Maybe More Than Friends

Story by drass on SoFurry

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So I have no idea how this whole thing turned out seeing as I wrote one half three years ago and finished working on it just recently. I'm still not quite sure I had the writing style fully figured out, but I feel like it's worth putting out there. less action or smut than my usual stuff and mostly character stuff, so we'll see how that works out.

Anyway, this is a story about a wolf by the name of Jake as he makes an unexpected friend one day. you can probably figure out where it goes from there in the tags.

I often hear people complain that they don't have enough friends, and I can't help but feel that they're mistaken in putting quantity before quality in that department. Maybe its just me, but from what I've seen few things can improve your life like just one really good friend; then again this is me we're talking about so just one friend was a massive improvement. It was around the middle of my first semester in college when I met Zach. I had never been good at making friends, and only managed a handful by the end of high school. Partly due to my own social incompetence, I lost touch with them all one by one after graduating; though that made sense since I wasn't one to go out on weekends or after school and thus only got to see them while I was there. Anyway, that all happened before I left for college, so when I made the drive halfway across the country to get there you could say I was used to being alone. My family helped me unpack and get settled into the low-rent apartment I would be living in for the next few years, but after that there were no familiar faces around me. I had the internet, and my classes were all fairly interesting, so you couldn't necessarily say I was bored, but there was always this nagging feeling that there was something I was missing. My name is Jake by the way, and I'm from a family of wolves; I probably should have mentioned that up front but I'm still not so great with social stuff.

It was a particularly crappy day in October when I first met Zach; it wasn't raining hard, but the wind drove the cold deep into you no matter how thick your fur happened to be. I was in a hurry to get to the library after my first class ended, as there was a four hour gap between then and my other classes and I had no place better to spend it. I reached the door and nearly got bashed in the face when the wind tore it from my hand. I let out a short growl as I muscled the door shut behind me and let out a sigh of relief once that was done. The library was always well heated, which was a very welcome sensation for my sopping wet fur.

After taking a moment to collect myself, I headed upstairs to where the study section was. Half the room was filled with bookshelves full of any reference material you could need, and the other half was filled with either computers you could use while there or booths and tables with easy access to outlets if you happened to bring your own laptop with you. Thankfully I was in the second category and started looking for an open spot to claim. Even though it was pretty early, the library was packed; I could only guess that an unusual amount of essays had been assigned this week. With another sigh, I set to work trying to find an unoccupied space. My usual table was already taken, and although there was plenty of room for me to sit there, I was too nervous to ask if they would mind me sitting with them. I made a lap around the room, trying my best not to make eye contact with anyone, and finally spotted an open table in the back corner. Relieved, I sat down and pulled out my laptop from my backpack as well as a few notebooks in case I got the urge to study. The next few hours went by normally; I browsed my usual sites keeping up to date and finished what little homework I had. I was shaken out of this routine when someone spoke up from in front of me.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" A somewhat familiar voice said, "The place is kinda packed."

Startled, I looked up to see a pair of piercing emerald eyes staring over the top of my laptop. With grunt I sat up straight to see a tall leopard standing in front of me with his backpack slung over one shoulder once my view was corrected. "Uh, sure go ahead." I stammered out, not sure what to make of him.

"Thanks." He said and smiled as he sat down. "Your name is Jake, right?" He asked as he pulled out a few textbooks and set them down on the table.

"Yeah." I said, "Have we met before?" I asked confused.

"Not exactly." He said chuckling. "I'm in your English class." He explained.

I looked at him for a few seconds before it clicked. "Ah, I thought I recognized you." I said.

He nodded. "I'm Zach." He said.

"Ah," I said, and nodded, then tentatively returned to browsing the web, not sure where to go from there. Zach didn't seem to mind, and set to work reading from the stack he had pulled out. I was painfully aware of my paws as I sat there; I was paranoid that I would accidentally bump his with them and cause an awkward moment. These little insanities pretty much defined me back then, and still do to a lesser extent now. Thankfully, the rest of my break went by smoothly and I had to pack up for my next class. I left without saying anything, and Zach didn't seem to mind. Not much happened after that for a few days, until I was once again in the library on a much less busy day.

"Hey Jake, mind if I sit with you?" A familiar voice asked, breaking my focus on my laptop and bringing me back to reality.

I looked up, surprised to see Zach there again. I took a quick look around the library and saw plenty of other tables unoccupied. "Uh, sure I guess." I said, feeling a bit confused.

"Thanks." Jake said with a smile, and started unpacking his homework onto the table. "You finish the character essay yet?" He asked just as I was turning my attention back to my computer.

I blinked for a second processing the question. "Yeah, I had that done two weeks ago. Isn't it due today?" I asked.

"Yeah." Jake said, "I just have a few pages left to write."

I looked up at him and cocked an eyebrow. "You're not even done with the first draft?" I asked.

"I guess you could say that," Zach said with a chuckle.

I sighed and shook my head. "Have fun retaking the class I guess." I said and returned my attention to my laptop.

Jake burst out laughing and broke my focus.

"Jeeze tone it down please, this is the library." I whispered harshly. I noticed several other students were staring at us now and felt my face go red.

"Sorry." Jake said in a hush, still giggling. "Its just you're so quiet normally that I never would have guessed your main flavor was snark."

"Are you serious?" I asked. "We have people staring at us now!"

"I said sorry." Jake said, getting a hold of himself.

I sighed and closed my laptop before standing up.

"Wait, hold on." Jake said. I tried my best to ignore him as I started packing up my bag. "Look let me make it up to you." He said, leaning forward.

"Are you serious?" I asked again.

"I clearly made you mad, and I want to make it up to you if I can. Is there something wrong with that?" He asked.

I paused and thought for a second, then sighed and sat back down. "Look, I'm not mad, its just I hate attention." I muttered.

Jake nodded thoughtfully. "I figured as much considering how often you sit by yourself." He said, "Have you eaten yet?"

"No, why?" I asked.

"I'd like to buy you lunch, I know this quiet place nearby where you can wind down." Jake said.

"I'm fine here." I muttered.

"Fine or not, you're beat red." Jake remarked.

I jumped a little in my seat, feeling my cheeks burn hotter. Suddenly I could practically feel dozens of eyes on me. "All right. Fine. Let's go." I muttered as I started shoveling my things into my bag. Jake grinned and followed suit before leading me out onto the campus. A stiff breeze and a scattering of leaves escorted us to the east side of campus and a few blocks further into town until Zack stopped at a small shop which was well hidden in a strip of other small stores. As I followed him inside I was hit by a wall of warm air and the smell of cinnamon. It appeared to be a cozy little diner furbished with red pleather booths and a marble counter. Zach waved to the horse behind the counter as he led me to a booth and sat down; his name was Dave I later found out.

"A friend of the family owns the place." Zach explained. "Its pretty hidden, but they scrape by."

I nodded and looked around the place. I could see the kitchen through a chest-height window behind the counter; on the other side of which a tall mare was sweeping; she was Dave's wife Mary. "You grow up here?" I asked.

"Right here?" Zach asked.

"Well, no. I mean the area." I clarified, fumbling my words.

"Grew up a couple miles east in a smaller town." Zach said, "You're from out of town I take it?"

"Yeah," I started, but stopped as the horse from behind the counter approached us.

"Howdy Zach, getting the usual today?" Dave asked.

"Yup." Zach said.

The horse smiled and leaned down to hand me a menu. "Just let me know when you're ready to order."

I nodded and muttered, "Thanks." as I opened the menu.

"Will you two be paying separately or on one bill?" The horse asked.

"Its all on me today." Zach said with a grin, "I gotta pay him back for agreeing to help me with my essay."

"Wait what?" I muttered, looking up from my menu.

The horse chuckled, "About time. You keep putting things off like that and not even people like this gentleman will be able to help."

I looked back and forth between the two getting even more confused.

"You got a point, maybe he'll rub off on me." Zach added with a wink in my direction.

The horse just chuckled and shook his head as he walked back towards the counter.

"Well that was dirty." I muttered as I shot Zach a glare over my menu.

Zach snickered and covered his mouth.

I grumbled and looked the menu over for a bit, trying to ignore him. I took a minute to choose, after which I waved Dave over and placed my order.

"So would you actually mind helping me out?" Zach asked as the horse walked behind the counter and handed a strip of paper off to the mare.

I sighed. "Fine, let me see it." I grumbled.

"Thanks man, this actually means a lot to me." Zach said as he hauled his backpack onto the table. He dug through a few folders before pulling a clump of lined paper out and flopping it down in front of me.

"This is it?" I asked as I stared at the scribble-covered stack in front of me.

"I prefer to do my papers free-hand, it helps the ideas flow for me." Zach explained with a nervous chuckle.

"Where's the outline?" I asked.

"Outline?" Zach asked.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Does this place serve coffee?" I asked.

"Yeah, do you want some?" Zach asked.

"Want is a weak word." I grumbled.

"Dave, can we get a pot of coffee?" Zach hollered across the diner at the horse, presumably Dave.

Dave gave me my coffee, and a few minutes later came back with our food. In the meantime I took a highlighter and a red pen to the mess in front of me and asked Zach a barrage of questions about intent and theme. Then we got down to business beating his paper into an acceptable shape. At some point I felt my paws bump up against Zach's under the table and once again became overly conscious about keeping them on my side; though Zach didn't seem to mind when it happened. He just snickered at my reaction and went on without missing a beat. As we worked I had no idea what he was getting at with his paper, but he seemed adamant on his choice of theme. Despite my lack of understanding, I did my best to clean up his grammar and structure. At some point Dave dropped off a second pot of coffee for me. The deeper I got into it the more I realized that Zach wasn't in fact missing pages to complete, but had written too much and apparently still had more to write about. I eventually won him over to the idea of trimming down to bare essentials in the interest of of the looming deadline. Once we had that oriented, I began the process of transposing his chicken-scratch into typed form on my laptop and then moved that on to a thumb drive for Zach to print off. We had barely enough time for Zach to pay off his tab when we finished, then we both raced to the library to get his essay printed. I was honestly invested in his paper by this point; which was a weird feeling for me at the time. We got to class five minutes late after printing it out, but thankfully the professor gave us a break and didn't mark us tardy. Zach gave me a wink as he went to his usual seat and let me go to my usual corner. That day's lecture was short, and after dropping out respective papers off in the stack we met again in the hall.

"Jake, I really owe you one." Zach said breathing a sigh of relief. "What do you think our scores are?" He asked.

"I'm guessing I got a B," I said, "You'll probably get a solid C+ with the theme you chose to focus on, but it's a passing grade." I said thoughtfully.

"You really think so?" Zach said with a smirk.

"What you want to bet or something?" I asked.

"That might be fun." Zach said with a chuckle.

I shook my head. "I really don't like bets."

"What? afraid to put your mouth where your money is?" He asked with a smirk.

"What?" I asked, confused. "That's not how that phrase goes." I said.

"Look, I'll make it interesting." Zach said, not pausing. "If you get a higher grade than me, I'll buy you lunch for a week. If I get a higher grade, we hang out for a week, sound fair?"

I shook my head. "What is the point of it, to prove I'm wrong?" I asked.

Zach shook his head, "Its just for fun, I honestly don't give a crap about proving you wrong about anything, you saved my ass in case you forgot."

"So just for shits and giggles?" I asked, still unsure.

"Yeah." Zach said, "So you game?"

I sighed, "Sure why not." I said.

The next week the grades came in and to my shock I got my predicted B, but Zach snuck past me with an A-, and that's how our friendship started. I wasn't thrilled to be forced to hang out with someone I barely knew, but something about Zach's subtle confidence amused me. To his credit, he didn't make fun of me for getting a lower grade, or at least not much. It was awkward at first, I didn't know what to do with myself but Zach seemed to be eternally patient with me, and more confusingly he had a genuine interest in my thoughts and ideas. Days were spent studying together in the library, and every evening we'd spend a few hours at his place watching movies. The first few days felt like homework, but by the end of the week onward I was hanging out with him willingly. I was even sitting next to him in class on occasion as the semester wound down.

"You down for another one?" Zach asked with a stretch as the credits started rolling on his small television.

I yawned and stood up to stretch my legs. "Is it gonna be another bad one?" I asked.

Zach chuckled and shrugged. "Its Friday night, you got anyone better to do?" He asked with a smirk.

I cocked an eyebrow and stared at him. "Is English like your second language?" I asked.

Zach laughed. "No, unfortunately not. I just enjoy being cheesy." He explained, but that still left me confused.

"Sure, one more won't hurt." I sighed and sat back down on his broken-in couch.

"All right." Zach said, sounding excited despite obviously being sleepy. "This one is bad, but I promise it'll be funny." Zach said as he pulled a DVD case from his shelf. The movie itself wasn't very entertaining, at least for me. Zach seemed to get endless amusement from the overacting and bad effects of his usual choice of films. I generally stuck around for the company; though half way through this last movie I lost that much. Zach's snoring punctuated the score of the show with a slow regularity. I sighed and leaned back, trying to enjoy the movie for what it was worth in the meantime. My enjoyment was curtailed by the fact that it was simply a terrible movie, and by Zach's snoring getting exponentially louder. As what I guessed to be the third act started I looked over at Zach as a particularly loud snore rumbled out from him.

"Holy shit Zach you should probably see a-" I started, but stopped as my gaze shifted lower. Beneath his jeans, and probably as a result of the process of sleeping, Zach was sporting a rather impressive bulge which was further framed by his hand resting on it. "Oh fuck." I muttered and covered my eyes as my face grew hot. Despite my embarrassment, I was further shocked by a response from my own body. My own pants felt slightly tighter as my stomach began to flutter. To clarify, I had never felt anything like this in my life up until that point. In high school I had zero interest in dating, and I didn't even have much interest in porn despite going through puberty with an internet connection. I had masturbated a handful of times, but never really enjoyed it. The sight of Zach's well-outlined package roused something inside me that had never been awoken before, or at least that's what it felt like. I scrambled to pick up my things, getting ready to leave when the noise startled Zach awake.

"Woah, Jake you okay?" Zach asked sleepily as he sat up straight.

"Yeah, just remembered I have to send an email before midnight is all." I stammered out, trying to sound normal.

"You can just use my wifi if you need to." Zach said, sounding worried. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, and I should probably be getting to bed anyway." I said and tried to smile. That seemed only to worry him more.

"All right, see you tomorrow I guess?" He said sleepily.

"Yeah, sure." I said as I zipped up my bag and hurried out the door. Outside I took a deep breath to calm myself and was borderline horrified to realize I was halfway to an erection. Not sure what else to do, I all but ran back to my own apartment as my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I ignored it until I got inside and slumped down against the door. The trip had winded me and thankfully my loins had calmed down in the meantime. I sat like that for a bit until I remembered my phone. I checked it to see a text from Zach asking me what happened. I took a moment to think before replying this time and came up with a more reasonable excuse. I replied that I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to throw up at his place. My thumb hovered over the send button for a few seconds before I forced myself to press it.

With a sigh I stood up and started getting ready for bed. I ate a small dinner and headed into the shower where my phone vibrated once more. I sighed and checked it to see Zach apologizing and telling me to get some sleep. I nodded, sure in my deception as I stripped down and stepped into the shower, but was quickly disappointed by my body's stubbornness. Within minutes of starting to relax my erection returned with a vengeance as my rod emerged fully from its sheath. I tried to ignore it while I washed myself, that is until it got hard enough to be painful. With a grimace I resigned myself to resolving the situation manually. I gripped my member firmly and proceeded to unceremoniously pump my fist around it in a mechanical fashion. Despite my rough treatment I came quickly, but unlike previous times I'd masturbated this one felt different. What felt like a hot wave rushed through my body and my knees gave out as my cock throbbed and spurted its wasted load down the drain. I thought I heard myself groan, but my head was too fuzzy to be sure. After a few seconds I caught my breath as my cock throbbed weakly between my legs, my knot fully engorged as a reminder of my personal weakness, or at least that's what I was thinking it looked like. I spent the next half hour in the shower sitting on the tile floor and waiting for my knot to recede. Once it did I toweled off with a huff and plopped myself down on my bed, too tired to even bother with putting underwear on for the night.

The next morning brought more disappointment in myself and started another new issue with my body I would have to deal with: morning wood. From then on it was a fifty-fifty shot whether or not I could simply ignore it until it went away, or I would have to deal with it in a hands-on manner. My relationship with Zach felt tense for a little while after that, but after a while I realized things basically hadn't changed it was back to our usual routine. Or at least I thought things hadn't changed; a few weeks after that I started having dreams about Zach, and a few weeks after that he kept slipping into my thoughts as I masturbated. I did my best not to let these things interfere with our friendship, as it was by now the best thing about being in college for me. In retrospect what was happening is obvious, but at the time I was partially convinced I was having some sort of brain issue. We maintained a really close friendship like that for a while, then things changed abruptly.

It was the end of finals week and Zach invited me over to his place for what he called a "celebration". I had no idea what to expect going in, as he had never done anything like this before. My best guess was some sort of party with a bunch of people to celebrate surviving the semester. Instead what I got was just Zach in his living room with a tall glass bottle of clear liquid.

"Jake, you made it." Zach said excitedly as he let me in.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked, gesturing to the bottle on the table.

"What do you think it is?" Zach asked with a smirk.

I shot him an annoyed look. "Booze." I said.

"It may or may not be an alcohol of some persuasion, do you not drink?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Never really had a reason to. I don't see the point of it." I said.

"Then would you be opposed to trying it under the close supervision of a friend?" He asked pulling two plastic cups down from a nearby shelf.

"A friend who would also be getting drunk." I remarked.

"Hey, it's not like I'm gonna trash the place, it's my place after all." He said as he sat down.

"Is it really necessary?" I asked.

"Nope, but I think you'd have fun trying it." He said.

I sighed. "All right, I'll try a couple if it'll make you happy." I said, sitting down across from him.

"You always do." He said with a chuckle as he poured us each a short glass of the stuff. "Try to go slow until you get a feel for it." He said as he slammed his back in one go.

I cocked an eyebrow at him, but took his advice. The closest thing I can equate the taste to was water with an aftertaste of fire. The first sip burned down my throat and I had to resist the urge to gag. Zach laughed as I struggled to keep it down and managed to succeed at the cost of a few tears. "The fuck man, why do people drink this?" I asked as I looked in my cup.

"Just give it a bit." Zach said with a smile.

I scowled and looked down at my cup a bit longer before knocking back the whole thing. I swallowed hard, handling the burn better now that I was anticipating it, and once it was down I burst out coughing.

"Easy there." Zach said, leaning forward to check on me.

I held out my cup though the fit. Zach just stared at me confused until I got a hold of myself. "One more and I'm done." I said. Zach shrugged and poured me another glass, a bit taller than the first; which I downed just as unceremoniously as the last. I nearly gagged on the fiery liquid, but managed to control my gorge.

"You know those drink in moderation warnings exist for a reason." Zach remarked as he poured himself another cup.

"This was your Idea." I said as I sat up straight again. "So we doing anything else or was drinking it?" I asked.

Zach shrugged. "I figured we'd just shoot the shit for a night and do whatever the fuck we wanted. I just wanted to thank you for helping me out this semester, I'm not sure I would have passed our English class without you."

I shrugged. "You know you still haven't payed me back for that time at the diner." I said with a smirk.

Zach chuckled. "What? you want me to blow you or something? He said with a smirk.

Despite myself I burst out laughing, feeling my face heat up.

"Holy shit Jake, you're a lightweight." Zach said, half in awe.

"Oh, I'm fine." I said, quickly gaining control of myself. "I just thought that was funny was all."

"Right." Zach said, "So is that why you're face is already red?" He asked.

I froze then growled and shook my head. "So what? I blush easy." I said, feeling defensive.

"I've noticed." Zach said.

I felt my head spinning a bit now. "How strong is this stuff?" I asked.

"It may or may not be as strong as you can legally buy." Zach said, "You want help to the couch?"

"I think I'm fine on the floor." I muttered, hearing my words slur a bit in my mouth.

"If you say so." Zach said, "How do you think you did on your finals?"

"Solid B's I think." I said, "I don't really try too hard, buts its usually easy for me." I said.

"Makes sense." Zach said. "Wanna make another bet on this one?"

"No way." I said.

"What do you stand to lose?" Zach asked. "The last one worked out pretty well I'd say."

"What would we even bet at this point?" I asked.

"Ass?" Zach said with a chuckle.

"Excuse me?" I asked, feeling my face get even more red.

"Relax, I'm just poking fun is all." Zach said as he downed his second drink. "You're adorable when you blush, how can I not abuse that?"

"Shut up." I barked, trying to hide my face.

"All right, all right." Zach chuckled, "I'm trying to catch up with you so you can make fun of me too okay?" He said as he poured and downed his third drink. Meanwhile my two drinks festered more inside me and made me more lightheaded.

"Why do people do this again?" I asked, rubbing my temples.

"Helps you unwind, reduces inhibitions, all sorts of other fun stuff." Zach said.

"Why on earth would you want to lose your inhibitions?" I asked.

Zach shrugged. "You've never wanted to do something but been too nervous?" He asked.

"Well yeah, constantly, but I generally just move on." I said, looking up at him.

"Well there you go." He said.

I groaned and went back to covering my face.

"You doing all right there?" Zach asked.

"My head is spinning." I mumbled.

"That means its working." Zach said as he knocked back a fourth drink.

"Woo." I said half-halfheartedly.

"So think you'd ever try this again?" Zach asked with a chuckle.

"Fuck you." I muttered.

"Sassy when we're drunk aren't we." Zach said with a giggle.

"Filter's gone it looks like." I muttered

"Oh my, so I get to hear your real thoughts for once?" He asked.

"Sure why not." I said, flopping onto my back and watching the ceiling double and spin around its twin.

"So do you keep coming over here because you really like my shitty movies?" Zach asked, leaning back.

"Zach your movies are trash" I groaned, "Its like getting a lobotomy through your eyes and ears." I said, then quickly added, "Sorry."

"Oh no, this is actually interesting news then." He said pouring himself another drink. By now we had gone through more than half the bottle. "So if not the movies then you must like coming here for something else?"

"We're friends aren't we?" I asked.

Zach snickered and leaned over the table, looking down at me. He braced his chin on his hands and smiled, "Jake do you have a crush on me?" He asked sarcastically.

I jumped at the question, then tried to mask my reaction by rolling over onto my stomach. "Did you really just ask me that?" I asked, trying to sound incredulous.

"Oh come on, it's not that hard. Its just a yes or no." Zach teased.

"Do you really need to know this?" I barked.

"What's wrong?" Zach asked with a chuckle. "It's not like you jerk it to me every night." He added.

"Oh my god." I groaned and started curling up onto my side. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"Wait Jake are you okay?" Zach asked, his tone changing suddenly.

"No." I mumbled as I curled up tighter.

Zach stood up clumsily and walked over to me before kneeling down. "Jake I need you to be honest with me here." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Do you have any sort of strange feelings for me? I promise I won't push you away or anything no matter what you say."

"What do you mean by strange?" I asked, trying to dodge the question.

"Jake, focus. Yes or no." Zach said sternly.

I winced and looked back down at the floor. "Yeah, I guess." I mumbled. My anxiety welled up as Zach remained quiet for a long time, so much so that I flinched when he finally said something.

"Could you describe them for me?" Zach asked in a surprisingly meek voice.

"Wait what?" I asked, sitting up.

"Please?" Zach asked. "It's important."

I looked up at Zach and was taken aback by how red his face was. I tried to attribute it to the booze, but knew there had to be more to it. I returned my gaze to the floor and braced myself for what I was about to say. "Look this is going to be weird so try not to be mad at me." I started. Zach nodded and waited for me to continue. "It kinda started a while ago," I started. "You fell asleep while we were watching a movie and... well your uh... you kinda got hard." I paused, expecting some sort of quip from Zach, but he remained quiet and waited for me to continue. "It kinda scared me a lot, like I don't even like porn but...." I trailed off.

"But...?" Zach asked quietly.

"It's weird." I mumbled.

"You got hard too?" Zach asked.

I stammered for a bit before giving up on words and nodding.

"So that explains why you took off that night." Zach said quietly, "So what happened after that?"

"I went home and tried to forget, but it wouldn't go down." I said.

"So you had to take care of it." Zach said.

"Y-yeah..." I said. "It keeps happening now though..." I said.

"And you think about me when you do it?" Zach asked.

I winced, then nodded. "I'm sorry, I know its weird." I stammered out, but was stopped by Zach's finger on my lips.

"Jake I'm gay, you can relax." He said with a chuckled.

"Wait what?" I asked, scooting back from him.

"Yeah, I actually had a crush on you when I first started talking to you." He explained, "Didn't know if you'd even swing my way but i figured it was worth a shot at least. Turned out you were fairly oblivious so it didn't really work, but I got a great friend out of it anyway." He explained with a chuckled.

"Wait, you had a crush on me?" I asked, feeling my heart skip a beat.

"Well, have I guess," Zach stammered out, "I just started ignoring it for the sake of our friendship. Looks like you've got one of your own from the sound of things." He said, trying to smile. Something seemed off about him, and after a few seconds I figured it out. He was nervous; enough to make his paws shake.

"So what now?" I asked, feeling my heart pounding in my chest.

"Look, I know you're not that great at the social thing," Zach started, his voice shaking subtly. "And I'm not gonna pretend to know what's best for either of us." He trailed off.

"So just go to bed?" I asked, "Pretend this never happened?"

"Oh fuck no." Zach said, "I mean if that's what you want I guess I could do that for you, but..." He paused a moment and seemed to think. "Look, how many relationships have you had before?" He asked.

"Like dating?" I asked.

"Yeah, boys, girls, how many?" He asked.

"None." I sighed, "I've never really been attracted so anyone. Puberty hit me like summer breeze."

"Until me." Zach said.

"Until you." I muttered.

"Alright, I think I have an idea." Zach said. I looked up at him nervously. "Stop me if this sounds like something you don't want, but I think this would work best for the time being."

I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Since you have zero dating experience I don't think it would be a good idea to rush into a relationship like this. That being said, you're attracted to me, I'm attracted to you, and we both have plenty of free time to help each other out with our 'problems'." He said. "So would you be okay with some sort of friends with benefits situation until we figure more out?"

"So basically the same?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, with the option of sex." Zach said, trying hard to hide how anxious he was. "No pressure to do anything and it's a way to help you open up a bit, right?."

I thought quietly for a minute before sitting up straight. "I'd like that." I finally stammered out, feeling my heart pounding even faster.

"Really?" Zach asked excitedly and grabbed my hand. I could feel his whole body shaking through his palms.

"I-I mean its not like I'm going to get another chance like this." I stammered out.

Zach snickered. "We'll have to work on that confidence, you've got everything else besides that." He said with a grin.

I smiled back and laughed with him despite myself. "So now what do we do?" I asked.

"Whatever we want man." Zach said with a chuckle, "We can watch a movie, keep talking and drinking, anything."

"Well we have a long weekend..." I said.

"And?" Zach asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Our grades don't start getting posted until like three in the afternoon tomorrow." I added, feeling my breath catch in my chest.

"And?" Zach asked, leaning in closer with a smirk.

"Well..." I trailed off.

"You want to fuck, right?" Zach teased.

"W-well maybe not that far, but s-something?" I stammered out.

Zach giggled and leaned in closer. His smirk widened as he placed a finger on my chest and slowly trailed it lower, sending a chill down my back. "You know I usually don't like to get physical when booze is involved." He said teasingly.

"Would you make an exception for me?" I asked shakily.

Zach grinned as his hand glided down to my crotch and gripped my testes through my pants. "What do you think?" He asked, licking his chops.

My response caught in my throat and turned into a groan as blood surged into my groin in response.

Zach purred deeply as he slid his hand higher and gave my growing shaft a gentle squeeze before pulling away. "I could get used to those noises." He said, then pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside. I couldn't help but stare at him now as my cock throbbed painfully against my jeans. He was by no means muscular, but what muscle he did have was lean and well toned. He wasted no time closing the gap between us once his top was disposed of, and soon he had worked his hands under my shirt and was rubbing all over my chest. I couldn't help but shiver as his hands made my skin tingle everywhere they touched; which left me panting heavily and unable to form words.

In one smooth motion Zach pulled my shirt over my head and threw it aside, then dug his fingers into the waist of my pants. With a grin and a low growl he thumbed the button free of my jeans and yanked them down along with my underwear. I gasped as my red shaft slapped against my stomach. This time Zach was the one to groan. "Fuck it's better than I imagined." He purred hungrily. Before I could attempt a response he was already unbuckling his belt and pulling his own pants down. I swallowed as I got my first real look at his own member. His shaft was a bright pink in contrast to my own deep red and a little bit shorter, as well as being more tapered and sporting a few rows of fleshy nubs along his length. Judging from the way it twitched and jumped on its own, it looked like he might be even more turned on than I was.

Once again Zach closed the gap between us, his hips pressing up against mine. I could feel Zach's breath on my chest as he grabbed my cock, and slid his own up against it in his grip; which was noticeably gentler than my own. I moaned as I felt his hot and hard member rub against mine; the nubs added extra friction, making it feel even more intense. Zach purred deeply as he started working his hand up and down both of our shafts; which were soon slick with both of our pre cum. Zach began panting before long and shifted position so he was holding his hand still and thrusting into it. My own breath was growing ragged and I could feel my knot swelling. Zach grinned and reached down with his free hand to squeeze the hard bulge at the bast of my length. "Don't hold back Jake, I want to see you cum." Zach said between pants.

Hearing him say that finally sent me over the edge and I came harder than I ever had before. Thick ropes of white spurted out across my chest and a few even hit my muzzle, but I was too lost in the sensation to notice. After what felt like an eternity I felt myself drifting back down to see Zach growling and quickly pumping his length above me. His growl broke into a moan right as he reached his own peak and added his own coat of warm seed to the one already covering my fur. He flopped down next to me on the floor panting and purring.

"How was it?" Zach asked after he caught his breath.

"Better than anything I've done before." I wheezed, looking over at him.

Zach smiled at me and chuckled. "You haven't seen anything yet." He teased, "Just wait and see what I can do with my tongue."

I suppressed a groan as my groin throbbed again at the thought. "Maybe take it easy for tonight?" I asked with a chuckle.

Zach laughed. "Fair enough, we've got an entire winter break ahead of us to try things out." He said. "Besides, liquor goes straight to my dick anyway. That was hard enough to finish on its own."

This time I laughed. "So now what?" I asked.

"Bed?" Zach suggested.

"Shouldn't we shower first?" I asked, noticing the cooling mess that now coated my chest and stomach.

"Bah." Zach said, sitting up. "I'll just wash the sheets in the morning, we'll probably make another mess before then anyway." He added with a wink as he clumsily hauled himself to his feet, then held a hand out to help me up. I smiled and took it. The two of us stumbled together to his bed and passed out next to each other. True to his prediction, we did end up making another mess the next morning, and a few more after that, but those are different stories for a different time.