One Night Stand

Story by Belisaria on SoFurry

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Summary: What do you do when you come home to something unexpected? You go out...

One Night Stand by Saria-Nyx

It was just after 10pm, she sat at the bar, her head down as she contemplated the situation that she was in. Tipping back the glass of Jack, she sighed, her tail swishing behind her. Her day went to hell before it even started. First she was two hours late to work, second she was incapable of making any of deadlines. When Mina thought that her day couldn't get worse; she finds her fiancé in bed with her sister. After cursing him and her both out, and grabbing the majority of her clothes; she went to her house. Feeling pissed; she changed her clothes and went to the closet bar. Looking at the bartender she ordered another Jack and a Heineken. She knew that it was bad to drown your sorrows; but right now she could care less.

It was now after 11pm, when someone decided to sit next to her. She glanced to the person, and saw the beautiful woman. Mina's piercing green eyes widening slightly. Luckily since she had a high alcohol tolerance, she was nowhere near drunk, she could take the woman in. The woman had an air of confidence with her; you could tell just by the way she was sitting. Her hair flowed down her back in waves; black waves like the raging sea. What she was wearing made her feel underdressed with her t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers on. The black short halter dress did a lot to show her shape. This woman was the definition of curvy. Her ample, most likely D cup, breast were in great proportion to her hips and waist. Her eyes traveled down the woman's silver fur covered legs; her legs looking like they could go on for miles. As she looked, she saw the markings that covered her. If anything a woman with tattoos turned her on. Calling the bartender over again, she told him to get the woman anything that she wanted. The woman hearing this turned and looked at her smiling.

"Thank you for the drink." She smiled, her voice sounding as light as a feather.

"You're welcome, hun. My name is Mina, what's yours?" Mina smiled back at her; her eyes continuing to roam the other woman's' body.

"My name is Tessa." The wolfess replied back

"It's nice to meet you, beautiful Tessa." Mina took her hand and kissed the back of it. Just as she did that Tessa's face flushed a dark red.

Mina has never been one to morn over the lost a significant other. She also thought that it was their lost. Every time that she would break up with someone, she would follow this routine. She would go to the bar, drink, and when someone sits beside her flirt with them then take them home with her.

As the night continued you on, Mina kept buying Tessa drinks. She knew the drunker she got her the more willing she would go home with her. Mina was right; when the bar closed, Tessa was so drunk that she had no choice but to go home with her. Helping Tessa out the bar, she opened the door to her Audi, getting her situated she closed the door. Getting into the driver's side, Mina started the car and pulled off. On their way to the house, Mina put her hand on Tessa's thigh, caressing it. Tessa moaned as her head lolled to the side, her body feeling like it was on fire. That's what an ecstasy pill will do to you. It would take an hour to get to the house she had in the country. For what she had planned, she needs to be in a secluded place.

Stepping into the house; Mina smiled, everything was going as planned. Leading Tessa to her bedroom, decorated in crimson and black. Mina helped her remove her dress. As the dress cascaded to the plush carpet, Mina gasped softly. The woman before her was more gorgeous naked then she was clothed. Markings littered her mid-section, and all she wanted to do was lick them. She had the stomach of a belly dancer, her body was drool worthy. Laying Tessa on the queen sized bed; Mina strapped her to the bed using the cuffs attached to the headboard and footboard. Moaning, Tessa looked around her body arching off of the black bed. Going into the kitchen, Mina grabbed her favorite butcher's knife. Going back into the room, she watched her squirm. Mina felt a heat build in her core, like a build up to a climax. Sitting on the bed, she reached into her black nightstand to pull out a gag. The gag was placed nicely into Tessa's mouth as she moaned more. Digging back into the nightstand; she grabbed a scalpel. Mina straddled Tessa, her thighs gripping the other woman's hips. Taking the scalpel into her hands; she drew a long incision onto the woman's stomach. Water the color of chardonnay slowly dripped onto the white sheets beneath them. Leaning forward, Mina started making incisions on Tessa's face. After five minutes, her fur coated cheeks were gone. Going back to her stomach, Mina made a deeper incision. Soon enough her muscle and organs were bared. Tessa was still moaning when Mina sliced her throat ending her life. Harvesting her organs, the bed was stained black. Grabbing the body and sheets, Mina dragged them outside to the pit. Throwing them inside, she grabbed the lighter fluid and a match. Setting it aflame, she went back into the house. Gathering the organs she was going to make dinner.