Rokuke Request, Part One (Cub 18+)

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#1 of Story Requests by Me

Couldn't think of a damn title...

This is part one of a friend's request RokukeShiba from Inkbunny, about my sonas Josh and Cy in an alt timeline being siblings being watched by a babyistter named Hanae. (I'm sorry it took so long ;_;)

Plus I made it too long, so I broke in parts. Working on the second now...

"Now remember, you two, be nice to your babysitter while your Dad and I are gone for a few hours."

A grown adult was looking down at two very young ferrets, both in their solid white two piece sleeping wear. The minors were sitting on the bottom mattress of a bunk bed, which thick bedsheets were neatly made. Their sky blue colored room was shaped like a small rectangle, but doable for their little bits of furniture, like that bunk bed, a dresser in front of them with a full screen television currently on, and their gaming console connected to it.

The one on the left had a big smile on his face, comparing to the other little one's sad looking expression. "Yes, Mom", he said, nodding sharply as well and adjusting the big, rectangle shaped glasses to fit on his muzzle better. His fur was mainly dark yellow, some orange on his hands, feet, and mask marking over his eyes. The fluffy tail with its orange tip he used to wag and thump the couch with had a ring pattern in the same secondary color as his short hair on his head. He shared the same appearance as his mother, even the slender body frame was identical.

The little boy giggled happily as his parent rubbed his temple, him closing his blue eyes and giving into the petting. "That's a good boy, Joshua", she said. Then her sights went to the silent one, sighing softly at him. He had all white fur, besides his black hair that was as short as Josh's, and grey his forearms. The albino ferret focused up at her, showing the female in red evening wear his bright yellow eyes. "You okay, Cyprus?"

The mother extended her hand at him. The little one flinched and gasped from shock seeing her hand getting close to him, shutting his eyes and backing away from her. As he was curling himself, he began to grasp his tail, covering the grey tip tightly in his palms. The adult noticed his reaction instantly and immediately brought her hand back. "You're still flinching", she asked with concern, then lightly exhaled. "Cy, hon, I wasn't going to hurt you."

Cyprus' body was shaking, breathing was a bit unsteady as he bit his lower lip and was ready to shed tears. Josh felt bad for him for his brother. The yellow mustelid gently hugged his trembling sibling, cuddling and attempting to comfort the terrified Cy, who was trying his best to not cry. "You poor thing", the mother said. "What did your last parents do to you...?"

It wasn't long for the doorbell to ring and the ferret trio hearing it, simultaneously flicking their little ears from the jingle. Their mother took one last glance at her two sons, one holding and politely shushing the other sobbing, before leaving the room. Hearing the steps from her heels going down the hallway, Cyprus decided it was time for Josh to get off him, gently pushing him off and sitting up straight on the mattress. His watery eyes focused downward at the tan carpeted floor, still giving out a few sharp sniffs and wiping tears off his cheeks after letting go of his tail.

"Mom didn't mean to scare you", softly said Josh, rubbing his hand on the albino ferret's shoulder. "She was not going to hurt you either."

"I-I know..." Cy was still shaky and not breathing as steady as he should. "I just... freak out when I see a grown up hand coming at me." He started to shiver heavier and holding himself back from sobbing. "You have no idea how scary that was!"

Josh instantly wrapped his arms around the albino mustelid, embracing him the best he could. He gently laid the sad ferret's head on his chest, then began to pet him there. It got Cyprus to slowly relax, easing his body from shivering and tensing up, until he let out a deep exhale through his nostrils. "I don't know what happened to you", said Josh, "and I don't want to know. You're my new brother now, so things are going to change for you."

"How?" Cyprus sniffled and went eye level with Joshua, still looking as sad as ever. Placing his hands on Josh's shoulders, he continued with, "I don't see how you can."

Josh smiled softly, placing his soft palms on the fellow ferret's cheeks with his thumbs rubbing away the little tears that ran down Cy's face. "You'll see", Josh replied with a warm smile. "You've been here for a week now, but you're having a tough time fitting in. So, I'll do my best to help you do so in our little family. And more importantly... I'll protect my little brother. I really like you, Cy. I hate to see you hurt and sad, you know."

As affectionate as the yellow and orange ferret was, he tenderly kissed Cyprus on his forehead and rubbed noses with him. Cy felt overjoyed and shed more tears, of happiness that time. He giggled and instantly wrapped his arms around his older sibling. Their tails were softly looped over each other, adding on to their hugging Josh easily gave into. "I love you, Josh", said Cyprus, holding his brother tighter.

"Love you, too", whispered Josh, rubbing his cheek onto the albino kit with eyes closed.

There was silence in their room, too busy cuddling each other to communicate for the moment. Suddenly, Josh sensed someone in the area, opening his blue eyes just to blink them. There was another fellow mustelid, standing beside them. He noticed the lean and brown colored female observing them with awe. "This is too cute", she said after she giggled.

Cy gasped in shock then lets go of his older sibling, turning around and spotting the otter. Eyes widened, he asked with blushed cheeks, "Who are you? What... what are you doing here?"

The female blinked her organs for sight, irises in the solid color green. "What, your sitter can't come in the little boy's room and watch the cute things cuddle each other?"

Josh adjusted his specs again, taking this time to look over the individual having a shoulder length ponytail hairstyle. The lean, but athletic built, otter carrying a duffel bag over her shoulder was obviously adult aged to him, judging her height. Front of her body, from face down to abdomen, was a more lighter version of her main fur color of brown. He had a good look at her abs, due to her wearing a sports bra over her breasts that looked the size for a c-cup. Her legs he couldn't observe well in her loose jeans. The female's feet were visible in her sandals, spotting how neat neatly filed her claws were and soles the same color as the light brown section of her frame.

"You're our babysitter, huh", asked Josh.

"That's correct", she replied happily. "Just came from my swim meet, too."

"Oh." Josh checked on the white kit next to him. He chuckled seeing him crossing his arms and looking away, still blushing from embarrassment. Facing the otter again, he added, "You could've at least knock before entering."

"I know I know! I couldn't help but look in. You two are so adorable." She leaned downward at Josh after dropping her bag, smiling from their noses almost touching for being so close in the ferret's face. After looking over the yellow and orange, she said, "By the way, my name's Hanae! What's yours, cutie?"

Josh developed a light blush to his cheeks while twitching his nose from from feeling her breathing on him there. "I... I'm Josh. Nice to meet you, Hanae."

The grinning otter gazed at Josh for a moment, looking pass his big glasses. "You have such beautiful eyes, Joshy..."

It caused the yellow and orange kit to giggle shyly and cover his mouth in his hands, cheeks blushing even more. "Thank you, Ms. Hanae. You're... very pretty as well, must admit."

Cyprus slowly turned his eyes from the wall back to the otter and ferret. His frown instantly went away after spotting their sitting bent over, breasts just hanging on nothing. The feminine organs caught his eye completely, not even paying attention to the other two chuckling and giggling at each other.

Suddenly the laughter stopped, Cy catching on seconds too late. Hanae cleared her throat and raised a brow at the little thing, Cyprus just looking up at her with ears lower. "Caught you staring, little man", she said.

Cyprus started to tremble in fright covering his eyes in his hands and head down to the floor. "I.. I'm sorry", he said in a shaky tone, whimpering after. "I didn't mean to!"

Nothing happened for a moment. Only sound heard was Cy attempting not to cry again, sharply breathing and whimpering to himself. The otter's soft paws held onto scared kit lightly, slowly lowering them off his face. "It's okay, sweetie", she said lightly. "I didn't mean to scare you."

His eyes were still closed as he bit his bottom lip, feeling afraid from what might happened. Gradually, he started to calm down, easing his body from trembling and tensing up, due to the fact his cheeks were touched tenderly this time by adult palms, something unfamiliar than a harsh one hand clap. In surprise, he opened his sights to gaze the otter in confusion.

"See", the grinning otter said, "I wasn't gonna hurt you." She tilted her head slightly, noticing his current emotion. Then she sighed, giving the kit a gently nose rub to his forehead and gently stroking the hair on his head. "Cyprus is your name, right?" The cub she was touching gave a slow nod. "I heard from your new mom you were an abused child, and I'm sorry that happened to you. I know you had it bad, but it's time to start over, you know."

"I'm trying my best to help my new brother", replied Josh in disappointment. "It's hard for someone who is eleven to do for a nine year old."

Hanae still had her grin when she turned to Joshua. "You were doing well so far from what I saw. Don't worry, I'm here to help you out. That's part of my job as a babysitter."

The yellow and orange kit nodded. "Thanks, Ms. Hanae."

"No problem. And please, just Hanae, Joshy." Focusing back on Cyprus, she continued with, "Hon... what you need to do is very simple." Cyprus' ears were wide open for that. "All you have to do is trust me." Cy cocked his head while Josh raised a brow. "Yes, that's all you need to do! I mean, don't you trust Josh, knowing he won't hurt you?"

"Y...yeah I do", replied Cy.

"Then, this is what you need to do: Trust me and your mother, like you trust Joshy." She resumed stroking Cyprus' temple. "Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and let every bad thought you had go. Forget your past completely, okay, Cy?"

Cy nodded, immediately closing his eyes and taking breaths. It was a little difficult at first to drop those painful memories. He bit his lip from thinking back to when he was called hurtful names and put hands on. All the yelling, laughing, hits and something that sounded like whips impacting as he cried in agony. It caused him to shed a few tears, how terrifying it was.

However, the little one doesn't give up, putting his trust in an adult that was petting him for the first time. Gripping his tail, he tried removing those thoughts a second time, fighting them with determination. The abusive, verbally and physically started to fade away slowly, until he heard nothing but his own breathing through his nostrils. He gave one more exhale before opening his eyes, looking upward at Hanae with a soft smile.

Wondering if it worked, the otter asked after he stopped petting him, "How do you feel now?"

Cy wiped the tears off his face, he replied, "I... I feel a lot better."

"That's good, Cy." Hanae nuzzled the white-furred kit, getting him to giggle for once. That laughter brought his big brother joy, scooting over to give him a tight hug. "I'm glad that worked for you. Just practice this daily until your bad memories go away, got it?"

"Yes, Hanae", responded the kit, hugging Joshua back. "Thank you."

"Anytime, sweetie." As the ferrets embraced each other with happy laughter, Hanae thought of something, rubbing her chin and examining the zipper to her sports bra. "Say, Cy-Cy, since you trust me... and I trust you... are you still curious?"

"Hm?" Cyprus laid eyes back on Hanae. "Curious about..." She pointed at her chest. Familiar with what that meant, he developed rosy cheeks again. "Yeah... I am... still. Always wondered what those are on girls..." Josh was a little clueless on what that meant, until he took a brief glance at her breasts. His face reddened just as much as his adoptive sibling.

"Same applies to you, Josh." The otter smirked, expecting a reply similar to theirs. "You two want to look at them closely? Better than that... wanna touch them?"

Cy blinked from her request, spotting preparing to undo her zipper on her top in front the minors. Both boys' eyes widened simultaneously, but they don't turn away nor stop her for some reason. After gulping, Cy said, "I... I don't know about this..."

"Should we be doing this", added Josh. "I... I don't think we should... Mom wouldn't like it..."

Their sitter moved close to the kits, grabbing both their wrists and making them place their hands on her breasts. The two minors gasped and faces gotten more scarlet, keeping silent from how warm and soft her bosom felt in their palms. "I won't tell if you won't", she whispered. "A trusting secret between us three. She won't know anything if we keep this quiet right?"

The ferrets glanced at each other after contracting their hands back, as nervous as they were for doing something against their mother, not wanting them to touch girls inappropriately. Nevertheless, they both gave each other the agreed head gesture and beamed back at their perverted sitter. "We don't know what we're doing", softly said Josh, "or what we're touching, but... okay. We won't tell, promise..."

"Then it's agreed", Hanae chuckled. "And don't worry yourself. I can teach you a few things for tonight." She paused. "But first... mind taking my top off? You two deserve to see what I'm hiding here."

They really want to go through his. Their hesitation caused them to back down from grabbing that zipper between her lady parts. It took some courage to develop, Cyprus building up just enough to finally extend his shaking hand at the zipper, gripping it with two fingers. Josh brought up his bravery to assist Cy, holding him by the forearm and forcing his new brother to gently pull down on it.

The two breathed deeply, excitement building up for that moment. As the zipper loosened, the bra split open and Hanae's breasts were now in the open, making a gentle bounce as they were free from the binds of the sports bra. It made Cy and Josh jump back a little, not fully understanding what those appealing fleshy organs do except warm their hands up.

Giggling, Hanae began to fondle and grope her lady parts after letting her top slide off her arms and onto the surface, sighing with relief while she was at it. "Feels nice to take that off", she said. The two kits were too busy beaming at the flesh pink nipples, level of curiosity making more of an incline now. Noticing quickly, she stopped her massaging. Smirking once more, she put her arms behind her back and swayed her body left and right to move her mammalian glands, almost like she was attempting to hypnotize the little ones how hard they were gazing with slightly gaping mouths.

"What are you waiting for", their perverted sitter asked the ferrets, not knowing saliva was running down their chins. "You gonna wipe that drool off your face and touch these or what?"

Both of them snapped back to reality, blinking and quickly wiping the drool off the side of their mouths with their sleeves, Cyprus stammering and Joshua clearing his throat, too. They both stopped stalling and leaned forward, steadily reaching out to grasp the otter's heated breasts, one in Josh's hand, the other in Cy's. Cyprus was interested in her organs more than Josh, beginning to feel around it more, not knowing he was pretty much groping and caressing her to observe its texture. Josh was fascinated by the soft pink teat instead. He rubbed his thumb in a circular motion on it, then added another finger for an unexpected stimulation, massaging that nipple between them.

"Interesting", said Josh, rubbing his chin and trying to understand what he was touching.

"Y-yeah", replied Cyprus, now using two hands to grope the breast he was feeling up on.

Hanae was enjoying the physical contact, how the unexpected stimulation from the kits were arousing her gradually. Breathing softly, she nodded and responded with, "Yeah... you don't say..."

"Your fur is also very soft..." Cyprus glided a hand down her sides, making sure one of them were cupping and massaging her breast. Then he moved that stroking hand over to her belly, getting to know the otter's abs while rubbing in a circular motion.

"Hmm..." Josh quit touching her nipple, noticing it getting hard from his unknown stimulating. The level of curiosity increased a lot more, focusing closely after adjusting his glasses once again. "Looks like something from a baby's bottle... I wonder..." Hanae's cheeks became red after Josh gave her nipple a slow lick and wanted to say something, however, something said to play along and let them explore. She bit her lip and exhaled a soft moan, Josh now taking her teat into his mouth for a soft suckle.

Cyprus turned and spectated his brother getting that close to the sitter without even asking if it was okay. He was still touching her wrongly and wanted to imitate what his fellow ferret was doing. Without thinking twice, he took her vacant nip into his mouth as well, feeling around it with that wandering appendage as he carefully nibbled on it. Both kits liked what they were doing and kept it up with eyes closed.

Their sitter has never felt this turned on before, body trembling from excitement, especially her lower limbs, and pace of breathing picked up. Hanae was trying her best to not make any noise, however, the pleasure she was receiving for a moment forced her to release a loud gasp. The kits blinked and ceased their motions, removing their lips off her soft bosom and looked her in the eye with concern. "You okay, Hanae", asked Josh, spotting her covering her mouth in her hands.

"Did we do something wrong", added Cyprus with sad eyes. "We didn't mean to..."

The lightly shaking otter, now placing her hands over her midsection as she shook her head. "N-no... no you're fine. I... um... well..."

Josh tilted his head and a finger was placed under his bottom lip, figuring out what that motion Hanae was doing. "You have to go to the bathroom?"

"Huh...?" Hanae arched a brow, then she got the idea that it was something to cover her arousal. "Yeah... yeah! I do! Where's your... uh..."

"Three doors down to your left."

"Oh! Thanks!" The ferret duo watched the topless sitter dash out their room and down the passageway.

Scratching his head, Josh turned to his brother, saying, "Well, that was weird..."