After Hours

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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Just a short plotless story to get me back into the writing mood since May didn't give me a lot of opportunities to do so. The title was thought up just a few seconds ago.

It was dark and oddly quiet to a waking pair of vulpine ears. Matt, a red fox, felt as if he had slept on a pile of rubble. 'Where the hell am I?' he groggily thought. The fox's neck ached from his chin resting on his chest for an unknown amount of time. His legs refused to move as he felt something constricted around his ankle and a hard object blocking the inside of his knees. His hands were tied behind what he assumed to be a chair very tightly. They couldn't even budge from their confined space despite his struggle. The chair itself was made of leather as far as he could tell and it wasn't something expected to be tied up in rather than a more accessible cheap wooden chair. Matt shivered feeling the already cool space turn on air conditioning. 'Wait a sec-' he wiggled his rear and flicked his tail feeling nothing but fur, leather, and empty air. The fox's hidden blue eyes widened. He was tied down naked! "MMMMHH!" A constricting pain was felt around his muzzle as his jaw was kept shut. He struggled in his bonds for a moment before figuring it out. A soft ribbon was tied over his muzzle tight enough to keep him from opening his mouth, yet comfortable enough to not hurt. "Mmm-mmmm!" He tried to two again struggling in his bonds. It was supposed to say 'Help me!' But it wasn't like anybody was around to hear. Standing up wasn't possible either as his paw pads were barely able to put pressure on the carpet floor below. Matt did his best not to panic and controlled his breathing. It was obvious that he was being kidnapped by someone for whatever reason. The fox decided to focus retracing his last memories. He remembered being at work for overtime, walking down a hall to a storage room with a few files then nothing. The building was never known to be broken into, and it wasn't like Red foxes were known to be kidnapped for wealth or a unique fur coat like their fennec or marble cousins. There was practically no one in the building anyway from what he could recall. Frank, Terry, Ankit, and Vance had finished their normal times by then and were most likely gone by that hour. There was no one else he could think of who would even do this as a joke. Taking a few calm deep breaths through his nose, Matt did his best to focus on the predicament he was in. Being prisoner without clothes and being tied down in a chair sounded like a no win situation to him. The fox paused noticing something different. He furrowed his brow taking another deep breath. There was a very noticeable perfume floating in the air wherever he was. It reminded him of cinnamon and strawberries as it teased his nose, almost making him sneeze. He froze hearing a quiet shuffle across the carpet approaching him. Was it someone to rescue him, or the one who captured him? The steps stopped shortly in front of him. His ears could barely pick up the lustful breathing of whoever was standing before him. "Hello my handsome foxy." A feminine voice said very close to him. His heart sank realizing that this must be his captor. Matt would've suspected that whoever this person was had been drinking heavily by the way she pronounced her words. But her breath smelled clean compared to her potent scent all around them. "Mm.... Mmm!" He tried to talk as a pair of hands touched his wrists checking the ribbons. His captor didn't loosen anything, and instead tightened them a little. He noticed that her hands were noticeably soft for someone to be a kidnapper. The hands trailed through his fur up past his forearm and began messily groping his upper arms and shoulders. At the same time a pair of lips connected with his closed ones and kissed him repeatedly. Matt angrily jerked his head away breaking the connection, blowing a frustrated snort of air through his nose. She stopped everything for a few seconds as her hands rested on his orange furred shoulders. Out of anger for resisting or amusement for pointlessness, Matt didn't know, but the lady wasn't about to leave him alone much longer. Her hands pressed forward, and instead of groping him, began rubbing over his muscles like a masseuse. It registered as a pleasurable feeling, but the fox didn't want anything to do with it. "Mmm MMM!" Matt thrashed in the chair to no avail as his captor's hands deftly went over his pecs. "Sh!" Her voice said as something soft brushed over his sheath. The fox tried to cry out feeling it again only for her to stop him by bringing a finger to his already closed lips. Her furry digit smelled just like the rest of her perfumed scent, spicy yet sweet as it pressed against him. He squirmed as the soft sensation below continued to tease him but remained trapped, unable to shield himself from it. His sheath began to stir from the sensational softness. Matt also started to tire himself out physically but continued begging her verbally to stop. His captor didn't say anything back, and continued to brush over his sheath lightly while rubbing him down. A shiver went up his spine as the tip of his length started to peek out from the soft teasing down below. He wanted to tense up and fight back but her hands nicely soothed out his upper body's muscles. His breathing deepened as more of his red length emerged becoming aroused from the soft touch. But as suddenly as it had appeared, the fuzzy sensation disappeared from between his legs. He took a quick breather feeling his member throb only half mast. It was embarrassing to look like this in front of a woman no matter the situation, and Matt could feel his cheeks burning red despite the orange fur hiding it. While he tried cooling down her warm hands went to his shoulders gradually trying to relax him. The slow massage soothed his overworked muscles. "Mmm!" He grunted uncomfortably, not wanting the intimate touch at all despite his body desiring otherwise. Matt scrunched his eyes shut. Her caresses were getting to him. "Mmmmm," he whined wanting to cry out, but unable to do so. "Shhh," his captor said more softly than the previous time. He felt a hand gently stroke across his neck and cheek. Matt grunted weakly swaying his head to the side trying to shake her away. The hand kept pace with him and continued to pet him until he hung his head in defeat, allowing his captor to pet him freely. "That's better," she said in a low tone, her other hand stroking dangerously close to his thigh. Matt jumped in place as a finger traced around his developing knot. His teeth ground against each other as she sent little bolts of pleasure up his spine. A whine begged her to stop only for the whole hand to wrap around his shaft and begin pumping him to full hardness. The cinnamon scent surrounding him seemed to grow stronger making it hard for the fox to concentrate. Matt could hear her breathing heavily by his face as she stopped petting him. The short pants tickled his ear tufts as he tried to flick her away. Suddenly without warning, his assailant kissed him with a love bite on the neck. Matt wailed a muffled alarm feeling the teeth nearly puncture his skin. A quick suction was applied before a tongue swiped over the bite mark. The bite itself was a lot scarier than painful, but he was happy that she had at least stopped. Her lips instead kissed over his fur to the front of his collarbone, occasionally giving him a love nip that only made goose bumps appear. However the kisses didn't stop at his neck, and soon trailed south with a clear target within sight. Fur and soft flesh from some part of her body bumped into his tip, brushing downward against him as her head descended. Soon her tongue was ruffling his coarser russet crotch fur just beyond the base of his organ. He whined another plea for her to stop as he shuffled weakly in place. She merely gave a husky chuckle backing away from between his legs. Hot breath delightfully teased his organ as he could feel it bobbing in front of her face. Matt tried pulling his legs together, but the restraints continued to hold his movements in check. An invisible grin was given to him as he flailed one last time to deter her. "HMM!" his throat hurt from raw screaming. All of his energy was lost from struggling as his tip was kissed before being engulfed by a hot cavernous mouth. He tried screaming again but it quickly changed into a moan as she went to work. A hand decided to cup his furry twinned orbs below. Squeezing his legs together proved to be futile again as she gave a satisfactory hum. Matt grunted as she delicately rolled them around playfully. Meanwhile his fully engorged member was meticulously being worked over. He shook his head before giving a shaky exhale. The semi rough tongue glided over the underside back and forth as a pair of fuzzy lips teased his knot. Suddenly a vibrating came from within her muzzle that sent the vulpine through a euphoric blur. She was purring! The captive felt his whole body strain. Matt hadn't experienced anything this pleasurable in his life, and the red fox moaned the best he could with his mouth trapped shut. This only served to embolden his captor as her bobbing motion increased caressing his aching member. His fingers and toes squirmed begging for release as she dutifully attacked all of his sensitive points. It was unsustainable to hold everything back at this rate. His body tensed up as a squeak was muffled in his throat. He was close to the brink and her velvety vibrating tongue didn't show any signs of stopping. She seemed to know this and worked diligently, stealing a few sharp gasps from him. It felt too good to not enjoy as his body unconsciously tried thrusting into her muzzle. 'I'm going to cum!' he thought as a blindfolded eye teared up. The pressure below was too much to handle as the fox was sent beyond the point of no return. His whole body spasmed with a hoarse moan. Back arched, he came hard into her awaiting maw that continued to suck him off. Rope after rope of creamy white shot into her muzzle that was happy guzzled down by the recipient. His mind nearly went numb with pleasure as she drained him dry. It must have been half a minute before he stopped firing his seed into her mouth. Matt felt very light headed, as if he were floating to the ceiling with the chair. All he could sense was the overpowering afterglow and the muzzle leave his drained spire to slowly shrink. Complete exhaustion got the best of him as he passed out hearing her cry out in a loud moan of her own.

Matt awoke worn out physically, but well rested. He yawned- wait yawned? He didn't feel any restraints on him. Adjusting a shoulder, he felt his hand move resting atop his stomach. Moving both hands a little, they brushed against fur and revealed to be far apart unrestrained as well. Matt remembered the last chain of events before he went under for the second time, and was almost afraid where he might be now. The fox's blue eyes opened very slowly as he took in his newer surroundings. A ceiling greeted him from above painted in a drab, but typical white. Feeling below were a set of soft floral pattern sheets on a more than comfortable queen sized bed. His head rested on a pillow that felt heavenly compared to what he was bound in earlier. Turning his head to the right, there was a dresser facing away from the bed along with a closed closet door. In the middle of his sight though was a nice black leather chair with a few shreds of ribbon scattered along the wooden floor. His throat felt a little sore, but nowhere near the level if felt when he was bound. 'Where is she?' He took a deep breath and felt a weight on the left side of his torso. A brief alarm went through him recognizing the same cinnamon strawberry scent around him coupled with his stale arousal. Looking down, his eyes opened in shock at his captor. She was a snow leopard, the same snow leopard that was a desk receptionist at his workplace. Her name was Catherine, or simply Cat to what some of her friends called her, and she was fairly attractive for a young lady in her mid twenties. The feline's thick fur coat wasn't very lengthy and was accompanied with a cute face and healthy body. With a blink, he noticed they were both laying naked together. His coworker was halfway overtop him holding onto his left arm which was draped over her. The other hand however poked up next to his right side from under his back. Most of the fur there was matted down and had a powerfully musky odor accompanying it. The feline's head rested on his chest presenting a happy sleeping smile. Her bushy tail tip tapped leisurely over his ankle, that same fuzzy tip that teased him earlier. The leg that was hooked over him though was almost painfully kneeing him in the crotch, which was spent from her actions earlier. Looking past her and the bed, he figured this must be her bedroom. Judging by its size, the snow leopard must have lived in a small home or apartment. Over by a trunk were his crumpled work clothes and car keys. He was free. Matt could've thrown her off and ran for the door, but due to a nagging feeling he wasn't sure what to do. If he didn't confront her, then he would still have to deal with her at work which could somehow repeat last nights events. But who knows what the snow leopard would do if she woke up. Caught in a tough decision Matt decided to wait and see what his coworker had to say about everything, and besides, the bed was a little too warm to leave just yet. Minutes ticked by before she began to stir awake. Catherine woke up with a start realizing she wasn't alone and quickly propped her upper body with an arm. As soon as the snow leopard's eyes locked with his, her jaw dropped in surprise. The silence was almost too much for both to bear. He could read the expression of dread across her trembling lip that she wasn't supposed to have fallen asleep with him in bed. There was an awkward silence that followed as they appeared trying to read the other's mind. Catherine immediately pulled her arm from underneath him and covered her chest in a vain attempt to retain some lost decency. "Oh my god Mr. Tanner... I'm so sorry-I just wanted. I-I mean I..." she froze up as her eyes watered. Suddenly Catherine dove down and buried her far in his chest and cried. Matt was very confused at the turn of events as she cried on him. 'Why does this have to happen to me?' he questioned giving a sigh. The fox decided to do what was natural, and carefully wrapped his arms around Catherine holding her close. The sobs slowly died down as he patted her back gently with a hand. The room returned quiet once more as she softly breathed through his white chest fur. Time passed slowly before she showed her face again now bearing a pair of reddened eyes. "Can you please explain everything to me," Matt asked wiping a tear away from her left eye. She nodded and gathered her thoughts as he rubbed her shoulder. He watched Catherine re adjust herself somewhat more comfortably on top of him. The downy fur around her nether regions was matted just like her hand as he noticed her long tail sway between the snow leopard's legs. "Is this better?" she asked laying halfway on top of him. "At least you're not kneeing my crotch anymore," he stated shifting around slightly. "Sorry," she quietly mewled folding her ears back. "You're fine, now tell me what caused all of this to happen." She took a deep breath deciding where to begin. "I was more than excited to get my job over at the company and everything was all flowers and sunshine," Catherine started out. "My work ethic was sharp and I did everything on the spot beautifully, that is, until I saw you," she exclaimed looking at Matt with bright eyes, a hint of girly excitement in her voice. "When I first saw you... I just couldn't think about anything else the rest of that day. My heart might as well have exploded. You were perfect in my eyes and I fell for you in an instant," she said tracing a finger over his collarbone. Matt gently placed the hand down for her to focus. "I cherished any conversation we could have even if it ended up as a yes or no answer. Even if I walked by my gaze would be glued to you. And whenever I had a heat cycle, you were on my mind for those few days I took off from work to stay home." Matt was astonished at how wonderful she fanatically portrayed him as being. "Are you perchance in heat?" he asked. "Not anymore." She shook her head with an embarrassed blush. The fox gave an inward sigh of relief. He was almost afraid she was pcychotic, but it wasn't uncommon at all to hear about a woman acting up during a heat cycle, although it was a stereotype pertaining to rabbits. "My heat was supposed two days ago, but I guess I didn't scratch the itch enough and forgetting to take a suppressant didn't help either." She looked at her hand that was matted and dry from pleasuring herself. "We were the only two on our floor last night, and I just couldn't control myself. But I never wanted to hurt you, just have a little but of fun since I was too shy to ask you on a date." Catherine finished quietly with a sigh before looking at him for forgiveness. Matt thought everything over while continuing to rub her silky furred shoulder. Being kidnapped, tied up, and sexually assaulted no matter how pleasurable in the end was still not on any to do list that he had. "I promise I won't do anything stupid like this or even a minor stunt again. I'll understand if you never want to talk or see me again because of it." She looked as if another bout of tears were going to erupt. Matt removed his hand from her shoulder and brushed it across her cheek giving a quick grin. "Well Catherine you are a beautiful woman, there's no denying that," he said with a glance to her nicely developed chest that rested so daintily on his own. "But could we at least go on a date first?" Matt asked with a humored grin. "I don't want to judge you from this first impression, and if things really can't work out then we should at least be good friends." Her jaw dropped in surprise from what he had said. "You're not angry at me?" "Yes I am angry and upset at you for everything you did, but I also believe in second chances to clear it all up." "Thank you! I promise I won't let you down." She laid over him again giving the fox a hug the best she could. He chuckled at how lively she was and gave a quick hug back. "Alright can we get dressed now?" He asked itching to move around on his own. "Oh! Sure." She sat up and rolled off to the floor. He watched her go over to a nearby closet and dig out something to wear. Catherine bent down giving the fox quite a view and wiggled her rear. Matt averted his eyes and sat up hearing the feline chuckle finding something to wear. He winced rotating his neck and brought a hand to a crusted patch of deep orange fur. "It feels like you gave me a hickey Catherine" He frowned rubbing the sore spot. "Hey to a feline it's a love bite, and I was still out of it ok." She said only half dressed before tossing him his clothes. Matt dug through setting aside his shirt, pants, socks and such unable to find his boxers. "Um, excuse me but where are my-oh." He looked up finding Catherine holding them up in front of him. "I hate to see you cover up that wonderful prize of yours." The snow leopard said before tossing them over. "Thanks." He shuffled out of bed to get dressed.

Once outside and fully clothed, Matt looked around finding himself in an apartment complex. The scenery wasn't bad, but it was a little too close together for his liking. "Come on, my car is the blue one right over there." Catherine pointed before leading him down the sidewalk. An older couple glared briefly at them as they crossed paths. 'What's their problem?' Matt thought. "Oh shoot," she hissed between her teeth before a contagious smile spread across her lips. "What's wrong?" "We probably should've taken a bath before leaving," she said fanning a hand in front of her nose. Matt took a whiff of the air around and felt his face begin to turn red. He could clearly smell their arousal from last night, and found the elders' reaction humorous. They both cracked up and laughed making their way to the car.