Horny boy (part 9)

Story by gatto on SoFurry

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I hope this part doesn't offend you. I was not sure if post it. Please, comment and don' t offend!


This time (as opposed to previous parts) nothing happened while I was sleeping.

I went to bed, I slept, I woke up and I lifted the blanket to check: I had no wet dream.

I spent the afternoon on the computer looking at various sites on Mowgli and Kaa; after turning off the computer, I went into the garden to enjoy a beautiful sunny day, continuing thinking about the man cub.

I felt a slight discomfort to the penis, but I thought it was only a stimulus to urinate.

Tired of experiencing this urge, I went to the bathroom to pee.

I sat on the toilet and I peed. But still I felt that strange stimulus.

Thinking of having to pee again, I focused and I felt something come out.

I knew immediately that it was not pee, because that something was out with a small spray.

Incredulous, I looked between my legs and, with my hand, I turned up the penis so that I can see the glans.

You can imagine my surprise when I saw the glans bathed in a white substance.

Warning yet that stimulus, I focused and ... so, I saw it: from the penis came out a little squirt of cum!

Incredible! I managed to get the wet dreams, but this was the first time that I had a little cumshot while I am awake.

I sound ridiculous (and perhaps a little mentally ill), but I'm really glad I've had this thing. I hope that this ninth (!) part you liked it, and I hope you are as excited too. Thank you in advance for your comments.