Little Slut Riding Good

Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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Hooray for sexy parties!

Commission from Kondog as a gift to Rendak husky.

Rendak hummed and skipped along a lightly beaten path inset amongst an amber glade at sunset. Mild mischievous blue eyes twinkled in a white fuzzy face as golden flashes of sun splashed on his red-hooded body like lances of dancing tangerine with flickering ripples from a hanging breeze as though the husky traversed a scummy algae-crusted fish pond.

It was a good October wind that flung hickory-smoked sausages and steak smells at his face from a distant camp far away someplace. And as that same playful breeze fluttered up the back of his starched scarlet miniskirt to chill his barely and most lewdly covered buttocks, he was reminded of his choice of clothing. No other time would he have dared put on such dress except for the few days culminating into Halloween, and he hoped to exploit that scarce opportunity to the fullest.

A sudden shiver brought him down to his pink stockinged knees as an angry low buzz sounded off amongst the spritely birdsong high in the boughs of the trees. Five O' clock was the soundoff he got from his accurate dildo clock. Most furs would find it practical to simply use a watch, but that was too boring for the slut husky. And because of so many squats, Rendak had bunched up his pink cotton briefs into a thong, creating the perfect hammock to keep the long dildo in him from slipping out. In a few words, overly orgasmic.

To add to the appearance of the costume, he also used a new shampoo that made his fur curl much like fleece. If not for that long tail, he could easily pull off the look of a helpless sheep. From behind, at least! And really, behind was where all the fun began. Dressed the part, he only hoped to run into someone with a taste for a mutton trap.

When the tingling in his rear finished, the husky clenched his not-so-virgin passage and was rewarded by a welcome thump of the plastic toy against his bitch nut. A humble seven inches, but it certainly hit him in the right place and caused the effeminate male to sigh and blush, his pointed ears lowered with guiltful uncouth lewd thoughts none of his gender should've entertained.

He looked around briefly before glancing into a thatch-woven picnic basket that was much heavier than it should have been, creaking mildly from the strain of such a load. Now, the dong up his rear already was okay, but for a slut "okay" often bordered boring. Simply put, he had to find something more appealing to his appetite other than some famished slender purple thing. An object that could feed his hungry dogbutt for years, as it were. The girly perfume from his tight pink panties certainly turned him on, but the bitch in sheep's clothing needed some help in sending him over to catatonic bliss and lots of those delirious sticky cummies.

The noise of him rustling around heavy bottles of lube and silicone dildoes must have startled some of the nearby birds, but he paid their distress no attention in his quest for a whale of a tale. Well, a micro whale, anyway. In his paw was a small pink orca dildo with veins, a curled tip, and a suction cup base accurately like the genital slit. And he chose this toy for one amusing reason: it was the only dong he owned that could fuck him hands free as he walked on his way to the Halloween party. His panties pressed it deep inside, his muscles contracting from the pleasant stroll would push it out. Always, it was guaranteed to stay in motion like a sort of sexy tug o' war. A nifty feature to discover last month!

A reach into the right leghole, and Rendak was almost sad to feel the slimy finger thick intruder leave him. Okay, it wasn't 'goodbye' so much as 'see you later when I need a broadly accurate clock that can't seem to do minutes'. The change he got in pleasure when he slid the new one up was almost instantaneous, scratching at a deep itch in his rump he never knew he had--at least for today till he could come by a more exhilarating partner than this ersatz lover.

He whimpered at the new thought: having a master to fuck him would be much like Christmas everyday. Just the pure amount of joy from unwrapping his present and suckling off it like a silly cow set him off into fits of desire, much as a ewe in heat would for a ram--ming.

Now every step along the dusty trail brought him ever closer to the gates of gay heaven and remorselessly creaming himself. Each step was bliss and overrode all of his other senses. He should have smelled that wolf on the wind--should've realized how idly he'd wandered off the clearly marked little bike trail into some bushes claimed by dry crystallized male urine. Should have, but he was too busy and engrossed by his own lust.

Hunting nude always brought out the best in him. A natural killer instinct within the stormcloud grey wolf with red blood-like war paint accents in all the provocative or animated sectors at his body. The paint itself was still somewhat fresh and sticky, leaving traces on every leaf from different onrushing scrapes, but only if it rained would he be in any danger of losing it. Such a nice free sun above suggested he'd have no troubles, as he wanted to keep it on for the full effect to startle the wits from his prey. Nude and covered in bright red designs: it would be frightening enough to give most anyone pause.

Initially it was the pleasant artificial smell of roses mingles with the briny rust stink of anus that got his attention, but it only took a moment to acquaint himself with other bodily details on such an oblivious trespasser. And what could this husky-turned-sheep be thinking about, anyway? Trouble, by the smell of it. Roses and ass: a dom's favorite things. A certain big bad wolf would have fun with this one, yet!

Rendak whined out meekly with his ears plastered to his head as three hundreds of pounds of snarling naked fury fell on top of him with bewildering bulk that threatened to crush his tiny sissy body. Hot breath and sharp teeth clamped around his throat, pinching at the flesh as the large creature waited for the husky to fight him off, but being threatened with having his neck ripped out by imposing cruel jaws gave him too much to be afraid of.

Glimpses of black and red fur also terrorized him, as though he'd been beset by some otherworldly awful demon trying to drag him to hell by his throat. The jaws tightened, closing off air and blood in one stroke, leaving the husky to thrashing around to liberate himself. It never did any good except to draw blood and make those vicious eyes glint with amused cruelty. So tight and closed up, he was even left unable to speak as he passed out with not even a whimper in his defense.

He came to in an uncheery place that his nose no longer recognized. Instead of trees and flowers, there was rust and mold and aging lumber. The only constant was that the ivory dog still wore all of his pretty perfumed clothing, though he couldn't say much for the humiliating position he'd been put into.

The two immediate concerns he had was that he'd been tied face down in a doggy rape position, and the second was that his orca toy had been taken out, his hole felt most empty and miserable without it. "So good of you to visit, deary." Came an ominous grunting voice out of the hanging darkness. All he could tell was that it was male and hungry. He would've given reply, but a penis gag was crammed deeply into his muzzle.

Out of the dark came some mysterious black wolf that Rendak had never met before. He was nude with an unnaturally large sheathe and balls as he licked all that musky bitch flavor off the husky's cetacean dong in a manner to suggest he were testing Rendak for his estrous readiness. "No, I'm well aware you don't have an actual cunt, but I'll enjoy all your remaining holes, anyway." The disappointment in that voice seemed very minor as the male shrugged and dropped the orca toy on the cold cement floor with an odd floppy bounce.

This wild obsidian wolf, who's bulk was so great that four contorting Rendak's could fit just under his fur with ease, then had begun to erect into a size that made all the husky's toys seemed paltry by comparison. Once hard, the wolf had an organ that was a foot long, three inches thick, and displayed a knot the size of a softball; there wasn't any possible way such a monster cock could ever fit in either half of his body!

The larger canine sauntered boldly forth with his bouncing extension and a drooling grin on his face. A harsh pop against the sissies' ass made him jump and whine into his rubber gag. "I see you don't remember me, but how could you when all we do is pretend online? Slutdog, It's me, Master Shadow Lupus! Now I get your ass to myself for real." He gave a panting chuckle, leisurely stroking those sweaty panties that clung so stiffly to the offered husky butt.

At first the announcement brightened him up, until he remembered just what they roleplayed about on the chats. Breathplay, rape, and other nasty things he'd best not recall. They were okay for imagination, but he wasn't so sure about real life. He hoped things wouldn't get as wild as they had online. "I want your ass, but first I must take some of the fight out of you." Big heavy paws wrapped around his neck, closing off all blood flow and breath. Sparkles flashed in his eyes as he wheezed and tried to swallow in vain. He tried to fight back even as he grew erect in shame from his kinks coming to life.

The white haze in his eyes turned to a growing darkness as he quickly blacked out and slumped down on the padded spanking horse. He came to at a later time with no idea how much time had passed by, a stiff leather collar with a cat bell cinched too tightly around his neck to be thought comfortable, but at least he'd been left ungagged. "What are you going to do to me?" He whined, realizing that if he wasn't careful how he moved his head, he could pass out all over again from the way the collar had been positioned on him.

He watched, nervous and shivering as the wolf used one razor sharp claw to slash away his hooded coat so that it was just his skimpy slut outfit he'd been left wearing: stockings, gloves, panties, miniskirt, halter top; all of them playfully pink! "That's for me to know, my little lamb bitch." Came a lewd chuckle from behind followed by a friendly pat on his bum with one of those large heavy paws. And although he was canine in nature, he did indeed feel meek and sheepy in that daunting scary presence.

His acute nose snuffled, full of the musky odor of his master's lustful wide loins and large fruitful cock. "My, what bright eyes you have!" The husky squeaked out as his tail wagged side to side and made his panties slip down just enough to show off half of his anus. All it would take was one tug, and the wolf would see the most perfect target for his meat.

And a tug was what he go, as Shadow accepted the invitation and sniffed around on Rendak's little pussy with a curious cold wet nose. "The better to see that fine ass with, dear." Came a lewd grunt in reply, the wolf's face still buried in the husky's fuzzy white butt. Chilly wetness and hot breath both tingling around on his pink wrinkled tailstar made the dog shiver and wonder if he'd been rubbed by an icy/hot patch or something.

He knew his buns were perky enough to bounce a quarter off, and that crack of his was so tight that not even a credit card could pass neatly through, but did this wolf? "And what a big nose you have!" He added in delirious pleasure as the curious large muzzle rooted around in his fluffy ass like a pigs' snout digging for truffles. His tight little hole perked up against the intruding wetness as the wolf intimately enjoyed him better.

Two paws grasped his hot buns, peeling them out of the way as thumbs nudged under the dock of his tail to keep it lifted and curled up in the air. "The better to smell this nice boi pussy." The wolf growled out, tongue now flicking hotly at the husky's petite entrance like slaps of foamy lava. He could feel his tender anus give way to the prodding much as though it had been sculpted with butter, causing Rendak to groan out softly in growing relief.

Just when he thought the wolf would fall in, the giant male pulled back only to come by the dog slut's face, smearing hot splashes of pre against his fuzzy white cheeks and lips. "And what a big cock you have!" He whimpered out, plainly declaring what was on his mind the entire time. If there was one thing hung hunks knew well, it would be how to leave sluts and whores in awe.

The big wet cock continued to crawl all over his face, leaving strings of stickiness everywhere and gave him some lewd salty lipstick. It also had a habit of getting around so he had to close his eyes most of the time, as well. "Why, the better to fill you with, of course!" The dominating male growled out, wagging his dog bone around to spray his pre all over like some horny sprinkler system as Rendak could feel some of those heavy drops slap against his eyelids like rain.

He found himself squealing out indignantly like a piggy, his limbs secured so tightly in place that there wouldn't be any escape for him from those eager black hips of rough desire. A big finger rolled around the outer skin of his anus, causing him to flex his wrinkled opening. "What are you?" And then the rest of his words were cut off as it wiggled inside his hole and flicked wildly at his prostate, causing his cock to jump several times in its pink pantied prison like a breeching whale upside-down.

Those straps that held him hardly did him any favors, as he desperately wanted to hump backwards on the digit much like some sorry shameless bitch in heat. With that big furred thing twitching around in his bowel, he probably even sounded like a bitch. "Deeper!" He squeaked out, full of shame and not even bothered by it. How could he deny what he most desired?

Well if he was a shy little pervert puppy, then this wolf was the master of all whores. The finger yanked out with a pop as the larger canine stroked along his massive meat with a happily wagging tail and a panting grin with ears forward. "Gladly, but my cock can go much further in, slut puppy." Well of course it could! From the view he got of it, that was hardly in question. The only real question would be how it felt in him.

Rendak diverted his eyes coyly, trying not to show he had much interest in the cock despite an undeniable burning desire that his body needed it. His ass was another story, as he was definitely out of practice and uncertain whether he could even handle such a thing or not. At this point, trussed up as he was, his opinion hardly mattered.

When in a relaxed state, he took about ten breaths a minute. Excited, three times that much. Now because of the tight collar and the way it was tied to the end of his flipping tail, he gasped twice a second for air, knowing that his throat was so closed off that hardly any of it could reach his lungs. And he was weakening because of it; there wasn't any doubt to that, either. "My sexy cock leaves you breathless, doesn't it bitch?" The confident wolf grunted with a display of dripping fangs as his bouncy red cock flung seamy male droplets everywhere like a gay shower, a few splattering on the husky's face as if hot snow drops.

His own cock was so painfully hard that it was fairly obvious where it hung between his legs; a heavy pink knot made Rendak's equipment point almost straight down. His peripheral vision turned grey and his eyes filled with sparkling stars once more as he found himself on the verge of passing out again. A furred thumb played idly with his dripping tip and that was it; he went unconscious as his arousal response used up all the rest of the oxygen in his blood like a vacuum that sucked away his energy.

The husky must have been out only for a few moments as the wolf continued to stroke his lil clitcock and put something over it like a metal container which he then locked in place. It wasn't a true chastity sheathe, as Rendak could still become erect just fine while wearing it, but he probably wouldn't be seeing his cock or playing with himself until the lupine kindly allowed him to. "Since you're gonna be my new bitch, I don't want you to enjoy any pleasure that doesn't involve that pussy." His what? Through is asphyxiated confusion, it took him a second to realize the wolf really meant his fuckable little white ass and pinkish strawberry-colored tailhole.

One of the wolf's digits swirled around the sticky skin of his lightly abused lil anus, causing it to shrivel up and squirm like some kind of fattened wrinkled larvae. "And since I'll only be giving you love in your bitch hole, I should work on teasing and heightening your sensitivity so you can orgasm hard hands-free from the most mildest touch possible." Then master produced a large peacock feather dyed pink and Rendak knew exactly what the wolf implied, shaking his head in protest as the stiff tight collar bit and pinched the delicate skin of his throat.

About the only thing he could do was whine while his internet master stood tall and proud above him as though a hedonistic black marble statue. The wolf gave the feather a teasing wag in the air as if writing, his sharp predatory eyes glinted red while they favored his slave's sultry fuckable ass. Rendak knew his yummy boi cheeks were quite the temptation, as he'd cammed in drag for strangers countless times and garnered only lustful praise for his sweet buns.

Why the wolf resisted such obvious and strong urges, the husky had no idea. If their places were reversed, Rendak wouldn't waste any time filling a nice tight hot ass like his own and could only assume such self-control came from years of discipline as a professional dom. "What point is there in the taking of an ass if you aren't allowed to do what you want? And I have just started MY fun, bitch." Shadow observed with a chuckling growl, blowing his foul humid breath against Rendak's poor exposed pink button with obvious amusement.

His body writhed in arythmic pulses of anxious need as Rendak was more than aware he'd be getting no such relief. No, that would be entirely too easy, and easy was no fun for someone like this big bad wolf. As the delicate tendrils of fluff passed over the sensitive skin of his hole, the wrinkled pink folds clasped shut and blinked together in a strange asterisk-shaped iris while the sweat on his hole made the feather cling.

The playful tingle turned into an itch he couldn't scratch. Sometimes it was like the barest whisper of breeze and for others it was more like an ant idly crawling around on the hairless skin. Either way, the whole thing prolonged itself far past the point of his own comfort. He might even fall asleep, if it weren't so annoying! He closed his eyes and folded his ears to give such a disinterested impression, though his twitching fuzzy tail betrayed him.

It went on like this for so long that the husky had no clue when it ever began, not that he had the luxury of a clock in this strange twilight of domination. Then the playful tickles went down to his balls and caged cock while the wolf held the rear of his saucy lil panties out of the way. "You make it so tempting for me to use you right now, but first I need to teach you your place and freshen up that pouty boicunt of yours." The wolf grumbled out, mirthful and toneless as if he were only discussing the matter with himself.

That created a new mystery for Rendak, of course. Exactly how did someone freshen up an errant wild tailhole? In the next moment, he got his answer and whined nervously. Master Shadow had unwrapped about a half dozen individual peppermint candies, and the husky had a very good feeling they weren't meant for his bad breath! "I bet you haven't had mints like this?" He chuckled, amused by his own ambiguous question, although Rendak had already guessed is intent easily enough.

As the kennel slut supreme and active participant at various gay bars, the husky had been privy to more things going up his butt than there were grains of sand on a given beach. Just countless lovers, toys, and foreign objects of such magnitude that he'd often awkwardly forget what he'd done with any given fuck buddy. But, he knew for sure that he'd never done peppermint up there. Perhaps it might prove fun. For one of them, anyway.

The wolf held his tail to the side, the other was a balled up fist to hold all those hard candies. "Time to take your medicine, bitch." And held up the first between thumb and forefinger with a lewd and throaty chuckling growl of mildly cruel glee. Rendak blushed as he felt that first one fall on his bud and get all sticky from his humid sweat. It seemed to settle there lazily in the middle of his doggy dimple until the wolf roughly crammed it down all the way in with his thumb right up to the knuckle.

Strange instinct seemed to take over as he clamped desperately on that finger with his needy anal muscles, but it was an embrace not meant to last as Shadow yanked it out almost violently and gave that subby ass a spank hard enough to bring out some mild redness amongst his furry butt. "No, bitch. That isn't for you. Now take your pills like a nice slut and be good for master!" In short order, and at a rate of speed that left him nearly joyless for pleasure, they were quickly all seated neatly into his hole like seeds.

The change in temperature was immediate as they began to melt in his rump. It wasn't painful at all, but it certainly made him feel all awkward. It was as though the mints couldn't make up their mind to be hot or cold, maintaining a continuous icy/hot presence of bulk up his butt. Once they started to melt even more, he could both smell and feel all those sticky juices draining from his hole and likely matting up his fur in pinkish sticky stains. A few cramps began, but it was mostly just the pressure of those hard pieces in his rectum. Soon, they would melt all the way down and leave him with quite the refreshing rump!

As they liquified in earnest and dripped out his entrance, Rendak felt the chemical heat and wondered if it was anything like what a bitch in estrous suffered through. Either way, Shadow watched the whole thing play out in fascination.with an active nose constantly testing the air. When he felt that it all left him, the wolf licked his ebony lips to forecast a very carnal hunger, that swaggering cock lightly humping through the cold stale air of the basement (or wherever they were).

Shadow stroked himself; a mild amusement to stay stiff for the real fun. "I bet my bitch has been dying to get a taste of this?" He growled out playfully while nudging his dripping dogwood at the husky's petite little pink girly lips as an odd sort of treat. The pre that came out smelled like fried shrimp and if he had to guess, the semen itself would probably taste something like cooked mushrooms. "But I don't think so, as I got other things planned that involve the other end." That was when Rendak felt a large paw which advertised the giant aggressive male's desire.

He let out a shy squeal, his candied hole blinking in need and as a reaction to the sweeping drafts of the odd little dungeon.

Shadow walked over to enjoy the view of his latest prize, sharp claws clicking on the cement floor of his playroom. It was a very feminine ass that was his for the taking. To set the mood and further remind this subby bitch of the kind of deranged dom he was dealing with, Shadow briefly turned away from that sweet boipussy to put on some German techno of an industrial genre. He couldn't put his paw on it, but there was something altogether naughty about gay sex while playing music with screaming Germans, particularly in BDSM relationships.

Of course now that he was in a big bad wolf mood, it wouldn't do not to get dressed up. Just a simple leather harness and black chaps, really, but clothes certainly made the male. In this case, made him all horny with a raging cock needing release. Still, patience and years of experience as a master had taught him quite well how to behave when in charge of a slut. "Tell me you want it, or you won't be having any part of me." Shadow growled, leaning over to bite his bitch on the ear, grinning pleasantly as the pain caused a surprised yelp that further solidified his dominance as the alpha over this crossdressing pupwhore.

There was hardly any doubt how much the silly useless skank needed his cock, but Shadow preferred to hear it from his prey. What he got was an odd ineffectual whimper that hardly answered his question. "Speak, girl!" He roared, spanking the round impudent ass so hard it made the husky jump forward in his restraints with a nervous tremble all through his body.

If he didn't get the response he wanted, the wolf might get rough and he loved any slight excuse to better put his fangs to use in training a bitch. "You have one chance before I gag you and leave you like this for the whole night." He added, coming to realize a threat of neglect might be the best tactic towards getting what he wanted. Either methods were fun for torturing a poor defenseless slut. After the way he was tied down and constantly asphyxiated by the collar, there wasn't any doubt the husky had little choice in the matter. A good yank on the leash, and his subby pet would pass out once more.

In fact, if he'd tied the leash more tautly to the husky's tail, the omega bitch in panties would have to keep it raised to invite sex if he hoped to keep breathing. A nice little plan and something to look forward to once he got that slut in heat into a better habit of begging for a rut in the proper manner. Whether he had his sex or left the buttboi to suffer with a night of unused humiliation, it would still be fun to Shadow regardless.

Rendak let out a soft little moan, well aware he'd be ridden hard like a pony and put away sloppy in a puddle of cum. "Please fuck the slutpuppy." The husky whined out with a deep animal rasp, his tail flapping around as he waited for attention. The German rock music didn't make any sense to him, but the angry screaming certainly frightened him. What a most shy bitch he made, indeed! He blushed as he felt the humid heat of the other male's cock pressed in his crack, the tip wiggling along and smearing copious oily tracks all over the husky's tiny flexing anus as he vied to impale himself on such stiff masculine heat.

A strangled surprised sort of yelp was forced out of him as the cock tried to jab its way into him, stabbing around like a dart for the target and made his whole rump area all sore and greasy with pre as a result. At this point, lube wasn't an issue, as Shadow could slip in very easily if his dallying malehood were angled properly for the insertion. The wolf seemed to pump his loins in time with the abrasive music, not that the gesture helped him aim all that much better.

To his plaintive anxiety, all he got in return were cruel laughs as rawhide leather edges from the chaps scraped on the back of Rendak's legs and bum. "Not a music lover? A pity!" And then he launched into more derisive merriment at the husky's expense. Finally after several failures, the wolf hit the mark as Rendak struggled to release his tense muscles for entry. If he didn't, he knew this would hurt. It would probably hurt anyway, but it was his duty as a sub to relax to lessen his own pain. A master, even a well-intentioned one, could hardly be expected to halt every time he got sore in his ass!

Only the tip was nudging around on his sphincter and causing tickles to shiver up his tail from the way the sensitive hairless skin was being 'massaged', but Rendak well remembered the greater girth of the veined shaft. Shadow seemed to fumble his dick around in a somewhat clumsy haste to get it inside, the spit and other threadbare natural lubes dried away too fast to be of much use.

Shadow pulled away for a second and probably did the most vulgar thing either of them could think of: dropping a big dollop of spit right in the husky's pink pucker like like a slimy wad of melted wax. Understandably, it caused him to blush as the lupine used his throbbing ruby cockhead to spread it around on that pesky snug hole. Clockwise, counter, and then suddenly inside without warning, two big paws grasped on his snowy buttocks as both thumbs squeezed and groped his butt wide apart for easier line of sight and breeding.

The whole length sank into him with all the subtlety of a trumpet solo at a tennis match, causing a long moan to come out of the husky as he exhaled. Relaxing his muscles for the thick maleness wasn't as easy as he thought, but the rough hands rending his ass apart helped. Since his place was now secured, the wolf leaned over Rendak's prone form until he was breathing right on the back of his new bitch's neck. The paws also released their hold and explored into the loose blouse where boi nipples were just awaiting to be played with.

Rendak found himself squeaking and his cheeks all red in a haze of shame had overcome his face, sharp claws pinching and twisting his teats beneath the girly shirt as he suffered more of that growlish chuckling in his ears from the highly aroused and amused dom canid. "The bitch like it when I tease her titties?" Shadow grunted, strong merciless hips drilling that cock in deeper by overwhelming pressure alone. And he had to believe it felt good, particularly the constant grinding of a big sloppy dogbone against the sensitive male nut in his ass. By accident or purpose, Shadows' constant penetration was a sliding force against his prostate and made the comparatively smaller husky boiclit bounce up and down in the now drenched and certainly revealing pink panties.

He was bent over like a bitch but not being fucked like one, as the cock had only gone slowly in the one direction without withdrawing at all. It was much too slow and simple to be sex between dogs, as there would be far more activity involved. He was probably just being tested as a suitable bitch before things moved into full throttle.

The slime of pre from two male canines overwhelmed the air itself with a kind of tangible gay mist that filled his widened nostrils with the unquestionable primal exchange of sexual power and prestige. Covered in the larger male's smell as he was, Rendak knew who his body belonged to and didn't feel as apprehensive about the concept as other male furries might. What was there to feel any fear for? All their fun felt great--for now, that is.

He closed his eyes to focus on the sensation of that cock in his body, clenching his inner muscles and anus against its length to better wring pleasure out of his prostate like a sponge. The gesture was more for his own passionate needs than anything, but the wolf seemed to grunt and enjoy it regardless. "My bitch! What a tight ass you have!" The big bad wolf growled out happily enough, his body smothering the husky's own and making it somewhat difficult to breathe. If Rendak had any opinion, it would be like a Saint Bernard were trying to mount a collie.

A rude awakening was soon on the way, as the cock had suddenly stopped entering him and he mild but unrelenting pressure at his hole from that big ballooned knot trying to make its way inside his snug pup cherry. As calm and willing as his body was to accommodate it, he doubted it would be able to fit up his tailhole from the way those anal lips refused to blossom and grant express service. "The better to love you with?" He squeaked nervously, fidgeting as he felt it slowly try to force its way into his pink flower.

At least with all that dripping he felt going on inside the shallows of his butt, he knew he'd be deeply lubed and ready for anything. At least, he hoped he was as the moment of ass-destroying doom approached. It wasn't an easy burden as the two rounded halves of knot hugging the shaft were slowly forcing themselves in and spreading his bubbly buttocks even wider. Taking it while laying on his side might have been easier, as the knot would more easily get past his buns, but in bondage that option was not left to him.

Now naturally he knew his way around anal plugs of most any size, except he was sadly out of practice and hadn't played with many challenging toys lately. Nevermind that he didn't have any dog toys as he preferred the real thing, albeit in a much more manageable size! Instead of the easy prolonged probing, Shadow began to hump more vigorously and started an odd and pleasant heat in his ass like the rubbing of the vibrant organ were steadily trying to set his ass on fire.

The pneumatic nudges sent constant tremors through him as he was shaken up and down by a somewhat unstable restraint bench. As the strokes gained in intensity, Rendak was further reminded what pleasure he most derived from being a butt bitch, as his juicy tight hole clasped on that meat and strained to suck every sweet drop out of it. Bent over, helpless, and constantly loving it as his back began to sweat from all that hot wolf atop his skinny body.

Thrusts came faster and deeper, slamming that persistent knot against him for desperate admission it wasn't being allowed, every bump like a mild punch that steadily increased soreness in the area. Above, Shadow panted heavily as though a great force of nature, his surging hips repeatedly banging the hard plug into a stubborn crevice. As much as he tried, the husky couldn't make it fit inside him; he'd become a puzzle without a proper answer. "Let me in, let me in!" The wolf jibed with a growl. "Not by the fur on my whiskery chin!" Then his pace took on a slower speed but a greater force which hurt a bit more. "Then I'll hump, and I'll pump, and I'll fuck my way in!" The lupine roared, surprising Rendak and making him yelp all at once as that cruel knot was miraculously stuffed into his rumphole with all the pain and discomfort that a protesting stretched anus could offer.

He was finally full, and it wasn't enough to satisfy the wolf, who was already scheming to break the tie and rip his knot back out. It wasn't likely to be all that pleasant, but again, he was the bitch in all of this. Just like entry, its exit was also nasty and abrupt. It brought a few startled tears to his eyes as he felt a stinging fire engulf his abused anus.

Rendak cringed, understandably nervous as he felt the cock having second thoughts and making the attempt to get back inside. By some miracle, this time the deviant bulge on the wolfs' shaft seemed to greet him with much less pain than it had before. It seems that getting raped open was the answer to his virginity riddle, as his supple hole was better prepared to handle such unrelenting hardness than before. It was true that flesh was more compliant to straining butts than glass or plastic toys, but such sexual malleability only carried so far.

A hushed yip came out of him as the master's paw snaked its way under his belly and right into his pretty starched panties, squeezing firmly yet carefully around his caged clit like the wolf were trying to shelter a small bird. Some light stroking along the hard case to tease the husky with denied pleasure he'd never have for a long time.

Being ridden and toyed with all at once: wasn't that everything a little slut pup like him could ask for in life? "You'd like to orgasm, wouldn't you girl? But there'll be none of that until the big bad wolfy has had his fun first!" Came the light growl to staunch all of Rendak's fun with the simple ease of taking away the heat of his hand, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it unless he wanted to try it for himself and get rug burn all over his belly by the abrasive mat beneath him.

Master Shadow grinned widely like an imp, thoroughly enjoying the absolute control he had over this butt bitch beneath him just begging to cum. It might be possible, but not before this slutty pup proved himself. From the peek he'd made through the femboy husky's picnic basket of pleasure, it wasn't likely to be a problem. Experienced rumps like this seemed eager to gobble any challenge.

He'd softened the opening quite a bit with his ravaging rams and was now pumping his knot in and out with hardly any resistance as the stillness of the somewhat quiet chamber was broken by lewd desirous panting, squirting sloppy noises, and of course a rhythmic popping like slimy balloons being burst open and spraying fluid everywhere. The latter sound was his glorious knot as it flicked in and out of sissy dog anus with dripping canine enthusiasm.

After tonight, it would take a great deal of neglect for that husky to approach virgin snugness again, and he wolf would hardly allow such a thing to happen now that he found this awesome rut toy to play with, and molest, and torment, and further feminize to teach him his new role as the omega bitch. "Hug my cock like you mean it." The lupine threatened, baring wet teeth as he crammed his cock deeply into husky warmth and left it in there.

His demand for intimate affections was answered quickly by a coy peep and a sudden heat crashing down all over his stony bone as the wet squishy anal walls collapsed and clasped that flesh in a locking embrace of carnal silken muscle as tight as a gymnast's grip. "Like this?" The dog offered in mock innocence as he kept his ears lowered against the back of his head.

Shadow might laugh and spank his bitch with enthusiasm after such a queer little performance, but he was much too busy trying not to orgasm with all that heat and the cum fu grip exhibited by this fine specimen of ass. "Yes, but if you force me to orgasm early, I'll introduce you to the excited end of a male horse butt first, and I hardly think you'd like that." The force on his shaft relented just as quickly as the husky realized such a threat was meant to be taken seriously.

Satisfied he was still in control, Shadow sped himself up and also increased the wet pops of his pounding red knot. Without a doubt, he was close, but he hardly wanted poor snow buns here to have any prior warning for when he'd go off. Better a creamy surprise for these times, as an unexpected marking of cum by a male made the domination all that much sweeter. Almost ready--he could feel it tingling at the tip of his needy flesh but dared not cease the manic pace.

He tried slowing down, but it wasn't working as it only increased all the friction he felt sliding nimbly along his malehood in itchy little tickles along his tip somewhat like a sneeze building up. Knowing it did no good no matter what speed he went, the wolf dom was resolved to enjoy it by going at it with ramming speed with fierce slams of his fuzzy groin. It felt very good to do it like this, as the harder he smacked his hips into that helpless butt, the more pleasure rippled into his cock up through his pelvic cavity. It was wonderful to feel those shock waves travel through his body.

Shadow rode the delirious vibrations on shaky thighs and nervous muscles that refused to stay still as his release quickly approached. All those hot fluids that splashed down his balls or the suckling vacuum of that famished hole hardly helped his smug resolve for control. He was going to fill that butt with warm cream and that husky had better accept it!

A few times in his rabid poking, his cock almost bent up, but he ignored the awkward bouncing of a phallus being folded from stabbing with unmoderated sexual force. A vulgar sort of snap punctuated his victory and made the wolf's climax obvious as a knotty member slammed all the way home in that toasty bum and made it snow with several vigorous spurts that began to leak out of the loose-fitting tie.

Tempted to let his bitch cum, Shadow decided on an alternative and strangled the husky silly on his own tether once more, the subby dog too far gone to struggle as he went unconscious. Well, he might want for air, but certainly not cock as the master was still buried in his crossdressing trophy like a lewd big game hunter. The beauty of this dynamic relationship was how kinky the pup had advertised himself on the internet. Shadow wanted to test all such peculiar kinks firsthand, of course!

Rendak awoke in a comfy circular area that had him bunched up into a ball to fit. He soon found it to be a giant pet bed that was made for adult furries of his size. Neither had the pink collar and leash or new bow-covered thong he'd apparently been dressed in miss his notice. Each of his paws were put in pink locking feral paw mittens and booties, so he could hardly do anything to escape. And why would he want to escape? His ass was mildly burning from a well-used soreness that had left him feeling oddly happy and accomplished as a liter of lupine semen slowly drizzled from the deflowered reddish tailstar like quicksilver.

Nearby, the master slept soundly on a real bed. He was undoubtedly nude with a limp male organ dangling over one thigh like a sausage. Fun and scary and exciting; it was the sort of life the husky always dreamed about if the relationship worked out. For now, as far as he could tell, it seemed to. Just wait till tomorrow! The big bad wolf probably had further amusements planned that Rendak couldn't imagine. "Night." He whispered as the master lazily scratched his balls, the husky wagging his cum-sodden tail in a burst of affectionate excitement he just wasn't able to contain.