Small Savior Ch.1 A dream job

Story by DWP on SoFurry

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Some furs have the dream to tour the world. Some furs dream they could get paid to lounge around and have sex. What if you could have both. Collin the Rottweiler is about to find out in Small Savior.

Small Savior

Ch.1 A dream job


Club "Blinx" was packed. The line to get in was wrapped around the back of the building into the valet area and down the block. Collin planned ahead and left an hour early after getting showered and groomed and was near the front of the line to the number one gay club in the city. The rottweiler stood on his tip toes behind a pair of tall lioness waiting for his turn to hand over his cash and gain admittance. He grabbed for his wallet as the girls ahead of him paid and sauntered in through the clubs fogged glass door. The dog could feel the cool air rush past him as the door slid closed and the music that boomed was dulled by the barrier. Collin handed the male hyena register attendant his money and displayed his up and down I.D. He had only turned 18 a few months prior and was rather enjoying the new experiences of what the club scene had to offer. He received his change along with two black X stamps across his paws.

"Have fun honey," the hyena called over the music as Collin opened the door.

The rotty nodded and entered through the fog and lazer show that flashed in front of him to the music. It always blew his mind when he saw the large dance floor with countless male and females bumping and grinding with their friends in front of the D.J. station. Above him on the second floor was the drag show room and a quiet bar to play pool and drink in. They were hot guys every where dancing to the beat of the music all around the club. Normally him and his wing man would try and talk to someone but the panther was late. His best friend Izzy and his twin sister Irene should have been there already and the dog was started to feel lonely. Collin had tried going to the club solo one Sunday night and had a lack luster time to say the least. Even though the music had been jumping and the atmosphere was nice, most of the solo handsome guys he noticed he let slip away because he was too nervous to talk to them. Tonight would be different. He was wearing a green muscle shirt and a pair of black work Dickies. Around his neck, a silver twisted rope necklace, the one his mother had gave him for his 18th birthday. Collin watched the crowd dance as he stood against the wall waiting for the twins to arrive. The dog bobbed his head to a remix of Pitbull's "Moment for life" hoping they wouldn't be too much longer.

The rottweiler had seen a few nice pieces of tail walk in that he would love to talk to once his fuzzy wing man arrived. Even though Collin felt he was attractive, he was just too shy to approach some one on his own. He rubbed his paws together nodding to a small red fox who caught a glimpse of his double X's and smiled shaking his head. He had figured out after a few visits ago not being able to buy the guy he thought was cute a drink was a huge let down. He probably had a shot with the guys his age but do to being raised by a single mother, he wanted someone older he could drool over. He checked his cell phone and was about to text a nasty message to Izzy when the cat walked in accompanied by his sister. They were wearing matching red gucci hoodies and Lucky brand blue jeans. The pair always dressed alike as most twins did and even had matching black wrist watches. Girls were hitting on Irene as she pushed through a crowd that was gathering by the door as more furs waited for the members of their party to come in. She practically had to pull a poodle off of her while Izzy yelled Irene was strait. Izzy grabbed Collin by the wrist and tugged him and his sister towards the stairs away from the small mob. The smaller panther was always the one to take charge.

"Took you guys long enough," Collin shouted over the base of the song that was playing..

"Irene always takes forever in the bathroom," Izzy said ducking a swipe from his big sister loosing his grip on the dog.

"Your the one who spent an hour grooming your coat and head fur. Shame on you, blaming me because i'm a girl," she said putting the panther in a head lock.

Collin was too focused on a older looking jaguar dancing alone on the floor to notice the two grappling while a few patrons gawked and giggled at them. The dog watched the jaguar in his black slacks and blue button up shirt. He grinned as the cat's tail swung from this way and that. He liked tails on any specie. He was weird like that.

"Go talk to him," Irene said tracing the rottweiler's eyes and patting him on the back.

The dog nodded and was about to grab Izzy when the jaguar was turned around by a larger cheetah and pulled into a deep kiss. Collin rolled his eyes and retreated towards the duo who had found a table off to the side to sit at. They each had what looked like test tubes of pink liquid.

"2 dollar shots. The drink boys are so busy getting groped and counting change that they don't take the time to check for the X's of no swallowing," Izzy said downing his drink in one gulp.

Irene handed Collin one before copying her brother and downing the alcohol. Collin sniffed the tube and stuck his tongue into the opening dipping it in and tasting the concoction. It was sweet and had a hint of pink lemonade as an after taste. He tipped it back and placed it on the table along with the other two empty vials childishly smacking his lips trying to place the weird taste. Collin was about to ask what song was playing but was interrupted by a slender white bunny in what looked like Tripp clothes from Hot Topic. He was dressed in all black with a white collar around his neck. He stood playing with one of his long fuzzy ears.

"Can I be your daddy?" Izzy teased watching the bunny turn a shade of red.

"My friend over there. The big blue husky. He thinks your cute and wants to know if he can buy you a drink," the bunny said twiddling his thumbs like a cub who wasn't sure if he had done something right.

"Well, you just made my night. See that girls, that's a wing man," he called to Collin and Irene. "Tell rover to come on over".

The bunny smiled and walked off back towards his table. Collin leaned over and glared at the cat.

"Really? Your corny as hell bro," Collin said leaning back in his seat slightly feeling a head tingle from the small drink.

"Corny huh? Who's got a ripped stud coming over," he snapped licking his lips as the husky reached the table.

Izzy stood up and reached a paw out to shake the dog's paw but he blew right past him and squatted down beside his sister.

"I saw you shoot those girls down earlier as I was walking in with my friends. I heard your brother say you were strait and I figured I had to buy you a drink and ask your name," he said smiling brightly showing off his flawless white teeth.

"See that girls, that's how you get a man at a gay club. Come on Rover," she teased walking off with him with out a second thought.

Izzy still stood dumbfounded while Collin shook his head sadly as the pair faded into the crowd.

"Dude that was brutal. I thought you died when he walked past you," the rotty said chuckling to himself.

"Fuck you. Go buy more tubes," Izzy fussed back crossing his paws pouting at the thought of his sister getting his hot stud muffin.

Collin grinned and looked around for the test tube drink boys. He was sure he could score two more drinks with the change he had left as long as there was a distraction. He spotted a large muscular red wolf in nothing but a pair of black boxers and a black bow tie carrying a tray of test tube drinks.Collin wondered why Izzy said "drink boys". This wolf was all man with thick pectorals and a well defined six pack. He loved the thick red fluffy tail that waved behind him and wanted to hug it. The males he was standing by were gawking and ordering from his selection placing their money all around the rim of his boxers. Collin even watched a gator slip him a 10 dollar bill and sneak a grope of the wolf's package. He slipped up behind the wolf as he was rubbing an even bigger white wolf under the chin and Collin decided to try and get a drink at that moment.

"Can I get two," Collin asked causing the wolf to turn and smile down at the rottwieler.

"What flavors can I get for you big daddy. The brown one is chocolate bomb. The Pink one is pink sours, and the blue one here is called screwberry" he whispered in his ear rubbing a paw up his muscle shirt and under his chin.

Collin chuckled nervously and slipped his 5 in the side of the wolf's boxers and took two of the Pink sours. He was very pleased the big wolf had called him daddy and figured he was a bottom. The wolf reached for a dollar from the front of his strap to hand Collin but the rotty quickly shook his head.

"Thanks big daddy," the wolf whispered kissing him on the cheek and turning around as a bull smacked his left butt cheek.

Collin grinned watching the wolf's rump and tail move as he walked back to the table. All he could think about was getting his crotch broken by the powerful wolf. He was sure the lupine could snap his cock like a twig with the way this strong firm cheeks looked. As he approached the table he saw Izzy sipping on what looked like orange juice with a thick furred bob cat talking quietly. The big bobcat had Izzy under his arm as if the two had been chummy pals for years and was nuzzling the side of his neck. Collin shook his head and decided to down Izzy's drink. The panther seemed to be doing fine in that department. The feeling of loneliness was starting to kick back in as the twins conversed separately with the guys of their choice. "What did they have that he didn't?" he wondered to himself as he tipped back the first pink sour. He had tasted vodka before so he wondered if it was a mix of that and some sort of pink lemonade tasting juice. It reminded him of a pink lemonade jolly rancher. Collin took a seat at another table nearby. He didn't want to intrude on the pair of cats and their discussion.

Irene came back with the largest smile Collin had ever seen her with. She sat down holding a bottle of Coors light sipping it slowly. She looked over at her brother and scoffed. She always acted like a guy so Collin could see why the girls were always frantic when ever they spotted her.

"Look at him. You'd think mom gave birth to two girls," she said turning her head in disgust.

"Oh come of it. How'd it go with husky dog," Collin said smirking leaning in for the scoop.

"Sweetest dog ever. He's a military police canine with the air force. I gave him my number and he gave me his. Donavan," she sighed his name happily as if the two had already spent hours talking and getting to know each other.

"So where is Mr. Perfect now," Collin replied smugly looking around the crowded room.

"One of the girls he came with got a little too drunk and he had to take her home. Apparently the floozy couldn't get a ride with one of the other bimbo's," she growled through clench teeth.

"Behave, you got his number. At least you got to talk to some one," he grumbled laying his head on the table defeated.

"I think some one has an interested looker. See that lion in the suit. He's practically eating you with his eyes," she called as the music changed to a remix of "Stay" by Rihanna.

Collin turned and looked in the direction she was staring at. Sure enough a well defined golden fur red mane lion stood dressed in what looked like an expensive two button tailored black suit. He smiled at Collin and raised a paw in greeting.

"Irene, he's huge. You know i'm a top. He does looks like he'd literally eat me," he replied over the lyrics.

"He's a god. If I was a man I'd gladly bend over for that," she giggled licking her lips like a hungry cub.

"You make no sense some times. Holy hell, he's coming over. What do i do?" Collin asked frantically downing his other test tube drink for confidence.

"What if he's a bottom. Think you could tame all of that? You'd be whipped. I'd-," she stopped short as the lion pulled out a chair and sat down next to the pair.

Collin's muzzle gaped open as he watched the lion fix his tie before looking the rottwieler over. The cat could have easily passed for the most attractive and well dressed fur i the building. The dog noticed what looked like a very expensive diamond encrusted Rolex when the lion placed his paw back into his lap. He only knew that thanks to the countless hours at his mom's jewelry store fixing broken bands and straps. He had never seen a Rolex come through to be fixed but he had read about them in their catalogs.

"My time is very valuable and I have to be some where shortly, so I'll be blunt. See that brown otter sitting at the bar in the suit. That's Mr. Sonders," he said pointing allowing the two to catch a glimpse at the male sipping his martini.

"That gentleman is a very wealthy businessman in need of some thing specific. He's looking for a... companion of sorts. He wants some one young and full of energy to be his full time.... escort is the only way I can think to word it. You would be compensated for your time of course. Does this sound like something you'd be interested in?" the lion finished crossing his leg over the other and placing a paw on the table.

Collin sat blankly just staring at the lion. He blinked then started trying to process the small amount of information the lion had just offered him. He looked over at the otter who nodded and raised his drink. He was a sturdy little thing that looked as if he would only come up to Collin's shoulders if they were to stand face to face. He was very handsome in his suit and Collin loved the way the otters thick tail swayed to the music.

"What... What all am I going to be doing? I mean, what would be my job," Collin asked trying to grasp what the lion was asking.

"The otter wants to pay you to hang out and have sex with him" Irene blurted out matter-of-factly.

"Well, that sums it up young miss. That's basically what he's asking. He needs an answer some time this evening. Mr. Sonders is a very busy man. I have to get going. He'll discuss the exact details himself," the lion said checking his watch and standing up.

The lion turned and walked off with out another word. He stopped and patted the otter on the head before heading out of the glass doors of the club. Irene shook her head and tut tutted at the canine.

"Wow that was a hit and run," Collin voiced looking back at the otter.

"I never pictured you as an escort before. Lucky, I couldn't do it," she murmured trailing off and staring at the ceiling.

"Wonder why he wants me though? There's way hotter males in here he could buy. I saw a rottwieler twice as attractive as me a while ago," he said watching the brown otter order another drink.

"He probably wants some one with major self esteem and daddy issues. But seriously, older business guys pay to remove love and commitment so there not distracted from their work. Go talk to him. He looks kinda old but he's still handsome. Go mutt," she snapped out pushing him out of his chair.

Collin stumbled to his feet glaring at the female panther as she chugged her beer. She glared back pointing a finger towards the bar. Collin groaned and padded off over to where Mr. Sonders was sitting. The otter pulled back a bar stool as the dog approached and took the stool. He spun around facing the front and folded his digits over one another and stared at the clock hanging behind the bar. The otter looked him over before raising his paw. The barkeeper, a tall female red panda wearing a green bra and daisy dukes, padded over. She smiled and leaned down.

"What will it be sweety," she asked trying to keep her boobs from bouncing all over her flimsy bra.

"What do want?" the otter asked in a voice a little deeper than Collin was expecting.

Collin looked over the counter at the wide selection of drinks and found himself lost in even trying to tell the clear ones from the browns. There were even some light blue looking alcohols along with what looked like mixes of others.

"I had my first real drink tonight actually. The pink sours test tube one. I've had vodka before," Collin said scratching the back of his head nervously as the otter stared up at him through green piercing eyes.

"We don't drink that water down swill. Bring him a Vodka and cranberry juice. Grey goose and ocean spray if you have it," he ordered finishing his martini. "One more for me as well."

Collin placed his paws in his lap just in case anyone noticed his double X's as he sat with the otter.

"How old are you?" he asked as the bartender returned with their drinks.

"I just turned 18 a few months ago," he mumbled feeling intimidated in the otter's presence.


"Err I'm not fully sure actually. The guy and I got busted by his guy's parents before we could finish," he grumbled taking a sip of the purple liquid and gagging.

The otter laughed and shook his head watching the dog's face twist and distort. Collin smiled and took a smaller sip this time. This drink was nothing like the candy tasty pink sours he had earlier. Mr. Sonders smiled and took a sip of his martini and nibbled on the lime before speaking again.

"I'd say your a virgin still. We can fix that easy though," he said with a shrug.

Collin coughed in embarrassment and took another sip of his drink to hide his nervousness. He couldn't help but get slightly aroused at the thought that out of all the furs in the building the otter wanted him.

"How big are you?"

Now Collin was glad he was dark furred or his face would have been heavy shades of red. He tried to clear his throat and shook his head.

"I'm not sure. I don't keep a ruler handy," Collin said dumbly.

Mr. Sonders reached over and groped the dog squeezing his growing member firmly in his paw. Collin yipped and clenched a paw around the bar counter edge.

"Your decent pup. Your more thick than long," he stateded casually letting the dog go.

The rottwieler had to reach down and reconfigure his now hard member. He fixed himself and watched the otter take another drink like what had just happened was normal for him. He took a breath and copied the otter taking another swig. He noticed this drink was way more powerful than the small pink one. His head was swirling now and the music in the back ground seemed to be pulsing though his body and into his brain. The flashing lights of the club seemed more colorful and vibrant as he looked around. He saw Izzy on the dance floor grinding back against the bobcats crotch as they danced to the music. Irene had unavoidably attracted several female groupies that had gathered around her table and were chatting it up.

"If you want the job, my vacation season is starting soon and I want to go on a few cruises with some one.

"Your going to take me along with you," Collin asked eagerly.

"That is the plan," the otter replied finishing his drink.

Collin was barely half way through his and was buzzing very nicely. He watched the otter stand up and watched him dust himself off.

"I'd like to talk more about travel and compensation at my house. I'd like to see what I'm getting before we finalize anything," the otter stated as if he was buying property off the market.

"Um...I'll be right..... back," Collin said hopping off the stool and bounding towards Irene.

"He wants me to go home with him. What do i do," he whined cutting the girls off in the middle of their conversation.

"Duh. Go with him. He's a little otter. I hope your not trying to tell me your scared he'll be a slasher or something," she sneered causing the girls to giggle.

"Just like that?" he asked.

"Just like that," she parroted. "I'll tell Izzy your leaving. If things go sour call me and I'll come and rescue my little puppy."

Collin rolled his eyes and turned around padding back over towards the otter through the small crowd that was ordering drinks. The bar keeper was getting so many tips she ended up having to stuff her braw with bills once her tip mug filled up.

"So are you going to call a taxi?" Collin asked sitting back down.

The otter glared up at the rottwieler with an icy stare as if the dog had just talked smack about his mother. He shook his head and pulled out his cell phone. Collin's jaw dropped seeing the smart phone he had wanted all year. The Sony xperia z went up to the otter's ear before saying, "Pull the car up. I'm done." He pocketed his phone and headed towards the door. Collin took a final sip of his drink and quickly followed growing more nervous by the second. He waved a goodbye to Irene before tailing the otter through the fog glass door towards the exit. He didn't see Izzy and figured he and the bobcat found a quiet place to talk. The hyena at the counter grinned and gave him the thumbs up as they marched by. Collin smiled numbly back and waved as they pushed through the door into the warm breeze of the out side air. The warm air felt good against his fading buzz body. His ears throbbed as the sounds of the night life replaced the club music slowly easing him from the chaos. Collin watched the otter walk up to the curb as a long black Mercedes limousine with heavy tinted windows winded the corner and stopped in front of the mammal.

"Were taking a limo?" Collin chirped wondering what the inside of the elegantly crafted vehicle looked like.

He had never rode in a limousine before and had always wanted to be chauffeured around like some one important through out the city.

"You will be driven to and from my house everyday by Clent. I don't ever want to see you near a taxi again," the otter scolded as a a Clydesdale emerged from the driver seat and opened the back door out for them.

Collin nodded as Mr. Sonders eyed him before following the otter into the limousine. Collin looked around like a kid in a candy store drooling over the two long rows of white leather seats and the back wall seat. Near the front was a small bar station and over that a 10 inch flat screen tv. Mr Sonders even had area that holstered his laptop into place. The door shut behind him as he slid into place on the back wall seat next to the brown otter. He was busy untightening his tie while the horse started the engine and slowly lurched forward.

"So, What you do Mr. Sonders," Collin asked as the otter hung his suit jacket on a hanger to the side.

The otter unbuttoned his top button and leaned back into his seat closing his eyes.

"I own several major companies specializing in new energy technology and software for vehicles. I'm going to change the way cars work in this world," he mumbled rubbing his temples nursing a small growing head ache.

Collin leaned back in the seat and glanced over at the closed eyed otter. Now that the rottweiler could see him in the light of the overhead lamp, he studied the him over. He looked as if he was in his late thirties. His tail was neatly curled in his lap and his paws relaxed on either side of him. His whiskers twitched as he sat and Collin couldn't help but smile watching the strong faced otter try and get comfortable. He looked out the window at the other cars on the road and felt a tad noble as he wondered what they thought of the nice limo. The screen that divided them from Clent slowly slid down and the horse came into view. He looked into his rear view mirror before saying, "We'll be arriving at the estate shortly." The window raised back up with out the otter muttering a word.

"So what made you choose me," Collin mumbled after sitting in silence for a moment.

He sat up and opened his green eyes looking the dog over.

"I saw you and thought to myself, you could be better," he said simply.

Collin wasn't entirely sure what the otter meant by that. He thought he was doing quite well for himself. Even though he lived with his mom and worked at her shop, he thought he was making his way in the world. He didn't want to push the topic though and sat quietly looking up at the flat screen as the news played on mute above him. The ride was very smooth and he could hardly feel the turns and stops as they traveled. His head wasn't swimming as much anymore as his buzz slowly faded. Collin peered out the window and noticed they were driving in the very expensive side of the city. The estates outside were masterfully crafted with beautiful pointed roof tops and perfectly manicured lawns. They turned down a street and pulled up to a nice red bricked two story estate with a scenic view of the lake behind it. Collin was in awe as the clydesdale appeared and opened the door for them.

"Have a good night sir. I'll see you in the morning," Clent said bowing his massive head and slipping back into the limousine.

"Goodnight," he called after the horse as he closed the door and slowly slid down the street.

The rottwieler liked the water fountain to the side wondering how much it set the otter back. They moved under the large double pillars and stopped as Collin waited for the otter to unlock the door with his key. The otter pushed the door open and hung his keys on the rack beside the door. Collin couldn't believe how expensive all the furniture in the house was. Each piece was leather and looked three times as expensive as anything inside his mom's house. There were even some very tasteful vases scattered around on podiums.

"Lets head up to the bedroom. I need to lay down," he sighed deeply making his way up the white railed cherry wood stair case.

Collin trailed behind the otter wondering what all he had planned for him this evening. Collin counted four rooms upstairs when they made it to the top. There were a few paintings on the wall but none of the otter or family portraits. Mr. Sonders pushed open the door at the end of the hallway and made a bee line for the blue comforter California king sleigh bed. It was so massive the otter looked as if he'd drown in its wide blankets. Collin stood a few feet from the bed twiddling his fingers as the otter rolled over onto his back and looked up at him.

"Well get naked," he barked.

Collin flinched and quickly pulled off his muscle shirt up and over his head exposing his small but firm abs and chest. His short fur made his muscles look more pronounced so he got shaved regularly. He pulled his belt through the loops and slid his shorts off.

"Go on," he called when Collin stopped with his digits on his boxer strap.

He was wearing his doggy bone print boxers and all of a sudden felt a little reluctant to take them off. He pulled them down showing his brown and tan sheath and balls to the otter. They fell around his ankle as the otter motioned a finger for him to come closer. He did as he was told and stopped right in front of the bed. Mr. Sonders traced his body with his eyes and made him turn around with the twist of a digit. Collin did as he was commanded and turned so the otter could see his back and buns.

"You need muscle mass. Your all skin and bones. No chest or ass," he snapped causing Collin to stare at the ground and twiddle his thumbs again. "And look at me when i'm talking to you."

Collin looked up into the otter's eyes and tried not to shake in front of the small dominant force. He was so blunt and snappy it made Collin a little nervous. For some reason he liked the way the otter talked to him. He liked getting attention from another male.

"When were home you will be naked at all times. I'll get you some better clothes to wear so your presentable when we go out. No more muscle shirts and general laborer shorts," the otter said sitting up and unbuttoning his white collar shirt and taking it off. "On the bed. Lets go."

Collin quickly climbed on the bed careful not to mash the otter's tail as he sat beside him. He was growing slightly aroused and realized he like having the otter scold him and snap at him. It seemed right to him as he waited patiently for the otter's next command.

"You'll receive 1250 a week for your services. You'll answer any time I call you no matter what the time is. If you let me i'll make a man out of you," he said confidently then closing his eyes and laying back into his soft pillow. "Well?"

"I understand," Collin whispered looking down at the otter.

"Lay beside me. Your first day will be tomorrow. We'll talk vacations then. Be prepared to lose your virginity," he said simply and pulling Collin to lay on his chest.

The rottweiler sighed wondering what he was getting himself into. He murred closing his eyes feeling the otter's heart beat underneath him as Mr. Sonders pet his head softly. This was the first time he had ever been in that position before and wondered how long it would last. Would he be what the otter wanted a few days down the road. He could smell the martini's the otter had drank mixing in with the scent of his fur. The otter's tail flopped beside him and he grabbed it hugging it to his side. The otter looked down and laid his head back already making plans for the dog. He was going to save him from his worthless existence and make him into a respectable member of society. He closed his eyes thinking about how he could be the dog's small savior. The otter clapped his paws and the lights went out.

Lonewolf- After waiting forever for my fuzzy partner to come back Small Savior is finally up. I love true event series. Hope you enjoyed!

Rego- Hawaii was a blast. Editing this was not. I'll glance over it again later. Thanks for reading.