Beast of Burden- A Working Vacation

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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Working during your vacation sucks, especially when that work is hard labor forced onto you after you're kidnapped and transformed against your will. Still, every job has benefits...

Hello, everyone. This story was inspired by my truck and the headaches it's caused, both directly and indirectly. If you enjoyed and are interested in getting your own story, or just want to get your own story, you can follow the link here to my commission/donation page:

Hope everyone enjoys the story, and as always all constructive criticism is welcome. Hope you enjoy!

If I ever think about buying a truck again, I thought to myself as I climbed out of the light red vehicle, somebody do me a favor and shoot me.

I looked back at the old vehicle as I let out a sigh. The vehicle had caused me a bit of grief these past two months since I first saw it for sale. It had been sitting on the side of the road in front of an old white ranch house outside the city, and when I passed by it on the way back from a business trip with a co-worker, I asked him to pull over. My own vehicle had been causing me a ton of headaches lately with constant repairs, and it had been putting a severe drain on my finances. The sign advertising the beat up old truck from $500 dollars seemed too good to be true, but I figured it was worth a look.

While I examined the truck, the owner came out to greet me. Candi Apple looked and sounded like a stereotypical farmer's daughter, wearing a pair of daisy duke jean shorts, a red and white checkered half shirt that left her taut mid-riff exposed, and a white cowboy hat atop her head. What little chestnut brown hair that wasn't under it was tied back in a braid behind her, and a pair of cowboy boots the same color as her hair completed her ensemble. Her western accent served to cement the cowgirl image in my mind as she walked down from the ranch house to introduce herself, and I had to stifle a laugh when she said her name.

"I see you're interested in my old gal here!" Her voice was as bright as her sparkling white teeth as she smiled. Her blue eyes looked back at me as she gave me a rundown on the vehicle. "The a/c's busted, and the radio ain't worked in ages, either, but she's sturdy and reliable. Money's just a little tight right now, and as much as I hate to part with her, I wanna find her a good home. I'll even throw in my old tape deck for free!"

The offer sounded too good to be true, but she offered a full refund if I ran into any trouble with the truck, and even took me for a test drive. It ran just fine, and considering I'd only be out a couple hundred at worst, I agreed to the deal. The next day I got a ride from a friend, paid for the truck and got the ownership transferred over to me. I just needed something that would get me back and forth to work, and for a few weeks it did that just fine.

The problems started about two weeks after the purchase. The truck itself wasn't the problem; it was the knowledge that I owned a truck that got me in trouble. I quickly learned that when you own a truck, everyone wants to borrow it. At first I said yes to my family, and a friend who needed help moving into his new place. I'd usually have to come along with the truck, and ended up spending a lot of my free time moving other people and their things. After a while the constant requests started to grind on my nerves, and now even co-workers I barely knew were looking to me to help them. The only saving grace was that the old truck had been working just fine despite the heavy hauling, and the country music on the old tapes made the drives go by in a flash. All that work had made for some good exercise that my office drone job didn't offer.

Still, it was pretty exhausting work, and I was getting annoyed with everyone treating me like their beast of burden. I was so exhausted I barely even remember tossing my keys and wallet onto the nightstand before collapsing into my bed, thinking how glad I was that I was on vacation for the next week.


"Mornin', Stud!" A feminine voice and a crowing rooster greeted my ears as I slowly stirred. That was strange enough, trumped only by the wooden stall and hay strewn floor that my eyes saw as I slowly sat up. As I sat up and tried to get a better view of my surroundings, I quickly realized the only thing had stayed the same since I'd fallen asleep were the white t-shirt and jeans I'd slept in.

"We got lotsa work to do, Stud! Let's get going!" Apparently the owner of that voice didn't see my surprise at seeing my changed hands, hands that looked much less human then they did before. My five fingers had been replaced by three, the normal skin and nails replaced by golden yellow fur and thick, jet black nails. The nails had flattened and extended over the tips of my thicker fingers, my hand resembling a hoof when I clenched my fingers together. Long, wispy white hairs hung my wrist and covered my hand when I set it down on the ground. Looking at my changed feet, I quickly found that I was down to two very large, hoof like toes the same color as my finger nails and with a similar shape. A set of hairs like the, "socks" around my wrists were around my ankles as well.

"Time to mount up!" I spied a full length mirror in a corner of the stall and made my way toward it, still ignoring the speaker for now. That became hard to do when she suddenly leapt over the gate of the stall, landing with a solid thud on my back. A slender set of arms wrapped around my neck, a pair of legs going around my waist a second later.

"Hey!" That's what I expected to come out of my mouth as I got to my feet, planning to throw this stranger off me. Instead, it came out as a, "Neigh!"

"Whoa! Easy, Stud, easy!" I continued to try and throw off my rider, more out of confusion and surprise than genuine anger. My rider held firm, trying to calm me down as she spoke to me like a scared animal. The feeling of being jumped on distracted me from my changed limbs as I try to throw off my rider. When my frantic thrashing wouldn't do the job, I decided one big throw would be enough to buck her off. I paused in front of the mirror, crouching down as I prepared to knock her off. My eyes skirted across the mirror, and what I saw froze me in my tracks.

"That's it; good boy. That's my big Stud..." I wasn't sure at first what was stranger; that I was an anthropomorphic horse, or that I had an anthropomorphic cowgirl whispering soothingly in my pointed ear. The golden yellow fur that covered my hands covered the rest of me, including my newly elongated snout. My big nostrils flared as I pulled back my lips, seeing a mouth filled with thick, all flat teeth. My eyes were spaced closer together than a normal horse's and allowed me to see straight ahead, although my big muzzle filled a decent portion of my sight. My normal hair had disappeared, replaced with a mane of white hair that started between my ears and cascaded down the length of my back. It was also hard to ignore that my clothes were feeling a bit tighter than before. Some of that was probably the extra hair and fur, but I also felt a little bigger and bulkier. I wasn't on the verge of busting out of my clothes or anything, but it was clear I'd packed a bit of solid mass onto my normally scrawny frame.

"Yeah, you're a handsome guy alright, Stud, but we ain't got time for gawkin' right now!" The golden brown furred cowgirl wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a gentle squeeze as my gaze shifted to her reflection. It was hard to see much of her face underneath the big cowboy hat, but I did catch a glance of a slender cow muzzle, pointed ears on either side of her head, and a set of white horns poking through the rim of her hat. The fur continued down her arms and legs, which besides the fur looked like normal human limbs.

"Now, giddy up, Stud!" The cowgirl slammed her thighs against me hard as she gave her order. "You gotta get that field tilled for the new crop before the big rain comes in!"

Field? Stud? Why am I horse man? Why are you a cowgirl? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!? That's what I kept trying to say, but all that was coming out were more neighs and whinnies. None of it was making any sense, and neither was the fact that my body seemed to be moving of its own accord. Even as my brain was screaming to stop and get some answers, my body obeyed her commands and started to walk out of my stall.

A snort escaped me as I adjusted to my new surroundings outside the stalls. It was clear that I was in some kind of farmland, a farm with a whole lot of empty space. There didn't seem to be anyone else here besides the two of us. The other horse stalls were empty, and a wooden pen nearby had no animals of any sort; it was just me and my rider. There was a bumper crop of dirt, but beyond that the only thing in the nearby field was a large, old-fashioned plow.

It wasn't all barren, though; I did notice a small orchard that was practically bursting with apples sitting behind an old white ranch house. Most of my body wasn't responding to my commands, but I was still able to turn my head and look past the house toward the road that lay beyond it. The road and house looked kind of familiar, and that accent... I knew it; I was back at the ranch where I bought my truck. She may not look like the girl that sold it to me, but it sure sounded like Candi was the one giving the orders.

As I tried to process all this information, Candi directed me toward the plow. It was essentially a giant metal rake, which dug deep into the ground and would till the earth as it was pulled. A pair of metal rods extended forward from each side of the plow to a pair of rubber grip handles.

"Alright, Stud. Giddy up in there; I figure ya got maybe three, four hours top before that rain starts a comin'." Candi slowly dismounted as she directed me. "I'm gonna follow behind you with the seed. We need to get some hay together for the animals that'll be coming soon."

Wait, she wants me to do what?! She had to be kidding; that plow looked heavy, easily a couple hundred pounds or more! And the field she wants me to plow looked like it went on for miles! Did she seriously expect that I was going to be able to do all this in such a short amount of time?

Despite my brain's protests, my body continued to respond to her commands. I let her down off my back and moved into position. The strange shape of my hands felt weird, but I was able to grab the handles easily enough. The placement of the handles forced me to lean forward a little as my body prepared for a task my head was not on board with.

Alright, this is enough! This is my body, and I am the one who's in charge. I don't know what kind of weird control she has over me, but I will beat this. Focus, focus... yes! It felt like it was taking every bit of my willpower, but my hand started to move off the handle of the plow. I could hear her coming up behind me as well; as soon as she gets in front of me, I'll sock her and get some answers. Punching a woman's not gonna be my proudest moment, but considering the circumstances I'll live with myself.

I couldn't exactly make a fist, but if I pressed my fingers together it made a pretty firm, solid hoof. One good arm thrust should be enough to knock her down. She's coming around in front of me; now's my chance. On three, I'll strike.



Thr-holy crap, those are the largest set of breasts I've ever seen and they're right in front of my face.

"Y'all set, Stud?" Now that she stood in front of me for the first time, I got a good look at my rider. Her clothing, hair color and style matched everything Candi when I first met her, so between that and her accent I was almost positive that it was Candi. It was hard to be completely certain, since Candi wasn't covered in golden brown fur like this girl. The long, ropey cow tail with a tuft of brown hair at the end of it, the short cow muzzle and ears were also new, but at the moment my brain was focused on even more extreme changes.

Candi had left me with the impression that she was a bit of a tomboy between her small body and the firm handshake she gave me when we agreed to the deal on my truck. If this cowgirl was Candi, then, "tomboy" would be the last thing that would cross my mind looking at her now. To say that she had filled out a bit would be an understatement; I'd seen fully grown pumpkins that were smaller than her newly enhanced hips and rear. Her daisy dukes seemed strained to their limit, and it seemed like one false movement would tear them for good. At least they were still struggling to hold together, unlike her shirt that had already lost that battle.

Candi wore the same white and red checkered shirt she had on when I first met her, although I use the word, "wore", rather loosely. It hung uselessly on either side of her bountiful bosom, and she didn't seem concerned about that in the least. Melons may be a crude name for breasts, but given the size of the ones in front of me it was also incredibly accurate. They were so large they even hung over the tops of her abdominals slightly, their somewhat oval shape also allowing anyone who looked at her from behind a good glimpse of her generous endowments. If she was bothered by their size or weight it didn't show; judging from the slight smile on her cowgirl muzzle and the pert nipples that poked out from beneath the fur, she seemed to be enjoying herself quite a bit.

"Whoops; gotta be careful, Stud." Candi leaned forward as she took the hand I had started to move in her own and guided it back onto the handle. In an instant I went from staring at her chest to being engulfed by it as my muzzle slid into her canyon-like cleavage. A thick, almost nutty musk filled my head as she held my hand firmly on the handle for a few seconds. The tightness that she held my hand with was matched only by the tightness growing in my crotch as her breasts filled my eyes and my nose. "Gotta use both hands to pull this, understand?"

I nodded slightly, words impossible for me on several levels at the moment. Candi giggled slightly as my muzzle moved between her breasts, her hands gently stroking my head and main as she continued to hold me close. Her strokes sent little spikes of peace and happiness through my mind, and with my growing arousal was making me forget that I was in danger of being suffocated if this kept up too long.

"That tickles, Stud!" Candi slowly pulled away, oxygen slowly flowing back into my brain and diluting her scent. "Giddy up, Stud! Start plowing!"

Yes, breasts. I mean, ma'am. Tightening my grip on the handles, I pulled with all my might. My initial concerns about the plow being too heavy seem unfounded; the plow moved through the ground behind me like a hot knife through butter. It seemed like I had an unlimited amount of energy, and pulling this plow along was almost effortless. Before I knew it I was near the end of the field, and I heard Candi telling me to turn around and plow the row next to it. As I turned, I caught a glimpse of Candi with a bag of seeds slung over one shoulder, spreading it generously over the newly tilled soil.

Up and down, up and down we went for nearly two hours. We'd just about hit the halfway point when Candi called for me to take a break while she got some more seed. I paused while she went to a nearby shed, stepping out of the plow and surveying the work we'd done so far. We still had a lot of work to do, but soon this field would be fully sowed. Then the animals could come in, and we'd have eggs and milk and... and I'm just remembering now that I was turned into a horse man against my will.

What the hell's wrong with me?, I thought as I tried to clear my senses. Once that heavy plow started moving, my brain just went on auto pilot and kept pulling. Even now, I barely felt little more than a dull ache from pulling such a heavy weight, and a part of me still wanted to jump back in and get back to work just to prove that I could. My muscles had only grown slightly bigger from my normal human self, but they felt pumped and as hard as rocks underneath my thick coat. I was a powerful beast, and on some level I was truly proud of that.

Being so strong was definitely a plus, but it didn't change the fact that this had been done against my will. Still, as I watched Candi rooting through the shed, I was starting to think I was going to have to play along for now. I don't have full control of my body, I can't talk, and I'm in the middle of nowhere. Even if I could get away, where would I go looking like this? Candi changed me into this, and she may have been the only one could change me back. I hated to admit it, but I was probably stuck here for now. No one would come looking for me, either; I hadn't told anyone my vacation plans because I didn't want them to bother me during it. It was unlikely anyone would even notice that I was gone for a few days.

Candi started walking back, carrying two bags of seeds that looked identical to the ones she'd started with and a bottle of water in each hand. I glanced down at the empty bag at my feet, and almost did a double take when I saw that it had started as a hundred pound bag. She may have looked like she just walked out of the pages of a furry porn magazine, but now she was carrying two of those just as effortlessly as she had one. All the more reason to play along; trying to overpower her physically might end badly.

"Here ya go, Stud!" Candi dropped the bags as she got close to me, cracking open a bottle of water. "Got a little refreshment here for ya! Better lean down; your hooves are gonna be a bit too clumsy to hold it proper."

Starting to get a little tired of these orders, I thought as I glared at her. Unfortunately, she was also right about not being able to hold the bottle. With a mental sigh, I dropped down to one knee as Candi uncapped a bottle. She gently pressed the bottle to my lips, letting the cool water pour gently down my throat. I lapped and swallowed eagerly, my big tongue occasionally flicking out and brushing against her hand as I drank.

"Yeah, this is some thirsty work, Stud." Candi tossed the bottle on top of the old seed bag before taking a swig of her own. She drank hers almost as quickly as I did mine, a small trickle of water escaping out the sides of her muzzle. My eyes watched that stream of water run slowly downward, dribbling across her neck and beading slowly over the massive tracts of land that were her chest. As I watched it make its long, slow journey with a laser like intensity, I found myself getting thirsty again.

"You like my big girls, Stud?" Her giggle caused her chest to bounce ever so softly. The dribble of water moved over her nipple, slowly hanging on the swollen nub before dripping onto the ground. Soon another drop joined the first, then another. The second drop seemed cloudier than the first drops, and was soon joined by another stream coming from the other breast. I tilted my head as the trickle turned into a small stream; was she... lactating?

"Oops! Guess they like you, too!" One of Candi's fur covered hands gently tilted my muzzle upward, drawing my gaze away from her chest and back to her face. "Good thing I made us different species; if I'd made you a bull, you'd probably be trying to jump my bones right now. Now, giddy up! Back to work!"

I was already moving back into my position on the plow before the words were even fully out of her mouth. It was starting to become apparent that there was something about that, "Giddy up!" phrase of hers that forced my body to do whatever she said next. If that was the case, then I was helpless to resist unless I could shut her up or make myself deaf. Fat chance either one of those things was gonna happen; I was trapped, at least for now.

The rest of the tiling passed without incident until the last ten minutes or so. The grey storm clouds overhead had been steadily growing darker as I worked, a clap of thunder booming a split second behind a bright bolt of lightning. Drops of water started soaking my back a few seconds later, and Candi called to me with another command to double time it. With a heavy snort I plowed through the pain and the last of the field in a hurry. What had been a dull ache in my muscles had grown into a steady burn that grew hotter and hotter as I pushed. When the burn was threatening to become a raging inferno I reached the end of the field, nearly collapsing on the ground in exhaustion.

"Good job, Stud!" Candi was right behind me, tossing out the last of the seeds. "Now, giddy up and give me a lift back to the stables! We'll get you all cleaned up before I tuck ya in for the night."

Even if I could have argued I was too tired to; instead I let Candi resume her riding spot on my back and carried her back toward the stable. Mud squished beneath my hooves as I trotted my way back, leaving a trail of oversized hoof prints in my wake. The skies really started to open up on us, both of us getting drenched as Candi stopped briefly to grab the leftover garbage from earlier. We were both thoroughly soaked by the time we made it back to the barn.

"Woo-wee! It's coming down in buckets out there now!" Candi observed as I tried to shake myself dry. My clothes clung to me like a second skin, and I tried desperately to get them off with no success. Holding a big handle was one thing, but I couldn't manipulate my hooves to remove my soaking shirt.

"Need some help, Stud? Kneel down." I dropped down to one knee again, tilting my head up so Candi could get it past my muzzle. I shook my head, sending water spraying in all directions as Candi tossed my shirt aside. Thinking we were done, I started to get up again, so I was caught off guard when she gave me a firm push and send me stumbling backward onto my butt. "Silly Stud; we still gotta get those pants off!"

Wait, what?! First she turns me into a horse, then puts me to work, and now she wants me to strip?! I tried to give her a swift kick, but that just gave her a chance to grab my leg. In a flash she was straddling my legs with her, pinning them down. Her hands were on the waistband of my jeans, pulling them and my boxers down rather roughly. At least she was still enough for me to hit her this time, and big breasts be damned, I'm not gonna let her distract me. Have a taste of hoof, you big titted- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO MY COCK?!

"What's the matter, Stud? Of course you're gonna be hung like a horse; you are a horse!" The golden yellow fur that covered most of my body had extended down to my privates, and over them as well. A furry sheath covered the length of my member, leaving only the head of my cock visible right now. Everything did seem a bit larger than before, but the increased girth wasn't what was catching my attention. My cock had gained the same jet black color as my hooves and nails and lost its mushroom shaped head. Instead it was more tube like, with a solid ring of flesh that surrounded and extended just past the slightly sunken head. Underneath them sat a set of tennis balls, if tennis balls were golden and felt as heavy as lead.

If there's one thing that will make a man pause, it's the sight of something happening to his most prized possession. I was still in shock as Candi guided me to my feet and told me to follow her, too focused on my mutated member to really notice we were moving again. I just remember gently prodding it with my hoof, torn between being happy with the increased size or horrified with the rest of the changes. It took a blast of warm water to my face to force my attention back to reality.

"Here we go, Stud. Gonna get ya all cleaned up now!" Blinking and shaking the water from my eyes, I surveyed the cleaning stall at the back of the stable. A metal showerhead hung overhead, a steady stream of water beading down my body and onto the concrete ground before sliding out into a drain built into the floor. Some towels hung on a rack nearby, and next to it a small shelf loaded with various shampoos and soaps. A prickly feeling ran up my spine, and I turned back to see Candi working some of that shampoo into a thick lather with a brush she had gotten from somewhere. Wherever she acquired it, she must have lost her clothes in the exchange; she was just as naked as I was now.

Candi hummed gently to herself as she continued to clean me up, washing off the layers of mud and dirt I had acquired while I was working. I let her go about her work, figuring that cleaning me up was the least she could do after everything that'd happened today. The warm water felt nice against my aching muscles, and having a well rounded woman cleaning me thoroughly was definitely an enjoyable experience. It was hard not to notice my furry sheath starting to grow warm and heavy, especially when Candi exchanged the brush for a soft wash cloth and cleaned thoroughly but gently down there as well.

"Getting a bit excited, Stud?" Candi didn't seemed bothered by the swelling member in front of her as she knelt down in front of me, continuing her through cleaning. "Well, you just keep those naughty thoughts in your head. I'm just taking care of my stallion's needs down here."

Just my needs, huh? Then how come you're spending so much time paying attention to my groin? The cloth continued to stroke along my cock, my pulsing member slowly pulling out of its sheath and giving her more and more to stroke. My hips started to thrust a little unconsciously under her ministrations, forcing her to lean back away from the growing shaft.

"Down, Stud! I ain't interested in mixing business with pleasure!" Her words were sharp, but her look of shock and repulsion started to soften the more my dick hardened and grew.

"W-What's going on?..." The washcloth slipped from Candi's hands as they slowly wrapped around my length. Her words were confused, but her hands seemed to know exactly what they were doing. They gently slid and groped along my jet black member, Candi looking enthralled as she tried to figure out what was happening to herself. "I-I'm feeling all kinds of wet right now, and water's ain't got nothing to do with it."

Candi's muzzle gently nuzzled the underside of my cock as the confusion on her face all but disappeared. She pulled my still growing cock between her bountiful breasts, the warmth of the soft flesh enveloping my cock matched only by the heat of her mouth as he licked and nuzzled it eagerly. Candi seemed to have a habit of doing things to me without my permission, but as a small white bead of pre formed at the tip of my cock, I decided I'd let this one slide.

"Oh, horse feathers. Pheromones must be making my head all fuzzy." Candi pulled away, her chest heaving as she tried to get a grip on herself. She was starting to lactate again, her fluid dripping onto the floor and mixing with my own. "Thought we'd be fine if we were different species, but I'm still a girl, and you're still a boy. A very, very big boy..."

Candi slowly stood up, all signs of resistance gone now. Her fingers slowly traced over the slim, taut muscles of my arms as her breasts pressed against my belly. My hands found their way to her rear, giving it a firm squeeze as I pulled her tightly to me. She let out an, "ooh!" that sounded more like a, "moo!" as her breasts squeezed against my body, more milk leaking out and down my body as they were squished between us.

A problem quickly arose as Candi's muzzle hovered inches from mine. Her big breasts were becoming a big obstacle; no matter how hard I hugged her or tried to pull her close, her chest kept us separated by a few inches. It was simply too large, too full for us to close the distance. As much as I(and she, apparently) seemed to enjoy them, they were becoming an obstruction.

"This ain't gonna work, Stud. My girls are just too big." Candi pulled away, pulling back a little to look down at my steadily leaking cock. Her fingers traced lightly over the roughly ten inches of flesh, her hand trying and failing to hold the girth that was about halfway between the width of a soda can and a soda bottle. Candi seemed to be equal parts enthralled and concerned as she caressed it. "I reckon YOU might be too big, too."

I responded to that with a loud snort. She was not going to give me a giant cock, get me all worked up and then try and put me off. Still, it was clear that this wasn't going to work easily. My hands gripped her rear firmly as I thrust against her belly, the need to cum becoming almost desperate. The thought of simply masturbating and letting my seed spill on the floor was unacceptable in my mind. I was a stallion, and I wanted... no, needed to fill a female. We just needed a change of direction to make this work.

"Whoa! Easy, Stud!" Candi yelped as I let her go and gave her a gentle push toward the nearby wall. Before she had a chance to react, I pinned her against the wall with my body, gripping her by her hips and lifting her up. Candi quickly realized where I was going as I rubbed my length against her pussy, which was leaking almost as much as her chest.

"Gonna go reverse cowgirl on this cowgirl?" Candi moaned softly as I started to move myself into position, the head of my cock centimeters from her dripping folds. "Just go easy, Stud, nice and sloooOOOOOO!!"

Candi threw her head back as she was speared with the full length of my equine member, her long hair falling back onto my muzzle as she mooed loudly. I managed to get everything in, but it was a tight fit. I could even feel her belly bulging slightly as my hands brushed against it on my journey up her body. Candi's hands were braced against the wall holding herself up, giving me full access to her chest. My hooves weren't the best for gripping, but with so much soft flesh it would be impossible for me not to get a good, solid grip on them.

"M-Moo..." Candi smiled back at me as I slammed into her again and again, her breasts bouncing in my hands when my hips slammed against her rear. I could feel the milk spilling from her chest, falling over my hooves and onto the floor as I milked her. "Appreciate the help with my girls, Stud, but make sure you don't try and drink straight from the tap. Did some analysis before I got out here, and it might do things you ain't ready for."

Analysis? For someone who dressed and sounded like she spent her life on a farm, she sounded pretty intelligent. I guess she'd have to be to have turned me into a horse and herself into a cowgirl. Her motives were questionable, and I wasn't thrilled about the whole kidnapping thing, but she clearly had some formidable brain power, I was sure of that. Well, that and that she was turning into one incredibly good fuck.

I nuzzled her muzzle from behind as my thrusts became more frantic, my already heavy nuts feeling fuller with each passing second. Candi was already so tight on my shaft, it was hard to tell if she was anywhere near her own orgasm. She nuzzled back against me, her tongue hanging lightly from her muzzle, her eyes half closed as she let out another little moo. Guess she was enjoying herself after all.

"Damn, Stud. You sure know how to jack this Apple!" One of her hands slid down to her stomach, feeling the bulge caused by my length piercing her as she braced herself with the other. My balls felt on the verge of bursting with seed and need. "G-Giddy up, Stud! Fill Candi with some cream!"

As you wish, I thought. With one last long, hard thrust, I did as I was commanded and unleashed my load. The feeling of seed flowing down my thick shaft into this needy female felt not just wonderful, but also right in a way. I was a stallion, a stud, and pumping a needy female with my seed was just a part of my job. If Candi's frantic moos and spraying milk were any indication, I was doing my job very well.

I panted and nuzzled as I continued to fill her, now a good half minute since I started cumming. I thought my orgasm would have started to taper off by this point, but it didn't show any sign of slowing down. Each pulse, each throb of my cock sent just as much seed as the one before it. Candi's already bulging belly started filling like a balloon trying to contain the flow.

"Oh God, Stud..." Candi moaned as she watched her belly slowly pushing out. "I think you're gonna make me pop! Feels so good, though..."

Damn right it feels good. You want a stud, and you got one. The flow of my seed finally started to slow down a few second later, and after another half minute subsided entirely. I panted gently, the exhaustion of the intense orgasm on top of all the previous field work starting to catch up with me. I fell to my knees, getting a yelp from Candi as she was pulled along with me. With some effort, she managed to pull herself off me. My cock was now covered in a thick mix of her juices and my own. Candi retrieved her washcloth and started to clean it off, smiling and stroking my muzzle with her other hand.

"Good boy, Stud..." I smiled gently as she stroked and cleaned me, too tired to resist or be mad about everything that had happened to me. "Now, you giddy up and get some rest. We got more cows coming tomorrow, and I'm gonna need your help with them."

I nodded, my eyelids starting to feel heavy with her words. Candi slid her arm underneath my back as I started to fall, holding me up as she finished cleaning me off. When she finished that, she slid her other arm under my legs and carried me back to my stall.

So, I thought in my fading moments of consciousness, let's sum everything up. On the downside, some crazy cowgirl kidnapped me, turned me into an anthro horse, and put me to work for her. On the plus side, she gave me a huge cock and the most powerful orgasm in my life as well.

I still was going to look for a way out of this, don't get me wrong. Still, there are worse ways to spend a vacation...