Ever seen a film alone?

Story by lonelywolvenuk on SoFurry

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He awoke alone as always, rolling over to see the time. 8:19. He sighed and rolled onto his back and shoved the duvet off of himself. The white wolf yawned and stretched briefly before reaching down to his groin. He closed his eyes and in his mind returned to his youth... The two fox brothers he had grown up with and had his sexual awakening with. In his mind replayed what they had done and imagined doing things they had not gotten around to trying before he had moved away. Him sucking them off and them mounting him. As his mind raced with these thoughts his wolf-hood stirred and was hard in a very short space of time. Pausing for a second he spat onto his paw using his spit as lube he began to quickly stroke himself off. It didn't take long, after about 5 minutes he groaned and let his load fly all over himself. He remembered what someone once said "...Your highs are getting lower..." He sighed, he'd pawed too much too often and it now didn't feel as good when he came, he sighed deeply as he decided he'd have to wait a while and let his body take a break for a few days, just so that when he pawed again it would at least feel better than it did then. Licking his paws clean he got up and headed for the shower. After a long hot shower he stood at the mirror looking at himself. His white fur was still matted and damp and his eyes reflected how he felt...alone...miserable...depressed... He returned to his room and got dressed quickly, grunting as he did up his belt and wondering if he had gained weight again as his belly stuck out a bit more than he remembered it. Just as he finished getting dressed his mum came home. "Jonathan, you up yet?" She called out. Jonathan's parents had named him that, he preferred Jon not that really mattered to them.

"Yea, I'm up." Jon called out as he walked to the kitchen to get breakfast. As he poured himself a bowl of cereal his mum asked how his job hunting was going. Jon was 17 and out of high school, college didn't start until September so he needed a job to keep him busy. Sadly he'd had no luck. After hearing her little lecture he wandered to the living room and flicked on the tv. When his mum came in he turned to her, "Any chance of a lift down the shops at midday?" he asked. She sighed.

"Ok, i guess so, see why you should hurry up and get your license? But you're getting the bus back though, k?" she said. Jon nodded in response. He spent the remaining few hours watching re-runs of Stargate SG1 whilst drooling over Micheal Shanks (the guy who played Dr. Daniel Jackson). Jon was gay even though only a few members of his family and friends knew, his parents would freak so he didn't tell them. Finally midday rolled around and they set off for the shops. "See ya later, I'll be home about 3." Jon said as got out of the car.

"Ok, see ya, take care of yourself." His mum said as he got out and walked off into the shopping complex. Jon remembered what his sisters always said, when they where visiting they'd say "Take care of yourself." when leaving. Jon knew what they really meant, they where really saying "Don't get an STI, get beaten up or let mum and dad know your gay.". Jon sighed and headed for the nearest ATM. After drawing 20 he slowly wondered to the cinema.

"One for 'Superhero movie' please.

"Do you have a student card,coupon or voucher sir?" Jon showed his student card. "Ok, is that the 12:30 showing?"


"Anything else, sir?"

"A large popcorn and a large drink please."

"Salted or sweet popcorn?"


"Your drink?"

"Coke, no ice please."

"Anything else?"

"Thats all thanks."

"Ok, thats 11.80" Jon handed her 20 and was given his change before she handed him his drink and popcorn. "Oops, your drinks a bit over full."

"Oh well, thanks, have a nice day."

"You too, screen number 7, its second on the left."

Jon headed for the screen and spilled a bit of his coke "FUCK!!" he muttered quietly. As he entered the screen he noticed it was totally empty, he was the only person their. He decided to sit right at the back. It was now he was hit by the gravity of the situation, he was alone. He felt tears well up in his eyes as he thought to himself how much wanted someone in his life. He sighed and watched the film as it started.

As the film finished Jon gathered up the empty containers and tossed them in a bin on the way out, he figured he may as well help out the cleaning crew. He almost ran to the toilet as his bladder reminded him how much coke he'd drunk. He headed for the stairs after relieving himself and went to the Starbucks near the cinema.

"A large Chai Tea Latte, please."

"Sit in or take out?"

"Take out."

"Anything else?"

"Thats all thanks."

"Ok, thats 3.30 please"

"Thanks, you can collect your drink at the end of the bar."

"Have a nice day."

"Cheery-bye". Jon heard the staff member say as he collected his drink and began to wander. He couldn't get the bus with a hot drink so he decided to walk about to pass the time. There was a small stall called "The Anarchy Outlet" it sold Gothic stuff and Jon was quite fond of things of that nature so he decided to wander there and see if they had anything new. As he set off for that stall he heard a familiar tune. He recognized the tune before the lyrics even began.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had

I find it hard to tell you

I find it hard to take

When people run in circles it's a very very

Mad World

Mad World

As Jon walked and the music played he took some comfort in the lyrics, the tune continued a little bit longer but the lyrics where drowned out by the music the shops where playing. Another song started, some pop thing that sounded like white-noise to him. As Jon neared where the stall normally was it wasn't there. Jon sighed and just kept walking for the sake of walking. Another depressing song came on, Jon didn't know it but he guessed it to be Oasis or Coldplay. Sighing deeply he headed for the other set of shops and wandered aimlessly until he found an empty seat out side a video game shop. Jon sat there watching the world go by and drinking his tea. From his seat he could see a screen in the shop. Just a a trailer for "Alone in the dark" came on so did "Ring of fire" by Johnny Cash. As the song progressed Jon giggled to himself at the line "The taste of love is sweet, when hearts like ours meet." He noticed the guy working the till was a bit cute so the day wasn't a total loss at least he thought. As he finished his drink he set off for the bus stop. On the way he thought to himself "I wonder how many people in here are gay, i wonder how many guys think I'm cute, or even the girls...not that it matters what with me being gay an' all." On the way to the bus he stopped and bought a chicken roll for an afternoon snack. As he arrived at the bus stop he looked at the timetable and cursed. 12 minutes to wait. He stared blankly at the walls of the bus shelter waiting for the bus. When it finally arrived he paid his fare and stared out the window for the duration of the ride home. On the way he wondered to himself "How many day, weeks, months or even....years will i have to wait until i find someone?" As that train of thought ended Jon sighed and got off the bus and began the walk to his house.


This is just something i wrote to get my brain back in gear, hopefully I'll get the next chapter of my series out soon just gotta over come the 'writers block' i have at the moment.