Jason & the Roommate

Story by Zwoosh on SoFurry

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#2 of Jason's Stories

Jason is a fox attending Century University, having moved away from home in order to distance himself from his previous life. Now, free to do as he pleases and with wild fantasies and imaginations, he is on a mission to explore, challenge, and test his sexuality to the limit, rejecting the notion of love in favour of lust. These are his stories.

Tonight was supposed to be a quiet night in.

Jason, clad in nothing but his pink underwear, sat slouched on his bed before the large flat-screen before him, unconsciously thumbing and tapping on the buttons and joysticks on his controller. Up on the screen played out images of warriors battling each other, swords clashing and slamming together with sparks flying, the odd magical bolt of untold power shooting off; the bright colours and glaring glow illuminated the room as the young fox grinned as he decapitated a bulky looking minotaur. He couldn't help but murr ever so quietly to himself as he panted, thinking back to that night with Trey. The graphics were so good in this game... every muscle so well defined. It didn't take much to get the fox panting breathlessly.

"Jay! Get your head in the game!"

'Jay' shook his head as the snipping voice blurted in his ear. His friends could become quite _involved_with the game, to the point where the fox feared it tippled over into obsession. He only played Knights' Quest mainly just for the relaxation of doing something easy and enjoyable, maybe even a tiny bit for the hot mythical creatures and hunky characters if he admitted it - the perks of having the whole online multiplayer inspired by a gay writer's infamous novel. He smirked to himself; that was probably the reason why Jason always played with the buttplug stuffed up his ass, just to keep things fresh and to remind him why he was there.

He wriggled about in his spot on the bed, feeling that plastic phallus grind away inside him, sending shivers of pleasure flowing through his body. He was always casual about his sex life with his friends since he didn't care much for being bashful or secretive, so they pretty much all knew his habits and traditions.

"Quit screwing yourself and gawping at Karphel, Jay!"

Jason rolled his eyes. Perhaps they knew a little too well. But, it wasn't like he could hide it all from them. Most of his luxuries were paid for with money he'd gotten from working the streets and clubs. He even had a reputation in most bars and was always an esteemed performer whenever the mood took him. When they asked intrusive questions like how he'd managed to pay for such a sweet gaming set up or how he managed to pay back all his student loans so quickly when he was barely into his first semester. He gave a roll of his shoulders, feeling the tension knotted between the blades. He'd been sitting idle for too long, he needed to do something.

Faintly, he heard the door to the apartment crash open before slamming shut again. The fox inwardly grimaced; it looked like his roommate had managed to score by the following sounds of fumbling and bashing about. Arran was a few years older than Jason, and was on his final year of his degree. He was excellent company, both witty and cool, and he was a great roommate. Never missed his share of the rent, was amiable with the chores, and gave Jason the space he needed when he wanted it. That even extended for the fox's more questionable bedroom activities and nightlife. They'd both agreed that whenever they had someone over, the other would keep completely out of their way.

"I'll be right back guys," the young male said absently into his headset, pausing the game. He heard a few protests but he tossed it aside onto his pillow. Rising up from his spot, he crept ever so quietly over to his door. He wasn't allowed to interfere or show his face, but it didn't mean couldn't sneak a peek of whoever was to grace Arran's bed tonight. With a paw gingerly opening the door, Jason peered through the gap and down the hall.

There, on the settee, was a girl that must've been Arran's lay for the night. She was pretty. Not outstandingly so, but Jason would admit she had certain qualities he guessed a man might go for. He never really understood why men pursued after women - it was always so complicated. The gay life wasn't just hot, but it was convenient. The same risk of any STDs, but no chance of pregnancy and guys who much rather leaned towards one night stands rather than a full blown relationship. Jason loved that side of things, and wanted to retain that freedom for long as possible.

This girl was petite, and had an incredibly slender figure. Jason envied her a bit; he was consistently trying to get a slim look. She pulled it off well at least. Mind, she wasn't as voluptuous though, Jason would've guessed that Arran would always go for someone curvier. He'd never let on that he was into thinner women. Gently prising open the door further, he could make her out better. She was a soft looking corgi, with golden fur that shone in the dulled lamplight. The fox noticed her head and shoulders were slightly damp, glistening with a few droplets of moisture. It was raining out, so she must be from the bar nearby. It might even have been from the same place he'd picked up Trey. She wore a frilly looking dress with torn denim hot pants that clung to her cheeks suggesting they were a size too small. Jason let out an inaudible growl in his throat, sighing a little to himself. He loved that tactic; it was almost his trademark trait when he wanted to look sexy. Tight fitting clothes with just a little give was perfect for netting guys, and her she was going for the barely legal get up. Her face was small, minute even from the distance Jason was at, made to seem cute. That he hated about her, her desire to appear cute. That was a line Jason would never cross. Cuteness implied youth, and when you mixed youth with sex it just becomes weird, perverse and creepy. No... Men wanted twinks, sure, but they wanted someone who could hold their own in the bed, and not just act all sweet and innocent. Most of the time, at least...

Straddling what Jason assumed to be Arran, this girl giggled quietly, lifting up her top to reveal the creamy fur of her belly and beige coloured bra. Jason had guessed right, her chest was somewhat of a let-down; not that it mattered much he supposed, perhaps he'd mistaken Arran to be a more caring person than what he'd made him out to be. Size didn't matter for that guy. She bent down, arching her back as she said something too softly for the fox to hear, mumbling her words before giving a sultry wink - probably some remark about going someplace else, not unless they planned on shagging right there on the sofa. Jason would kill his roommate if he did that... the stains would never come out!

Up from the sofa rose a browned yellow paw dotted with spots, stroking up along the corgi's side before cupping one breast, the thumb running over where Jason thought the nipple might be. The girl let out a content sigh, and Jason winced. Bad move, no guy wants to hear a woman sound like they've just settled down after a hard day's work, they want someone raring to go, full of passion not mellowness. Her head rolled back as a second paw reached up to grasp her waist, slowly pushing her backwards until she was the one lying down out of view behind the sofa's back.

This was when Arran came up into Jason's line of sight. The leopard had his shirt off too, and the fox would see the well-defined muscle beneath the fur. Arran had always had an athlete's build, but he'd never taken it any further than just his somewhat lean, reasonably sized tone. He had ruffled hair, ginger in hue, which covered over his sapphire eyes. The leopard was clearly enraptured with what he was doing; he licked his lips slowly in an unthinking manner, and his broad chest heaved gently with the building arousal. Low growls and groans emanated from him, travelling the distance to Jason who finally had something hot to focus on now that the annoying girl was hidden from him. He had always admired Arran, and spent many a night lusting after him and longing for a chance to sleep with him, but they'd both agreed to keep their friendship as just that; a friendship. To add sex into the field could be disastrous for both of them, and could lead to extenuating circumstances. It didn't stop Jason's imagination thought from running rampant and envisioning that Adonis of a leopard hovering over him with his legendary cock poised at his hole, barbs tickling along the rim, just ready at the point of bursting inside...

Jason shifted uncomfortably as he felt his sheath stir and begin to bulge. Okay... He more than envied the corgi; he was down right jealous of her. Reaching behind him as he spied upon Arran, the fox gripped the sunken base of the plug and began to pull it out of his ass. His hole wouldn't give way for a second or two having gotten used to the intruder, but soon fell lax and slowly the white toy from his ass, Trey's number still written along its surface. The whole plug dripped with lube as Jason fucked himself slowly inside his panties, breathing ever so quietly to himself as he worked up a sweat, his legs shivering. This was useless. Here he was ready to cream himself being a voyeur on his roommate when yet he'd vowed for tonight to be sex-free... It wasn't like he was going to score any meat now at this time.

Just as the fox was about to reluctantly and solemnly shut the door and return to his game, the ringing of a phone resonated out in the apartment. His eyes flitted back to the scene playing out on the sofa, and he watched with a curious expression as Arran half tumbled back as the girl scrabbled for her mobile. Some hissed words later and the corgi was rushing for the door, hastily picking up her cast aside top and clutch purse. She was hurriedly saying something to Arran, something along the lines of an apology before she let herself out and rushed down the stairs. The door swung shut and Arran was left propped up looking towards where she had been standing seconds before, gormlessly doing nothing.

Sighing, the fox figured he may as well announce that he was at least aware that the leopard was home. It was probably the kinder thing to do. Of course, that probably meant acknowledging he'd seen the whole scene before him...

Jason stepped out from his room, trotting down the hall and into their 'living space'; of course he'd acknowledge it! What better way than to rib his roomie than teasing him about missing his chance at a piece of tail. The leopard coughed awkwardly as Jason entered, grabbing a cushion and covering his crotch as the scantily clad fox swayed his way over to the kitchen. He put the kettle on, and turned around to face Arran. The leopard had a furious blush burning on his cheeks as he half glared at Jason; the fox realised that his roommate was completely nude, a face he'd not noticed as he must have missed the part where Arran had decided to lose his clothes.

"Here for the view?" Arran quipped, leaning back onto his elbows as the blush faded from his face. He replaced it with a cocky smile that took over, and his whole aura changed. Jason mimicked him, letting his sly smirk become more pronounced,

"Yeah, mind if I take a picture for later?" He retorted swiftly, crossing his arms, "Either she had something else better to do or you're losing your touch with the ladies. What went wrong? Did you skip the sex and cream yourself early, or wouldn't your little mister come up to play?"

Snorting, Arran whipped away the cushion to reveal his manhood; Jason had to supress a gasp. His gaze quickly trailed down to take in the sight of his throbbing length. The reddish tool, tinged with a highlight of a ruby pink that highlighted its barbs. The tapered tip had dozens of prickled spikes that appeared flat, and seemed to pulse and flare with each heartbeat from Arran. It stood a proud large eight inches tall, thick around as well. Jason's mouth watered, but he held himself back, reminding in his head over and over the agreed rule that they wouldn't cross that line.

"Does this look like I'm losing my touch?" Arran growled playfully. It was all gentle banter, nothing serious. Although...

"So she then she _did_have something better to do than screw the hot hung leopard?" Jason drawled, dropping the hints with little regard for subtly, "What a bitch." Arran shook his head sighing out a growl of despondency,

"Nah... She'd left her drunken friend at the bar or something, had to go back and make sure she was okay..." Jason rolled his eyes - some excuse that was. He didn't reply, and for a while, there was a morose silence that hung between them. Jason wasn't sure what to do next, act like nothing had happened and go back to his room, or offer to make idle chitchat some more with the buff leopard on the sofa. His eyes kept flitting back to the sight of that slick throbbing length, but he had to control himself, chanting the rule in his head like some kind of mantra. Eventually... it was Arran, who broke the silence and, incidentally, the rules too,

"So, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to help me out?" He gestured with a casual paw to his crotch, eyebrows raised expectantly. Jason should have refused... He should have gone back to his room and carried on playing his game.

Instead he did something else. Without a word, he swaggered his way over to the sofa, knelt down so that he was between Arran's legs and gently gripped the base of his hot cock. It felt the heat burning against his paw, obviously raging due to having been denied by the girl prior. Tentatively, Jason stroked his tongue up from the base up towards the tip, feeling the fine, prickling scrapes of the barbs against the roughness of his own appendage. Above him, Arran let out a low growl of appreciation as he let the fox get to work, leaning back against the sofa, relaxing visibly. Taking this as a sign he was doing good, the fox circled his tongue around the tip, teasing the leopard into a higher state of arousal. He could smell the sweet lust in the air, and he knew that the longer he prolonged this, the better sex he was going to get.

It took an encouraging paw pressing down on the back of his head for the fox to begin to part his thin lips, wrapping them over tightly around that head. He slid down with practised ease, and allowed his tongue to freely roam across the pulsing length. Inside his mouth, he could feel those barbs flex and flare every now and again as Arran began to give in further to the sensations. Jason reached up with a paw and rubbed along the leopard's inner thigh, tracing with tauntingly soft fingertips along the fine fur, making his way lazily to the male's taint. He knew it tickled there most, and he let his fingers work wonders on the leopard's balls. Every now and again, each time he hilted the cock in his maw, he would give the balls a soft squeeze, each time eliciting a staggered moan from Arran.

Jason kept it up for as long as he could until his jaw began to lock up. It was achingly painful, and yet minutes were becoming longer and longer. How on Earth could Arran not be cumming by now? It was absurd.

"The only way you're going to get me off is if I fuck you," He admits blankly to the room, not really looking down at me. All he does is stroke the side of my head with his dick buried in my mouth, and Jason is sure that it must look damn provocative. Why then hasn't he shot off already? It didn't make sense. "I'm too pent up to turn you down. I guess I am doing to fuck you."

Without Jason even being given a choice, Arran pulls him up onto his lap, and Jason's forced to let the cock slop out of his mouth with a sticky squelch. The fox gasps, feeling very much vulnerable despite being fully clothed, straddled on Arran's abdomen as his cock presses against the small of his back. Jason's own bulge is evident in his jeans, and a small wet spot has formed through the two layers of fabric. The leopard's looking up at him with hazed eyes, clearly debating what to do.

He got up wordlessly, forcing Jason to wrap his legs around Arran's waist, being carried up and out of the living space. He gripped onto the other's shoulders as they made their way into his roommate's bedroom.

It was starkly different to what the fox had. Whilst Jason had been very much in the black with the money he often made, he had splashed out and adorned his room with the latest stuff he could get his hands on. But Arran... He had gone for something more minimalistic. Jason had to concede defeat in the fact that his room was better than his own. It looked not only more comfortable, but also more homely. Anybody would be happy to spend the night here. The soft pastel colours of blues and whites made for an almost seaside-resort kind of look, where Jason felt like if he opened up the window he'd be overlooking a veranda, and then out onto the ocean, as it were a beach house. The furniture was a uniform oak, and bright to match the painted walls and striped bedspread. The bedframe itself looked sturdy, and right now it was neatly made.

Arran tossed Jason onto the bed, the fox falling with a softened thump against the spread. His legs were hiked up slightly, parted so that his crotch, whilst still clothed, was on display. The leopard on the other hand still strutted about naked as the day when he was born. He stood at the foot of the bed, a sly, wide grin breaking out on his face,

"Why don't you slip into something more comfortable?" He stroked his length with one paw, still wet with spit, "Or slip out into something more comfortable?" Jason was all too happy to oblige; he crawled up onto his knees, stripping off his top that was a size too small, peeling it away and then casting it aside. It fell of the edge of the bed, but neither of them cared. The fox then allowed his paws to brush down his body until they came to his fly, unbuttoning himself and then jiggling his jeans away. With a little awkwardness, he soon had them off too, and all that remained now were the fox's panties. Arran barely looked phased by them being there; he'd done the laundry enough times for them both to realise that his roomie often liked the other genders' clothing. On today's menu was a lilac-coloured pair, with a small pink ribbon that claimed the spot just above Jason's sheath. The wet stain was more noticeable now, and the fabric had begun to become see-through, allowing Arran the first glimpses of Jason's manhood. He pulled down gently the underwear, throwing them off to one side before he leaned back on the bed, exposing his comparably smaller junk and the cleavage of his ass; Arran murred at the sight, his grip on his cock squeezing a little rougher and then rolled up to the top, pre dribbling from the tip.

He too knelt down onto the bed, shuffling forward so that he was between Jason's legs. The fox gave him extra room as he leant forward, the spare paw prising away the sheath and allowing the smaller knotted cock to break free. Swiftly, Jason became his full hardness, and he whimpered as that paw then stroked and tugged near the base of his knot, causing him to buck his hips with the intense sensations.

"Lift your legs back Jacey, I know you want this..." Arran was growling lowly now, clearly intent on following through with his - no, their - desires. Jason yipped as he pulled his legs back for Arran's ease, accounting his request. The leopard reached over the fox towards the bedside table, pulling open a draw haphazardly. He rummaged aroundly blindly for a few seconds before bringing out a bottle clasped tightly in one paw, flicking the lid open with a snapping pop. The sweet, artificial smell of manufactured grease breathed into the air, and Jason became heady with the scent, know what was coming next. One paw was smoothing over the fur of Jason's cheeks, before it paused for a moment, a small chuckle coming from the leopard, "Horny fucker..." The paw gripped the base of the buttplug, giving it a light tug to tear it away from its home. Jason caved in and gave a long moan as he felt his hole stretch before the natural shape of the plug pushed its way out gently. An empty feeling sucked on Jason's gut before it was replaced by two delicate fingers. "Don't even need lube..."

Arran shuffled forward further, two paws gripping either ankle so that Jason was forced back more, his cheeks spreading themselves with his gorged hole in clear view. The leopard angled himself, raising his hips so that the prickled tip kissed Jason's rim. The fox shuddered, ears twitching with sweet anticipation as he awaited the entry thrust. Arran was the teasing sort, and so he gently, and ever so minutely, shifted his cock forwards and backwards by the fraction of an inch, so that head would grate over the hole with agonising taunts. Squirming beneath the leopard, he could only groan in discontent at the grinning male.

"Please... Arran... fuck me..." It was all he needed to say; Arran drew back then slid in with vigour, causing the fox to mewl out in a mixture of discomfort and bliss. He'd had that plug in there a while, and so for it to be replaced by something larger, longer, thicker and very much alive was an abrupt change. Jason could feel the radiating warmth begin to spread through his abdomen, where once cold plastic was was now a slick, hot length that began to stroke at his ass walls. In and out Arran pulled, thrusting slowly at first until he realised that the fox could take the beating. Soon, their bodies were slapping against each other as Arran set a brisk, mind-blowing pace. The fox could feel those barbs dragging along his inner walls, violating in ways that were unimaginable yet feeling so good. They tickled and scraped along his prostate, and soon, without any control, Jason could feel the need to cum burning in his balls, spreading with icy vines along his gut and abdomen, crying out for release. But he held back, wanting Arran to cum first so that he could be pleasured before himself. He looked up at the leopard with a desperate look, almost silently pleading with the male to let loose already. Knowingly, the leopard smiled coyly,

"You don't know much about me, do you foxy?" Another chuckle, almost mocking him were it not for the thick cock buried up his hole. "It takes me a while to cum... I'm an endurance fucker, Jason. Why do you think all the girls stick around with me? I have high stamina, and I take an age to cum. I can go all night..."

He didn't lie, either. Jason, despite his best efforts, came hard against his chest, splattering himself with ribbons of oozing fox jizz. He panted breathlessly as the fucking didn't let up, not used to being fucked post-orgasm and beyond. Forced to endure hours more of fucking, Jason lost count of how many times he came, each one blowing his nut over his torso until he was wet and dripping with the stuff. His mind reeled and his balls ached, churning out what seemed to be the rhythmical and constant pleasured release, burning through his system for the eighth, ninth or heck, even tenth time that night. All the while, Arran kept on ploughing away, apparently never even getting the twitch of need to blow a load. Jason was forced to keep up, never backing down from the challenge and determined to get the leopard's rocks off. They went from missionary to cowgirl, to pile-driver than Jason was held up against a wall, in the air and bouncing up and down on Arran's meaty length.

It was early morning, and Arran was still senselessly ramming his tool hard and fast into Jason's tight hole. It was now to the point where they were fucking doggy-style, the leopard hunched over the fox, making ragged huffs, bearing his teeth slightly and grinding them. Jason knew he was close, and he'd already came plentiful for the night. His ass was sore and numb from the brutal fucking, but he loved every second of it, and now he merely waited for the final climax. He felt the barbs deep within him flex and grit against his walls more savagely than before, and with a devastating slam, Arran went in to the hilt, finally cumming a bucket load's worth of spooge. Jason howled in delight, his umpteenth orgasm barely registering as he focused on the sole spreading of seed deep in his gut, stroking over his stomach as the two collapsed onto the bed. Arran continued to pump cum into the fox's ass, eyes half lidded in the sensation of orgasmic contentedness.

"Best. Fuck. Ever." He ground out happily, resting his full weight on top of Jason, who allowed himself a moment to collect his bearings. He was covered head to toe in his own jizz, and now he was immobile with the heavy leopard lying on top of him, his thick rod still lodged within his hole. Though he couldn't exactly see him, Jason knew that Arran had a cheesy grin plastered across his face, "You up for a second round?"

"If we do..." Jason snorted, nodding at the cum-stained sheets, "You're so fucking doing the laundry for a month."