A sacrifice for the greater good

Story by Harrar SwiftFang on SoFurry

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This is my second "short" story and I failed miserably at it. It's just not short. It was even longer, but I have shortened the sex-scene (sorry) and some other scenes. I also have the feeling that the last 4 paragraphs were rushed, because I had to keep it short. Still, I hope you will enjoy this story, but be advised; I really think it's dark and extreme. If not, please tell / pm / comment me. Also any comments on spelling and grammar are much appreciated as I strive to become better and better at writing. Also advice me if there are missing any taggs. Now, stop reading this and get on to the story itself ;)

"Stupid, stupid game." thought Crystal.

'Why, gods, why did I have to choose Dare? I wanted to be the tough one again. I had to call Dare again.

And this time I can't back out. Did that too often. This time I will follow through and do this. I won't be a sissy-girl!"

If only her Dare hadn't been so scary. Here she was, a teenage bunny, in the middle of the night standing in front of the gate of the old cemetery at the very edge of town. Thank god, she was not alone... Yet...

"Come on already, Crystal! Get moving. What are you waiting for?" said Richard, her best friend and classmate, who was trying to be helpful, but right now she could just strangle him. With them were also the cat twins, Keisha and Caty from next door and their other classmate 'drooley' Doyle, the golden retriever. They had all sneaked out of the house to watch Crystal complete her Dare, the one Caty had come up with. She had to cross the old graveyard, all alone. Her friends, meanwhile, would take their bikes, go around and wait for her on the other side.

"Yes, Crystal." said Keisha. "We don't have all night. We are lucky enough that out parents haven't found out, but if you keep stalling like this, they might. Do it now, or go back home. I prefer that you go back home so we can laugh at you and make fun of you again! You never completed a Dare before, hihihi"

"Remember the last time?" She couldn't even.....

"SHUT UP, CATY" Crystal shouted. "And you too, Keisha! I will do this!" She took a small step toward the cemetery. It was old, the gate rusted down, the grates hanging from their hinges, creating an opening a car could pass through. The tombstones were all cracked or tilted at strange angles, and everything was moss-covered. In the distance, the dark silhouette of a small building could be seen in the middle of the cemetery. The full moon gave a lot of light, but did nothing to ease the fright and uneasiness inside the young bunny.

"Remember, no running." said Caty.

"We will wait for you on the other side, I promise!" from Richard.

"Good luck" from Doyle, who hadn't said much, probably because of his nerves. He was looking very frightened himself and was looking all ways round every other second, as if afraid some monster might come and grab him. "Stupid to think of monsters right now" she thought and then she inhaled deeply and started walking through the gate and, amazingly, did not stop. "Oh my god, she really is going to do it!" she heard Keisha say, with a mixture of awe and surprise. "Let's go to the other side." Richard said and she heard the sounds of them, picking up their bikes and riding off.

She had been so proud of herself, when she kept on walking, but now that she was alone, all that pride sank through her feet, out of her toes, through her slippers and into the filthy ground. In its place fear slowly grew and she wanted to turn back and run after her friends.

"NO! I am going to see this through!" Crystal thought and she walked on, albeit a little bit at a faster pace then before.

It was mid-summer, the night had coolled off, but it was still a very nice temperature to be outside. Still, Crystal shivered as she walked on the gravelly path through the cemetery and the green dress she wore did nothing to prevent it. There were almost no sounds, except for the chitter of a far away cricket. She looked around at the tombstones, but other then a date here and there, she could not make out any names or messages. She looked forward and saw the path lead up to the front of the small building and then split up and around it. She should be able to see the other side of the cemetery once she had the building at her back. Now that she was much closer to the building, she could see it was a square block of gray marble with four columns in front of it. It was covered in vines and moss, and there were very large cracks all along the walls and the columns. She squinted a bit and could make out the linings of a door. Then, suddenly, behind one of the tombstones to her left, a bird lifted off and squeeked 4 times in a row. It startled her and with relief, she kept staring at the small bird as it flew away. An arm grabbed her around her chest and a paw forced a wet cloth over her mouth and nose. She tried to scream, but the large intake of breath, made her inhale more of the chloroform and she lost consciousness.


"Come on, let's get out of here." said Caty to Richard. "Doyle already has left, scared by his own shadow, I'll bet, and Keisha and me wanna go home too!"

"No way!" Richard stated firmly "We can't leave Crystal all by herself! We wait for her!"

"Aaah come off it already, Rich. We just wanna play a little joke on her, that's all. Crystal will be okay, but scared so bad, she will run back home crying and screaming and we can laugh at her again."

"I won't do it, she is my best friend and I will wait for her alone if need be."

Caty thought it over and then an idea popped into her head. "you know, Keisha told me all about that evening when you and her were pretty close...."

Embarressed, Richard looked at her, eyes wide in shock. "she didn't.. she. I ...wait..."

"Oh yes she did, we are twins after all."

Keisha only nodded, with a sly smile on her face. Caty continued "She told me how you loved the way she pawwed you off.. We could do that again if you'd like, only this time, I could also play along. Would you like that, knowing that I am better with my tongue then my paws?"

Caty and Keisha speeded up a bit on their bikes, putting a bit of distance between them and Richard. "Come on now, this offer will be over soon if you don't come with us...."

Richard smiled but a sad thought crossed his mind. She'll understand after I tell her why I wasn't there... will she? He looked back over his shoulder and whispered "Sorry, Crystal..." He raced after the twins and shouted "On my way!"

Crystal woke up to a stabbing pain in her right arm. She was groggy and had to focus hard on the source of the pain. There was a needle in her arm and some kind of white liquid was injected into her. The needle was extracted and she heard a soft voice. "There, there now, little one. Don't be scared. I just gave you something for the pain. You won't feel anything and it will keep you conscious during the entire ritual."

"Ritual? What ritual? Where am I?" Crystal tried to shout. it came out "mfpphh... meuhphmmm.." She had been gagged with a small ball in her mouth that was held in place by two leather straps, knotted together behind her head. It was uncomfortable against her teeth, but did not hurt, probably because of the painkiller they shot her with. She strained her neck to look around. She was laying on her back on some sort of stone altar. Her wrists and ankles were cuffed and iron chains pulled her arms out to the right and left. Her legs were spread and also held by chains. She followed the chains with her eyes and saw that they came out of the mouths of stone effigies, resembling lions. The room was lit by hundreds of candles, giving enough light to see as if it were broad day. She was naked and anyone standing there in the room could have a good look at her privates. "Good." the voice spoke up again "It seems your feeling better already. Now, if you would just pay a little attention over here, I will explain to you what is going on. You must have so many questions."

Crystal tilted her head forward, and at the end of the altar, there stood a female fox and a male black wolf, both naked. Although the fox was a lot older then her, she still looked very sexy, her brown fur groomed with care, her large breasts only hanging just a little bit. The wolf on the other hand looked like the exact opposite. His black fur was missing in several spots, scars ran all over his body and face, his eyes looked dull. But the most scary of all was his muzzle. His jaws were sewn together with some sort of black wire. Only the front of his muzzle was slightly open and sometimes his tongue slipped out from between his lips.

"mmfhhfpp, mmfphmm" Crystal said and she tried to move, but the chains held her tight. The fox spoke up again "Please, don't do that. You can't feel pain, but you can still hurt yourself. Just look at your left wrist already" Crystal did and a faint trickle of blood was coming from underneath the cuff and she stopped moving. "That's better." the fox continued "Now let me explain; I am the caretaker of this catacomb and also the priestess of the gods. This here..." She suddenly started pawing the wolf off "..is my ever faithfull servant. Please forgive his appearance, he is feral and also a bit dumb. Why, if we hadn't sewn his muzzle shut, he would just about devour every virgin he was supposed to capture."

How did they know she was a virgin, Crystal thought. The fox pawwed the wolf off harder, but although his member was erect, it stayed small. Crystal had once seen her older brother naked in the shower by accident and his was a lot bigger then the wolf's. "Now imagine our surprise when we saw you walking around our little graveyard. We were very lucky. We had only 2 weeks left to find a suitable sacrifice and now we can go on ahead of schedule. Shall we begin?" The fox spit on the wolf's member and then let go, leaving his member glistening and moist. She walked over to the nearest wall and started turning a wheel. Crystal could feel her chains slackening a bit. "Now, go ahead, my pet, you know what to do." The wolf walked over to the altar and took Crystal in his strong arms. He lifted her up a bit, tightening the chains and laid down on his back between the stone and Crystal. The bunny could feel his chest against her back and, even worse, his member pressed up against her virgin cunny. His paw grabbed his member and he started to move the tip into her cunny.

"mffff, mffffph" Crystal said.

"No, no, no, bad boy, bad, bad boy!" The fox shouted. "You know you cannot enter her there. If you cum, you will spoil everything. She must be pure!"

The wolf stopped and before Crystal realized what was happening the wolf guided his cock to her tailhole and thrusted it in as deeply as possible.

"MMMMPPPPFHHHH" Crystal gasped, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and shock. She knew it should hurt, but the painkiller worked great. Instead she could feel him thrusting his member inside her. He could not go deep, but the fast rythm the wolf was using obviously meant he was enjoying himself. That and the fact that he was softly howl-moaning. Meanwhile, the fox had taken something in her hand and stood right in between the bunny's legs. She held up the item in her hand so Crystal could have a good look at it.

"This, my little, sweet bunny, is a strap-on. I made it myself a long time ago. It's modeled after my first servant, who was a horse." It was indeed a very large, rubber, equine cock, with 4 leather straps attached and a smaller end protruding from the back of it. "let me just fit this on" said the fox and she let the short back-end enter her pussy, then spit in her paws and applied it all along the long, equine shaft. The wolf was still thrusting in and out of her tailhole, whimpering with pleasure.

"I hope this will be as much fun for you as it will be for me" the fox said and slowly she let the tip of the cock enter the bunny's pussy. This time, Crystal did feel pain. The large equine cock slowly penetrating her inch by inch and the abuse of her tailhole were too much for the painkiller to negate. She shouted out some muffled cries, while the wolf and fox had found the same rythm, thrusting in and out of her. The fox massaged her own breasts, panting and howling, thrusting ever deeper, until a sharp pain and shudder went through the bunny's body and she knew that her cherry had been popped. "Stop!" The fox commanded and both the wolf and the fox slid out of her. The wolf lifted Crystal up a bit again and slided out from under her. Meanwhile, the fox had taken off the strap-on and threw it into a corner. She bended over Crystal and looked her straight into her eyes. She licked the bunny's cheek and then without warning, forced two fingers into her pussy. She twisted and thrusted her fingers a bit, then pulled out. Her fingers were coated with fresh blood.

"Now we can start the final part" She exclaimed happily" She walked over to the wall on the left side of Crystal. The wolf started howling something unintelligible and the fox started writing strange runes on the wall with her blooded fingers. She also started chanting in an unfamiliar language. It lasted for about 5 minutes, then they both stopped. "There now. That should do it" The wall started to light up slowly with an eerie golden light. "Come on, my servant, we must retire now." She looked at Crystal. "Don't you worry now. The others will enjoy you as much as I have. Since you could not help us orgasm, we will both finish up upstairs. Thank you for your gift. Goodbye! " Crystal saw them leave, heard a door open and close, then bolted shut. Meanwhile the wall lightened up further and suddenly went dark.

Where the wall had been, now was an opening into another room. And from that room emerged 3 figures and as they shambled closer, she could make them out. A lion, a tiger and a hyena entered the room, going straight for her. But they looked weird and misshapen. There was almost no fur on their bodies, and where there was, it looked sickly black. Their limbs had oozing wounds and on someplaces bone was protruding out. They smelled of decay and their eyes where completely grey. The hyena even missed an eye, green liquid oozing out of the empty socket. The lion reached Crystal first and he drooled over her left leg. It bent over and bit down hard, sinking his teeth into her flesh and ripping away pieces of meat from her thigh bone.

Crystal let out a muffled scream, not from pain, but out of pure fear mixxed with disgust. These were zombies and she was their meal. Tears welled up and she cried, but not for long as she suddenly saw the hyena standing over her. It had moved towards Crystal's head and took her left ear in his paw. He stretched the ear out and bend down to the joint where the ear met scalp and bit into it , then with his paw ripped it off. Blood spatter hit Crystal's face and she could hear the crunch of her ear, as it was being chewed on by the hyena. She vomited, but the ball was still in place and her stomach contents went back in her throat, choking her a bit and making her cough. The tiger then reached her on her right side and unsheathed his claws. It made a couple of swipes and cut deep into her abdomen. Her innards were now fully exposed and the tiger rammed his paw in, took out her guts and feasted on them. The hyena tossed the leftovers of her ear to the side and started to suckle on the bleeding wound where her ear had been. With his paw he felt all over her face, then inserted a claw into her right eye. The lion, meanwhile, had eaten away all the meat from her femur and started going down, to finish the entire leg.

As the zombies feasted and gorged, Crystal slowly sank into darkness. The loss of blood made her slip into unconsciousness and then total blackness. She felt like she was floating. She turned around and saw she was above the zombies, eating away at her mangled body. She looked up and in front of her, not wanting to look at it. She held up her hand in front of her and saw that she was translucent. "So, this must be what it feels like to be dead." She thought. Then she felt a terrible and agonizing pain and her spirit was sucked upwards into a strange rune, written into the ceiling. She heard a whisper in her ear. It sounded like the fox. "Don't be afraid. Your body will keep them sated for the next twenty years and your spirit will strenghten the magic that keeps them inside. Thank you for your gift." And Crystal was gone.

She woke up screaming. She was wet with her own sweat and her body was shivering. She was alone at home, so nobody had heard her scream. She got up and looked into the mirror on her sideboard. "It was just a nightmare, silly girl" she said to herself. Looking at her alarm clock on the nightstand, she realized she had just woken up a minute before the alarm should have gone off. She shut it down and walked to her wardrobe. She reached in absent mindedly and pulled out her green dress. She looked at it and hung it back, choosing a light blue one instead. No sense in tempting faith. She went down, put on her slippers and went outside, closing the door behind her. Her friend Richard walked up to her, bike in hand. "What kept you? he said "I've been waiting for ten minutes now, I thought you weren't going to show up! Let's go already. The twins are already there!" Crystal sighed. "Okay, okay" She took her bike out of the shed and together they set off toward the old cemetery...

The end