Zeke's Dedication

Story by TovenThomas on SoFurry

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Zeke is dedicated to his master. He only wishes he knew more ways to show him his love. A morning tongue down is always a start.

Here's a short story for those who love Zeke and Sam from "Cake batter"

Zeke's dedication

A Drunken Wolf Production

Zeke sat up in his spot at the edge of the bed and yawned deeply, ears perking to the first morning bird songs. He wiped his blue eyes free of the night's rheum and looked up at his master. Sam was still snoozing fast asleep underneath his duck down comforter snoring with his mouth open. Zeke crawled up, inching like a soldier, placing his head on the otter's slow rising chest. Sam shifted as the lupine's weight fully laid into him. "Little master looks so angelic," the wolf thought to himself yawning again and nuzzling Sam's tummy. His collar tags jingled lightly from side to side. Sam's pink nose twitched wiggling his thin whiskers as he snored away. Zeke eyed the alarm on the nightstand noting thirty minutes before the clock would read "7:00" and his owner would have to get up and shower for work.

Zeke lived for his master. He loved his role as the otter's sex toy and was very dedicated to his small caretaker's body. That was the reason Sam had purchased him at his stall in the mall that day. It felt like yesterday that he watched the otter going through the files at the counter and picking one. The wolf had been so shocked when the otter was escorted into his large hay covered pin carrying his records. The otter inspected him, while still in his work uniform, looking at the chart and looking at his body for which it covered. Zeke was groped and his firm butt smacked as the otter exclaimed "I'll take him". "That was the start of my interesting life," he thought to himself watching the otter intently as he slept. How could he show his gratefulness for being his today. He wanted to show his appreciation.

The black wolf reached up pulling the covers down slowly from under his master's chin, and down to his chest. "That's far enough," he thought. Sam shivered slightly as Zeke slid his tongue over his chest fur. He was going to bathe his master by tongue from ear to to. His smooth tongue licked into the otter's chest fur matting it as he went from side to side. He saw Sam stir slightly and shift his feet below him. He could see the otter's white tail swaying beneath the sheets making his wag excitedly behind him. He heard the otter moan softly as his tongue traced around his pink nipple.

"Zeeeeeke, mmm," he grumbled as the wolf placed his paws on his shoulders licking up his neck.

Sam opened an eye yawning as his pet slid his tongue up and over his throat.

"Morning to you too," he chuckled softly as the wolf licked at his chin.

The wolf nuzzled him dragging his snout through the wet fur before opening his mouth again. His tongue gliding up and over his cheek. The wolf gripped him lightly around the throat and lovingly cleaned his face. His snout moving over his cheeks and nose. He pulled at his whiskers with his tongue. He loved the feel of the long strands as they moved in his muzzle. He dragged his tongue up the middle of his face kissing him on his forhead. Sam smiled rubbing the top of the wolf's head. He winked pulling the rest of the blanket back and sliding down.

"You're such a good boy Zeke. You know that," the otter said closing his eyes as his property earned emotional equity.

The wolf nodded lapping at his furry chest and stomach dragging his claws down his side. He could feel his master's morning wood throbbing under neath him as the otter writhed in ticklish pleasure. Over and into his cute belly button he stuck his tongue. Sam placed a paw on his head and lightly toyed with his ear as the wolf uncovered his red member. As quickly as the hard member apeared from under the blanket it had dissapeared inside Zeke's warm mouth. Sam moaned gently as his wolf slid all the way down closing his muzzle around him. His tags jingling on his collar. Sam's paw slid to the bedside as his toes curled. Zeke slowly pulled up, watching his master's body lightly convulse. The otter's chest rising rapidly as he nursed. He dragged another set of claws down his side causing him to jerk around him. He loved watching his master's closed eyes and opened mouth expression. His groaning was his extasy. He watched him carefuly sliding back down around his base.

The sun was slowly rising sending rays through the window over the pair as Zeke enjoyed his master's warm member. He loved enjoyed his taste. The small drips that rewarded his effort over his tongue. The scent that marinated from the otter's crotch encouraged his muzzle deeper so that his nose touched the otter's stomach. His whiskers tickling gently causing his master to shudder above him. He smacked lightly on his master lovingly cherishing his grunts from above. He grunted as the otter pulled himself from the lupine with a small pop.

"Since you've been a good boy, I guess you can have a reward," he said turning over. "Be gentle," he snapped pointing a finger into his furry face.

Zeke nodded watching the otter bend over infront of him pushing his butt out and lifting his tail slowly. The black furred lupine murred tingling from ear to tail. He loved when the otter used him like that. He was his to command and nodded happily leaning down on his front paws laying his chest flat on the bed behind his master. He gently pressed his tongue into the otter's firm cheeks licking all around his hole and crack. Sam grunted softly grabbing the wolf by the collar forcing him further. Zeke's breathing was slow as he tasted his master. His concentration purely on the otter around his lips. He ignored his own hard dripping meat as he pleased his master. His job was to be used and nothing more. He licked deeply sliding his tongue in and out gripping his master cheeks spreading them to the side. He'd do anything for his otter. He was his willing slave. He could feel the otter gripping tighter around his collar. A little to tight.

Zeke's collar snapped falling to the bed. He rose to his knees looking down at his master truly naked for the first time in years. Unbothered, he posistioned himself behind his master. This was his purpose in life as passed by the otter. He pushed in slowly, his black cock slowly spreading into the moist sphinter. He had become a pro over the years and didn't need to lube himself. His own pre was enough to assist as he pushed into the hole he had worked on. Sam pulled the bed sheets tight in his digits as the wolf pushed slowly in.

"I'll get you... a new collar," he grunted as Zeke pushed deeper trying to sheath his sword to the hilt.

The collar that lay broken on the bed was the last thing on the wolf's mind as he pressed his hips against his master's butt. The otter murred deeply laying flat as the wolf leaned over him wrapping him in his strong arms from above. Gently pulling out and pushing back in he started his performance. He felt his master push back against him as he grinded. His tail wagged slowly behind him as he concenrated. He wanted everytime he was used to be better than the time before. In and out he pressed, their balls lightly dangling together. He could hear Sam's slow happy breaths underneath him. He slowed his thrusts to a stop, pulling him and Sam onto their sides. He slowly started again after gripping Sam's throbbing length. He matched his paw strokes slowly in sync to his pumping getting a happy groan from the otter as he maneuvered. He gently bit down on the otter's neck while pulling him closer. Sam closed his eyes as the wolf tugged on him slowly, begging him to release.

Sam pressed his paws against Zeke's as the wolf continued. The otter's legs wrapping around the wolf's as he allowed him back acess.Zeke could feel his master getting close as the otter's breathing picked up. He sped his tempo pushing faster and stroker quicker. He could feel Sam struggle in pleasure around him as he pounded away.

"Gah Zeke.. grrrrr," Sam whined gushing over his side onto his bed.

Zeke slowed his thrusting and gently massaged his master's red member as he pulsed out over the bed. He hugged his master close licking softly at his ears as his muscles tensed and released. He loved the feeling of being able to serve his master so intimately. It was his dream. He held his small master close as he finaly lay still beside him. The lupine nuzzled him softly as Sam reached back patting him on the head. Zeke was happy his master was pleased with his use. He smiled lovingly down at the otter as the alarm went off on the nightstand. Zeke sighed as the otter slid from his grasp and to the edge of the bed.

Zeke watched as his caretaker dismissed the alarm and rose from the bed. The wolf sighed fondly seeing him open and close the bathroom door behind him with out a word. He had served his purpose for the time being and was content with laying in the bed as his member shrank. His release for the moment was his master getting off. He closed his eyes listening to the water hit the tub floor in the distance. He drifted off to sleep thinking about the next time he could show his appreciation for the otter. He was completely dedicated.

A quick story for those who love a good wake up call. Feel free to comment!

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