Movie Night

Story by ghostking on SoFurry

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Movie Night

By GhostKing

"Come on Lumus we havent hung out in ages u loved ted" Caleb pleaded. There was a reason for that. We never could find something that we both liked. He was growing more like the stereotypical jock and I a nerd. While he was having football parties, I was watching press conferences from E3 (which he didn't get the acronym for five minutes after I told him). He's the type of person to ask me to run him over "too see what being ran over is like."

"I'll see what I can do. I won't be able to say until tomorrow" I lied. I just don't like being around him for too long. He refuses to admit to being wrong, no matter who tells him. I made the mistake in saying that one of his favorite songs sound like a country song and he argued against me for half against me saying its hard rock.

"u always say that u don't wanna be alone w/ me" Damn him. I knew telling him about my crush would end terribly. Although, I was expecting him to do much worse than say that we will never be together and occasionally taunt me. And would it kill him to use correct grammar? Or any grammar?

"Fine, my place?"


"Bis Morgen (See you tomorrow)"

"plz use english" I have my ways of annoying him as well.

Admittedly I have always been jealous of Caleb. The bull was at least a foot taller than I and 200lbs heavier. He knows he's big and will try to physically intimidate you if you disagree with him. It never worked on me. I just never cared enough to be intimidated. I know I could always just shape-shift myself buff, but it always feels like I'm swollen, like the world's biggest bug bite swollen. I can't change my natural form now matter how hard I've tried.

My natural form is the form that uses no energy to hold and is the most comfortable. Mine is a thin dragon, about an inch below average height. I do have some body hair, just not nearly enough to be called hairy. People are surprised by how deep my voice is. They should be. I changed it to make it deeper. I hate how my natural voice sounds and changing voices is a minor irritation at best. The only intimidating thing about me is the color of my scales, blood red.

I'm going to hate tomorrow.

How did he fall asleep?! He was the one begging to come over. I tried yelling at him to wake him up. Nothing.

He looks so cute when he's asleep. His pecs slowly moving in and out as he breaths. I found myself slowly creping closer to the other side of the couch. He was so close. He wouldn't know.

"I could never do that to him" I told myself. Suddenly I realized his snoring stopped. I look at him to see if he was awake, but nobody was there. I jumped back and looked around, but couldn't find him. "Caleb!" I yelled. I got wide-eyed when I noticed my voice was deeper than normal. Fuck. I didn't. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Caleb was staring back. "Damn it!" I yelled. I always thought his voice was deep, but the way he hears it, it's just thunderous.

I thought I had control over that by now. Throughout high school, whenever I would get ... focused on someone, I would turn into them. Sometimes my imagination would not be enough and I go take the real one. Every other time, I just wanted to be then, wanted their better life. This was the first time I possessed someone for less innocent reasons. I just need to calm down and I can phase out.

I walked back into the den and sat on the couch with a thud. I chuckled. I never "thudded" before. "So this is what it fells like to be real big," I said aloud while rubbing his leg, "this is what real muscles feel like." I started playing with his voice. Just saying silly little things, trying to sound stupid. I grabbed my cell phone and recorded it, some for laughs later on, and some for blackmail. He would be too concerned with getting rid of him singing "I'm a little tea cup" to wonder how I got it. When I listened to it again, I was happy to hear it was in his accent. I've gotten better at becoming my host and I could use some practice being someone I am nothing like...

He won't mind, he's asleep in his head. I took off his shirt on the way back to the bathroom. I did what any nerd would do when suddenly in a mountain of muscle and started flexing. I rubbed his, our right arm, felling his biceps with the other. Then I moved to our chest in the mirror, felling his pecs as I flexed them. I felt the plates of muscle tighten and bounce with my hand on top. I tried to look tough, but I couldn't hide my pleasure with this body. As I made me way down our abs, I felt every bump that made up his abs. More importantly, I felt the hand exploring my belly. My curiosity didn't stop at the waist though.

I tried to take off my pants like I saw in pr0n, but I just dropped them when I started to laugh at how silly I looked. Hearing my laugh in his deep voice made me blush. I looked over him in just boxers. His tail was so thin compared to mine. It was the only part of him that wasn't big. His thighs were almost as big as my torso. I noticed a bulge beginning to form in my boxers. I didn't need a mirror for what I planned on doing next.

I lay on my bed, still deciding whether to go through with this. My hand on my crotch didn't want to wait anymore. I took off the boxers. I held the boxers at my snout and took a deep whiff. I was disappointed to find out that they just smelled like normal boxers. Duh. They are my boxers. I am used to my smell. I grinned as I fixed that problem, closed my eyes, and took another whiff. It hit me like a truck. His sweat, his pheromones, hell, even his dirt I wanted more of. I continued huffing the boxers as my hand found my new manhood.

I was already at half mast before I began to stroke. I could fell my blood pumping, getting me ready. His meaty hand stoking my dick was all I could think about. My other hand had had left the boxers on my face and was caressing my ass. It was fuller than I expected, and dreamt. With my hand exploring his ass and his hand on my dick, I felt like I was going to explode, but there was one more thing I needed to do. I wanted the source of the smell. I bent over and took my dick in his mouth.

His taste was better than I could have imagined. His mouth was practically doing everything itself. Soon, the sensations felt strange. What my mouth was feeling started to fell like they weren't matching my dick. Like I was sucking someone else off, and they were sucking me. In my mind Caleb was the other person. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

His scent in my nose, my cock in his mouth, and his in mine I finally climaxed. He didn't stop though. He refused to let any of my seed escape his throat. Neither did I. When we were done I laid there, not wanting to move.

"So that is what a climax feels like" I said half an hour later.

"That was amazing." came out of my mouth. I swear I almost shat myself. "How did you get me to suck myself like that?"

"How long have you been awake?" I asked panicking.

"Since you took off my pants. Now answer my question."

"You're not mad?"

"No. I have never had a climax that powerful. Normal felt like a sparkler compared to that firecracker." Knowing him, He is probably happy to have had sex with his favorite person, himself.

"My species can enhance the senses of our host body. How did you expect we got people to let us borrow them?" I nervously chuckled. "Even things like eating become ... pleasurable." "Seriously," I said flatly, "Some people get addicted to us."

"You never answered my first question"

"I can ... modify my host. That's not common" I said with some pride.

"You heighten senses, huh. So you can make my work out..." I don't like the way he tailed off.

"What are you planning?" On second thought, I like it, a lot. Being in a room full of sweaty, muscular men...

"Nothing. What are you doing tomorrow at ten?"