Jeremy Taylor 4

Story by XrandolphX on SoFurry

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#4 of Jeremy Taylor

This is the 4th part of the story of Jeremy Taylor and I apologize for how long it took me to upload this I don't really have an excuse other than I kinda had some writers block and could not find what I like to do with this series until now well I hope you enjoy

Oh and if there are any errors please let me know :D

As we pulled out of the restaurants Parking lot we made a B-line straight for the coffee shop of the name wake up My place of work. On the drive there jenny kept her self glued to my arm as per Usually it wasn't that far of a drive from the restaurant maybe 15 minutes on the Road. So jenny and I listened to some of our favorite songs singing along as As loud as we could each of us smiling at each other. As we finished the fourth Song on the playlist we were already there.

As we Pulled pass the front of the shop we could already smell the intoxicating aroma Of coffee as we rounded the end of the end of the strip mall wake up was Attached to we headed to the employee parking lot and that's where I parked my Car.

I turned The key and shut off my car and looked over at jenny still hugging my arm Happily

"So havinga good birthday so far?" I asked as I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on The forehead

"It's been The best night every big bro" she answered with a tight squeeze on my arm

"I'm glad Now lets go get some coffee to end this night right" when I said that she let a Pleasant yip as she let go of my arm and let her self out of the car. Me being The gentlemen that I humbly am wanting to let her out but she beat me to the Punch.

I followed Suit and got out of my car locking it as I walked toward the back entrance Wake up.

When Jenny and I reached the stairs there she was again Hugging my arm as we walked up the stairs.

I reached For the handle to the door and stopped and turned to Jenny

"Ok sis Close your eyes" I told her

"Okay" she squeaked In her excitement

As I opened The door the inside of wake up was quiet and dark but right as the door shut behind us I told jenny to open her eyes and when she did she was greeted with Friends and family and even Jeff who even I was surprised to see.

But when Jenny saw Jeff she was elated and ran straight to him

"Bigger Brother what are you doing here I thought you were helping that hospital out" She said through the tears of joy

"Hey a The hospital can wait its not every day that you sister turns 16" the bigger collie Said as he picked her up in a big bear hug

"But hey There's someone else here I think you would like to see" he said as he set her Down and gestured to a brightly smiling golden retriever of about her same age

"ohmigoshRachel" she squealed with even more excitement as she literally tackled her Best friend from back in our home town.

Rachel was jenny's oldest and bestest Friend but when we had to move up here to live with Jeff 5 years ago. She was a Gorgeous gold and the years have been very kind to her, her long light brown Hair that fell loosely to her shoulders complimented the rest of her fur that Was a little darker than her head hair. She wore a nice green sundress that came Just above her knees.

"Hey jenny" Rachel said as she recovered from hitting the floor "long time no see"

"Oh Rachel I've Missed you so much how did you get down here who invited you" jenny asked Several fast questions

"I've Missed you to jenny and Jerry gave my parents a call about a week ago and Invited us to come down and see you" she answered gesturing to Jerry as jenny Let her up and she dusted off her dress

"Big Brother you did all this for me" she said as she let her emotions get the best Of her as she ran to me and gave me a hug that almost knocked the breath out of My lungs

"Yep I sure Did the pup" I said as I ran my hand through her hair and look down at the smiling Crying adorable face that buried itself in the chest of my chest that was covered By my jacket

I returned The hug and gave her another kiss on the cheek

"Hey why Doesn't you and Rachel go catch up on the patio out back while Taylor and I make Our drinks" I said as she started to calm down she composed her self and off The two best friends went and sat together on the patio and started chatting About this and that while I started the real surprise that me and Taylor worked On.

"Hey Taylor Is the cake in the fridge" I asked as I began to walk to our pantry room that was Right behind the bar and barista station.

"Yea it Should be where we left it last night" He answered

I reached The large industrial refrigerator that sat next to the equally sized freezer I opened The door to said fridge and they're right where I put it was the amazing cake Taylor And I slaved over for the past week of work hours. It was a masterpiece it was A perfect white cake one of the fluffiest batters Iv made ever and its taste is Divine and also one of jenny's favorites. We covered the 3 cakes that gradually Grew smaller and covered them in fondant and then I did my best to using some Good lacy designs on it that really captured the essence of my sister's Personality in my mind.

I took it Out and carried it carefully to the table in the middle of the store where the Family and friend could look at it before I put the candles in and carried it Outside with my sister

The cake Got several oohs and ahhs that I was very pound out masterpiece got so much Attention. After I lit the candles Taylor came from behind the bar caring there Drinks very skillfully as he followed me out the back door. Jeff was the one to Open the door for us

And then The rest of the friends and family followed as we started singing

"Happy Birthday to you Happy birthday to you" we sang as we all stepped outside and As I turned the cake away from my face to look at jenny all I saw was Rachel Lying unconscious on the ground and the chairs and tables all in disarray

The singing Was cut off as everyone saw what has happened I dropped the cake the minute I Saw Rachel on the ground and ran over to her to check her pulse and she if she Was breathing which she was

"Rachel, Rachel" I called her name in a whisper as I lightly patted her face she started To come to and then here eyes popped open and she shot upright

"Jenny oh No jenny!" she yelled as she started to stand and look around frantically

"Hey hey Rachel what happened where's my sister" I asked as I grabbed bother her arms And looked into her eyes which just read terror and sadness

"I'm notsure it happened so fast" she said as I let go of her arms she pushed her hands to Her face and shook her head

"Okay try Calm down and tell us what happened" I said as Jeff brought over a chair For her to sit in

She sat Down and rubbed her eyes as she slowly began to tell us what happened

"Jenny and I was siting at that table" she said and pointed at the overturned table and Chairs.

"Then all Of a sudden these two rats at least I think that was what they were grabbed us And tried to carry us away but I was able to break my mouth free of his hand And tried my best to scream but before I could I felt something hit me in the Side of the neck and then I blacked out and all woke me up"

She said gripping the side of her neck where there will most defiantlybe a bruse

"Okay so my Sister has been kidnapped" I said as I started to get angry "okay okay Jeff you Call the cops I got some rats to find" I said in a raspy voice as my rage Slowly took control of my body.

My Rage has Gotten me in some bad predicaments its like I go into different world and I obtain A type of super strength and it does not go away until the thing that triggeredit was found and or eliminated and this was something most of my family knew And only a certain few have successfully calmed me down and that was my brother Jeff, sister jenny and my mom and dad.

"Okay Jerry But please don't do anything stupid enough to get you or jenny killed remember The last time when she was taken out of your sight you almost killed that innocent Little boy"

He said referring to the time jenny Walked away to the other side of the park we were playing on when we were still Cubs with one of her friends from preschool who I didn't have the pleasure of Meeting yet and began to beat him to a pulp it took a full week for jenny toforgive me but she understood how much I cared for her and I only did it tomake sure she was okay

But thiswas different some strangers knocked Rachel out and took my sister all I couldthink was how they were going to pay

"This isdifferent bro they already hurt some one I care about and take the person Icare most about away from me they are not going to get away with this" I snarledas I placed a foot on the railing around the patio and shot off running as fastas I ever had as I began the search for my sister.