A Dino's Crisis 5 - A New Era In An Old World

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#5 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 6 - A Dino's Crisis

As James enters a whole new world with a whole new life life becomes pretty damn good for him in its simplicity of survival. Until he is haunted once more by visions of memories he cannot even remember, and soon they manifest themselves in ways that start affecting his relationship as well as towards a revelation.

Dino Crisis copyrighted to Capcom, FinalGamer to me.

An entire world before James was waiting to be discovered, and so he would explore it with his pack, who already knew the land well. He followed them through the forests as they gazed wide-eyed at a world they thought they'd never see again. James was as unsure of it all, just as a hatchling would be, meek behind the rest despite having risen through the ranks over time. In their more natural environment however, the pack were as confident as anything, returning by their instinct to the place they used to inhabit, an abandoned nesting area with the faded scents of their own pack, on a secluded lakeshore hidden from view by the forest surrounding them. The place was a paradise, the woods filled with many creatures, fresh water from nearby, and above all it was rarely encountered by other dinosaurs. James gazed at all the amazing new creatures he had never seen before. Even as Oddscar, he had never seen any of them. Pterodactyls swooping with leathery wings across the sky; tall striding Diplodicus with elephantine body and long neck reaching up towards the same clear pure prehistoric skies; the Stegosaurus of plated back and spiked lethal tail known as the thagomizer as it waddled across the opposite shore. All this and more made James happy. Happier than he could ever remember. In his new life, months would pass by, his skills sharpening more and more, rising through the ranks to become one of the strongest and most lethal warriors, a fierce flexible hunter even able to spring off trees in his chase upon his prey. He was finally respected by the pack, and he had nothing more to want in his new life. He also still kept his honour to Barren by being the father of her children, who had grown into brave little hatchlings whom he taught to the best of his ability as well as with everyone else. The pack mentality was strong like a family should.

One great moment of James' feral life was the pack's attempt to take down a Triceratops that had strayed away from its pack, a young adult but still dangerous with its size and horns. They had hunted it through the forest as it tried to find its way back, sensing its anxiety, but knowing it could fight well. They tracked it for half an hour until it reached a more cleared area, where one of them played the distraction, keeping its focus on the single raptor in front of it. As the Triceratops tried to scare off his lone opponent, the others, in classic raptor fashion, came from the sides. Two on each side launched at the beast and tore through the scales, its roar deafening to the trees. Birds flapped everywhere above them in a flurry of ancient colours, the raptors unrelenting in their evisceration of their prey until organs began to show on each side. They hadn't managed to fully tear through before it managed to shake them off, as they soon circled their dying prey. James had been one of the nastier attackers with a good claw twist into the stomach, and it was clearly bleeding profusely from both sides as if someone drilled through a bottle of water. Hot blood dripped onto the ferns surrounding the area. Soon its focus was taken by near-death and it tried one last pathetic stumbling charge towards one raptor, but it was easily dodged as it collapsed near a tree. With that, they feasted plentifully upon the biggest feast James had actually ever had in his life, even if he could remember such. The blood was incredibly rich to drink, and the organs had a variety of thickening meaty tastes. James was especially fond of the stomach for some reason. After they had their fill, they carried as much as they could to the pack, or invited everyone to their kill to soon strip the carcass within the hour until bloody bones remained. All in all, the purple-marked velociraptor had truly become immersed into his feral mind, his id, and would want nothing more. And yet the dreams still came to him. They became less frequent, snatches of memories now and again, sometimes too blurry to make out, yet other times they were incredibly vivid to the point of feeling like actual memories that he somehow could not remember. They haunted him more and more during one particular week, about a year after his regression back on Ibis Island, and all he could do was visit someone who knew, in some way, how to deal with them.

"So," chirred Eyeclaw, "the sleep-sight returns to you?" "Yes...they used to go away but now they feel so vivid again, too vivid to be just visions. It's as if they're memories...memories of someone else." "Memories? Are there any in particular you remember?" "This...this female...she was grey-skinned, smooth, a beak like the featherless, wearing strange...things on her body, like the hairless did back on the island." "Intriguing...anything else?" "Strange things made of shining rock, running along black solid ground, a land filled with huge shining stones that many strange creatures live in...and...and a warmblood. With pure white hair, her lower body all sorts of colours...I can smell it was female...when I see her face, I am always saddened, yet I do not know why." "Well they are certainly not the visions I hunt, Oddscar. Those appear to be a different kind of vision, something that is calling to you if you see them so often." "But what can I do to unravel this mystery within my head!?!" "That is sadly something I cannot aid you with." "But-" "Many visions exist in this world and beyond, all of them are different. I do not know each and every one that appears to me...but should I ever find one like yours, I will inform you." "...that is as much as I can ask...thank you." With an affectionate nuzzle to the old raptor, the two licked each other and James walked away, still at a loss of what to do. He returned to Barren, trying to ignore the turmoil of his mind for now. The hatchlings had grown enough to not require constant care from their mother, and as such she was alone, chirring up at him rather seductively when he approached. "I have a gift for you, Oddscar." "Hmmm?" "I once told you that you could mate with me, when my litter had grown." "Indeed." She turned around and cooed with her tail in the air, showing off her warm pulsing cloaca. James, or rather Oddscar, had barely noticed how different his anatomy was, in the sense that while these true feral raptors had one single cloaca like all reptiles and birds do as an anal and genital slit, he had a more mammalian layout of a separate anus, his penis at the front between his legs. Not that this mattered to any of them when he wordlessly mounted Barren, and with a growing erection that formed very quickly, plowed brutally deep inside her warmth. The two screeched with pleasure, with a little pain from the female as he fucked her. He nipped her neck affectionately as he thrusted with all of his strength, growling to her, moaning at this simple pleasure, the desire to mate. "AH! Ohhh...O-oddscar you-" "Hush my mate...I will turn you swollen once more..." "Please...swell me with your eggs!"

Half of their minds were in instinctual duty to breed, the other engorged in a mire of lust. He thrusting all the way inside, shrieking as James clawed delicately at her sides in his efforts to stay on top of Barren, dominating her, the two relishing this moment. And yet for James, something awoke in him. There was something that amounted to love, awakening in his mind, slowly coming to the forefront of his thoughts even as he slammed his hips in an automatic fashion. Something else stirred in his mind. Something he did not know of, something he could never imagine. A memory of this passion, this love, this warmth of a female, it called to him from the deepest trenches of his mind and he saw the face of that white-furred mammal. The scents were so rich of love and passion, and before he even realised, he cried out in another voice beyond his growls and shrieks, a voice nothing like a true raptor. "AAAAAAGH DAAAISYYYYY!" His climax overflowed through his unusual cry, the seed filling deep within Barren's womb, as she gasped and shrieked at the feeling of a male's essence filling her once again. She moaned up at James, somewhat stunned when he finished. He slipped off of her body carefully, her cloaca dripping of his semen as she murred: "Wh...what was that sound?" "Wh-what sound?" "You...when you filled me, you cried a strange sound, I couldn't understand it." "I...did I?" "Yes...it sounds...familiar...like something I've heard before." "Well...no matter. We should not worry about such...my mate." With his orgasm winding down, he nibbled her cheek softly, making her chirr and lick him in return, the two nuzzling up together as they laid down for the day. Barren was confused at what her new mate could possibly do, even beyond his odd anatomy and how he made such a sound that no other raptor in her life had ever made. Somehow, she knew that sort of sound. She just couldn't remember right now. She considered upon it as she laid her head down to sleep.

Over the next few weeks, Oddscar would regularly mate with Barren to ensure her pregnancy, always just as rough as the first time with her, with as much passion as he could give. Yet whenever he felt himself in a most mind-bending height of orgasm, he would still call out in that other voice, a voice that no raptor could ever make. This did not happen every time he mated, but whenever it did, Barren became more disturbed by it. She tried to wonder on who she could possibly talk to about it, even if other raptors had heard James' odd sounds. She didn't do anything truly about it until one particular night, when the same sounds came murmuring in his sleep. "Sarah..." Barren looked down upon her mate, the sounds scaring her more and more, unable to understand. "Wake...wha...n-nnnngh...ibis...s-stay back..." Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and decided to try visiting someone who knew about unusual things. Tenderly picking her way through the mostly sleeping raptor pack, she came upon Eyeclaw, nestled within the shade near the forest as always. He shivered sickeningly in his characteristic spasms, writhing in pain. "NNNNNGH!" "Um...h-hello?" "A-aaaaaagh...this...ohhh...this vision...nnngh." At this point the female raptor felt she was surrounded by freaks, but she steadied herself to walk up and chirr: "Hello!?" "Y-YES!?! P-please, wait, I almost have iiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIT!" With a frightening sudden twitch that made her think he would die, he shuddered and laid on the ground, looking so very wounded as he gazed up at his visitor with a gentle murr. "Ah...hah...hhh...ohhh hello my dear...and what is a fertile female such as you doing so near to a wretched old star hunter such as I?" "I...I know you have become friends with Oddscar, my mate, over time-" "Ahhhh yes, the stranger, or former stranger, whatever we call it now...does his sleep-sight still haunt him?" "I wouldn't know, but he's been acting very...strange lately." "Strange?" "He won't know it because, he doesn't realise it but...he's started making these strange noises." "Noises?" "Whenever we mate and he becomes so entrenched with filling me, he...he cries out this strange sound, nothing like any of us can make!" "Hmmm..." "And just now, he's started growling those same strange sounds in his sleep! P-please, let me show you-" "Now now dear, we can't be bothering the pack in our sleep!" "Just skirt around to our nest, he'll be there, please help me! I...I'm scared..." "....with such a plea from a female, how can I resist? Lead me." "B-but I-" "Lead. Me."

With that order, she took him around the pack grounds over to where James still laid, murmuring to himself in sleep at random intervals. Eyeclaw hoped that his spasms had passed for now to not interfere with this stakeout. Seeing the purple-marked raptor, they waited in silence as he slept, until several minutes later, there came more of his strange sounds. "Daisy....who...no...where...taking...mmmm ahm awake..." "See?" murred Barren. "His growls are...different like this." "Indeed...that IS strange. And I know plenty of strange things." "Is there anything you can do to help him out of it!?" "I wish I knew...I haven't encountered anything as such in my visions...yet...hmm...I should discuss this with a friend of mine." "Will he be able to help us?" "I think he can offer a solution. I will see him personally, you just keep beside your mate and keep him away from me." The two nodded as the old raptor wandered back to his shaded private spot, with Barren awkwardly moving back to beside her mate, trying not to hear his strange words. Eyeclaw began to ponder on where he had heard such odd sounds before. Like Barren, he found them familiar as well but he had no idea where. His mind wasn't as sharp as it used to be which did not aid matters, so he decided that tomorrow he would seek his friend, and discuss this with him when he woke up. For now, without his painful spasms, he went to sleep as best as he could to try, and remember where he had heard those sounds before. The next morning, Oddscar woke up, beside his mate whom he nuzzled and chirred: "Good morning, my dear." "Mmmm, morning." "Did you sleep well?" "I did, thank you." "Do you feel swollen yet?" "I'm...not sure..." "Don't worry, I'll make sure." With a playful nip to her neck she chirred a little unenthusiastically which confused him. "Is...something wrong?" "N-no, I just...feel tired." "But you just got up." "Maybe I am swollen, females tend to get tired when we have a litter expecting." "Mmmm I hope so...such a large family you shall have." "More to the pack, our ranks shall swell like my belly." "Beautiful...I think I will see Eyeclaw today." "Wh-what!? But why?" "He is my friend." "But could you wait a while longer?" "Why?" "Because...I...I want to mate again! Yes, please, mount me!"

Despite her willingness and flaunting her tail to him, he smelt nothing of the scent indicating such from her, and he was not fooled. "Do you have a problem with me seeing Eyeclaw?" "I just...I can't, I want to spend time with you!" "We have an entire day, I only need see him for a short time before I return." "BUT ODDSCAR!" "WHAT!?!" "...he doesn't want to see you right now." ".......what?" "I...we talked last night, I had to ask him about-" "What!? You talk to him about me behind my back!?" Somehow this feeling of betrayal was familiar to James more than he thought, but in his confusion he became enraged, and ran off to see Eyeclaw regardless of his mate's shrieking pleas. When he reached the shaded lair, he saw Alpha conversing with him. Intrigued moreso by why Barren did not want him talking to Eyeclaw today, he listened in to the leader and the exile. "I know what I say sounds mad-" "-and considering your mind since back then it sounds perfect." "But you must believe me, his mate herself came to me and told me he began acting odd!" "Well, perhaps Oddscar is a more fitting name than we expected." "I consider odd to be rubbing up trees all the time like a three-horn, not with strange growls that sound like a hairless!" "Do you realise how absurd that sounds!? One of us, speaking the language of the hairless!? That has to be a concoction of your broken mind!" "You go to Barren and ask her, she will fully support my words, she was the one who came to see me!" "...since you did not even mention your visions as usual...I will look into the matter. Was that all?" "Yes...but that Oddscar becomes stranger to me everyday." "What's that supposed to mean?" "I...observe him now and again in your pack." "Have you been discussing with him!?!" "N-no no! I know the rules!" "Good. Then we are done for today." And with that Alpha left Eyeclaw to his own, with James heading swiftly back to the grounds to be called upon if needed. Soon he was met by the leader, taken to a forest clearing further away from the grounds to discuss things. "What is it my leader?" "I hear things from the pack that you have been acting...very strangely." "I...I wouldn't know anything about that." "Your mate included." "Wh-what?" "She as well as a few others have claimed that you have been making strange noises...noises that none of our kind should make." "She..." It was finally coming together on the fact she must have conferred with Eyeclaw on this matter. "I...she has claimed this for a long time to me." "And yet you do not realise when you make such sounds?" "No, never! She claims it's when we mate-" "As well as when you sleep." "What!? She never told me that!" "All I know is that there are claims against yours, and you do not seem to be able to offer evidence." "If I knew how I managed to make the sounds of the hairless, I wouldn't have had my mate sneaking around!" ".....I never mentioned hairless."

James' frantic tongue had slipped up. "...um..." "How do you know it is that?" "I...I..." "Barren did not mention it, she does not even realise...but Eyeclaw did." "M-my leader I-" "Have you been discussing with Eyeclaw, after I have specifically told you never to do so!?" "Why must we not speak to him yet Barren and YOU can!?" "You SPIED on me?!" "I wanted to see Eyeclaw, I had to-" "YOU DISOBEYED ME!?!?" Alpha slashed him hard across the cheek, enough to make him fall nearly to one side with a screech, before he leapt on Oddscar's back and bit down on his neck hard, almost breaking the flesh. "AAAAAAGH!" "YOU. NEVER. DISOBEY ME! I TOOK YOU IN ODDSCAR, I MADE YOU PART OF MY PACK, YOU SWORE YOUR LOYALTY TO ME!" "I...I had to know-" "You know NOTHING! You will NEVER know anything, you useless little lizard! You even insult your own parents with your existing stupidity!" "Wh...what!? Don't you EVER say-" "Or what? You'll fight to protect the honour of your family, that you cannot even remember?! Even your own mind considers you worthless!" That was the limit. Somehow, that right push of a button in his brain brought a small part of James out into a screeching fury, his eyes tensing up with a fiery flare, not caring anymore as he rolled towards Alpha and pushed him away before launching himself at him. All those times of being pushed around had welled up enough inside him to fight back, beginning a brutal contest as they circled each other, a ring mentally marked in each other's mind, growling to each other. "So...you wish to challenge me." Something in Oddscar had awakened. A sense of deepened outrage that could not, would not allow him to back down. "Even if I cannot remember who they were...I will NEVER let you insult the ones who gave birth to me!" "Is that pride I see? Something new to see from you, when you came here as a frightened little hatchling begging to become the bitch of my pack just to belong somewhere...it's a shame that it will be the death of you." "I want an answer from you, being respectable to you won't give me it. So if I have to tear it from your very throat, then I will!" "You can try, hatchling."

Oddscar launched at his leader, slashing half of his face as his opponent dodged to tear through the flank with a brutal slashing kick, making him bleed but not giving in as he turned fast to grab the leg and clamp down on it brutally. Alpha screeched as he countered with several furious slashes upon the lesser raptor's head, the two roaring and shrieking at each other into a violent multislash as they separated swiftly, alone without witnesses. "You tell me not to approach Eyeclaw, yet you approach him yourself, as if he was an old friend! What is he to you!?!" "His mind does not concern you!" "WHAT IF IT DOES!?!? WHAT IF HE KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME, OR MY PACK!?!" "He knows NOTHING, you orphaned FREAK!" Alpha charged, this time with a high-leaping attack, but Oddscar dodged under and slashed upon his back, trying to get on top of him to bite down on the neck. Snarling saliva drooled down Alpha's back, but he barely had time to bite down more than a few inches before he was thrown off with a side roll. The two locked their claws upon each other once more, slashing maniacally once more at each other's face and neck. "I should have killed you when I had the chance, Oddscar!" "And now you will never get that chance again, Alpha!" "YOU WILL ADDRESS ME AS YOUR LEADER, YOU WORTHLESS SCUM!" "I WILL NOT FOLLOW A LEADER WHO SHIELDS HIMSELF IN SUSPICION AND WILL ONLY SHOW REMORSE TO ONE USELESS BROKEN-TOOTHED OLD FOOL!" With that, Alpha roared and clamped down on James' neck, hard enough to crush it if he applied any more force beyond what he already had, making his opponent struggle and squeak in a shuddering pain. Oddscar whimpered with a gasping agony, able to feel the veins in his neck pulsing hotly to not die so near vicious fangs. Blood was so close to spurting that he felt truly he was going to die. And yet Alpha did not kill him, even with this chance. Instead he growled: "NEVER...call my father...useless. Now...do you wish to die...or submit?" The revelation of the answer he had been wanting to know for so long was offput from his mind by the prospect of death so close to his body, and realising the only way to live with this knowledge was to submit, he relented and did so, once again to Alpha. "I...I submit...my leader."

With respect properly shown to him, Alpha moved off of him as Oddscar gently got up and gazed at him. His neck was bruised deeply of teethmarks that would bleed soon, but they would heal on their own without any major damage thanks to the restraint and skill of his leader. "My father...was a magnificent hunter. He taught me everything I knew, he used to lead this pack, and most of the pack knows it. The younger such as Barren do not know of his rule, prosperous with his intelligence. But...one day, before we arrived to the strange island of the hairless, he began to experience the most sudden vivid hallucinations. He imagined he was chasing stars or the visions of other creatures, and his body would continuously twist and shiver in a vile agony. An agony so great, he let himself submit to the illusion, letting his mind sink into wild beliefs. Soon his logic would die...and so would our respect for him." "And...why is he like that?" "We don't know. Even if we did, I do not know if we can even cure him. I know he suffers, I am the only one with any right to be near him, to comfort him, to keep him with us as a symbol of what we used to be. A great and prosperous pack of the forest lake in our homelands." "...I...I see...I'm sorry, leader." "Now you understand. And now you also realise one other thing." "What's that?" Alpha stepped right up against James to the point of nudging him over, and growled: "That I am a better fighter than you...for now."

A Dino's Crisis 6 - Run Raptor Run

After the clash with Alpha, which as far as the pack knew was just a failed challenge for leadership and nothing more, James began to leave Eyeclaw alone, and continued with his own affairs. More than a year after his regression, Barren had become...

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A Dino's Crisis 4 - Danger Is Its Own Reward

James watched with silent intrigue at the two raptors, the leader and the exile. From how they acted to each other, they were seemingly rather close with each other, closer than what would be expected between their places. _"So you still seek...

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A Dino's Crisis 3 - Hunter of the Stars

After his initiation, James would wake up amongst the pack in the following week, now sleeping within their grounds, awaiting any order from his new superiors which was essentially everyone in the group. Soon one female approached him, one who had...

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