his fingers up towards her small hole, he watched as it closed again, looking slick and shiny. Then, he spread her open again, two fingers pushing deeper into her, then scissoring to get her hole nice and wide open. His other hand spread more lube on his length and he leaned his head down to lick along one cheek, then nibbled lightly over the curve of her hip. Her cries muffled, but getting louder and needier as he started to thrust his fingers into her.

She relished the way he mimicked the sex act with his fingers, making her feel so wanton, so needy. Turning her head slightly, she looked back at him, her eyes half closed and glazed with her need. "Please Daddy, it burns again. I can take it, just please!" She begged without qualms, pushing back fiercely against his fingers, trying to get them deeper. She was rewarded a second later by his soft groan and fingers leaving her as he straightened up. A touch of fear filled her, but she forced it away and put her trust in him. He promised he wouldn't hurt her more than necessary.

Dante paused, watching her tense, then relax slowly and he grinned proudly down at her. Only then did he press the head of his cock to her tight little tailhole and slowly push himself in. A soft groan of delight pulled from him at the sight of her small ring spreading reluctantly to accept the head of him. He rocked himself, if only to watch her spread again and again. Her little whimpers at the feeling had him gripping her hip with his free hand. A soft "Daddy, please!" brought him back to reality though and he continued to push forward. Another groan came as he finally slid the head of his length into her.

She cried out, back arching and head dropping as she felt herself stretch so impossibly wide. He was so much bigger than his fingers had been, but other than a little ache, she loved it. And maybe that ache helped too. She honestly didn't know. All she knew was that she wanted, needed more. Grabbing a pillow, she clutched it to her chest, helping to support her as she pressed her hips back, trying to feed more of him into her. He made a soft sound of surprise, then gripped her hips with both hands and started short firm thrusts that slowly worked him inch by inch deeper into her. When he reached the halfway point, he paused and leaned over her, nuzzling the back of her neck lightly.

"Krysten, look at me," he murmured. When she did, her lovely eyes dark with pleasure and need, he kissed her tenderly. "Does it hurt?" She paused, then shook her head, mewling his name softly as she tried to push back against him more. "Just a little then?" He gathered the pause was her determining just how much she hurt. A flush and a slow tiny nod his answer. Chuckling a little, he lifted up again and pulled almost all the way out. "You like that little bit though, don't you?" he asked, after that cry of protest as she was left oh so empty. She nodded vigorously, determined to have him inside her somewhere. He chuckled again and tightened his grip on her hips firmly. Pulling her back hard, thrusting forward as he took her last virginity fully with one fluid thrust. Her soft rear soon meeting his hips with an audible sound.

She cried out in a mixture of pain and relief with that thrust, tears stinging her green eyes and she buried her face into the pillow to keep herself from begging him to stop. Thankfully, he held himself still, letting her adjust and reveling in the feel of those strong muscles rippling and squeezing around him. When she felt like she wasn't being torn in two anymore, she lifted her head and nodded, pushing back a little. He still felt huge, but she had adjusted some. He nuzzled the back of her neck gently, then started to rock, just barely moving inside her as a hand moved beneath her to find her clit. Rubbing it gently, then guiding her hand to do it instead. "Touch yourself Krysten." An order like the ones to clean the kitchen, or cook dinner. And like those others, her hand instantly moved to take over, trying to mimic his more skillful touch.

As soon as he had both hands free again, he held her mostly steady, thrusting slowly but firmly into her, giving her half of his length with every stroke. Before long, she was moaning in bliss and pushing back against his hands. Her scent getting stronger, those sweet juices dripping down her thighs as he took her tailhole with slow determination. Pushing her towards her first orgasm with a cock in her ass, and she was welcoming it without complaint or fear. Before long, he couldn't keep his pace as slow and started to speed up, thrusting hard enough to have her legs splay more until just the side of the bed and his hands kept her up and in his reach. Her cries getting louder and breathier as her fingers worked with his thrusts to push her into that blissful release.

Finally, she arched her back again, her head flying up, hair swirling and tangling around her as she cried out his name. He thrust harder, faster into her as she clamped around him, almost to the point that he couldn't move, but he was determined. Her walls rippling around him, squeezing and milking him and he let himself go. Remembering the picture of her bent over the sink, pushing back against the orange feline he had let fuck her. That image combined with the eroticism of the moment sent him up to that edge and he growled with pleasure, driving hard into her one last time. Twitching and pulsing inside her as that rush of hot seed filled her bowels, giving her that oh so odd feeling to enjoy.

Krysten shuddered beneath her father as he filled her body with his seed again, his length twitching beautifully and helping her orgasm linger. But finally, she just slumped down, mind refusing to work and body burning with need, but she was too weak from her orgasm to remain upright.. Her fingers rubbing her clit firmly, despite her sensitivity and the awkward angle of the pressure of her father's body. "Daddy, I still ache..." She said it tentatively, afraid of incurring his wrath. But he merely wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled the back of her neck.

"I know Krysten. But if I get rid of the ache, then today would have been for nothing." He nuzzled along her neck up to a long lapine ear. "Just try and ignore it," he murmured softly. Slowly, he pulled from her, reaching some tissues to clean them both up. She whimpered softly, then curled up around herself, a finger still buried in her folds, rubbing her clit firmly. So close to another orgasm already, though she lacked the skill of her father's touch. Or of Rusty's. Rusty! That was an idea.

"What about Rusty?" she asked, looking up at him cautiously. He paused and glanced at her, frowning a little in thought. She pulled her hand back, looking at her messy finger. Then, without thinking about it, she sucked her finger into her mouth to clean it, tasting herself directly. Finding it odd but enjoyable, she focused her attention on her father's face instead.

"You like him, don't you Krysten?" he asked finally, sitting beside her. She paused, her finger slowly pulling from her mouth and down to the bed. He forced himself not to think about what she had just done, and instead on what she would be saying. As she pushed herself, her head ducked a bit and she bit her lip, nodding. "Do you want him more than me?" he asked, watching her face carefully, keeping his voice neutral. She looked up sharply at that and her head shook. Crawling to him, she wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face into his chest.

"No Daddy. I don't ever, ever want to leave you!" She said it fiercely, her arms tightening around him to the point he found it hard to breath. Chuckling, he stroked her hair back, then pulled her into his lap.

"Then do you want us both?" he asked, rubbing her lower back soothingly. She blushed a bit, then chewed her lower lip lightly, looking unsure.

"Wouldn't that make me greedy, and selfish?" she asked finally. When he smiled and shook his head a little, hugging her tightly.

"No Krysten. After all, I am your father, and showing interest in a man romantically is a good thing. One day, you'll get married and start your own family. Do you think Rusty might be the one?"

"I..I don't know Daddy. I know I don't want to leave you, even for that. But I know he makes me feel all funny inside, all warm and tingly. Is that normal?" She looked so scared and so young that he could almost overlook the fact that they were both naked and she was leaking his cum once more, this time from her ass. Pulling her in close, he kissed her softly, loving that she didn't want to leave him. Not after they had gotten closer.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out sweetheart. If it's meant to be, then fate will step in." He hadn't believed in fate in a long time, but with her there, awakening the side of him that Aurora had loved, he felt hope again. He'd make it work to make sure she was happy. To make sure they were both happy.