The Love of a Father (Intro)

Story by Windowdog on SoFurry

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Sorry for not writing a whole lot so this is something ive been thinking about. Enjoy it for now.

The Love of a Father

"Fuck you! You ungrateful bitch!" An angry German Shepperd shouted at his soon to be ex wife. "Oh, I'm a bitch?! What about that whore you slept with?! I'm guessing that she isnt a bitch right!?" The Pit Bull wife barked back. "I only slept with her because she can do something you cant do!!! Make me happy!!" "Fuck you!!" "You know what fuck this! I'm leaving you! I only stayed so I could help raise my son! But fuck it! Becuase of the fact that you're a crazy, dumb, ugly, ungrateful bitch he's gonna have to grow up without one!" Just as the shepperd screamed that a small 6-year-old shepperd/pitbull mix catches there eye. He's scared and tears streaming down his face. "D-Daddy... please dont go" the young pup said bawling his eyes out. "I'm sorry pup I-" "Look you made my son cry you peice of shit! I hope you're happy! You better fucking leave before I call the co-" the shepperd striked her across the face with his fist knocking her unconscience in one blow. "Mommy!" The young pup said running over to his mother in tears. "Daddy how could y-" he looked up, but his father disappeared, he didn't take anything, he just... left.

"And I haven't seen him since he left that day." Trace said twidling his thumbs and staring at the ceiling as he layed back in the therapists office. "And you're curious as to where he might be and why he left?" "Well, wouldn't you want to know if that happened to you?" "Of course, everyone wants a fatherly figure in their life. If they don't have one then they usually grow up wanting some strong male figure in their life. Which is why I'm guessing led you to be homosexual." "That's what I've been telling people that asked why I switched over to men." "Well I felt like we got a lot here accomplished today trace, I'll see you next week." "Thanks for seeing me doctor, therapy has been helping me more than I thought." "Really?" "Yeah I was skeptical coming in here. But this shit really works!" "Oh um okay then Mr. Crisk, I'll see you next week." "K bye" He said walking out to see his best friend and roommatw Adrian asleep in the waiting room chair. Normally this didn't bother him but Adrian is a crossdresser and this didn't look right for some reason at this time. "Ew why does he look so disgusting. I'd usually have a hard on right now." As he watched Adrian sleep realized the problem. "Fuck no!" He grabbed Adrian by his shirt and shook him awake. "Adrian wake up its a dire situation!!" "Nyaaah!!! What is it?!" Adrian said waking up startled. "I think I'm turning straight, we need to go home right now and suck each other off!!" "B-But.." "You're a fox you're used to this!" "Im a vixen" Adrian said correcting him. "What ever! We need to go now!!" "Alright alri-aaaaaah!!!" Adrian shouted as Trace dragged him out of the office