Punishment By Fire

Story by Nesetalis on SoFurry

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A dragoness to be punished for a crime against her tribe; she endures more suffering than she ever dreamed and more satisfaction than she could ever have hoped.

She had broken the law, this was certain. Whether the law was just and whether the punishment fit the crime; these had no place in society. She had broken the law and would now pay the price. Before her family, friends, neighbors and peers she was stripped. No rank, no honor, no glory, no clothes--nothing.

At spear point she was driven from the circle. It parted before her and that was when the truth of the sentence struck home. A piece of rotten fruit stuck to her muzzle, an egg splashed on her hip. From all sides she was pelted and shunned. Back she tried to shrink only to feel the sharp obsidian tip gouge against her ribs and draw a trickle of blue-black blood; she stumbled on even as her vision was obscured by something filthy landing on her face.

The hike up through the rocky crags was the worst moment in her life. Her feet cut and tore on the splintered volcanic stone; her body ached where it was bruised when she fell and jabbed when she did not rise. She could barely see through a haze of tears, she could barely feel through an inner numbness that sapped the strength from her limbs, "Please let me rest." She begged to her blurry guards. Her response was only another stab of a spear against her ribs.

Sorrow accompanied her in to the heights along with her silent captors. By the time they reached the cave; she craved death and even went so far as to throw herself against a spear when prodded. Her silent taunters pulled it away too quickly however to do more than seam the skin under her breast.

Before that yawning dark maw of a cavern she halted and fell to her knees. This cave would be her grave, an offering to the flame gods. She trembled at her core in fear of what was to come. Her pale scales grew even more so as fear constricted her capillaries and for a moment she thought she might slip away, unconscious. It was not to be though as a booted claw struck her in the flank and sent her tumbling down the cavernous incline. She screamed; a scream of unbridled terror, a scream of futile anger, a scream of a fighter with no weapon left to fight with. She screamed and tumbled, somersaulted, and rolled. Jagged stone gouged her flesh and scraped rents in her scales, a rib cracked and something in her right leg gave way with a crunch.

She stopped; half way down she stopped. Far below she could see a dim luminance, reddish and frightening; far above only the faintest glimmer of daylight. She had caught herself on a jagged hole in the magma tube, one arm lodged within, supporting her weight. Thankfully it was undamaged and with great effort she pulled herself up and took a greater purchase in the rough wall. She screamed again as she attempted to rise, with only a tiny bit of weight upon her right leg she found it broken as bones ground harshly.

There she sat, for what felt like an eon. Pain and darkness her only companion, even eventually the distant light of day faded to night. She slept fitfully and woke again in pain and feverish terror. Each wound seemed to glow with an inner fire as infection set in and her leg throbbed where the flesh had swollen to the size of a melon around the break. Desperate to get back to day light she started crawling, dragging, and scraping her self along. Though in a feverish daze she dragged herself in to the broken wall and not back up the magma tube.

Distance was meaningless, time was meaningless. Agony became discomfort, and discomfort became her companion. Her mind fixated on the fact that she was still alive and had to keep going. "Only a little farther." She told herself, expecting to see daylight, or at least stars at any moment. The air however grew hotter and strange gasses choked her lungs and mind. Deeper she crawled, expecting to see light, and eventually she did.

"Firelight! One of them waited for me..." She was overjoyed and scampered her way toward the flickering of yellow light and shadow. She knew not all of her friends would abandon her, at least one stayed behind, hoping to see her again. In her mad painful dash she wasn't careful, in fact she was down right reckless. One magma tube overlapped another, the cracked and crumbling floor gave way and she tumbled headlong in to the other. This one was angled even heavier than the first, though fairly recent judging by the much smoother walls. Down she tumbled and slid again, around one curve then another. She fell then, not from too far of a height, but enough... enough that all she saw was a glimpse of glowing crags and vents of superheated gas before she struck at shelf of basalt and was rendered again unconscious.

Her first waking thought was of death. Or more aptly why she wasn't yet burning alive in a puddle of magma. Her second thought was... "What the hell is that?" As a searing hot something dragged across the small of her back and up. It felt soft and pliable, but hot enough to leave a blister in its wake and sizzled a little when it touched her torn wounds. She tried to scream but the volcanic gasses left her voice nothing more than a painful hiss. At last she cracked her eyes open and looked back to see something... something bestial.

Once more that soft pliable agony touched her, a black tongue from a serpentine maw; it bathed one of her wounds which sizzled painfully. She attempted to pull away but found her body not responding right. She could shift and even lift her arms some, but from her waist down she felt nothing. With great effort she rolled herself on to her back and dragged herself away from the creature by her arms; it followed. She attempted to fend it off with a hand to its glassy black muzzle; her palm seared and blistered as if touching a hot coal.

Another of the beasts came out of the darkness; barely visible in the dim ruddy light. Together the two of them bit down on her legs and dragged her backwards. Where teeth sank through flesh, blood boiled, sizzled, then stopped; she felt none of it. Helpless she just watched as her body was dragged over rocks, down tunnels, across searing hot stone and eventually in to cooler darkness. Then the two who had found her trotted away in to the caves, leaving her alone--or so she thought.

Within that darkness she became aware of something else. A slow steady breath of foul smokey air; the occasional scrape of stone; something else lurked here. When it at last awoke, eyes like shining embers opened and stared at her. As wide apart as her arms could reach. A maw opened and from the depths of its throat she could see yellow illumination reflecting off onyx skin. From that throat a hiss like a shower of sparks issued forth with the jaw spreading impossibly wide in a yawn. Then it shut with a sticky slap of its jaws and the beast came forward.

With only those burning eyes to light the room, she knew not what approached her. Even up close, with that searing hot muzzle a mere foot from her ruined body, she only knew it by the heat and those eyes. The jaw parted again with a cast of yellow light from between jagged craggy teeth as a long snaking tongue probed out. She heard the hiss and sputter as it touched her flesh but felt nothing. Nor did she feel it as that massively wide muzzle wedged her legs apart. The heat however, this close caused her body to ache and her breath to come in quick superheated gasps. She feared she would boil from the inside out.

Again that tongue licked out and slithered across her lower body, sizzling where it passed--then up over her stomach until she felt it. Once more she attempted to scream with her body involuntarily arching away from the beast. Flesh cooked under that lick, raising a thick horrid blister, trapped under her charred scales. It moved forward again, standing over her on all--fours? She knew not the shape, only that it was above her and that she would surely die now, boiled away.

There was a loud crack, a sound like breaking stone. Below the beast scales parted and a bright yellow light slithered out, dripping like honey. A droplet fell and splashed on the ground, leaving a fading puddle of light, then another. That illuminated crack spread wider with softer pops, crackles and splintering sounds. It seemed to swell, more cracks of light forming around it, taking the shape of scales encircling that first slit. Then it lowered and thrust forward with a jerk and the first seam spread wide as a brilliant spear of flesh poured out. With it came a torrent of that honey gold liquid light; half of which landed upon her stomach and sizzled in to the flesh. She could see it burning through scales and skin, quickly going out as it hardened in her flesh. Yet she felt nothing of the pain.

That phallus, shaped so strangely and glowing with astounding heat, descended toward her body. She tried to scoot back, away from it, but her muscles were too exhausted to lift. Again helpless she watched and waited for the inevitable. The beast above her with movements slow and deliberate. The cooler floor below her, wicking away the heat. The first touch of that wrinkled lumpy penis should have undone her. It slid across her numb thigh with a hissing squelch; steam poured away from the penis from her charred flesh, lit brightly by its glow. In it pushed forth until her numb folds parted and the brilliant glowing head sank in to her cloaca at last. She cried out as best she could as she watched her torso steam and sizzle, sickened by the smell of her own cooked flesh. Even still; as he slowly sheathed himself in her belly, all she felt was the rising of her temperature.

Once the head lay inside, the beast sank the rest of the way in a quick thrust. Half way in she felt again, half way in she met her place in hell. There were no words to describe the pain; there was no thought to be spared for it. In the beast sank, and farther the agony thrust like a spear of glowing metal. Then, deep within her, slowly cooking her alive, the beast stopped. He made no sound, he thrust no more, he just lay above her, hip to hip as her insides boiled away. The only sound her sizzling body as smoke and steam poured from between her thighs, lit by the sharp golden light.

She could see him glowing inside of her, a brilliant light shining through the wall of her stomach. A wall which swelled upward, expanding slightly before her horrified gaze. With nerves going dead she watched as her guts boiled, her organs scorched, her womb burned away--and then it got worse. She could see him swell, pubic mound bulging, shaft stretching longer and wider. He shifted, just a little, only a hint of movement as a new hiss of sound issued from his craggy maw. The light in her belly bloomed and so did her size, molten honey light poured in to her, a torrent of volcanic semen. She sobbed again as her stomach expanded like a balloon, a gallon of semen, ten times that much steam. It poured from her broken cloaca and even began to scream up her throat, burning its way out her mouth. What was left of her muscles arched in agony as sense was ripped from her tortured mind.

She was aware of him as he climbed off her body, barely conscious, barely. Her body was blissfully numb at last, but some how her mind still functioned, some how she was not yet released from this hell. Above her the demonic lizard stood, its golden phallus still protruding erectly. From its glistening tip that molten honey dripped on to her ruined body. She didn't feel it as it landed, though she heard the telling sizzle. As she watched, that vile and hated thing withdrew from to her tortured body. He turned away, leaving her to suffer and hopefully die.

Die however she did not. One by one smaller beasts came to her. They sniffed her, pressed muzzles to scorched flesh, licked here or there, then they each turned about with lifted tail and released themselves upon her. A dim red light, a stream of thick something that bathed her flesh and seared it dead. From the light of their leavings she could see the outline of her ruined form. Stomach a swollen blister of once flesh, thrice the size it should have been, might she have been pregnant. The excrement left upon her hardened, each beast leaving another layer and leaving no part of her uncovered. At last even her head was bathed in burning filth, her mouth and nose filled and plugged. It hardened and trapped her jaw open in a silent scream.

Yet still she did not die. For hours, days, weeks, maybe even years she laid there, trapped, burned alive but undying. For most of it she tried to sleep, and eventually an unconsciousness as deep as death took hold, but that was only temporary. Once again she woke, feeling confined and aching for a breath of air. Her body felt crushed and her mind confused. She could feel her legs again but they didn't respond right still. Minute by minute her desperation grew until she began to thrash and claw, snarl and kick... and eventually her old body gave way with a crumbling shatter of ash soot stone and filth.

In the remnants of her old life she stood, staring down at herself. She could see the cold outline of her features, frozen in a rigid death. The line of horns along her brow, the curve of her muzzle and once pliable, kissable lips. Still intact was the swell of her breast, though the fine scales obscured by layers of hardened filth. She stepped away, momentarily sorrow filled at her death; but only a moment as she realized, she was still here, she was alive.

She tried to speak but out came a hiss only with no vocal cords to speak of. She took a few tentative steps away from her old life and found her body nubile, fresh, and strong. She breathed deep of the volcanic gasses and was rewarded with bountiful energy. Around her she could see the walls of the cavern and occasional lumps of what looked like corpses. On closer inspection they were more like herself, encased in solidified filth. But none were broken, none were hatched, all were much older than herself with pitted and worn shells. Only she had been sacrificed to the flames and lived.

Through the cave she explored, until she stumbled over the sleeping form of her father. She found him when her foot landed upon his muzzle, and his eyes opened with a sharp clack. He was huge, fat, and very rough, with a hide of broken rock. Moments after being woken up, he yawned and stood. So large and so fierce looking she scuttled backward with a hiss. He advanced upon her and pinned her with a single claw in mid back. Her breath rushed from her with a 'woof' and a shower of yellow sparks.

Familiar sounds emerged from her father as his sheath split open and his golden glowing member emerged. What was left of her prior instincts told her to flee from the hell she was about to endure, but stronger, more recent instincts raised her tail and exposed her young freshly born cloaca to him. He took her with a single sharp thrust, massive length stretching her entrance until rocky scales cracked and skin tore; but she felt no pain, nothing but satisfied pleasure. He held her fast but it was no longer required, her mind had come in to alignment with her body, and all of her wanted him inside of her.

He felt satisfyingly warm as he sheathed himself in her. Inner flesh gave way and reknit, making room for his penetration. Her entrance stretched about his wrinkled, lumpy length before swallowing it whole. Something not unlike an orgasm began to build within as his hot slit pressed in to her own. For a while he was still though she squirmed and thrashed upon his impalement. When at last his torrent of magma like semen poured in to her, she released helplessly with body and mind tuned to her father's will. She belonged to her alpha male, her father, her womb was his to fill and fill he did. Under her a puddle of his semen rapidly grew as it poured from her stretched cloaca.

When at last he withdrew and laid back down to sleep, she stood and looked down at herself. Her stomach sloshed with a bright glow deep within, shining through even her black obsidian hide. From under her tail a trickle of her father's molten honey dribbled up her belly and joined the puddle on the floor. Instinctively she brought her muzzle to it and rubbed it in to her face, coating herself in his cooling seed. Bathed in his glorious warmth she peaked again with the taste of her father upon her lips.


Months later with a dozen eggs laid for her father, she crawled her way up from the depths of the volcano with one thing on her mind. Below her in to the valley in the dead of night she gazed. It was cold out here, far colder than she remembered, but her vaguely remembered purpose dragged her from the warm womb of the volcano. Down she descended in to the night with eyes glowing brightly from the beloved fire of her father.

The village stood, homes of wood and brick with their thatched roofs and shuttered windows. Upon the first, the largest, she turned about and lifted her tail. Her cloaca split with a soft crack as hardened semen broke, then out poured a stream of the purest and hottest golden filth. Immediately bricks cracked and wood caught fire. Within seconds the entire wall was blazing with cool yellow flames. Then on to the next and the next she marked her territory, tail lifted and house set afire. Inside the villagers screamed, but she only listened, mesmerized by their frenzied need. Not one had lifted a finger in her defense, not one had forgiven her for those silly transgressions.

Now they joined her in fire.