The bleak life of a black rose part one

Story by Serrahtheblackrose on SoFurry

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((I'm not exactly sure if this should be all ages are not also I'm planning on working on this for a while please give feedback any is good))

I never asked for love hell I never asked for a reason to live up to this point. You see I find myself to be quite worthless in fact I don't find a reason why anyone would care if I lived or died. My name is Rose I'm your worthless pile of filth that will never be loved. You see I found love is hopeless men will just thrust their javelin through your delicate flower and leave you for dead if it dares spur seeds of your youth that are born into worthless beings like you. You wish they were given a better life with a better mother but I am no kind of mother.

I decided to give my seeds up for adoption and luckily found someone whom could grow them better then I could. They were a happy couple they took them and after they left I cried as I would never know that kind of happiness and that I would never see my children ever again. Maybe I would in a couple of years but they would not recognize me or vice verse but they got a better life from it. I'm glad they wouldn't have and emotional train wreck like me a sixteen year old girl with parents who are demons and 'friends' who are devils well I make up the friends part since I have none.

All I ever wished for was to be strong and be brave is that far to much to ask or does it become a wheezing like breath for help. I feel so alone in this world sometimes I think about ending it all. I think that would be the best solution. I wish it was only that easy as I never have a private moment with the rooftops and kiss the ground with my lovely corpse.

Though I think it's impossible for me to die at this point I already feel like a walking corpse with no eyes just blindly walking along a never ending path. This is the suffering of an illusion that I dare even think about. My life has no meaning at all. Nothing my life is simply an endless void of endless consequences. You see my buds have already popped and went off to a better life I on other hand have no life.

How can a simple anthro like me handle such annoying things like being called putrid and morbid. How can such a bruised husky keep her beauty if nobody wants her and nobody loves her. It's simple that it's so clear that all creatures hate her. I soon found a reason to live I found my purpose my calling the reason I'm here.

One night on a cold evening the wind was rather vigorous and roaring just usual for the season of falling leaves and half alive trees with falling leaves. I was going to the lesbian bar in town as I found that to be my haven where I felt loved and accepted. They always let me in which was odd for a bar but whatever I found a girl my age there with beautiful long flowing blonde hair and her fragrance gave me the breath of fresh air. Her name was like silk and soothing lavender her body curved and slender her name gave meaning to her gender her name was Serrah. Such a lovely name with a lovely face her body moved with grace and she was right in front of my very own face. Along with her wolfish tail and face I was in heaven and grace as I have never seen such a beautiful wolf before.

"Hello..."I simply said my face dropped almost dead from the wonderful female that uplifted my head.

"Hello...Do I know you?"She said back with her silk voice and long hair as her body said she truly cared.

"Not yet."I said with grace trying to hide my blushing face hoping I didn't seem like such a disgrace to such a beautiful face.

"Well my name is Serrah what's yours?"Laces upon laces her face had so much graces and it never lost the fact of beauty.

"My name is Rose, it's a pleasure to meet you."I said my face almost sweating with sweet honey dew. My face burnt up like a nice warm stew. A fire was in my heart I couldn't put it out it almost made me want to shout. I held my hand to meet hers to greet her presence along with everything about her."

"Would you like to go talk somewhere better perhaps this place isn't the best for something like this."She said back as it overwhelmed my body her voice like an angels that shook my body.

"I would love too, let's go to your place if that's alright with you."I hoped I didn't sound far too creepy as we just met and barely knew each other I was a stranger still.

"Sure, one question though why not yours?"She said in the silence of the bar as it seemed as if time stood still for us both just so the intoxicating air didn't choke us both with a heavy rope.

"My parents will know where I have just been and they are not the kindest of folk."I said hoping that I wouldn't have to go into detail of the bruises they gave me the fights they had. I only wished I could have said for my place but no creature could live there without choking on the smoke of the flames that brewed within the house of hell.

"I understand, well I will lead you there I hope you won't mind my room it's a bit of a mess."I didn't notice but we were walking and talking she seemed to mention how we were almost there and I couldn't wait to get to know more about her.