Chance's Encounters. Chapter College Days.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#9 of Chance's Encounters

Chance's Encounters

Chapter: College Days

By Roofles

"So where's your better half?" A fat black rat asked the German shepherd.

Jasper spat the drink he had just begun to sip, swallowing what was left and wiped his muzzle clean with the back of his tan lower arm. He had a strict motto of never wasting good beer when ever he could. "Dude! The hell do you mean by better half?"

"Oh, come on." Oliver said with a laugh. The rat looked at him as if he had to be pulling his tail. Unable to believe that the canine couldn't see what was nearly literally in front of his face.

"Wait for it..." Jax said leaning back in the chair he was sitting at. The hyena was holding his bass guitar and was fiddling with the tuners trying to find the right sound, resting back in a chair in the living room of their flat. He strummed a few more cords.

And then the front door opened and a cat walked in. The calico shook his head, his golden brown hair curling from the rain at the edges. He wore a simple gray overcoat that button in the front with a raised collar up around his neck to help shield from the rain. The cat had black and orange splotches on his face with a lower white muzzle and left cheek that ran down his neck to his chest and in between, as the dog so gladly knew. The cat mint green eyes looked over the room and he waved at the bunch with a friendly hello.

The others eyes turned towards the cat before looking back at the German Shepherd. His eyes had lit up; Jasper's ears stood to attention and his tail was waging a mile a minute as he saw the cat as if Chance had been away for weeks or months rather than just hours. The dog had stood more erect and was almost fixated on the feline who smiled at him, gave him his very own wave and headed off to their room. Jasper eyes followed every step he took into the back room.

"Dude." Oliver said looking between the cat and dog who finally had taken his eyes off of him as Chance vanished into the room. "That's kind of freaky." The rat was watching the dog was an almost fearful look in his eyes.

"It's cute. Very sweet." Jax teased from across the room. The green hyena stuck his slimy tongue out afterwards giving him a yellow toothy grin, cackling softly to himself.

"Fuck off." Jasper flipped him off slumping back on the couch and crossing his arms with a heavy frown. "Don't know what you're talking about." He grumbled, growling now and the fur on his back was standing up. Jasper was shirtless and was flexing now.

"Wait for it." Jax said lightly looking at his nails, wondering if he should trim them before they go on stage that night.

"Jasper," the voice came down the hall and the dog perked up a half second after hearing it. The dog snapped around and was looking over the back of the couch with his rear up in the air his tail wagging on its own accord. "Do you know where I placed my towel? I can't seem to find it." Chance called from their room.

"I-it's in the bathroom." The dog said nearly stuttering at first before coughing, clearing his voice that had grown far deeper in tone. "In the bathroom," he said manly enough to try and impress his two friends and bandmates.

"Why's it in there?" The cat asked coming out of the room with his coat, shirt and socks off. The front of his pants were open. Jasper swallowed noticeably staring at the cat, giving him a slow once over before focusing somewhere between his crotch and face.

Chance's voice came into the room the next second from the bathroom after the cat had slipped inside. "And why does it smell like crotch?"

Jasper folded his ears back, resting back on the couch whistling innocently to himself with a guilty as hell look to his face.

"Dude." Oliver said scooting away from him a bit. "That's kind of gay."

The other two just looked at the fat black rat and didn't say anything. Jax strung a few more cords on the guitar.

"How many times you hit that?" The hyena asked licking the side of his muzzle with a purple tinted slimy tongue. Jax took the punk look very seriously and used several forms of dye to keep his fur that swamp green; using purple tinted mouth wash to give his tongue that creepy look.

"Well..." Jasper coughed a bit looking away. "We haven't...technically. Done. It. Yet." Jasper flushed in the inner part of his ears. The next second the dog let out a gruff bark and kicked a leg up. "Fuck, so what?" He growled a bit trying to save some face in front of his two band mates.

Jasper and Chance had only just settled in at the apartment after moving three states away. The two had been so busy with the move, trying to find a place to settle in, issues with money and everything had kept the cat rather occupied. Jasper did what he could to help but wasn't the one going to college and working whenever he could, like Chance was. The two had done many things in the past but it didn't count, according to Chance, as it only ever really lasted a couple of minutes. On a good day.

"You never had?" Oliver asked surprised. "You guys are like...always stuck together! I figure sooner or later you'd slip in." Oliver thought that over a little too much looking down at his furless hand and beginning to try and figure out, with them, how two dudes could even really do it.

The other two looked at him. "That's gay dude." Jasper said.

"You think of them together? Fucked up man." Jax laughed. "Do you jerk off to it as well?"

"Sick dude." Jasper continued.

"Fucked up." Jax repeated with a laugh strumming a few more cords as if to articulate the words, singing them practically.

The rat glared at the two and told them where they could put their "Damn fucking opinion." He was blushing though, clearly embarrassed and revolted by the very idea. Jasper didn't like to think of himself as gay or a fag or queer or any of the terms. He only ever used them to make Oliver's face turn that special color of red.

"Besides," Jasper said kicking a leg up on the side of the couch. "Not like we haven't not done it." He said only to save some face. The two had done a lot of things. A lot of things. Some he liked. Some that disturbed him. And other things he wanted to do again to the cat who wouldn't let him.

"Oh?" Jax said in disbelief. The hyena was clearly bored though not even caring for an actual answer. Whatever to kill the time.

"Well we do stuff. Did stuff. Just yeah." Jasper mumbled a bit. He rested back and let a groan escape his lips tipping his muzzle towards the ceiling. "I swear he's just know when someone doesn't have a sex drive?"

"Nope." Jax grunted.

"Nadda." Oliver replied.

"Well it's kind of like that. Sucks." Jasper grumbled. "And not in the good way." Jasper bitched, moaning about the subject as guys were known to do around their friends.

"Asexual." Jax spoke up looking down at his guitar and stringing a few more times. The sound echoed around the apartment. Jax twitched at the sound and adjusted the cords some more. It was an older model and needed a lot of tuning, constantly. Like Jasper however, Jax wasn't known for his work ethic and worked even less than the German Shepherd did. Giving him plenty of time to work.

"He can't reproduce by himself." Oliver said and once more the other two just stared at him.

"Anyways, retardism put aside." Jasper sat up and looked between his legs at the floor with a gruff sigh. He pushed himself up and stretched.

"Why don't you just get someone else?" Oliver asked.

Jasper raised an eyebrow, the gears in his head turning before coming to a rusty halt. "What do you mean?" The dog asked looking at him.

"Well get someone else. That's more sexual." Oliver shrugged. "Stay with Chance. And get someone on the side. For things."

"Someone else for what things?" Jasper asked still not wrapping his mind around it.

"Ignore the idiot." Jax kicked his grungy hind-paws up on the table. "He can't understand it."

"Understand what?" Jasper turned and looked at him nearly shouting. He wished someone would just tell him what the hell they were talking about.

The dog head snapped to the side as the cat called for him once more. "Jasper." Chance stuck his soaking wet head out from the bathroom. "Could you grab me a, non-crotch smelling, towel from the laundry?"

"We don't have any clean ones." Jasper said hopping over the couch and walking over to join the cat, giving him his full focus and all but forgetting his friends. "Sorry," Jasper added making Jax snicker a bit. The dog flipped him off without turning away from the calico.

Chance just frowned at the Six foot Five inch dog looking up into his face with a frown. "I told you to do a load of laundry today!" He argued and the dog just stood there. "What have you been doing all day? Just sitting on your ass scratching your balls?"

"Basically." Jasper admitted though his tail was wagging as he looked down at the cat. As he had been scratching his balls, thinking of Chance.

"I work my tail off all day so you can scratch yourself and the least you can do is do a load of laundry." Chance meowed in annoyance, his fur rising up a bit on his back and the tip of his tail began to wag quickly. A clear sign of a cat's annoyance. The only sign most the time before you got a claw to the face. "Don't do it again."

"Ok." Jasper replied instantly his studded, pierced ears lifting up and his black lips rising in a smile. He took a half-step closer.

"Ok." Chance smiled his tail stopped wagging and he opened the door a bit. "Grab the fur dryer and give me a hand, will ya?" Chance turned away and headed back in.

"Ok." Jasper just wagged his tail before walking in with him.

"That was the worse fight I've ever seen." Oliver watched the scene in disbelief. He and his last girlfriend would have fights that would turn so loud the neighbors called the cops. Sometimes, multiple times, in the same night. Right after the two would make up, fuck and in the middle of it get back into the fight.

"You get used to it." Jax said adjusting the sound on his guitar some more. "Hurry up!" He shouted down the hall. "We start in thirty."

Jasper stuck his head out of the bathroom the sound of a dryer could be heard within. "Go fuck yourself." The dog said and with that slammed the door closed.

Jasper moved back into the small bathroom. He set a hand on the counter top and with a grunt pushed himself back up onto it. Jasper tossed a naked leg up onto the towel rack, twisting the other open more and watched as the cat moved back in between his legs. Jasper turned the fur dryer back towards Chance and continued doing the feline's hair as that sand papery tongue licked and teased at his full plump sheath; a paw cradling his sagging balls and a stray finger teasing his taint to his tight tail hole.

The best way to warm up before a gig, was to get a nice fingering from a groupie.