Job Benefits

Story by ColinLeighton on SoFurry

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Seems like "Love Finds a Way" was well received, so your favorite author of sexy k-9 transformations has his paws on the keyboard again....  Last month's story delved into the new territory of female-to-male gendershifting, while this new pieces features something different. Remember, furfags, if you're under 18 or dislike sexy gay love or transformations or incest, please don't read this.  Otherwise, happy reading                                                                                        Job Benefits Alex Farrington was happy about two

things.First, that he was nearly done with the

afternoon's chores.  Only three tasks

remained on his list; one, feed the dogs; two, fill out some pedigree

information, which would be mailed to a buyer from the previous week; and

three, put Christopher, one of the kennel's top stud males, in a kennel with

Demi, a breeding female who was in the midst of her bi-yearly heat cycle.  Christopher had already bred her twice, but

Damon - Alex's dad and the kennel owner - liked to have females bred three

times, in order to be certain that the act would result in a pregnancy.  That was all very well, but it wasn't

what Alex had in mind.  What had him in

an exuberant, incredibly happy mood was the knowledge that following the end of

the day's work, he'd have announced to his father that today was his last day

as an employee of Tricolor Kennels.  Yes,

it'd been fun while it had lasted; yes, he'd miss his parents, he'd miss Kendra,

his sister; and maybe the dogs as well. 

But overall, nothing could hide the young man's excitement that his days

as a dog kennel employee were nearly over. 

No matter that that dog kennel was Tricolor Kennels, the most

prestigious working German Shepherd Dog kennel in the country.  No matter that buyers worldwide paid

thousands for his father's dogs.  No

matter how terrific they were, Tricolor's GSDs were still dogs, just that, and

Alex was glad to be rid of them. 

Christopher had been turned out into one of the play-yards beyond the

kennel buildings, a big fenced area with trees, dog toys, and some agility

obstacles.  The big male came loping when Alex called, a

handsome, sable-colored dog featuring the lanky build and short but soft fur

coat that Tricolor GSDs were famous for. 

He didn't need a leash; Christopher already knew why he was being

summoned at this particular hour.  The

GSD's shaft was already peeking out of his sheath as he followed Alex back into

the dog barn and to the kennel in which Demi was already waiting.At another time, Alex might have stayed

to watch the two dogs get it on, but today he had no time for such

pleasantries.  Instead, he left the

building and walked past two other dog barns to the office.  Phyllis, his father's part-time secretary,

had already left, leaving her desk in its usual disarray of scattered

paperwork, staplers, pens, paper clips, and other office supplies in a system

of organization which made sense only to her. 

Alex brushed aside a pile of envelopes and opened one of the file

cabinets in which his father kept the carefully systematized records of every

person who'd ever purchased a Tricolor shepherd. The last buyer had been a

woman named Natalie Bateman.  He found

her name in the B section of the alphabetically arranged files, extracted it,

found Miss Bateman's address.  Stuffing

the pedigrees into an addressed envelope was easy.  He slapped several stamps onto the envelope

and tossed it in the outgoing mail bin, which Phyllis would have to empty

tomorrow.  It wasn't like he'd be here

then!  He met Damon while walking to barn

where they kept pallets of the highest quality dog kibble money could buy.  It was a little earlier than they usually fed

dogs, but that wouldn't hurt.  Besides,

he needed time to pack up his room, if he was going to meet his deadline of leaving

early the next morning.  Damon Farrington was a very handsome

man.  No one had ever denied that.  Broad shoulders met with slender waist, blue

eyes the color of a darkening sky, caramel-colored hair that looked like it had

just had a comb brushed carelessly through it. 

He was the sort of man who drew the attention of women everywhere, and

who brought jealous annoyance from other men whose wives lost interest in them

when they laid eyes on Damon.  He'd been

twice offered a job as a model, and once, when he and Cate, his wife, had taken

Alex and Kendra to Disneyland, the stewardess had mistaken Damon for the actor

Paul Walker and moved the entire family to first class.   

Damon also had a cool, collected temperament.  Quick to smile and slow to anger, he'd been

an ideal father, an ideal husband, and to his dogs, the ideal master.  Because of this, Alex had, with time,

grown complacent to the point where, failing to notice how many others of his

generation had terrible fathers, he neglected to realize how lucky he'd been to

have such a fine man as his sire.  This fault aside, Alex was much like

his father.  He was a bit more slender,

and had inherited Cate's brown eyes, but otherwise looked very like Damon.  During high school, he'd been the boy that

all the girls (and some of the boys, too, or so he heard) had been crushing on,

and the question of who he'd invite to prom had dominated school gossip for

months.  He's also inherited Damon's

gentle personality and love for life, but exactly how much of his father's

assets he really had, well, that would wait to be seen."Dad! 

Got some good news" Alex grinned, deciding to get his announcement out

of the way early.  That would give his

parents more time to adjust."Oh? 

And what would that be?""I've been offered a job in Denver"

Alex said triumphantly. If Damon was displeased, he did not

show it.  "Well....that's good, I

guess.  What is it?""Reporter at one of their

newspapers.  I sent in a sample of my

work and they said I've got skill and wit. 

Plus the editor said they'd recently fired another reporter and need a

replacement."  Damon looked reflective.  "I take it you've decided to accept the

offer?"  He held up a hand to stop Alex

from replying.  "Because, you know, I

know you were disappointed when you couldn't find a job immediately after

college, but your mother and I have really enjoying having you back at home

again.  Plus it's nice to have you as my

co-worker.  If you leave I'll have to

hire someone else."Alex shook his head.  "I haven't accepted it yet, but I'm going to

email them back this evening. I'm leaving tomorrow morning." He didn't bother

responding to the rest of what his father had said."I guess there's no changing your mind

then?""I'm afraid not."  He decided to end it there, give his father

some time to think on it.  "I'll go feed

the dogs now."  He left before Damon

could reply.All through the chores Alex felt

thrilled.  He was leaving.  Leaving for good, not to attend school, but

to start a new life.  Today was the new

beginning.  He'd just put Christopher away and,

turning off the lights in the dog barn, stepped outside into the cooling

evening air.  Damon was waiting for him."Alex, just listening.  I've thought about what you've said, and I

understand that you want to try something new, be different, make something

with your life.  I accept that, and so

does your mother.  We will be happy with

whatever you decide."  He gave his son a

gentle smile, letting Alex know he meant what he said.  He always meant what he said."Good because-" Damon cut Alex off.  "But before you make your final

decision, I want to offer you one alternate choice.  Something just a bit different."Alex smiled sadly, feeling sorry for

his father.  Now he'd offer a pay raise,

or some other pathetic excuse for keeping Alex there another year.  "I'd like to offer you a permanent

position in this kennel's leadership, a long-term commitment.  Not just a part time job, but year

round.  With excellent benefits."  He smiled his dazzling smile, the one that always

sent women into embarrassed giggles of desire.Alex sighed. "Dad, you know it's been

nice working here, but I really do need to move on.  I don't know what else I could do here,

beyond what I've already done. Just more of the same, feeding dogs, walking

dogs, brushing dogs, training dogs, talking with buyers.  And more of that all over again.  There's nothing you could offer-""I think you might want to reconsider

that.  Saying there isn't anything better

you could be doing""And

what's that?"  Alex snapped, feeling

slightly annoyed.  Damon couldn't start

fishing for some little excuse to keep him on the kennel staff forever."Let

me show you" Damon said, smiling, eyes a-glow and white teeth showing.  And he....started unbuttoning his shirt?  What?"Dad,

that's wei...." Alex's voice trailed off. 

And he stared.  Damon

had completed unbuttoned his shirt, so that the sides hung down, exposing his

muscled chest, usually eye candy for any women or gay guys who happened to be

around.  He held his arms out to the

side, kind of loosely, like waiting for something to happen.  And Alex had noticed when it did.He

was embarrassed at himself for even noticing, but his father's pants, already

tight enough (he wore slim-fit), were getting tighter.  In the groin area.  His father was getting an erection?"Dad.  You're totally creeping me out." Alex said,

but he couldn't keep his eyes off his father. 

The cool air suddenly smelled strongly of dog, not an odd scent

considering they were at a dog kennel, but odd because of the way the scent

appeared, just there, where a second before, the only smell had been that of

the BBQ Alex's mother was cooking.  Damon

just grinned, and unbuttoned the top of his jeans.  Alex watched in confusion as his father

unzipped his jeans, the growing bugle behind them pushing through, straining

his boxers.  Still grinning, he pulled at

the boxers, shoving them down.Alex

was debating what to do next when something caught his eye.  He

had seen his father in the nude before. 

Neither Damon or Cate had much concern for whether their children saw

them naked, nor had they worried about whether Alex and Kendra saw each

other.  It had just never been a big

deal.  Yet now when Alex's eyes fell upon

his dad's cock, they didn't move away. 

His face contorted in shock. It was true that Damon had a larger-sized

cock, but now it was almost too big, and not only that, it was changing.  The hard flesh was rapidly darkening into a

deep red, and veins had popped out all over it. 

As if that wasn't enough, the tip had lengthened out into a point, and

at the base, two rounded orbs grew, one on each side.  Damon's

cock was now long and thick, dripping a clear liquid.  Alex couldn't tear his eyes away.  His father had just grown a dog's dick before

his eyes.  And that wasn't all.  Damon's chest was looking much harrier that

it should have, and his fingernails were getting longer and darker.Alex

forced himself to look away from his dad's quickly changing body and made eye

contact.  Damon's dark blue eyes

twinkled.  "Family secret, son" he

breathed, panting like a dog.  "It was

time you found out."  "What?"

Alex gasped, unable to understand. 

"You're a dog?""In

a manner of speaking.  But we can discuss

that later."  His ears had begun to grow

larger, his nose was turning black. 

"Time is of the essence.  I think

you'd better follow your instincts." He gestured towards his hard red

cock.  A furry sheath seemed to have

grown around the base."My

instincts?" Alex moaned, eyes falling back to his father's groin.  And suddenly, as if from nowhere, the

instinct appeared.  A horrible urge to

lick that long shaft, to taste the liquid dripping from its tip, to lick the

furry balls that were hanging below it. 

To kiss the rounded knot at the base of Damon's cock.But

how could he?  Much less the fact that he

was straight.  Damon was his father, and

was becoming less human by the minute. 

And yet he wanted to lick his cock? 

How bizarre, disgusting was that?Not

enough, apparently.  The appeal was just

too much.Dropping

to his knees, Alex licked Damon's rock-hard dogcock from the knot all the way

to the tip. His tongue came away with the taste of pre, sweet on the taste

buds, and he licked again, slower this time. The shaft was firm under his

tongue, a pleasant feeling.  More drips dribbled

onto his tongue.Feeling

incredibly horny, Alex kissed his dad's cock again and again, even as above

him, Damon's arms were becoming more and more like a dog's front legs by the

second.  He'd also grown a tail, which

now wagged happily behind him.  Alex

noticed only so much of this, his attention focused on the object of his

desire.  His own cock was painfully hard

in his pants, but he ignored it, not wanting to leave the tasty dogcock


licking just wasn't enough.  He opened

his mouth wider and took the tip in, gradually working his mouth upwards so

that more than half of Damon's shaft was in his mouth.  He sucked hungrily, instinctively, having

descended into an area of consciousness in which resistance was futile.  He could hear his dad's panting, no different

than the sound of any other dog's panting; feel two big paws resting loosely on

his back.Never

stopping his tongue work, Alex raised his eyes and looked upward.  Even at this point, where he'd stopped trying

to understand what was happening, the changes were shocking.  Damon's chest had narrowed and deepened,

looking very odd on a two-legged creature, and his head was almost

unrecognizable.  His face had grown

outwards into a muzzle; a long tongue hung over sharp white fangs, large radar

ears laid back in ecstasy.  He was

leaning forward over Alex now, as his body was no longer suited for a

two-legged existence.  Looking down, Alex

could see that his dad's legs, now freed by split jeans, were mostly dog, and

his feet had turned to paws.The

surprise of the changes only made him suck harder.  He had most of Damon's cock in his mouth now,

only the knot remained free, and the shaft throbbed in his mouth, the sweet pre

dripping down his throat.  His short

human tongue wasn't long enough for much at this stage, so he sucked, and

sucked it hard.Without

warning, Damon's hips buckled, and he thrust forward, hard, shoving his huge

knot into his son's mouth. Alex's cough was cut short as loads of hot shepherd

seed were pumped into his mouth, filling it and running down his throat.  Quickly pulling back, he sucked harder,

milking his dad's orgasm, liking the taste of his cum as much as his pre.  He swallowed it thankfully, licking his lips.When

Damon's dazzling release had ended, he dropped to the ground on all fours,

entirely transformed into a handsome, sable-furred German Shepherd.  His cock hung heavily below him, not quick so

hard as before, but still violently red, occasionally dripping more seed.  He turned around and gave his shaft a few

quick licks, enjoying the taste of himself.Alex had finally come to his senses. And he

realized what had happened...His

dad had just turned into a dog.And

he had just sucked off that dog, his dad, his dad the dog.The

taste of dog cum was still heavy on his tongue as he considered the taboos he'd

just broken.  He should be feeling

sickeningly horrified, yet instead he felt....elated? He glanced back at his


was still panting contentedly, tail swishing lazily.  Seeing his son's look of confusion, he gave

Alex several quick licks across the face, his tongue slipping momentarily into

Alex's mouth.  Damon's cock had mostly

receded into his sheath, leaving only an inch of two of meat sticking out, but

he wasn't done yet.  Alex

was still debating with two sides of himself when his dad surprised him yet

again.  Giving him one last lick, Damon

turned around facing the opposite direction, so his hind end now became the

fixture of Alex's attention.  Especially

when Damon lifted that bushy tail and exposed the dark flesh beneath it.Just

like before, when he'd suddenly had the urge to suck his dad's cock, Alex's

mind was presented with a new notion: he should lick Damon's tailhole.  That was possibly more taboo and forbidden

and revolting than anything he'd done thus far, yet tasting the handsome

shepherd's hole seemed even more appealing than tasting his cock.  He glanced around.  No one was watching...Tenderly,

Alex placed his tongue on the hairless place and licked across.  The taste was faintly musky, not at all

repellent as he'd expected.  Encouraged, he

licked it several times more with enthusiasm, in the same manner as he'd seen

stud males lick the swollen areas of bitches in heat.  Damon growled contentedly, lifting his tail

higher.  Alex raised his hands to hold

the dog's furry balls as he licked, feeling the soft fur and the firm, yet delicate

orbs between his fingers.The

more he licked the dog's backdoor, the more his resistance faded.  This wasn't anywhere near so horrible as he

might have thought; in fact, it was amazingly sexy.  His erection, which had subsided unfulfilled after

Damon's transformation, now returned, pressing tightly against the insides of

his boxers.    Feeling this was not quite enough, Alex

firmly pressed his tongue into his father's opening, feeling the muscle give

way, feeling an inch or so of tongue disappearing into the passage.  His tongue wasn't long enough to accomplish

much - imagine if he had a tongue like his dad's!  But he did feel around, just a little, the

musky taste stronger on his taste buds, Damon's growl of pleasure low and

long.  Alex briefly paused to wonder what

it might feel like to be on the receiving end of something like this.His

thoughts were ended when he realized his chest was feeling itchy.  Acting on instinct, he pulled the T-shirt

over his head, tossed it aside...and looked. 

His chest was definitely harrier than it should have been.  Inside his boxers, his cock felt different

somehow, as if the usual harness of an erection had been doubled.  He glanced back up and met Damon's eyes.  His father-dog had turned around and was

grinning again, exposing long, sharp fangs, his eyes filled with something....Feeling

like he was no longer in control of his body, Alex removed his jeans, yanked

off his socks, already strained by his toenails lengthening into claws.  The transformation was affect him too - would

he soon be a dog like his dad?  He

analyzed the possibility, wondering...would he really mind?  Although he'd never before found males or

dogs physically or sexually attractive, he couldn't deny that his dad looked amazingly

sexy as a German Shepherd, and in all likelihood, so would he...did he really

want to resist?  He put his hands, which

were starting to look vaguely like paws, onto the ground, feeling the earth

beneath them.  Damon's growl of approval snapped him back to

focus. The older dog was walking around Alex, swaggering, head and tail held

high, tail twitching.  A couple inches of

dogcock jutted from his sheath, already partly hard.  Alex realized suddenly that his father was

acting the same way Christopher and the other stud dogs did when courting a

bitch in heat.  He peered at his father's

muzzled face.  Was Damon still in

there?  Or was he merely a dog, with a

dog's instincts, a dog's mind?When their eyes met again, his question was

answered, for Damon grinned wider. He was still there, all right, but his mind

was clearly a mix of canine and human, and he was definitely treating Alex in

the same manner he'd treat a bitch.  Alex's

transformation continued through all of this, unstoppable.  He watched his hands turn to paws; watched

the sable fur spreading thicker and thicker over his body, watched the canine

shaft rise out of his boxers, throbbing and dripping and driving him irresistibly

horny. He felt the pain of his tail erupting from his spine; of his chest

beginning to deepen and grow narrower. His ass pushing outward, the two halves

melting together.  He felt the evening

breeze on his newly exposed tailhole, foreshadowing of what was to come.Damon

was behind him now.  He could feel the

other dog's hot breath on his tailhole, and he knew what his dad intended to

do, and why.  And abruptly he knew that

he wanted it, and accepted it.  This was

a new step in a new direction, the new beginning he'd been waiting for. To believe that it had been here the whole

time.  Leaving the kennel was entirely

unnecessary.  Lifting

his tail high, Alex presented himself to his father, ready to consummate this

change.  In the rush of new, hidden

emotions, he wondered why he'd never before felt attracted to his father.  It seemed so natural now, all of it; natural

to be attracted to other males, natural to be attracted to dogs, and natural to

be attracted to his father, to desire being Damon's mate.  Father and son were supposed to have a bond

anyway; taking the relationship to a new level only strengthened it, right? And

the fact that his father was now a sexy dog only made it all better.This

was why he didn't protest when Damon mounted him; when he felt those strong paws

gripped his changing torso, felt Damon's weight on his back.  His instincts told him that mating would only

speed up the change, and he wanted that; wanted the security of a new

form.  More than anything he'd ever


it came: the moment when he felt the tip of Damon's shaft press under his

tail.  Damon growled low, warning him

perhaps, then begun a steady humping, driving his cock into Alex's ass without

mercy.  Alex gasped.  The very first thrust sent fully half of his

dad's cock into his rear, the next had him hilted.  It

was impossible to ignore the pain of his initial penetration; that most

forbidden of places being invaded by something long and thick and hard.  A low whine came from his now-complete

muzzle, gritting his fangs, and adjusting. 

But after a few more thrusts, Alex couldn't deny that this was worlds

better than any human, heterosexual sex he'd experienced. Feeling the firm

harness stroking his prostate, the rich sensation of being filled full, his

father's balls slapping against his own. 

It was heavenly.Now

more dog than human, Alex closed his eyes, pushed against his dad's

thrusts.  He remembered how long Damon's

shaft was, and he wanted, or really, needed

that dogcock in him in its entirety. 

Below him, his own dogcock throbbed painfully, swollen to the brim and

desperately needing release.  Alex wanted

that release, but perhaps not so much as he wanted the fantastic thrusts into

his prostate to continue.  He pushed back


had turned up his thrusts, really pounding his son's ass now, and Alex felt his

dad's knot pressing harder against his opening with every new thrust. He

remembered seeing their stud males tie with brood bitches and wondered

gleefully what it would be like to experience that for himself.  It was a special connection between two

bodies, one that humans could never understand completely, but with his

dog-like mind racing to contemplate the passions he was feeling, he knew that

the tying of the knot was necessary to seal two dogs as mates. And now-Damon

gave him no warning.  In one passionate

thrust of humping, he shoved his knot in, humping it as deep as it could

go.  Alex gasped again, tongue hanging

from his fangs as he panted, feeling himself stretched wide as the knot popped

through.  And it was in.  Fully swollen, it locked Damon's cock in Alex's

ass, its rightful place.  Alex

was writhing in the frenzy of climax, his canine shafting shooting dog cum for

the first time, hearing Damon howl as his father also found climax.  Alex found he could no longer form words, but

he happily realized that in Damon's release, he was marking Alex as his bitch,

as his mate.  Just what Alex wanted to


the fact that he was being marked with the very substance that, 21 years,

prior, had created him, only made it better.It

did not take very long before Damon hopped off his son's back and left them

tied butt-to-butt.  Alex panted happily,

little realizing that in the stupor of mating, he'd forgotten about the

transformation entirely.  And now, as he

stood on four paws tied to his father canine, he was pure dog, a handsome

German Shepherd who looked very like a younger version of Damon. A regal

muzzle, tall, pointed ears; glossy sable coat; furry tail, which stuck out to

the side oddly due to their being tied; four long legs ending in big paws; a

thick dogcock dripping beneath him.  He

could have been any of the male shepherds in Damon's kennel, but he knew he had

something special - he was Damon's son. 

And Damon was the top dog, the Alpha. 

Alex suddenly realized that his father had probably sired many of the

dogs in the kennel himself.  And why

should he not, if he was a dog who could take human form?Damon

was looking back at him, same sexy grin on his handsome face, and Alex grinned

himself, feeling his dad's cock pulse inside him.  This was the life.Damon

had not been kidding when he'd said this job had its benefits.                                                                                             Epilogue                                                                                        Two weeks later.Damon

Farrington had discovered during childhood that he was different.His

father, Rainer Farrington, had founded Tricolor Kennels during the Cold War,

when German Shepherds were popular with the military, and had started to become

common as pets and as police dogs as well. One day, when ten-year-old Damon had

been playing with some puppies, he had quickly and unexpectedly turned into one

himself.  It was a revelation.  He could become a dog at will.  Rather than being frightened, the boy was

elated.  How cool he was!He

never told anyone, but went through childhood frequently changing back and

forth between dog and man, so that with time, he came to understand that he was

neither, but something in between, a strange creature perhaps meant for a

different world or a different time.  None

of this bothered Damon, though, for as he went through puberty, he discovered

that there were other ways to "play" while a dog.  As a teenager, he sired litters with some of

his father's shepherd females without Rainer ever realizing that his stud was

not actually the father of the puppies. 

The litters Damon sired produced even better dogs than Rainer's stud

did, so Damon never felt guilty about the deception.  Then, when he was 17, he spent an evening

with one of the younger males, not used for breeding much, and discovered the

wonder of being with one's own gender. 

From them on, he enjoyed the company of both bitch and stud, depending

on his mood or on the day in question.   After college, he took over Tricolor

completely, as Rainer and Damon's mother had decided to retire and move to

Arizona.  Before that, Damon had never

dated, but as the kennel's new owner, he decided that a wife and human children

would make his already-generous life perfect. 


was finding the right girl that became the problem.  For he learned that whenever he changed - for

how could he marry a girl without her knowing his wonderful secret - any person

who was with him at the time would be changed as well.  His first serious girlfriend had been Alanis,

and second had been Christy, but in both cases, the very first time he'd

changed with the girl, she'd ended up as a shepherd, and not just that, but a

male, and permanently.  Alan and

Christopher had made excellent studs, and were great to "play" with as well -

and apparently still had human life spans to boot - but they had not given

Damon the last thing he wanted.Cate

was different. She'd been absolutely thrilled that her potential husband was a

dog-man of sorts, and unlike the others, her shifts were temporary and

none-gender-changing.  They'd married

after only a year of dating, and both Alex and Kendra had been conceived while

their parents were dogs.  It was the only

proper way to do it.Eventually

as the years passed Damon considered sharing his secret with his children.  Of course there was the question of whether

the change would be permanent.  But that

was just a rick one had to take, and if it did come about, then so be it.  Life as an intelligent dog wasn't so bad,

especially in a breeding kennel.And

so the day had come.Damon

was returned to human form, just as usual, but Alex had not.  Not

that anyone minded.  Damon and Cate were

both happy that their son wasn't leaving them, even if he was now a dog.  He still slept in his bed; he still ate with

them; they'd worked out a simple code for communicating (one tail wag means no,

two means yes, and so on).  They'd

confessed the truth to Kendra, who took it surprisingly well (but how could she

not, being Damon's daughter?). Damon and

Alex frequently fucked together, and in the mornings, Damon usually had a dose

of Alex's tasty dog cum, when other men would be drinking coffee.  And Alex? He seemed perfectly happy to be a

dog. He didn't have to work for his

living (unless breeding bitches in heat counted).  He got the run of the kennel, the run of the

house.  He only needed to lift his leg

and start licking to receive a tasty snack and an amazing orgasm.  Or lift his tail if his dad was near.It really was life on top.Or

on bottom, depending on your preference.Author note:

This story is a bit shorter than "Love Finds a Way," which had a slightly deeper edge to the emotional relationship in it.  I've been wanting to write a father-son incest story for a while now, and what dog breed is better for such than German Shepherds?  This is probably the last feral story I'll do for a while though - I'm working off and on with a gay romance/murder mystery novel that I hope to publish via SofaWolf Press and also formulating a longer short story involving werewolves during World War Two...I've been listening to Within Temptation's song "The Howling" a lot lately and it has me inspired to write something featuring bad-ass werewolves :)  plus I've kicking around the idea of a historical werewolf-soldiers story for a while anyway.