Grey and Rainy

Story by Bityn on SoFurry

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#1 of Two Girls and A Great Love

The mud was very cold as Kira fell into it face first. Books thudded into the ground around her and papers fluttered to a rest around her. For a moment, she just lay there, listening to the laughter and cheering for the one that had tripped her erupting around her. Ears drooped a little and she lifted her head, looking around at the throng that had gathered around them, making no attempt to hide how amusing they found the cruelness the girl was undergoing. There was a steady rain pattering on the ground around her, completing the miserable feeling she was experiencing.

She had always been an easy target. She didn't know why, but everyone loved to pick on her. Ever since starting high school, it had practically been nonstop. It wasn't that she was especially bad looking or nerdy. She did wear wire frame glasses in front of her sparkling blue eyes, but she had never thought they looked all that bad. And she might not have been as well developed as some of the other girls at the school, but she was starting to curve up a little, starting to wear a B cup. It wasn't exactly impressive, but not bad for a highschool freshman. In fact, she was actually fairly pretty in her own way, not very tall and sporting lavender fur, her hair a deeper purple. Despite it all, though, she'd somehow managed to get picked as the end of the pecking order. Some of it probably had to do with how she had refused to have sex with any of the boys that figured that being a rabbit meant she'd be slutty. But she wasn't interested in muscle headed boys like that, and it seemed that was just how all of the were.

Finally, she sighed, pulling herself up a little, trying to shake excess mud from her hands and arms. It didn't work too well, but it gave her something to do as she tried to ignore the laughing and jeering of the crowd. The front of her school uniform was soaked with mud, clinging tighter to her body and giving more for the crowd to jeer at. She tried to pick up her books so that she'd at least have something to hold in front of her chest, but things only got worse as those behind her took the opportunity to pull up her skirt. She whirled around to prevent it, but others did the same, giving her nowhere to turn that would be safe.

Trying to turn away from the paws plucking at her skirt and doing her best to push it back down, she dropped the books she had managed to gather. Getting flustered, she gave up, just wanting to get away, pushing her way through the crowd and taking off running. At least she had a place she could escape it. She could get away from the teasing. Finding the spot, she hopped over the fence, dropping into the lush, green backyard. It belonged to someone else, but she doubted they even knew she was there, there were so many bushes and trees. It was the perfect place to hide out. She could crawl into a corner under a bush and cry. And that's just what she did. Still soaked and muddy, she just lay there and cried to herself, not even caring about the rain anymore. In fact, she didn't care about anything. She was just ready to give up on everything. It wasn't worth it.

She was so busy feeling awful, she didn't even notice the presence of the other fur until she heard a voice and looked up to see footpaws standing nearby. Kira felt a horrible sinking sensation, thinking she'd been caught and that she'd have to leave. Home wasn't much of a hideout. Her family was too large to get any private time, and she always ended up feeling worse. But now it looked like she'd have to leave her only retreat. Crawling out from under the bush, she looked up at the owner of the paws, a bit surprised when she recognized the face. It was a girl from school, one grade above her. Kira had seen her often enough.... As she remembered, she was one of the few that didn't make fun of her....

The girl was a vulpine, fiery red fur darkened by the rain that wetted her fur. The name Kira came up with when she thought of her was Linna, pretty sure it was the correct one. She had a backpack slung over one of her shoulders, a muddy pile of books held against her chest, obviously trying to shield them from the rain, though it was a bit late for the poor objects. They were already pretty warped from the rain and with how wet they were, the ink was probably smeared.

Finally, she started to hear what it was the girl was saying. "Are you okay? They were being really mean. I got your books for you.... They're a bit muddy, though...."

Sniffling softly, the bunny girl stood up, hoping the rain would disguise the tears. Reaching out, she took the books back from her, hazarding a smile. "Thank you.... That's nice of you." Thinking of something, she tilted her head curiously, looking over the fox. "How... did you know where I was?"

Covering her pointed muzzle, she giggled softly, pointing to the house nearby. "This is my house. I live here. I've seen you jumping over the fence when the guys at school have been teasing you.... I considered coming out sometimes, but I wasn't sure you'd want me to...."

She smiled a little, nodding a bit, then remembered that she was trespassing, pointing over her shoulder towards the gate as she bit her lip. "Sorry. I'll just... I'll get going."

Turning to leave, Kira was surprised when the vulpine's paw reached out and grabbed her arm. "No.... Don't leave. You're all muddy. Please. Come on in and wash up a little."

The girl was surprised by the offer, hesitating for a little while. "Are you... sure? I mean, your parents don't mind?"

"Nah," she answered, waving her off. "They wouldn't mind. Besides, they're out for the rest of the day anyway. We've got the house to ourselves. Come on."

The vulpine grabbed her paw, pulling a little with a smile that Kira couldn't refuse. In fact, the smile was oddly... compelling. She didn't quite have a chance to figure out what it was before the other girl turned away again, pulling her towards the house. Hesitantly, she started to follow along after her, moving through the sliding door into the little mud room, finally out of the rain. Once inside, Kira let out a sigh of relief. Finally, she was starting to warm up again, though her fur and clothes still clung wetly to her body in a way that actually brought a blush to her face. Letting out a long breath, she sat on a small ledge in the room, peeling off her shoes and socks, flexing her toes a little once they were free of the smothering wet embrace. Then, she set her shoes aside, about to drape the socks across them when Linna stopped her.

"No no. Bring those along," the fox said. "We might as well wash them too." Kira was surprised, not sure what to answer to that. Her expression was one of confusion as she looked up, so much so that Linna couldn't help laughing. "Oh, come on. What did you think we'd do, sit around wet and muddy? Let's get those clothes in the washing machine!"

Again, the paw clamped around hers, the vulpine giggling a bit as she dragged her along. One flight of steps lather they had made it down to the laundry room in the basement. It was partially unfinished, just concrete walls and wooden planks crisscrossing the ceiling, wiring strung through it. The floor was carpeted, though, and the entire room was filled with the lovely smell of clean laundry. Kira was so busy looking around for a place where she could change that she didn't notice what the vulpine was doing. Then, there was a wet thwack of sodden clothing hitting the floor. She looked back just in time to see the heart-shaped rump of the other female lifted into the air. She was bent over to remove her skirt, only panties covering her, even her tail lifted to help her keep her balance. The thin, wet fabric did little to preserve her modesty either, clinging to every intimate contour. In fact, by just tilting her head a little, Kira could almost make out the shape of her pu-

"Hey! You just going to stand there?"

Shit!! Linna was looking right at her! She'd totally spaced out while she was staring at.... No, that wasn't what she was looking at! It was just because of the smiley face on the panties. That's what had caught her attention. She had just been distracted. It was still a bit weird, but she hoped that the fox girl wouldn't misinterpret it.... If she had even seen where she was looking. But she probably hadn't. No reason to think she had....

"Hellooooo? Kir? You can stare at my crotch after we start the laundry. It'll still be there." The fox was standing with paws on her hips, a small half-smile on her features.

She was doing it again! Pulling her eyes up to the other girl's face, she quickly shook her head. "No no! I was just... um.... It's the smiley on your... um...." She vaguely gestured in the direction of the underwear. "All mine are just... one color."

"Ah...," she replied with a smile that was difficult to interpret. "I see. Well, it's fun to have some variety, you know? Now, how about those clothes? Come on now, don't be shy. We both have the same parts. Nothing you have that I haven't seen already... several times...."

The words actually made her blush even more rather than putting her at ease, but finally she stripped to her underwear, tossing the muddy uniform into the washing machine. Smiling, Linna shut the lid and started the wash cycle. During that time when the vulpine's gaze was turned away, Kira couldn't help another glance at her body, a certain tinge of envy added in. Her body was so much better developed than hers! Yes, she was a year or so older, but her body was so much more curvy....

A moment later the female came up again, taking Kira's paw once more. "There! Feels better without those wet, sticky, muddy clothes, doesn't it?" She wrinkled her nose as she said it and smiled. "Now for that shower. Wash off the rest of that mud and warm up. You'll feel like a whole new girl!"

Before Kira could even smile to show her gratitude, the were off again. Four bare, wet footpaws pattering up the wooden steps, accompanied by the occasional girlish giggle. One or two of them even came from Kira. She couldn't help feeling a little giddy when with the spunky vixen. Reaching the top, they made a quick turn and went up another flight of steps, finally coming to the top. From there, it was down the hallway and last turn on the right, ending up in Linna's room. Walls were sponge painted with both pink and blue, furniture favoring the pink color scheme more. An assortment of stuffed animals lined the wall to their left, going all the way to the bed in the corner by the window. In front of them was the desk, not very messy, but not quite tidy either. Doodles and notepads lay across it. It was beside this desk that Linna threw her backpack (rather unceremoniously), plopping down on the fluffy carpet that stretched from the closet on the same wall as the door to the bed. As she did, she smiled at Kira.

"Welcome. Hope you don't mind the decor. Mom and dad didn't know if I'd be a boy or a girl, so they painted the walls both colors. I like it, though. As for everything else, they got way too happy with my equipment and went all out girly. Still, I'm not complaining. I like pink."

Kira shook her head, stepping in a little and admiring the stuffed animals from a respectable distance, still muddy as she was. "I really like it.... I have to share my room with a few of my siblings, so I don't really have anywhere to put anything girly...."

Shrugging it off with a giggle, Linna pointed to the door on Kira's right. "That's the bathroom. Towels are on the rack."

"Thanks," Kira said, smiling as she turned the handle and walked through.

The blue tile floor felt cool against her feet, the bathroom fairly simple in design. A small sink to the right and shower/bath to the left. After a short pause, she walked over to the shower, pulling back the sky blue shower curtain. She paused to study the faucet, bending over once she had it figured out and pulling the temperature control towards her. This immediately rewarded her with a cool spray of water that hit the back of her head before she could pull away. Squeaking in surprise, she pulled back, blushing hard and looking around a little as if to see if anyone had just seen her do that. Luckily, the bathroom was just as empty as when she had come in, so she leaned back in, avoiding the jet of water as she adjusted the temperature, one paw in the spray to gauge it until it was warm enough for her tastes. Stepping back, she looked around again as she reached behind herself and unclipped her bra. It felt weird to be removing her clothing in someone else's house like that, not having stayed over somewhere for quite a while. She shook it off, though, slipping her bra off and letting it fall to the ground, her panties sliding off a moment later. Then, after pulling off her glasses and setting them next to the sink, she was ready to go, stepping into the warm water and pulling the curtain closed.

Instantly, she could feel cold, stiff muscles relaxing under the warm flow of water. Linna had one of those massaging shower heads, which she took full advantage of, bracing her paws against the tiled wall and hanging her head over. Eyes closed, and thoughts drifted like they often had a tendency to do when unwinding. Mostly, she thought of how grateful she felt to be taken in by the kind sophomore and treated so well. Especially with that luxurious shower head! She even caught herself moaning softly, quickly clapping a paw over her mouth. Already she must have seemed pretty odd when she'd stared at Linna's... smiley like that. With the noises she was making, it would almost seem like she was.... Well.... What was stopping her, after all...? It wasn't like she could be heard over the running water.... And the image of that... smiley... was in her head now. Her head tilted back, biting her lip gently as she looked up at the shower head.... Not only did it massage, but it was on one of those hoses so it could be removed... and positioned wherever she wanted it....

No! she told herself, pulling her hand back since she'd already begun to reach out for it. I'm a guest. It wouldn't be proper. And besides, she's a female. Females shouldn't get me.... She looked down, realizing her fingers had slid down to her crotch, pressing in against it experimentally. Against them she could feel a wetness that wasn't water or mud, and it definitely wasn't time for her period.... Her body quivered, as if fighting some unseen force. She finally won, though, pulling her fingers back out of her, taking the shower head and setting it to a gentle sprinkle, trying to clean up the fluid. It only made things worse, though, bringing a gasp from her. The water felt so good.... And the smiley.... Ooooh.... The smiley.... She leaned back against the tile, spreading herself with one hand as the other sprayed water up into her.

Her reverie was shattered as she heard a knock on the door, Linna's voice calling through. "Don't stay in there too long! You'll get all pruney!"

Blushing hard, she quickly snapped the shower head back into place, glad the other female couldn't see the guilty expression on her face as she went back to lathering her body with a bar of soap, avoiding touching any of the sensitive areas of her body. Instead, she just focused on what had been coated worst by the mud, calling back over the spraying of the water "Coming!"

Finishing quickly, she rinsed herself thoroughly and turned off the spray, somewhat reluctantly. Reaching out, she fumbled for a bit, her hand trying to find a towel. Nothing seemed to come to her paw, though. The rack was empty.... She hadn't even thought to look in its direction with how Linna had said there should be one there.... She wiped her eyes a little, then stuck her head out of the shower.

"Linna...? There's no towels...."

"There's not?" came the response after a moment. "Oops.... Sorry about that. Hold on a second."

Perking her ears, Kira could hear the sound of pawsteps running down the stairs, obviously going to the laundry room to get the promised towel. Closing the curtain, she shook herself, tossing off the excess water before carefully stepping out onto the mat on the floor by the shower, putting her glasses back on and leaning back against the sink. Her glasses were too fogged to see out of, but she looked over them instead. Some time passed, and after a while she hopped up onto the sink, sitting on it with legs crossed at the ankles and swinging a little. The heat in the room gradually cooled down until her glasses were finally clear again, even cooling to the point where she began to feel cold, hugging herself. Finally, she heard her friend returning, coming into her room and knocking on the door.

"Sorry," came the muffled voice through the door. "They were in the drier."

Expecting the girl to just hand the towel through the door, she didn't stop it as it opened. However, she was shocked a moment later when the door was opened all the way, letting in a draft. Kira squeaked loudly and nearly fell off of the sink, trying to hide behind it and covering her body with her paws, though she couldn't really. Standing in the doorway, Linna looked a little surprised, then giggled a little, setting the towel down on the sink, averting her eyes.

"Yeesh," Linna muttered a little, surprised at the reaction. "Sorry I startled you! If it's that important to you...."

Still in shock after being walked in on fully nude, Kira's reactions were a bit slowed. By the time she realized what the other female was doing, her bra had already hit the floor. She tried to get out a soft "You don't have to...," but by then, the panties had hit the floor. Then, the vulpine smiled at Kira, moving in a little closer and touching her arm. The temptation to look down and get an unobstructed view of the vixen was tempting, but Kira fought the urge, eyes locked with hers. Still covering herself with her paws, she came back out from behind the sink.

"I don't see what you're so shy about," Linna offered, still stroking her arm as her eyes traveled over the lapine slowly. "You have a nice body. And like I said before, we're both girls here. Now come on.... Let's go hang out in my room a little. I've always preferred being nakkie anyway! Much more fun."

Going back into her room, she went back and lay down on the fuzzy carpet, going down onto her stomach on it and lifting her feet up behind her. Her face she rested on her paws, the elbows of which were braced against the ground. Under that, her breasts were pressed into the carpet, the angle Kira got looking right down her cleavage. Looking up, Linna waved her over, patting the carpet next to her and running her paw over it as if to show just how fluffy and tempting it was. Kira hesitated, then slowly let her paws go to her sides, taking a breath as she forced herself to keep them there. She could practically feel as Linna's eyes traveled over her intimate areas, making her face heat up like a thermometer. Going over, she lay down next to Linna, trying to get a position that hid most of her privates with the fluff of the carpet, though smooth rump was exposed despite her best efforts.

"There you go," Linna said with a smile, reaching out and touching her arm again. Then, a smile slowly crept over her face, nuzzling her pointed muzzle against one of Kira's long, sensitive ear. "So.... What were you thinking about when you were playing with yourself in the shower." Kira felt like she'd been hit by a bolt of lightning, eyes widening as she looked up at Linna who smiled and nodded. "Yes, I heard you. It's okay. I love that showerhead. I use it like that all the time. Now come on.... You can tell me. I won't tell anyone."

The bunny felt a sinking feeling, as if she was falling. She pawed desperately for something to say, any answer being better than the truth. How could she admit what she was really thinking about? It would make her seem like a lesbian! "Um.... That.... That Junior!" she said quickly, tossing out the first male she could think of that wasn't completely unattractive. "The feline... with the blonde hair. He's in the uh... math class. He's so hot...." She blushed, hoping she wasn't as bad a liar as it sounded like to her.

Obviously, it didn't work, Linna scooting in closer and sliding her paw along the curve of Kira's hip. The smile remained on her muzzle, slowly lifting one of her legs and propping it knee upwards, opening her vulpine sex. The poor bunny girl could smell its sweet, musky scent, eyes slowly going downwards before she could do anything about it. It was almost like she was just along for the ride as her gaze trailed downwards, taking an obvious stop on Linna's chest, then continued to the delicate pink folds of the female's pussy. By the time she got control back, it was too late. Her face was a bright red as she looked up at Linna, feeling horrified.

"Don't worry...," the vixen cooed as she scooted in closer, her paw sliding down over the curve of her rump as Kira rolled over onto her side slowly. She continued moving in closer, though, pushing the bunny gently until she ended up on her back with the vulpine sitting half on top of her, gently rubbing her inner thigh as she whispered softly in a long ear. The poor girl on bottom shivered, feeling the warm breath puffing over her velvety aud. "I won't tell anyone.... You don't like boys, do you? They don't really appeal to you.... You prefer something a little... sweeter. What you like is a pretty... sexy... curvy... girl."

She shook her head as the vulpine whispered in her ear, wanting to try to deny it. She tried her best, whispering softly, "No... I like boys... I do. I'm not like that... I'm not...." It all fell apart, though, as a long, slender finger pressed up against her untested opening, working its way into her. She almost screamed in pleasure, and it was just one finger! But she wanted it so bad.... She'd been holding back so long.... Unable to deny it any more, she arched her back and let out a moan. "Yes.... Oh god yes.... More... please...."

Permission given, Linna pressed her finger forward farther, adding in a second finger and starting to slowly work the two digits in and out, all the while kissing down the bunny's ear and the side of her face, smiling tenderly as she noticed tears of joy trailing down her face. "There there.... We haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet, baby. You just wait. I'll show you that being a lesbian isn't so bad...."

Smiling a little, Linna started to kiss at Kira's neck, pulling off the bunny's glasses and tossing them a safe distance away. They both panted and moaned happily together as they explored one another, Kira even gathering enough bravery to stroke her paws over Linna's hair, then down her back to her rump. She paused there a moment to slide over the curve once or twice, then the fingers moved to the front where they started to gently rub Linna's slit. The vulpine couldn't help giggling a little at the inexperience of the bunny, but she'd be teaching her soon enough. As Kira continued her gentle rubbing, Linna flicked her tongue down to one of the soft breasts of the bunny, licking the nipple and sucking on it gently, knowing how tender it would be for the still burgeoning girl. Indeed, she tensed hard, letting out a cry that rang through the house, her volume increasing when skilled fingers spread her nether lips open, delving in to play with the sensitive pearl hidden inside the folds. Kira was just glad that the house was empty, though she couldn't help thinking she might be getting strange looks from the neighbors.... But frankly, she didn't care anymore anyway. All of her shyness and nervousness melted away in the wonderful experience she was sharing with the beautiful girl, wanting nothing else but to feel everything she had to offer. Which was just what the vulpine gave her, every thought concentrating on showing the first timer just how positive a lesbian relationship could be. Through the expressions of the bunny, she could practically experience the intense pleasure she was feeling. Just when it seemed like it was all coming to a peak, she stopped unexpectedly, pulling back a little and watching the girl panting for breath, a confused expression asking the silent question of what was going on. Smiling, Linna brushed a strand or two of hair out of her face.

"You'll thank me in a little bit," the vixen explained, giving her soft lips a tender kiss. "The closer you come, the better it will feel when you finally reach it. Besides, you still haven't experienced my true specialty...."

While Linna waited for Kira to calm down a little, the two busied themselves with passionate kissing, tongue rubbing against one another and arms hugging tightly. At the same time Linna's leg slid up between Kira's to rub gently against her crotch, not wanting her to cool down too much. Finally, she felt it was time to bring it to a close. Breaking the kiss, she worked her lips down the front of the bunny's body. Getting herself between her thighs, she gave it an experimental lick, then sighed softly in pleasure as her tongue was rewarded with the sweet taste she'd only gotten a lick of before. Pressing in closer, she started to lick harder, her narrow muzzle seeming perfectly suited for the task. Her cool nose rubbed against Kira's clit as she got in closer, tongue lapping and rubbing against her moist, quivering lower lips. Happy moans erupted from the female on the receiving end, arching her back and whimpering happily as the soft tongue worked on her, reaching down to grip the rug as she felt tension building. Again she felt herself coming closer to release, but this time, the other male didn't stop. Instead, she licked even harder, pressing her lips against the pink set. Screaming, Kira climaxed hard, muscles convulsing as each wave of pleasure jolted through her. Linna continued to lick for a little while longer to keep it going as long as she could, then finally stopped as the orgasm began to fade. As she finally began to relax, Kira watched as Linna crawled up along her body, stealing a kiss.

"Ooh.... I'm not done with you yet...." she muttered to her, licking her cheek gently. Getting up, she moved over to the pile of stuffed animals, digging in it a little, then pulling out a strap-on. On each end, there was a dildo, the length of which was dotted here and there with small bumps. Opening her legs, the vulpine pushed one end into her own pussy, the straps wrapping around her waist and under her crotch, all fastening together. When it was all connected, she crawled in a little closer on her knees, gently pushing her legs open again. Moving in, she rubs the bumps of the strap-on's shaft against the girl's soft petals, reaching out with a paw to gently stroke her delicate cheekbone with a thumb when she saw the scared expression on the younger girl's face. "Don't worry. I'll be gentle sweetie. That is... if you want me to do it."

She still looked scared and nervous, but after a pause, Kira nodded slowly.

"Alright then...," Linna said softly, tilting her hips to point the head of the dildo at Kira's opening. "Hold on. This might hurt a little baby."

Pressing forward, the vixen slowly began to work the dildo in deeper, glad she had a smaller size shaft attached to the strap-on. The bunny was tight! Then, she reached the final barrier, stopping there. Feeling how close she was to losing her innocence at last, Kira clutched Linna to her chest, holding her legs open and pressing her face into the vixen's shoulder, ready to use it to muffle her screams if she needed. There was a pause, then a sharp pain as the dildo thrust forward hard, tearing right through and into her forbidden depths. For a while they sat there together, Kira writhing against her lover and trying not to cry, though a few rogue teardrops worked their way down her cheeks. They were caught by Linna's tongue which gently bathed her face for a moment before locking lips in another kiss. Again they lay in one another's embrace, bodies tangled together in a loving heap before Linna started to move her hips gently, working the dildo the rest of the way in, pressing it up to the hilt. The action ground the other end of the dildo into her own pussy, rewarding her with a tingle of pleasure, though her concentration was on the other girl, kissing and wiping away her tears.

"There. That wasn't so bad, was it? And it will feel much better once you get used to it. Now come on.... Let's see that pretty smile, beautiful."

Even in her pain, the compliments brought about the reaction desired by the fox girl. First her cheeks and nose went pink, then a smile spread over her face, giggling softly.

"There it is...," Linna said as she spotted it, stealing another kiss.

Gathering her legs under her, Linna started to roll her hips, the dildo sliding in and out of the slick passage of her new lover. Each time she slid in, she added a little extra push with her legs, their bodies slapping together gently. It made both of them moan, both feeling the rubbing of the dildo inside them. Little by little, Linna sped up, pushing harder with her legs, muscles all over her body working to continue the steady rhythm of her thrusts. At first, Kira whimpered in pain when the knobbed shaft thrust into her, but gradually, the sounds became louder and carried a defined note of pleasure. Her arms and legs wrapped around the vixen, urging her onwards with her gentle, needy pulling, like a little girl tugging at a grown-up's skirt. And Linna gave her what she wanted, thrusting faster and harder into her. Both of them started to breath faster and harder as the assault continued, the double sided dildo stimulating both of them, their juices dripping out of them and mixing together. Meanwhile a bit higher, Linna's breasts bounced and rubbed Kira's only increasing the pleasure for both of them. Kira was the first to show signs of reaching her breaking point, though, tossing her head back and forth against the carpet and screaming when she reached it, back arching and every muscle tightening. Watching her reactions, Linna thrust in hard a few more times, finally tensing as well and grabbing two fistfuls of the rug beneath them and arching her back, her scream harmonizing with Kira's as they climaxed in unison. It seemed to last an eternity, but yet still wasn't long enough as the sensations finally began to fade.

Collapsing on top of her, Linna kissed her newfound lover deeply, her paw stroking a flushed, sweaty cheek. "Now... you see...? Girls are... fun!"

The bunny couldn't resist giggling, nodding happily. She couldn't believe how lucky she had been that day, finding a new friend, a new lover, and a new world. Then, she jumped and squeaked, the sound of a phone ringing unexpectedly startling her. Smiling apologetically, Linna pulled herself out carefully, bringing a moan from the bunny on bottom. Jumping up, she ran over to the phone, picking it up.

"Hello?... Hi Mom!... Yeah?... Mm hm...."

As Linna talked, Kira's eyes traveled over the vixen's glistening body, suppressing a giggle as she thought to herself that her mother had no idea he daughter was standing naked with a dildo strapped to her crotch while they talked. Dispelling the thought, though, she continued listening, perking an ear.

"So when... oh.... No problem!... Yeah, I've got it covered... Really? Awesome! Thanks Mom! Bye!" Setting down the phone, Linna turned back to Kira with a devilish grin. "That was my Mom. She said she and Dad won't be coming home tonight. She said I could invite a friend over to spend the night if I got lonely...." She pouts a little. "And I think I'd be lonely without you here. So whaddya say? Want to keep me company?"

Giggling softly, Kira stood up and wrapped her arms around the vixen. They looked at each other for a moment or two, then pressed their lips together, sinking onto the bed in unison.