Draka Rituál

Story by Sylkis Nareth on SoFurry

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First and foremost this story contains the following: INCEST, SCAT, WATERSPORTS, small gender transformation, and ovipositioning along with it being a baby dragon. I'm hoping the uber capitalized text points out that this story DOES contain such material and I'm not to blame if you pple can't read this or for some reason inclined to read a story that doesn't appeal to you. You have been warned!

*June 13, 1329: I am starting this diary to document my findings and observance of what the locals call Draka Rituál or Dragon Ritual. Few have ever even attempted such a feat as it is a revered and secret ceremony among the dragons, and if I am discovered it could mean my death. To my knowledge only a colleague of mine has ever actually found the location of one dragon family. The coordinates are.....

*This is a note found with a decaying corpse found floating in the ocean

The sky throws down lightning from the heavens towards the earth. A single dragon sits on the edge of a rocky cliff high in the mountainside, looking up at the flashing sky and smiles. The light shimmers off the metallic black scales every time the lightning flashes across the grey skies. A familiar high pitched clicks of tiny claws echo within the cave, getting louder as a smaller dragon appears next to the adult. The tiny hatchling looks up at the sky with wonder, watching the lightning dance and streak down to the earth below.

The adult turns his head to the side and gazes upon his child as he lays a paw between the horns and rubs. The hatchling just closes its eyes and lets out a loud scratchy purr. The adult can read the baby dragon's mind. A warm swirl of colors and emotions can be sensed coming from the young one as its in apparent bliss.

Another brighter color starts to slowly enter into the swirling mix as the mother's thoughts start to reach the others. Both the male and hatchling give each other a gentle nuzzle before slowly retracting back into the cave. It was the perfect day for the Draka Rituál.

The male leads his child to the center of the main chamber, a place the young dragon has often played with the parents but this time there are numerous symbols written over the walls and on the floor. The hatchling sniffs the air curiously and picks up the scent of fresh blood and notices it's coming from the writings. As the baby dragon passes over each symbol it starts to glow a deep dark red, a beautiful sparkling gold dragon takes the baby's paw and leading it down the corridor where more symbols are written.

As the mother walks the child deeper down into the cavern the warm swirling emotions and colors start to fade into a cold blue. The female smiles warmly and rubs along the young's back, recognizing the colors of fear. This calms the young hatchling some as they walk deeper until they stop at a wall. Both the female and male extend their paw and touch the wall. It slowly dissolves into a passage way with a single beam of light in the center that flickers as the lightning strikes.

Once the dragon family pass through the dissolved gate it reappears and the room lights up. Six crystals float around the outer edge of the room as if held up by an imaginary string while an arch from each crystal touches a seventh crystal in the center of the room. Each crystal emits its own attribute from the ceiling to the floor but vanishes before touching the floor. A water fall flows from the top of one crystal as a large vine dangles out of another. Two tornados spin around one crystal as the one next to it burns with a blue flame but isn't consumed. The next to last crystal glows with black fire, causing the crystal to emit a deep violet color while the last crystal glows pure white. The center crystal remains a clear blue color as the unity of the crystals hasn't occurred yet.

The young dragon is in awe of the crystals, a soft harmonious tune echoes in the room yet there is no overlapping sound. It's as if the sound itself is alive and synchronizes with itself so that it's one soft tune. The young one can do nothing but sit there as its lost in the playful melodies, closing its eyes and playing in the warm rainbow of colors inside its mind. However soon the tune fades and the dragon is brought back into reality. The two adult dragons are standing next to the little one and lead it over to a stone table beneath the crystal.

The male dragon purrs and gives the young dragon a soft lick before he picks up the hatchling and lays it on the table. The little hatchling looking a bit frightened at being on the cold stone table but is calmed by the crystals playing the tune again. The young one doesn't even notice the parents tying the feet and paws to the side of the table.

The tune fades away again and the young dragon notices the tall male standing right between the legs, a curious purr emits from the young one's muzzle as the male dragon holds a small shiny crystal between the fingers and starts to move towards the little dragon's tail hole. The crystals begin to sing again and the young hatchling's eyes glaze over, lost in the tune but can only feel the pleasure as the adult dragon slips the crystal inside, rubbing gently around the inside and purring deeply.

The mother dragon watches and smiles as the male pushes his finger deep into the hatchling's hole. She soon remembers that her part of the ritual is coming up so she goes to the earth crystal and pulls off a section of the vine and then to the water crystal, trapping some of the water in a sacred cup. By this time the large black male has finished playing with the young dragon's hole and his muzzle slowly leans down to lick along the red flesh protruding from the hatchling's belly. The mother then brings the cup over the child and pours the water in the young dragon's fem sex. A truly unique hatchling they had made as it brought the balance between all the forces of the universe plus the difference of the genders together.

The cup keeps pouring out water, never running out. The mother concentrates most of the water to the tail hole and watches as her baby's stomach starts to swell. The young dragon cries out softly as it feels really uncomfortable but can stand the pain as the crystals are still singing their tune but now have added more brighter colors to the mix. Once the mother is done she empties the cup into the fem sex and waves her paw over it, the small lips seal and disappear.

The male dragon extends his paw and spreads his fingers, this causing the crystal inside the now male dragon to expand, slowly stretching out the hole for what is soon to come. The young hatchling moans out loudly as his hole is being stretched wider and wider. The mother tying the vine around the back of the hatchling's head, forming a makeshift muzzle.

As the crystal finally reaches its final size the hole has been spread wide open where the dragon can see deep inside yet the water inside doesn't flow out. The male dragon stands tall before the young one and his cock stands tall and thick, ready for his part of the ritual. The hatchling's mind is lost in a vast sea of colors, various hues of yellow, blue, green, and red all mixing with the sound of the crystals, only being able to feel the pleasure.

The male dragon takes his large black shaft and points the tip straight at the hole, some of the water splashes out and lubes the entrance. The dragon then pushes his cock all the way into the waiting hole, grunting and moaning as even though the hole was spread open it is still tight due to the hatchling being so young. He thrusts in to the hilt, his ridges stretching the hole further. The muscles automatically flexing and releasing, adding to the tightness and intense pleasure. However the male manages to nod to the female as it's her turn to complete the ritual.

The gold dragon climbs up onto the table and uses the vines to tie the hatchling's muzzle to her own tail hole, forcing the muzzle to slip inside some. The mother closes her eyes and gives a soft grunt as her hole quivers around the muzzle and opens up. The hatchling is left all but helpless as he is forced to suck and eat on the large load of mess that is being pushed out. The mess overflowing the muzzle and also sliding down the hatchling's throat, the male dragon keeps thrusting faster and harder, watching his mate relieve herself inside their baby.

He himself decides to mark the inside of his child as he sighs and a large stream of piss floods the inside of the young dragon, at the same time the mother lets out a loud sigh as she finishes pushing her load into her son's muzzle but also starts to pee all over the slick soft scales and the baby dragon's cock. The young one feels the warm pee and mess and willingly submits to this treatment as it feels so wonderful even though a bit odd but he doesn't mind. The hatchling's hips start to buck against the air and stream of his mother's piss, both parents see this and smile, they both curve their necks and slowly start to lick over their tiny hatchling's cock. The young one murrs out in delight, his muzzle overflowing more with his mother's mess.

His body can't handle all the attention as his father rapes his stretched hole and both of them teasing his cock. However the ritual isn't over yet. The parents keep licking at the cock, alternating between each other as to who sucks on the tip and entire cock. After a few minutes the young dragon's body can't hold back any more and he cries out in pleasure which forces more mess down his throat but he swallows and shoots his cum all over his parent's snout. They murr together and lick all over the tiny body, cleaning him up and entrapping his muzzle from his mother's hole. The female dragon takes the cup again and washes off her baby's muzzle, kissing it deeply and locking tongues. Both of them locked in a deep kiss as their tongues explore each other's muzzles.

The male dragon keeps thrusting and finally roars out so loud that the crystals shake and his cum shoots out into the awaiting hatchling. The baby dragon's stomach keeps swelling as more liquid is pumped into his body. However he feels a change as he rubs his paws over the expanding belly. The feeling in his stomach grows harder and starts to take a round shape. The young dragon feels a small burning sensation beneath his cock as the smooth scales start to split open and form his fem sex again only this time it spreads wide as the egg formed by the water, cum, and piss starts to slide out.

The young herm dragon moans out as the egg is slowly advancing without much pushing but eventually gets stuck at the widest point. The male dragon chuckles softly and points his softening flesh at the egg and manages to push it back inside. The baby moans out loudly as the egg retracts back inside the womb. The mother just watches and cleans up her baby dragon with the water. Once the egg is all the way inside the male pulls out again and helps the baby dragon to hir feet. Once her tiny paws hit the floor the center crystal erupts in a shower of light and colors as all the ritual is complete.

The baby dragon has begun hir journey to becoming an adult.