The Creeps - Chapter One: Claude

Story by templeshore on SoFurry

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#1 of The Creeps

The beginning of a great adventure! A high-spirited college Frog named Claude (short for Claudette) signs up to intern for a mysterious organization headed by a Bat and Vulture, dedicated to "fixing the problems of the world."

The Creeps

By: templeshore

Chapter One: Claude

It was the day of the Bi-Annual Internship Fair and the student body of Squid Harbor Community College could not have been more mildly excited. After all, classes were canceled and the event was gloriously optional to students. Lined up and down the cramped hallway of the computer science department were tables advertising the likes of traditional Otter masonry, a Salamander family-run martial arts studio, and even a swimming camp specifically designed for Cats.

The turn-out this season was scarcely more populated than the last, mostly attended by recent Insect immigrants eager for work, but for Claudette "Claude" Collins, the event was marked by an intrigue typically only suited for pulp novel adventurers. And that's basically the image Claude projects on the world, even if she was just a small-town Frog with a C average. Red-haired and spunky, this was her day to start a new chapter: gaining the experience she'll need to bring her special sense of justice out into the world.

Much to the confusion and vague delight of her fellow students, the bespectacled Amphibian slammed the entrance open and proceeded to hop from booth to booth, searching in vain for the perfect use of her time. All the while, her sweetly naive whimper floated through the hall. A Porcupine teacher poked his head out of a classroom, and shook his head in frustration. "Damn it all, Claude."

Claude stopped in her tracks and ran backwards in joy.

"Hey, Mr. Martin! You grading papers!?" Claude asked, tilting her head slightly to the left.

"Y-yes." Mr. Martin, said, slightly spooked. "You underperformed as usual."

Claude ignored his last remark. "There is nothing here I want to do...mostly because I've already volunteered for half of these. Maybe I should just intern for Mr. Valentino's dojo again." The mustachioed Salamander could be heard shouting "Not on your life!" in the distance.

"You know Claude, I know you're trying to 'live life to the fullest' and all that jazz, but maybe you should concentrate on your studies from here on out," said Mr. Martin, looking off into the distance.

"It's not just that," Claude said, her mood changing slightly more melancholy, "And I need to do these things while I'm a young, agile, beautiful and cool frog! Not when I'm an old toad."

"That's another species, Claude."

"Are there any new dudes here? Come on."

"Well, there is that one on the far end. I heard another teacher asking what they did, and it didn't make all that much sense. I'd say go for it, but be careful. Might be some scammers that slipped throu-" He turned to face her but Claude had already hopped her way to the other end of the hall. The Porcupine scratched his head in confusion. "Weird kid."

When Claude reached the mysterious table, only one other student was signing up in front of her. The Scorpion was so large that Claude couldn't even see the representatives. She hopped up and down to no avail. She could hear a man giving a short speech nervously at the table, though the mammoth Scorpion remained silent. He walked away slowly, finally revealing the two reps sitting over a sign that read, "Temporarily Untitled Adventure Squad." Keeping an eye on the Scorpion, a balding, well-dressed Bat gave a smug smirk while a curly-haired blonde Vulture flipped through a used novel. She was the most beautiful Vulture, and perhaps even woman, that Claude had ever seen.

Claude's jaw dropped to the floor. This was exactly what she had been looking for. And there it was, spelled out right in front of her: "Adventure." After an unsuccessful attempt at forming words, the Bat cut her off.

"I, uh, take it you're interested?" He said politely.

Claude looked down at the sign-up sheet. The Scorpion, whose name was apparently "Cato," was the only one who had signed up. Claude recognized it as an ancient Insect warrior name, so she knew she was in good company.

"Of course! I mean, I don't know what this is, but I love it! Tell me! Is it like rock climbing trips or something, because I'm open to-" He cut Claude off again.

"Right off the 'Bat,' I guess you could say that we're a newly-formed organization dedicated to solving every major issue facing our entire world. I know this sounds ridiculous and vague, but I'm completely serious. It goes beyond nationality, species, or creed. I can tell you're eager, so go ahead and join. Meet us by the docks at no later than 6:00 A.M. Details to follow." The Bat combed his hair back proudly as the Vulture cringed at his pun.

Tears began to form in Claude's eyes, followed by a valiant punching of the sky. She got herself together and her demeanor instantly turned businesslike and serious. "Claudette Collins, Frog and kung fu expert, sir! Can I bring a friend, sir!?"

"Of course," the Bat said, "Just make sure they're prepared." The Vulture said nothing.