Akiri, Prologue & Chapter 1

Story by Kenzi on SoFurry

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Authors Introduction; Greetings! This is a story that I, at one time, had high hopes of finishing and publishing...but the whole publishing idea has been scrapped due to the absurd amount of time it has taken me to get to the -outline- part of it all! And you know what, that's completely alright...it gives me more freedom with the story without fear of having to censor it in any way. So I leave you to my little tale, but with a request...understand that it's an ongoing Work In Progress, so any comments, tips, or feedback are - as always - more than welcome. Take care, and enjoy!


Dark and damp. It was the best way that the soaked figure could describe the afternoon as he stood amongst the glittering lights of the town below. It was a favored spot of his since childhood, he would sit on the cliff's edge and stare across for hours in sheer amazement, mesmerized by man's mirror image of the expanse above. Simpler times, when both he and the town were younger.

Amongst his thoughts he could feel another coming closer, one he had hoped would come. With a heavy sigh he stood and spoke with a calm demeanor.

"I had wondered if you would come old friend." He didn't have to sniff the air to know the anger boiling within his new companion, but he hid it well as he mirrored the tone.

"You're wife is dead."

Just as always, right down to business. Even over time, some things never change. Some people never change.

"Yes I already know...I was the one who killed her."

"Damn you to hell Jack! What of your son? Did you rip off his head like you did hers?!"

The figure turned to face the other. Kale, a usually stern yet happy soul was blistering with rage. If it wasn't for the rain, Jack could have sworn that he saw tears. He couldn't begin to imagine the conflict Kale was feeling now. God knows what he'll feel after this day is over with.

"No...he is safe, safe from everyone."

"Everyone?! The hell is wrong with you! You vanish for almost a year, and the first thing I hear after your return is that Sasha is dead! That Riot saw you leave your home with blood on your cl-"

"Kale!" He had to tell him, though his mind said otherwise. He had a right. And of all the times that they had known each other, Jack needed him the most now.

"Kale...It is a very long story-don't! Don't...not until I am done. You will hear exactly what has happened, and what I have done. Then, I will leave it up to you what to do next."

With each detail he recalled, Kale listen closer, and shifted from rage to something not even Jack could decipher. When he was done, they both stood in grim silence, letting only the rain sing and chime it's cold tune.

"That....that simply can't be true Jack. Y-you've got to be kidding!"

"I swear with my own blood that it is old friend."

"But that would mean...no, it..._can't_be!"

Jack bowed his head in grim silence as his friend stared through him with a lost gaze. Not knowing what to think, or what to do, he just kept on repeating those words. It can't be.

"What you believe is what you believe, but all we know and ever held dear are in grave danger." His eyes shifted from the ground and locked into his companions lost gaze, his tone became low and sharp. "Kale, you are my son's godfather. With that your duty is to guide and defend him if I were to die."

"W-what are you-"

"Since we were young I trusted you with every secret and every detail of my life. Now I must ask you, can I trust you with the greatest one of all...and to stay with your duty? To be the Father that I can not be?"

Those eyes...Kale always hated being on the sharper end of them. He could feel his friend searching through his feelings and his soul, piercing...but as Jack searched, so did he. Kale could see such determination, and fear within them. He was serious, this was serious.

"Yes...I swear to you, you can trust me. And will stay with my duty until death. You have my word."

"Good," Jack sighed with a nod, "Then this is what must happen...and my Sirus...must never know what he truly is. For his sake, and the rest of humanity."

Chapter 1

Jason Miller was never good at the subject of History, much less talented at hanging onto every word of a lecture. He did have to give his professor credit though, Mr. Thomas was a damn good teacher. He delivered each lesson and each word with great vigor, but slow and clear. It was well obvious that what had happened then was his passion now, and he wasn't afraid to wield a bit of humor.

Though he appeared to be almost halfway through his lifetime, he still had the heart of a child. But he had a burning determination to make sure his students listened to every syllable that echoed from him, and learned from them. Those who were caught would be shown little mercy, as the young man before him would soon witness himself as a voice sliced through his thoughts.

"Hey, Mr. Miller!"

"Y-yes sir!" Jason flinched, his mind refocused onto his teacher. With emerald eyes sharp and a sly grin, he took in a breath.

"As Ray LeBlond once said...'You learn something every day...IF you pay attention'...so tell me, what have you learned today?"

"Um...always pay attention in class?"


And Indeed, Jason hadn't caught a single word he said today, his eyes wondered around trying to grasp at any hint, then it hit him as he saw the clock, a way to save his hide; "And...we're about five minutes over the usual time?"

Mr. Thomas glanced at the clock and couldn't help but let out a brief chuckle. He was sharp, when we wanted to be...

"That it is Mr. Miller, you all may go. No, except you."

Jason mentally cursed as he watched his other class mates leave, the sound of rustling paper and shoes soon dissipated into an unsettling silence. It was just them now, Teacher and Student. He could tell that Thomas was less than pleased with him, but he also felt something else. Either way, a much less desirable lecture was about to begin.

"So...interesting weather we're having." Thomas awkwardly started off.

"Yes, it's sunny...very sunny."

"Yes, for now..." He scoffed, "Of all the years I spent with my books and filling my mind, I've yet to learn how to start a decent conversation."

"Why haven't you've been paying attention in my class Mr. Miller...?" Jason suggested, which was met with a chuckle from the older adult.

"Very well, we'll start there. What's on your mind?"

"Nothing, just nervous."

"On visiting home?"

"How did you-"



"Well? It's got to be more than just a simple visit that's bugging you."

The young man looked down at his feet, half curious on why his professor was so concerned about him. Though it wasn't much of a mystery. He knew that Mr. Thomas was an old friend of his mother, and had a tender heart. It didn't stop him from being strict though, much less keep his voice from echoing through the halls if he became angry.

"I think they got something important to talk to me about, but usually when they say that they want to talk..."

"It's something big."

"Yeah" He sighed, "But that's how it goes sometimes...at least I know it won't be about grades."

"Oh that's what you think Miller." Mr. Thomas joked with a wicked grin, though it was cut short by the shuffling of other students. "Well...you better be off, don't want to be late!"

Jason shook his head with a smile as he gathered his things and headed to the door, passing another that quickly took his seat. Needless to say, he hated the class...but loved the teacher, if nothing else for his sense of humor. Something that he thought the college could use more of.

Mr. Thomas looked around the room, his next batch of peers were less than enthusiastic today as they prepared for the onslaught to come, a test. They were dreading it, as they should...he was far less lenient on his more advanced classes. Though he couldn't help but grin a grim grin; they were about to receive a bit of a treat. Not something he particularly enjoyed doing, but he had other business to take care of.

"Good evening class!" He chimed, "You know that test we're suppose to have today...well congratulations, you all just aced it. Meet me back here next week and we'll start on the next lesson...unless you want me to change my mind."

That was all it took, with even more glee than before the room quickly emptied, and with that he left. There was much to be done, and very little time to do it in. The same could be said for Jason, Mr. Thomas' class was his last class for the week, the rest of the day and of his break would be spent with family...for better or worse.

As the young man walked across campus he pondered on many things, ranging from what to have for lunch to what his parents wanted to talk to him about. Grades? They weren't the best, but certainly not the worst he's had. Was he in trouble? As far as he knew he hadn't done anything wrong, at least that anyone else knew of. Or it could be...

His eyes danced across the many sights before him. Fall had started to touch the land, cooling the once sweltering air and shortening the days. The leaves were already starting to change and fall, showering the path with an euphoria of orange and yellow. The only thing over-towering the bearing trees were the building's themselves, especially that of the Applied Arts building. That in it's self was a display of color.

Despite all the splendors, he needed a break from the place. It had been a rough the past few months; his mind had been clouded by the stress and frustration to do well in his classes, as well as the badgering from his parents. Momma and Papa...how he loved them, but boy could they be a pain at times. Especially when they wanted him to do well.

It didn't take long for Jason to pack, he never took that much anyways. Though he spent his final hours with a few of his friends. Be it dread or procrastination, he wanted put going home off as long as possible. But alas it had to come eventually, as dusk began to creep across the sky he set out on the three hour journey back home. As he drove through the bland surroundings his mind wondered more on the reasons why they wanted him back home so soon.

By the time he had made up his mind on why, he had arrived at his old home. It was small, yet cozy, simple, yet detailed. It was the place that he grew up in, and seeing it in the pale moonlight brought the young man a sense of peaceful comfort. Though an eerie feeling feeling him as he noticed that there wasn't any lights on. On the other hand, he had arrived later than what he said he would. Perhaps they were in the back, or had already gone to bed...

Jason opened the door, half expecting his father to be standing at the front with his foot rapping against the floor in silent frustration, but there was nothing. Only a dark stillness that made him even more uneasy. He tried the light, yet nothing. It was just him and nothing, all in one silent doorway. So with all things protesting against it, he entered and shattered the quiet darkness.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home, sorry I'm late." He broadcasted as he laid his bags down, fumbling around as his eyes adjusted to his surroundings, "Is everything alright? What happened to the power?"

There was a sound, a creaking of the floor. Nothing about this was right, every cell in his body screamed that all at once. There was something wrong. Logic told him to get out, call the cops, but his heart was notoriously against such a philosophy...he had to check on them, he had to make sure his parents were alright. He armed himself with a lamp from the hallway table, and entered the main room.

Jason was unprepared for the sight before him. His Mother was on the ground in her own blood, covered in deep gashes. In the moonlight he could see the ungodly fear etched into her dead face. The sight was overwhelming, his entire world began to spin and his mind went numb as he heard a raspy voice behind him.

He turned to the doorway wall to meet his Fathers gaze, and dropped his quick solution of a defense. His entire entrails were hanging out as his crimson essence drained from his deep wounds. His face was etched with grim horror as he gave a determined gaze at his son.

"D-dad...what...?" His Father uttered one word before his life slipped from him...Run.

A low growl shifted his gaze to once again another figure in the dim light. Before the entrance was a great Beast, with Amber eyes alight and fur drenched with blood. The young man was freed of his petrified fear when the creature gave a curtailing roar. He bolted as fast as he could through the kitchen and the back door, running with all his might through the cornfield behind the house. He could hear the Beast rustling behind him, getting closer and closer, his heart racing! And with a painful thump he tripped, Jason turned to see great talons come slicing down. His world went dark afterwords.

His body tingled in a strange sensation of pain and tightness, it took him a few moments of blinking and moving to become fully aware of a simple fact...he was alive. Was it all just a nightmare? That hope grew dim as his eyesight began to clear up, he saw that dawn had begun to break; red light had begun to streak across the sky and touch the land. He shifted his attention back to himself and he noticed was that he was naked, almost fully covered in drying blood.

Jason turned and saw a great furry mound in the clearing of the corn stocks, as soaked in blood as he was. He didn't have to inspect it even further to know it was dead, something inside him told him that much. The man was dazed, confused, and sick with taste of copper in his mouth. The last thing he remembered before blacking out again was more rustling, and outlines of people surrounding him.