Unlikely Treasure:Awakening

Story by reidon on SoFurry

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Okay, been a long time since I posted the first part of this. I've had the second part for sometime but had been really lazy about typing it out onto my computer. When I started the last time my comp died, so after a huge wait the second part. This is more plot development and giving so information on the race. Constructive comments are welcome, rude ones will be sighed at and ignored.:3

Nick awoke suddenly, everything ached. His head hurt, his face, his arms and his breasts. He shot up straight and looked over himself. Everything he thought might have been a dream wasn't, he was some kind of four armed dragon winged were-fox herm.

Wait. No, he was male.. and his species wasn't a were-fox; He was more evolved in magic as a Magus-fox. "Magus-fox?" His new softer voice spoke aloud as if confirming his thoughts. As he gained his wits he began to take stock of all the changes he could feel or see. He let his paws wonder over his soft fur slowly, feeling the new leaner yet stronger tone to his body. His hands hesitated at his chest, but slowly slide over his breasts causing him to shiver as he explored them. He found two pairs of nipples, the lower pair of breasts one cup size smaller then the firm upper set of c-cup breasts.

In the light of the fire he looked over his hand, or rather his paw hands since they were a mix of both human and fox. Looking down he could also see his feet which were also a mix of the two. As his eyes moved from his feet he slowly trailed two of his hands to feel along his groin as he looked it over. He felt his new sheath and set just below a pair of feminine folds causing a light shiver of pleasure to run over his new form. This reminded him of the pleasure of the other night causing his sheath to swell and his sex to moisten slightly as the thoughts came to mind. He groaned as he pushed the thoughts aside and moved his hands away till he could find out more.

Stray thoughts came into his mind, small details at first as to what he had become. At first, he didn't understand what he was hearing in his head. But it became clearer as time went on. He was a male Magus-fox, even though having both sets of reproductive organs. He began to wonder why or how he became this, or for that matter as more thoughts began to fill his own with information.

Nick nodded softly as he thought aloud. "The gem, it causes this.. and I'm male due to having only four breasts, size of my cock, fur color and magic?" His ears flicked and swiveled trying to catch the voice he was hearing. "Where are you? Show yourself!" Nothing appeared, though he felt the voice in his mind become clearer. ~Inside you.~ He blinked and then shrieked. "What?! I can't be pregnant!"

The voice laughed softly, its tone motherly and comforting to him. ~No, you're not. But I am within you, at least for a time.~

Nick calmed down a little and nodded as he tried his best to remain calm. "So. Who are you?" He asked aloud, still looking about as if he might see someone.

Spoke softly into Nicks mind. ~I am or was Sai'Tee-el, but you may call me Sai. A female Magus-fox, though my body has sense passed on my memory and part of my soul was within my soul stone.~

"I ate your soul and mind." He asked softly, feeling a little worried and sick about what he might have done.

~Yes and no, the crystal is now yours. I'm sure you feel it within your womb? It contains the genetic heritage and knowledge all Magus-fox pass onto the next generation who are created in the manner you were. A portion of what I was in life as well as some of what I knew is also held within~ Her voice was soothing, kind of like what he recalled his own mother's to be like.

"So, like a book but with a part of your soul?" He mused softly.

A tone of amusement came to her voice as she spoke. ~To put it in terms a kit could understand. Yes.~

Nicks ears flatted back as he shot back indignantly. "I'm not a kit, er kid. I'm turning twenty two in six months!"

A soft laugh came from Sai. ~When I passed away I was a bit older then that, besides that. You're not even even a day old as a Magus-fox...kit.~

He growled a little and huffed. "So, how old were you?"

Nick could feel a blush in he rushed voice. ~A lady never tells her true age, besides we're off subject anyhow. I need to teach you some things before I pass on.~

He paused a moment. "Pass on? But you're just a part of the crystal and me right?"

She sighed a bit. ~Yes, but I'm only some of what I was, my memories and small bits of my soul. Once you took me in you started loosen the bonds that hold this part of my spirit. In a few weeks or so I'll fade, and the crystal within you will then store everything about you.~

Nicks ears splayed as he spoke softly. "But, what happens to you?"

~I will fade, the rest of my spirit has already moved on.~ Her voice was resigned it seemed.

Nick stopped and thought about this, even in the small amount of time he spoke with her he felt sad knowing he'd lose someone who sounded so warm and caring. "I'm sorry." He offered, his ears folded back betraying his sadness.

~It's okay, some of what I am will live on through you.~ Her voice was a bit happier, the warm motherly tone easing his sadness some what.

Nick nodded. "Okay, well I guess I should refit my cloths as you teach, as I still need to get home."

~Why not shift into your old form?~ She ask softly.

"I can do that?" His voice filled with a little amazement as his talent with anything magic before was horrid.

Sai spoke softly into his mind.~Yes, but being in your old form will feel unnatural, like tight fitting clothing, and you'll shift back if you fall asleep, get very emotional or get knocked out. That is, till you get better at it. There are other small things that could happen since you're not as practiced.~

"Okay, so how do I do it?" He asked as he thought about Sai's fate, hoping he could learn some way to help save her.

~It's simple, concentrate on seeing yourself as you are now.~

Nick closed his eyes and concentrated, nodding after a few moments. "Okay."

Sai calm voice continued. ~Now, slowly fade out what you see, into your old self.~

Slowly, Nick's body began to shift and change only small twinges of pleasure coming this time. Still, it was a little distracting thinking of how nice his first experience with his new cock had been. ~Concentrate!~ Sai's voice made him think back to the task at hand. Slowly his mind fixed on the image of his former self.

"There." Nick smiled as he opened his eyes looking down at his two arms as he gloated. "Hah, first time and perfect."

~Really now?~ Sai asked amusement returning to her voice. ~Care to check again? Maybe look down, feel the top of your head and the small of your back?~

He looked down at himself and yipped as his saw his manhood or rather foxhood. Still covered in soft silken fur was his sheath, and furry sac. He sighed as he checked the top of his head and small of his back; finding fox ears and tail.

Sai spoke, the amusement still in her inner voice. ~Still, not bad for your first try, we'll work on it more later. For now, lets just get you dressed and moving towards home. On the way I'll teach you more Oh, before we leave you should get my journal, the small bag of gems and gold hidden under the fire pit upstairs.~

"How?" Nick started to ask. ~I can read some of your basic thoughts, and I'm fairly certain gold or gems have not lost their value.~

"Wait, what do you mean by basic thoughts?" He asked as he started to get dressed, for now he cut a small slit in the back of his pants to let his fluffy tail through.

~Basic thoughts, simple emotions like worry, greed, love, sadness and happiness.~ She continued after a brief pause. ~Does this worry you?~

He could hear the concern in her voice, which actually made him feel a little more relaxed about her being in his mind. "It does, though only a little... I'll get used to it after a time I suppose."

He finished dressing quickly as he could and gathered his things then headed upstairs. From where he was in the cave he judged by the light to be sometime in the morning due to the small amount of light that coming from the entrance. ~In the center of the fire pit there should be a round stone that is buried, pull that out. Nick nodded as he set the torch aside and dug through the ash to the bottom of the old fire pit.

He followed Sai's instructions and pulled up the stone after finding it. Set carefully under the stone was a leather bag about the size of two of his fists. He slowly pulled it out and looked over it before pulling the draw string to open it. Held within the sac was a dozen or more small gemstones like the one he found on Sai's body, he also found several gold coins.

He stared in awe at what was before him, unable to do anything else but grin stupidly and run his fingers through the gems as Sai's voice spoke up. ~A little excited there kit?~

Nick blinked, snapping partially out of his day dream or what he could or would do with the money he might get from all the gems. "This. This is more money then I've ever held in my life.." His voice was soft as if speaking quietly so not to waken himself, or be overheard.

~You know, we have to take these from the cave to do anything with them right?~ Sai's voice teased softly.

The comment made him snap fully from he reverie "You're right, oh goddess how will I get all these out through the village without getting caught?"

Sai's voice echoed softly ~Just tell them I gave them to you.~

Nick blinked. "They will think I am crazy, and worse might even think I am a monster due to my tail and ears."

~Well, don't forget your sheath furred sack.~ Sai's voice was a soft and alluring myr in his mind this time.

He blushed a little at the sound she made, but smiled. "Not like anyone is going to look in my pants." He sighed a little, the myr making him have to adjust his pants a little.

~Where as that is true, normally you don't have to worry about your cock poking out of the waist of your pants. You know you are a bit larger then you were before.~ Her voice still held that teasing sound to it.

He nodded and grinned as he put the gems away in his pack. "Not to worry, I'll keep myself calm. Now, weren't you supposed to tell me a few things about what I've become anyway? Or are you just happy staring at me?"

He felt her blush as she spoke. ~See that book you have?~

"And, what of it?" He asked picking it from his pack.

~The village elder should know what some of these runes say, he might even have a necklace them on it.~

This caused Nick to pause. "Why would he know?"

~Well, if it is the same village. I used to act as a healer for them, though they never saw my true form.~ A tinge of regret had crept into her voice.

"So they never truly knew you?" Nick asked, feeling sorry for her.

~No, I was to worried and shy, I had come here to escape my past. I kept myself apart from the others to keep them safe from any hunters.~ As she continued her voice started to get a tinge of anger to it. ~Hunter seek us out as monsters, thinking us to be some sort of elder were-fox. When they kill us they sell off our crystals to spell casters. Skilled enough casters can use them to enhance their magic, or grind them up for alchemy. A few know or find out what they truly are and either swallow them like you did, or hunt us down for power. My mate died that way, he held back a mage using the last of his magic to teleport me away.~ She sighed deeply, her sadness felt by Nick.

He spoke softly. "But, how do you know he died?"

~We had a crystal bond, it is when two Magus-fox or more bind their crystals to one another. When they do this they share a bond with each other, thoughts, feelings power and even life force. Sometimes though the other will live even if their bonded dies. But it is a diminished life really. It, it's like living on with half of yourself.~ Her voice was soft and filled with loss as she ended.

Nick bowed his head and nodded. "I'm sorry Sai. Wasn't there anything that could have been done?"

~Bonding to another can make one whole again, but I didn't trust some and others I did not wish to risk them to my or my mates fate. I'm sorry you got dragged into this, though I felt somehow that it was eventually to happen to some one. I'm happy you seem to be taking this so well.~ Her voice picked up a little towards the end.

Nick stopped walking for a moment as she spoke. He smirked a little. "I'm not totally sure about how my body has changed, though I'm starting to enjoy some aspects of it." He patted his sheath through his pants lightly as he continued. "And because of finding you, I found more treasure then ever before. I ca stop treasure hunting and get into more honest line of business so I can spend time with my mate..."He paused and laughed softly. "I mean my wife. Guess I'm even starting to talk like a fox."

Sai laughed a little. ~True.~ Her voice took on a serrious tone. ~Nick, you know you'll have to tell her what you are, right?~

"If I can hide it, why? I don't want to scare her." He said as he started walking again.

~She'll find out, and you won't age like she does. Your life span is many times greater then that of a normal human.~ Her voice was soft and consoling as she felt his doubt.

"Then how do I make her into a Magus-fox?" He asked as his ears twitched under the bandana he wore.

Sai started to speak but paused as she gathered her thoughts. ~You mate with her in your Magus-fox body, and if she willing accepts a crystal seed you form, when you climax it will enter her body and bond to her. Thus changing her into a Magus-fox. The only other ways are using the crystal from a fox that has passed on, or a ritual where three Magus-fox form a crystal outside their bodies. You could then force someone to eat the crystal. But it is barbaric to do such a thing.~

He nodded at her words. "I would do it for her, I'm sure she would do the same for me." He sigh a little as Sai spoke softly. ~I hope you're right.~

Slowly Nick made his way to the village with Sai teaching him on the way.