Sensing Contact: A Sonadow Story

Story by InActiveAccount2 on SoFurry

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I just wanted to do a down-to-Earth Sonadow story with elements of musk and a heavy emphasis on butts (my favorite <3)

This story contains rimming and musk

This story does NOT contain scat, farting, or watersports


When they first met, unparalleled passion never crossed their minds. However, with the help of their senses, Sonic and Shadow fulfilled their desires for each other in one unforgettable morning...

Sonic woke up early that morning to get the perfect path for running. Sonic was staying in Greece to catch up on some much needed vacation time; he had spent weeks working for the government and pretty much took advantage of the benefits. He was offered a full vacation by the President and decided to take Tails to Greece; a pretty good way to celebrate his 20th birthday. The surroundings were gorgeous; blue waters and skies and luxury hotels. Not only that, but every morning the low tide would expose a nice, mile-long sandbar bridging the island that sonic was staying on, and another island with series of ruins nobody usually explored. Sonic ran outside and ran through the empty roads of the city a few times. After about an hour, he rushed down the sandbar at full speed, taking in the mildly salty sea air and the warm temperature. It didn't take him very long to reach the other side, but it did take a few minutes and some sweat out of him. By the time he reached the other side, he noticed how hot it was outside and began to sweat even more. He headed towards an abandoned stone acropolis-type building and sat under a pillar in the cool shade.

"It couldn't get more beautiful than this..." thought Sonic to himself. The only sound he heard was the gentle waves in the ocean and there were no spiders around to ruin the moment. Sonic lied back onto the stone wall of the building and planned on taking a nap to enjoy the peaceful scenery. However, a strange sound was keeping him awake. It sounded like someone snoring.

Sonic entered the building to see where the sound came from only to find his rival, Shadow laying in the middle of the floor on a bed of sand. He was asleep and looked as peaceful as he ever did. In fact, this was the only time he ever looked peaceful.

Needless to say, Sonic was surprised at who he saw there. He actually planned on leaving until he heard Shadow stirring.

"Who's that?"

Sonic didn't want to run; he didn't want to think he was running away from Shadow. Besides, Shadow would catch up anyway.

"Sonic? What are you doing here?" Shadow pondered why Sonic was at such a remote location and suddenly thought of why Sonic was there. "They sent you after me, didn't they!?" Shadow's expression turned to rage as he turned to face Sonic, still lying down.

"No, Shadow," Sonic said reassuringly, "they don't know where you are, I'm here on vacation."

"Nice try," said Shadow before standing up, "I guess I'll have to beat the truth out of you."

"Shadow..." Sonic blushed as he said Shadow's name; he had noticed something rather embarrassing.

Shadow noticed Sonic blushing and looked down to see something totally unexpected. His cock was fully erect. Shadow blushed himself and sat down, facing away from Sonic. "Go away...leave me alone..."

"Come on Shad," said Sonic trying to make Shadow feel more comfortable, "no shame in a little morning wood."

"You're not supposed to see me like this..." Shadow's face became redder as he hid behind a pillar, "this is awful!"

"Shadow," Sonic asked with a hint of concern, "are you embarrassed by your arousal."

"Well...I'm supposed to be the tough one," Shadow began, "I just don't want anyone to see me like this."

Sonic didn't want to leave Shadow like this and approached him slowly. Shadow's mind was telling him to run from Sonic but his libido wanted someone to get close with. He needed the warmth of contact and desired nothing else.

"We all need a little release sometimes," Sonic said as he got behind Shadow and rubbed his shoulders. He always did have a thing for Shadow; he thought Amy Rose was a total bitch and found Shadow a lot more likable on the inside and out.

Shadow never really considered himself gay and never found Sonic of all people attractive. At the moment though, Sonic was giving him the considerate care so many other people rarely gave him. Besides, he had to admit Sonic was kind of cute.

As he stood behind Shadow, Sonic started picking up Shadow's scent. It was an earthy, mild smell mixed with the odor of his sweaty, aroused black body. Shadow could hear Sonic take a few more sniffs and made a slight "mph" sound, twitching his ears as well. Shadow turned around and found himself chest-to-chest with Sonic.

"You do smell nice for a faker..." Sonic winked and Shadow giggled a bit. Shadow leaned towards Sonic and noticed his own smell. Sonic carried a somewhat strong smell from his sweaty running, but it was nothing unpleasant. In fact, Shadow found the smell warm and inviting and took a few more long sniffs.

"I nice too..." Shadow shivered a bit, he wanted to know what the Sonic would do to him next.

Sonic put an arm around Shadow's back and took him outside to the beach. The two stared for a few minutes at the sky before Sonic lowered his hand down to Shadow's butt, giving the squishy cheeks a little squeeze. Shadow yipped a bit and giggled. Sonic noticed the cheeks were very soft, but still had a good amount of muscle in them.

Feeling frisky himself, Shadow reached down and gave Sonic's ass a fondling as well. Sonic's cheeks were not as big as Shadow's but they were still pretty well sized. They also had a sleek, tone feel that could only come from his regular running. Sonic noticed how Shadow was eagerly playing with his ass before he started getting horny himself.

"Well since we both love musky smells so much," Sonic said before getting on all fours and presenting his blue, round butt to Shadow, "how about I give you the most of what I've got?"

Shadow, in a moment of unbreakable passion, lunged his face towards Sonic's soft, tone cheeks. He wedged his nose into the blue crack and inhaled with greed. The musk was the strongest he ever smelled, almost too strong to stick around. But Sonic's scent was like a drug; Shadow craved more of it and kept on sniffing.

Sonic couldn't deny he was getting hard too; he'd never let anyone get this intimate with him before. Amy Rose had tried a few times, but those never went well or satisfied him. Sonic didn't know how long he'd last; he wanted to get the most out of this session with Shadow and immediately thought of what to do next.

"Shadow, wait..." Sonic grunted as he turned around and got on the ground beneath Shadow, facing up towards his plump, fat, black buttocks. Sonic pointed his ass up towards Shadow and moaned as his dick pressed against Shadow's chest. "Just sit down; don't worry, I can breathe." Shadow blushed harder (if that was even possible) and lowered his dark ass onto Sonic's muzzle, wedging his nose between the cheeks while still inhaling Sonic's scent.

Sonic loved the warm feeling of Shadow's buttocks on his face and basked in the strong, somewhat spicy musk coming off of Shadow's cheeks and anus. He inhaled the scent and yet it never seemed to weaken; in fact, Shadow's arousal caused him to sweat, which in turn caused his ass to get muskier.

Meanwhile, Shadow felt the sudden urge to get friskier with Sonic's ass. He stuck his tongue out and took a small taste of Sonic's inner ass crack. Sonic twitched a bit in surprise as Shadow tasted the salty sweat that stuck to one of Sonic's most private areas. Sonic panted hard as Shadow slurped his musky ass and his cock was at peak length.

Not to be outdone, Sonic practically crashed his tonge onto Shadow's anus, taking long, savoring licks of the black ass. Shadow moaned so loudly he almost screamed in arousal. Sonic was still taking in the spicy odor coming from Shadow and almost instinctively began to suck on Shadow's ass cheek. He wrapped his mouth around a soft area of flesh and lightly sucked on it, taking in the salty taste and wonderfully earthy smell.

At one point, Sonic started lightly chewing on Shadow's cheek, savoring the flavor and stretchy texture like a wad of bubble gum. Shadow's sensitive ass was effortlessly titillated by the light chewing, and the tickling sensation made him giggle a bit.

"You taste...wonderful..." Sonic said still sucking on Shadow's ass. Shadow knew he couldn't last much longer, so he had to get his fix in. Shadow opened his drooling mouth and like a vampire with dull teeth, clamped onto Sonic's ass. He licked and sucked the musky blue ass as his cock leaked a considerable amount of pre. Sonic's ass was like beef jerky to him: chewy, salty, and mouth-watering. And the scent it gave off was an absolute aphrodisiac. Even more so was the pleasing feeling of Sonic's body heat colliding with his. He had always longed for warm flesh-to-flesh contact, and Sonic's body provided just the kind of warmth he craved. He loved the tingle of Sonic's tongue on his sensitive anus and he loved the warm blue ass he was inhaling like cocaine. He needed more...just one more thing before he could have the orgasm of his dreams. That thing was a big, blue cock in his ass.

Shadow got off of Sonic's face, and with a leaky dick, bent over on all fours, spreading his slobbery ass cheeks and presenting them to Sonic.

"Hurry," Shadow said with a hint of agony, "I can't hold it much longer..."

Sonic witnessed steam rise from Shadow's black ass and knew that Shadow had a major case of extreme, hot, moist arousal. Without hesitation, Sonic plowed his thick, uncut blue cock into Shadow's big, aromatic ass with a shout. He thrust forward a few times while taking a firm grip of Shadow's cheeks.

Shadow was feeling it; Sonic's hands were tenderly holding his sensitive bubble butt and his blue cock fit snuggly in Shadow's anus. Shadow could feel his anus convulse as the two became drenched in each other's sweat.

Sonic felt like his dick was going to explode from his active libido; all the smells and feelings from Shadow's ass were laid directly onto his massive cock. He thrust even harder, going balls-deep in Shadow's juicy ass. Neither he or Shadow could plug the dam; their cream was about to flow hard. Sonic's cock throbbed like a jackhammer as a thick, white load of sperm filled Shadow's tender ass with a series of eleven spurts. He shouted loudly in ecstasy as he came hard, and kept thrusting with extreme force as he did so.

Shadow couldn't contain himself either; the moment Sonic's load entered his ass; his meaty black cock throbbed almost violently as an uncontrollable ejaculation rocketed semen on the floor, his chest, and his face. Shadow shouted as loud as he could and clenched his fists as his entire body became drenched in his own cum. He pounded his fists on the ground for a few times before the last spurt of cum leaked out.

With his mission completed, Sonic pulled his enormous member out of Shadow's ass and spurted a few more times as he saw a stream of cum leak out of Shadow's anus. Sonic lied on the ground and sighed in relief before Shadow collapsed on top of him also sighing heavily. Sonic and Shadow were covered in each other's semen and were more than exhausted even though it was still morning.

The two cleaned up in the ocean in almost a daze before they found a nice patch of moss to rest on. It was still pretty early, so a few hours of napping couldn't hurt them. The two held each other close as they lied down; Shadow hugging Sonic especially tight to feel his body heat. Sonic hugged Shadow back, as he was acting uncharacteristically adorable.

"You were amazing," said Shadow half asleep on Sonic's chest, "Nobody's ever given me so much pleasure."

Before Sonic could respond, Shadow started snoring again. Sonic smiled as Shadow fell asleep on his chest. "Sweet dreams Shads." Sonic fell asleep as well, and the two hedgehogs had the best nap of their lives.

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