A Frustrated Horse: Part 2

Story by New0011 on SoFurry

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#2 of A Frustrated Horse

Sorry for the delay, but here is part two! Hope it was worth the wait, and hopefully the final part is also worth it! Thanks for reading and sorry if there's a ton of awful mistakes!


Wes continued on his usual routine after school. He was still shaky with worry that someone knew he'd been fooling around in the forest. Then again, it could've been anything. He didn't make the image out very well to begin with; it could have been his imagination. Maybe it was the shade from the leaves above, or a large forest creature. He continued to reassure himself no one had seen anything to continue using his new, comfortable hangout spot.

And he did the following day. Stripping down again and reliving the bliss he'd felt the day before, but this time during his lunch hour, when he felt even more pent up. Luckily he'd finished with enough time, and heard nothing suspicious, even though the smoker furs were in their regular spot during this time as well. He'd managed to walk around them when going back to class unnoticed.

For the following weeks he'd kept this up, filling the same few groups of trees in the forest with his spunk. He'd become more fond of it than his room by far, able to enjoy the array of senses the patch of woods provided him, from the smell of the wild and the feeling of the soft grass underneath him. It seemed like a perfect little paradise for his needy little hormones. He'd been slightly paranoid and kept imagining the figure watching him from somewhere, but kept pushing it to the back of his head. His veiny, pulsating horse meat called to him much more strongly than anything at that time of day, and he couldn't imagine denying it any attention when it'd grown so used to routine.

Going home and relieving himself there had become a chore, boring and inadequate. It felt like overkill every night, just to achieve enough satisfaction to fall asleep at night. In the following weeks he'd spent on the forest floor he felt more wild and alive, free to separate himself from the entrapment school and society had given him. Free to release his seed on the natural world that accepted him and saved him his spot in the shade day after day. He'd even begun visiting the spot on the weekends, getting away from home and his boredom to enjoy a cool mid-day release.

It wasn't until an unfortunate Sunday that the adolescent horse was left in the forest alone, naked and unable to leave. After a more relaxing than usual time, releasing more than he usually had, he'd spent some time to nap in his spot. In spite of his relaxation, he woke up to panic to see his late afternoon trip to the forest had quickly turned into the middle of night, waking up to the sounds of footsteps against the forest floor rubble of sticks and leaves.

Panicking up to his feet Wes scrambling towards his branch where he kept his clothes, having trouble seeing where everything was. It was all different with no light to guide him. He couldn't see a foot in front of him, holding his hands out as a guide. It wasn't until touching his branch to feel it empty and missing his outfit that Wes really began to feel his heart drop. He tossed himself around left and right in spastic motion. He traced through the leaves on the forest floor with his hands, eyes widening in desperate search for any of his clothes. It took Wes a full search throughout the night to admit they were lost, stolen by someone watching him. Realizing his stalker was out watching him currently, the cold, confused, and exhausted horse had no choice but to leave, birds chirping and dawn upon him. He looked back at the woods before running, bright red, across the neighborhood for ten blocks, embarrassed and shivering.

Sticking with jumping over backyard fences and his neighborhood greenbelt, Wes went unnoticed. Unfortunately for him his member was unattended for most the day, and was swaying under his crotch limp and dripping pre most of the way home. Aggravated with his begging meat and exhausted body, Wes had realized his Mom would be home by now, and he would have to sneak into his room on the second floor. He hopped over his backyard fence and snuck behind his porch, his mother in the kitchen with a cup of coffee-probably waiting for him to wake up and say goodbye.

Wes checked his watch: 6:38. Shit, he thought, placing his knuckles against his forehead. With only around twenty minutes to get to his bus stop the mess of a horse Wes had no choice but to skip any amount of sleep or breakfast and wash his sweating, cum-stained body for a few minutes.

Never having snuck out or back in before, this was presented as a challenge to Wes. He looked up at him room's window on the second floor. There was a flat roof above the patio he could get onto and go through it, so he tried getting a grip around a support beam and pushing his body up with his arms. Awkwardly positioning his arms and legs against a beam he climbed up the best he could, flailing his hands to the edge of the roof and pulling himself up, creating a loud noise his mother could surely hear. His heart dropped and waited for a noise from downstairs, but when nothing occurred he got to his feet and up to his window, pushing it open and plopping down to his carpet floor, next to the musky, cum-stained corner of his room.

Sighing and getting up from the floor he picked his clothes and showered as fast as he could, cum still soaked onto some of his fur and smelling of its usual scent, it would have to do. Without even eating and after getting dressed he left his house, his mom asleep by the kitchen counter with a lukewarm cup of coffee, never noticing a thing.

School was especially tough to get through. Other kids were giggling and making fun of the smell in classrooms, blaming Wes as he slouched under his chair, finding it impossible to think about anything other than jacking it right there. He hadn't had time to relieve himself that night from falling asleep, leaving him with a hard member that wouldn't quit, pre building up at the tip and dampening his pants slowly. He needed to escape to his now dreaded relaxation spot. He kept thinking about who would've stolen his clothes, maybe he just left them somewhere where he didn't remember. He thought about how he couldn't return there or else his clothes would be taken again. But where else would the sexually built up horse release himself? He had to go back there, regardless of whoever was spying on him. He thought to himself how it'd be a better idea to travel deeper into the woods this time, making sure no one could follow him, but the day was growing longer and Wes was becoming restless. He would have to leave before the lunch rush, so no one could possibly spot him and he'd have more time for himself.

Right before the end of fourth, Wes thought to himself. He sat by the edge of class in the back, right next to the door. The young and unprofessional, dark-gray canine teacher, Mr. Frankton, would be on his computer as the kids in class worked with the textbooks. Wes had the perfect opportunity, so during the last half-hour of that class he made his escape, booking it down the hall and out the common's door, unaware half the class saw him leave, and without his backpack.

Wes hadn't thought about anything that had just happened, his mind was on one thing and one thing only. He was rushing into the woods, brushing away branches left and right, passing his regular spot and heading deeper. It became somewhat darker and cooler the deeper he went. He was already holding one hand against his pants, feeling his throbbing hard and thick, protruding member as it strained against his soaked pants. He could feel the pre drool down his thigh, his heavy balls fuller than usual and begging to be let out and relieved.

Wes stopped once it was much quieter and dimmer than before. It felt out of place and eerie, but still full of trees that he thought could use a nice dosage of seed. With only the occasional bird tweet and his own breathing and rustling in the forest, he undressed and kept his clothes a little closer to be safe. He looked around twice and twice again to make sure no one was around. He was paranoid and horny as he kept his eyes wide open and sat against a tree. He noticed it felt rougher and pointier on his back, but his equine coat could handle it and didn't bother him from enjoying the feeling of wrapping his hand as best it could around his flared cock. He sighed and stretched out a bit, finally calming down and taking his mind of his paranoid thoughts.

Slowly moving his hand against his cock in his general motion he felt frisky and hornier than usual, so he placed his other hand under his balls, first playing and fondling with them for a while before traveling deeper. He felt his round and smooth behind with his hand, against the bottom of the earth before a prickly thorn against his knuckle. He shuffled a little and moved his hand to his face, watching and shaking the thorn off his hand before going back down again.

Feeling his tailhole with one finger as it rubbed around in circles he felt his balls jerk and cock throb as a large rope of pre flung out onto the horse's muzzle. He lapped it up with his tongue best he could and began putting pressure against his rear with his one finger. Inserting and moving his finger deeper inside him, the horse moaned and slouched himself deeper against the forest floor, spreading his legs apart and out as he pressed another finger in. He moaned and flipped his body left and right as he worked himself to euphoria.

It didn't take long for the pent up horse to reach his desires, as he finally reaches climax. He had closed his eyes, breathing in and out heavily as his hot seed sprayed violently across his body and the forest around him. Ropes of his cum had flung high up into the air before coming back down and covering himself. He was lost in one of the more lengthy orgasms he'd encountered, and before subsiding had sent out enough cum to satisfy Wes if he had nothing else to survive on. He'd smile and continue gently stroking his pulsating cock, leaking cum still as he took his fingers out of his tailhole. Moaning and feeling his wet, warm seed surround him on the grassy floor Wes was pleased with himself. He had been sick of dealing with timing his regular life with his alone time. His cock had become so needy it almost begged for constant attention. He could just sit here for the rest of his days, filling the forest with his ball's copious, thick juice, and forget about the problems it gave him out there. He could be left alone and free to enjoy the company of himself, nothing to stop him or ruin his pleasure.

As Wes daydreamed about what he thought to be a perfect fantasy another sound in the distance occurred, causing Wes to prop his eyes open and scan around the best he could. He sighed when nothing else seemed to happen and closed his eyes again, sighing deeply. It wasn't until a second sound, a rustle from above, in the trees, had frightened him. He jolted up from his cum-soaked spot and turned around, trying to follow the strange noise. He tried to calm down, thinking it would only be a small forest creature like a little squirrel or something or possibly a bird. With his member still hard and pressing against his dampened belly he took a few steps forward, listening carefully. Nothing else had happened, and the rustling finally subsided. It wasn't until a final sound of the leaves up above his tree that Wes panicked, looking up. Before seeing anything he had blacked out, his last memory before so being something swooping down and knocking him unconscious.

Sometime later, dazed and slowly coming back to reality, Wes felt he was on a cool, hard surface. As his vision came to and he slowly opened his eyes he saw the floor was dark and gray, and as he looked up realized the walls and ceiling were the same way. It took him a moment to realize but he'd pieced together he was no longer in the forest, but in some sort of cave. He blinked a few times, confused as to what had happened and how he'd arrived here. It was dim and hard to see, but he wasn't sure if that meant it was nighttime, his vision was still poor or that he was deep away from the surface.

It wasn't until after a while of being alone he had realized he couldn't move much. He made a face and jiggled around a bit before noticing his hands were bound behind his back and his legs strapped to the hard cavernous floor. It took him some time to assure himself he was trapped, but when it came through to him he had finally begun to panic. He'd never even imagined such a situation as it finally unfolded to him as reality. He tried to get a better view of his surroundings, not seeing anything but rock and more rock. He thought about calling out or screaming for help, but wasn't sure if someone was just around the corner to hurt him.

He had heard breathing, what he thought to be his own, but realized it be echoing inside. It became louder and clearer as the minutes passed, creepily moving closer and closing in on poor, frightened Wes. A shadow finally appeared as an outline of something he couldn't quite make out due to his head still trying to clear up. It became smaller on the cave wall before a figure popped out a distance away from Wes. It stared at the panicky horse. Wes had a hard time making out what or who it was, but it walked closer soon enough and forming a clear outline for him to see. It was a wolf, dark and gray, menacing at first as Wes watched it stare at him. He had realized the wolf was happy to see Wes with a bright smile and a bright pink pecker to go with. Wes' heart dropped when he had seen the wolf's member. It was nearly twice the size of his, the member propped up against the wolf's stomach. It had become abundantly clear to Wes what was happening at that moment.

But what really confused Wes about the whole situation is who the naked the wolf turned out to be: his strange, dorky and introverted teacher Mr. Frankton, looking straight at him from behind, a big, dastardly smirking at the shaking, depraved horse.