Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 3 - Ravaging Raptors

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#3 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 12 - Crocs of the Leather

Uncertain of the disposition of the crew around him, James manages to make an appointment with the captain to learn further on their livelihoods. With such ideas cleared up, he soon becomes more bolder in integrating himself as a fully-inducted member of the Kremlings.

Donkey Kong Country belongs to Nintendo/Rareware, FinalGamer to me

The next morning, James got up faster than the rest of the crew, speeding up towards deck with a surprising enthusiasm. The rest of them thought he was just eager to get up and working like a good seaman, but he was actually racing towards captain's cabin. The two thuggish bodyguards stood firm with clubs, guarding like statues. "Uhhh morning." They stared down at James with a sneer, wondering what he wanted. "I uh, have an appointment to see the captain this morning?" "...wait here." said one of them with a gravelly voice as he went in. The other barred the door with his huge club and body for at least 2 minutes, before his equal came back out and said: "The Captain wants to see you." Allowed to pass, James walked in slowly towards the desk where K. Rool always sat, scrawling on a chart with a focused brow, his tongue slightly poking out with intense focus. He couldn't make out what it was, but the raptor assumed that it was some sort of navigational chart, the softest of murmurs coming from the slightly gnarled snout that were too quiet to make out. Soon he looked up, and put his quill back into a pot of ink. "Ahhhh James. Or rather Rex, as I hear the crew call you. What does that mean anyway?" "No idea Captain." "Ah well. Perhaps you could tell me why I wanted to see you." Already James knew about these sort of egos so he treaded carefully in keeping it well-inflated. He still had to wonder the deal with that crazy eye, which he tried not to stare at too hard. "Because...youuuu sensed I needed to address you on an urgent matter?" "Hahaha, you're picking up fast my boy, quite fast indeed. And for a seaman you have quite the work ethic about you, I can tell that you are a hard-working lad by nature hmmm?" "Welll, not by nature exactly but I've been in enough jobs to know when to pull my weight." "Good good, the last thing we need on this galleon is deadweight, which of course would be thrown overboard. Now, tell Uncle K. Rool whatever is the matter."

The captain placed his elbows on the table, hands interlocking their fingers, his chin supported on the back of old knuckles looking rather like a sleazy executive. "'s just that since I've been part of your crew, and it's only been like, a week mind, I've been getting...a lot of attention." "Well you are unique, not the same species as us kremlings. And even though the Kremling Krew does accept several other species such as rats and beavers and vultures and wasps amongst our crew, on this ship alone you are the only reptile who is not a crocodile. Therefore you are a matter of interest to some." "Do your crew usually express their interest with...uh...certain offers?" "Such as?" "Well...usually along the lines of taking me somewhere quiet for a little 'breaking in', if you catch my drift, captain." "...ahhh." "You see my problem, captain?" "Well," K. Rool got up from his desk and walked around it towards James, smiling coyly. "You're not going to be able to have any of that changed, if that is what you were aiming for. It is a matter of habit when you're out here all alone with no females. Yes, almost all of the crew are intimate with each other, with one or two exceptions if that answers your question." "So...all of you who do, are-" "Did you really expect us to be able to...retain ourselves, for so long upon the seas? Growing up together upon this ship, like a family, a fraternity, brothers together? As our journey wore on, we began to care less in who might be out there, and more in who is in here. I realised of course that with such tendencies left unchecked it would disrupt my crew's productivity, so..." He shrugged and walked around to behind James slowly, the raptor not moving a muscle, not knowing what would happen if he even flinched around the pirate leader. "I...guess that makes sense." "I do not mind what my crew do with each other, so long as they do not do anything reckless or harmful or disruptive of their duties. Hence why so many had their eyes cast upon a young...slender...strapping boy such as yourself." As he said these words, he rubbed his thick scarred hands upon the raptor's shoulders, sliding up and down the neck with one slow thick tongue, making him shudder in surprise. "B-b-but I-" "Shhhh..." He lazily caressed the raptor's cheek with a deep kiss. "Even in the higher ranks it two loyal bodyguards Krush and Krash are lovers...and brothers. Very intimate with each other. They don't just protect me you know. They help me with my needs." "Wh-what?!" "Now now, it's not harming anyone. That was their choice to make, having known only each other for so long in the wild jungles that they...well, love takes on many strange forms...don't you agree?" "H-hey hey now, Captain, I'm not one to judge, I mean don't ask don't tell right? I mean, I like guys already!" "Hahaha, good have the right attitude now, my lad. I can see you have a bright future among us."

Cupping the raptor's chin, he sniffed James' scent deeply, who tensed up his hands trying to resist moving a single inch. Feeling those large older claws stroke his scaly jaw, he panted softly at such an uncertain proximity. But then K. Rool noticed something else about the raptor, a slight uncertainty in his wild eyes arising as he tried to estimate something in his head. "Hmmmm..." "Wh-...what is it, captain?" K. Rool gently released his newest member and turned his back to him, asking: "How old are you, my lad?" "Ah...twenty-six." "Really? You look so much younger...then again your eyes tell different." "Wh-whatcha mean?" "Ohhh...I see a longer life within them than I assumed from your figure. They're not as bright as I imagined them to be from a younger lad. Your scars, though hard to see, I recognised well as someone who is not a virgin to the face of battle." The leading kremling turned around with a strange wistfulness in his expression. "Though that does not make you any less of a beautiful lad, even if you're not the youngest here." With a blush as he gazed into the captain's eyes, he started feeling like he was trapped in some trashy high-seas romance novel, asking softly: " that I uh, know about WHAT they want...h-how do I uhhh...what's the rules really here on this ship?" K. Rool headed back to his seat to return to his charts, replying: "The rules are you may do whatever you wish so long as they do not impede your duty or the duty of others. You may either accept or refuse, so long as you do your chores. Now, is that all?" "Yes...Captain." "Good boy. Now go. Perhaps I will see you again in a more...comfortable way." With an unconscious blush, he left the cabin with a bow and met up with Krow, who told him to continue working on the mildew at the front of the ship, a little more surprised overall at the crew. He knew the crew were friendly to each other but not THAT friendly. As he reached for his mop again and swabbed away, he kept thinking to himself, wondering about any offers that would come to him. So far nobody asked in the morning, and he merely kept working, willing himself up for the next offer with a good arousing picture of what he had done with Kruz a few nights ago. When lunchtime came, he sat next to his bunkmate who asked: "So, everything go well with the Captain?" "Yeah. I'm...really surprised is all." "About everyone here?" "Well yeah...I know it's kind of a stereotype to think a whole sailing crew would be gay but..." "Well some of us ARE bi yanno, we just got nothing else to fuck." "Yeah I mean so am I."

He ate away slowly at his lunch, savouring the freshness of the fruit, particularly with how well it went with hard dry biscuits, pondering on how to better integrate himself with the crew. "So...Kruz? How do you uhm...ask?" "Well, do what the rest of 'em did with you, see a guy ya like, murmur a meeting place and time to 'im or sumthin' and when you got a chance, fuck the hell out of each other." " it really that easy?" "Well K. Rool musta seen it coming, hell he's kinda that way himself, but it's not like we're his sex slaves or something, he just decided to let things be free. Makes for a happier crew lemme tell ya. Hell it's one of the reasons we join up here, no prejudices here about that sorta thing and everyone gets a chance to be part of us. Long as we're willing to do whatever the captain wants, and right now the captain wants to take over that fuckin' Kong island so that's what we gotta do!" "Well I can see that's definitely true." As James took in the realisation fully, he grinned widely. "Maybe I'm gonna have more fun here than I thought." With a chuckle to each other, James took the advances more easily, and soon the next one came from a chubby gunner croc with helmet and all. "Hey kid." "Yeah?" "You got time in the next meal for a poker game in the cellar? I think you'd be fun for it." "Hehehe, sure. You got any friends?" "Mmmm sure do...whysat?" "Maybe you wanna bring them all for a...tournament?" "Ooooh...raisin' the stakes huh? Definitely, for a cute boy like you." He groped the raptor firmly to make him restrain a yelp. "We'll have some of yer tight brown ass for dinner, just be in the same spot and I'll be back to take ya somewhere." With his bunkmate agreeing to the plan, Kruz chuckled and shook his head as they continued eating. "You got cocky real fast." "And I'm gonna get cock even faster." "You sure you can handle 'em? You dunno how many he's bringing." "I'm a lot more experienced than you think, I lost my virginity like ten years ago." "Ooooh...uhhhhh how old are ya again?" "Twenty-six." Kruz tried to count with his single hand, turning a little confused as he murmured numbers to himself before James butted in for his sake. "I was sixteen." "Wow...that's...barely legal. Who fucked ya?" "This old guy who ran a garage, fixed things and that. Worked with him as an assistant...started getting all sexy with me sometimes and well I couldn't resist." "Hehehe, sounds wild, didn' know you could fix stuff." "Aaaaah well not really, I mean...I was kinda distracted." " I take it tonight you're not gonna be able to learn how to tie ropes with me?" "Awwww...tomorrow, definitely tomorrow." "Alrighty, hope the fun you have tonight'll last you a good while then."

Dinnertime came to the rousing cheer of many empty stomachs as everyone was fed, the raptor finishing up the food as the same yellow-bellied brown croc from before sidled up to him and said: "Ready for that poker game Rex?" Not missing a beat, he stood up and replied: "Oh yeah, you're gonna love having me at the table." "Oh you'll be on the table alright." He took James' hand as the raptor waved goodbye to Kruz, taken below decks while everyone was busy with dinner, having had enough of a fill with his lust stifling some of the hunger. Traversing throughout the various ever-repeating decks, some more distinct than others, he passed down towards the ever-darkening bowels of the ship. Soon, James could barely see what was in front of him, holding the hand of his guide more firmly to not lose him. Eventually they reached an area somewhere near the cargo hold, a place where they would surely not be disturbed. As they got closer, a small lantern light could be seen to illuminate a group of crocs of various sizes, standing around a spool of rope put on its side like a table. It was definitely more than at least 5, which he imagined. He even recognised some of them as having offered him sex in the past week. "Are they...all your friends?" "Oh yeah, all twenty of 'em. Boys, say hello to the new guy. Li'l Rex here promised to give us all a good time, didntcha boy?" They all grinned eagerly with a wild-eyed lust, as a part of him immediately began to regret this all at overestimating his chances of how many he could take. On the one hand, James was rather intimidated by the gang before him, all of whom were bulging in their scruffy torn shorts quite noticeably. On the other hand, the more the merrier, he wasn't really going to ask for a smaller group. And even if he did, would they listen? The gunner noticed this with a smirk. "Hehehe, whassa matter? Is the li'l boy bitch scared?" "W-well a little..." "Oh?" "Yeah...a little scared of how big you all are. d'ya want me, sirs?" He was answered with the yellow-bellied croc pulling off James' slacks and tossing them to the side before he pushed him down onto his knees before him. He then pulled his own shorts down to show his dripping 6 1/2 inches, slowly throbbing out from underneath that musclegut, and shoving it into James' mouth. A hand on his head made him go down on it strongly. "Swallow it you bitch."

He obeyed eagerly, swallowing all of the meat into his throat with the hand on his head keeping him down. He could only slide back and forth on the last two inches, moaning hungrily as he did his best to please him. "Ohhhh that's a good boy, you been sucking all yer life?" The raptor nodded with an agreeing murmur as he kept sucking away, eyes slowly closing with bliss at the musky older flesh, raising his tail before the rest of the gang to invite any of them to come forward. One of them did so, happily taking his clothes off and skewering James' ass with a thick 6 inches, making him squeal on the cock which made the gunner croc in front of him laugh. "Ohhh he's a squealer this one, like a real boy bitch! Come on cutie, lemme hear more of that cocksucking throat." He made as much moans and squeals as he could while he was fucked in the ass relentlessly harder than Kruz ever did, the pace powerful and furiously lustful. He was thankful that Kruz had widened him before, and somehow they knew this as the one in his rear said: "Hey Karl, this guy's been fucked recent!" "Ohhh you couldn't wait to get some big Kremling cock in ya I bet." A blush from James said all as he was forced to suck the cock harder, moaning and tonguing with hunger before Karl came hard into James' throat, pushing his head down all the way to keep him deepthroating. "NNNGH! YEAH, SWALLOW IT!" Gulping down the first taste of Kremling cum he ever had, surprised at its very salty taste which he nearly gagged at, he took it all down dutifully, coughing a little as he slid his mouth from the cock, moaning in high pitched tones as he was fucked harder. "OH! A-AH! Fuck me!" "Ohhh yeah you like us dirty pirates dontcha?" "Ah...y-y-yeah...please...fill me..." And he soon had his wish fulfilled when he was given a hot blast of crocodile seed into his ass, gasping at its hot filling warmth accompanied by the squeezing of hands around his thighs, a dirty moan from behind him. "Mmmmmmm...fuck you got a great ass." "Th-thank you...mmm...anyone else want it?" They began to clamour around him eagerly so, all of them naked as they grabbed him roughly and placed him on his back on top of the spool. A lean orange kremling came up first to slam into his ass with a hefty 7 inches, making him squeal. Writhing his slender form under their gaze, a few of them started jacking themselves off on the sight of the assfucked young raptor. One of them stroked his cock on top of James' head, who tried to lap up towards it.

" young are ya boy?" "Tw-twenty-six...hoh..." "Ooooh...thought you were younger...been a faggot long?" "S-s-since I was...sixTEEN, oh fuck!" "Hehehe, fuck yeah, you just a li'l cumlizard, you've always been beggin' fer it aintcha?" "AH...AH...oh god! Fuck me, make me your bitch!!" "Oooohoohoohoo the lad's got a mouth on him, not just fer sucking boys off eh?" "Yeah," said the orange kremling, "but fuck if yer ass ain't just perfect fer a good stuffin'!" The pace picked up as he was fucked harder, cum spurting on his body from one Kremling who peaked a bit early in excitement, making a diagonal gooey slash of seed across the raptor belly. His legs were held firmly by the one fucking his pucker wider open, before one last thrust into him filled up more of his belly, groaning in desire. As the orange croc licked the cum off James' chest, the sight made James shudder in lust, his cock pulsing out precum onto himself, which was also lapped up quickly. "Mmmmph he's a tasty bitch. Come on, let's hear ya beg for more." "Oh...please...fuck me, I need more cum in me..." He hadn't felt this good in a long time like this. Smiling with cheerful panting, being the bitch again in such a sexually-free environment was a liberation to him. Something he hadn't been for a while of his own will with a group of musky muscular reptiles, one of whom was fucking his already cummy ass harder than the one before. The raptor panted harder, his tongue hanging out as two more of them splattered cum all over his body in their excitement, making him moan lowly at the sight of the musk-liquid markings upon him. "Ohhh...that means...I'm yours now...." "Damn right yer ours now, gonna make sure you stink of all of us, and that'll make EVERYONE wanna fuck the shit out of ya!" As they said this, another croc leaned up sideways alongside the one reaming his ass, the raptor gasping as he saw it. Soon he felt the second cock trying to force its way in, growling with discomfort and then pain as he felt it stuff his ass wider. "W-w-wait I-AAAGH!" Screaming his pain out so the pleasure could come in, the kremlings grunted in unison to doublefuck him, deciding this position was too cumbersome for double penetration as they pulled him towards their bodies to impale him down on their cocks. Sitting onto the floor, pressed between two burly chests, his ass was now widened by two thick Kremlinghoods, his tail pointing straight up between his back and one of their chests. He began to lick and lean upon their sweating seabound chests, suckling at the pecs as cocks were pointed at him to spurt more precum, all while he was forced to ride two shafts so tight together in his ass. It hurt like hell at first, but he wasn't exactly unused to such a thing.

The problem was that he hadn't been doublepenetrated in his whole life. His ass was feeling quite the pain from it, yet the immense lust and pleasure was struggling successfully to override it, ignoring it. "Fffffuck yer tight," said the one in front of him, "such a perfect little cockwarmer..." The raptor whimpered submissively for their amusement and arousal, as he begged for more while he was sprayed on with more of the seed, even more integrated into the crew than ever before. "P-please...I need more!" His wish was granted when one Kremling shoved his 8 inches into his mouth, forcing it hard into his throat, choking him a little but rewarding the brute with a delightful moan, showing his appreciation as he sucked as hard as he could. One Kremling came on his face directly, hot white goo dripping down his cheek. "Oh damn you a sexy little slut." The two crocs who worked together to open up his rear kissed and licked his body all over, rubbing with thick hands slowly along the slut's arms and sides. His throat visibly gulped precum hungrily as the hands smeared cum all over his face, making him blush as well as stink of their brazen musk even more. How they smelt, so musky they were, such a powerful male scent that it was overbearing, almost gagging from being facefucked even if he enjoyed it immensely. The kremlings he was riding soon got naughty, jacking the cock in James' mouth, forcing their friend to cum but also pulling James' head back so he was blasted with the stuff directly into his face. He gagged and moaned at the warm sticky mess, gulping down any that splattered into his throat. "That's more like it...suits you good, slut."

James tried to lick at all the cum dripping off the cocktip before him, as well as what he could reach on his face, making the males chuckle at the sight. "Awwww the poor little boy's so want more cock milk?" He could only nod vigorously with wide lustful eyes and a whimpering tone before he was given two cocks in his mouth to taste, much to his delight as he squealed and sucked both of them together, or tried to, moaning as the fucking resumed in his ass again. He tried to focus on pleasing the two males before him, now that the pain in his rear had dulled down and he started to enjoy the stuffing he was getting. Cockmeat filled his mouth almost to the point of only being able to breathe through his nostrils, which were choked with the stench of male pheromones as precum was shot double-barrelled down his throat. It overflowed from his lips somewhat, yet he was so hungry for more. The two kremlings against him doublefucked him lewdly, licking their tongues all over his body as well as sucking on the shafts of their friends who facefucked James. The lithe raptor himself climaxed in the midst of all this, such arousal he had when his cock pulsed out his cum before him, blushing up at the Kremlings for doing so, tightening hard upon the twin cocks in his ass to milk them dry. "HAHAHA, awwwww the li'l bugger couldn't take anymore, too many sexy muscles and cocks in 'im." "Hahah yeaaaah, an' that special male milk he loves more than his own mother's, roight?" He nodded and whimpered, eyes squinting in ecstasy, barely hearing half the things they said when drunk with pheromones. "Lucky fer you, there's plenny more left all fer our special cumbucket." More orgasms came from one of them into his mouth, which he swallowed loudly, his throat visibly swallowing and being licked by the Kremlings when it was doing so, before the other one came a minute or two later, a double-scoop treat of male cream for the raptor. When he was done swallowing and the cocks were removed from his white-lipped snout, he was kissed deeply by first two tongues from either side of him, suckling sweetly, before a third crammed in and turned his snout into a snakes' mating ball.

Reptilian tongues slid all over each other with a thickening lust, the four of them tasting a pleasureful mixture of seed as they moaned: "Ohhhh...good boy...mmmmm yer a cute little bitch arentcha Rex?" Their comments only made the raptor blush, which aroused them even moreso by how it added to his twinkish cuteness in their eyes as they rammed harder, small murrs and whimpers coming from James as they rubbed his belly. "You must be so full of all that cum I want some more?" "Oh...y-yes, goddamn it yes I want all of it! Please, don't stop, fill me 'til I burst!" "Mmmmm good cumslut." They began ramming harder, holding James down against their crotches before they roared in unison and almost simultaneously came together, a twin blasting of more hot male juices into his body, the orgasmic shudders of all three of them unified into James as he felt more full of cum. He hadn't felt like this in years, and how he loved it. Even with his arrogance, he loved being a bitch and letting everyone else do all the thrusting while he could lie back and take it. They slowly slid out of him to let him lie on the floor, both ends of him dripping heavily with cum, his stomach feeling full and his body with the powerful stench of the Kremlings. Of course, he saw there were still a few unsatisfied males. " many of you are left all full?" "Abou'...nine of us." All he could do, still intensely aroused far too much to even think straight, was to lazily raise his dripping wet tail and moan: "Mmmmmm what are you waiting for, an invitation?" Amazed by his stamina, they piled on him, one sliding underneath him to shaft him deep with a cock of 10 inches, another lying on top of him to give another doublefucking of a similar-lengthed cock, shoving their shafts hard into his wrecked rectum. He deeply kissed the Kremling on top of him, a burly grey male with muscles half the size of K. Rool's bodyguards, who shoved violently into him and forced his tongue down James' throat. He writhed, squealed and clenched with arms and legs wrapped around the one on top of him, his hips smooshed between cocks cramming for space inside his anal passage which kept widening and clenching upon the two pirates, bounced between them in the bucking of the buccaneers. "ARGH fuck yeah! Gonna wreck that arse of yers an' everyone's gonna know it!" "MMPH! AAAGH! AAAH! FUCK!"

Too lost in lust to care about the words he said, the pirates kept up their ramming speed, grinding against each other with monstrous growls before another orgasm came soon enough. The one on top of James was soon cumming inside him, so much so that he felt the hot male essence spill from his ass down their cocks, but the cock stayed inside for the other to grind against. The raptor whimpered in sexual bliss as he was forced to cum on himself again, tightening hard on both cocks inside him, his own seed smeared on his belly and the croc on top of him. "Ohhhh yer such a dirty li'l fucker aintcha? Wanna just have yerself tied up down 'ere for all the crew to fuck ya full and make the place stink of all of us in'd luv that huh?" "Oh g-god..." He was in tears at this point. This was a dream come true. His ass throbbed, his jaw was sore and his belly was feeling a little too full, but he didn't care. "I wanna be the slut of the whole crew, I want to be your fucktoy for everyone, right up to the Captain!" It was as if the words weren't his, as if a whole other persona had taken over, the persona of lust. One that had been resting for years since his younger reckless days, his mind almost primal in its thoughts for only wanting more, disregarding everything else such as safety and composure for the most part. Right now, James had no reason to keep composure. He didn't have to be civil or even mature, he could be a young-feeling charismatic boywhore, something he once wanted to be in his teenage hormonal days. And now, here he was, as a newcomer in a group of pirates friendly to him by way of gangfucking him ever closer to solidifying a place within the ship. At this point he was even genuinely considering letting all of them fuck him, but of course the mind begs for much different things when swamped with lust.

Finally the Kremling underneath him came, another splatter of cum from his ass which was starting to turn quite full, but he didn't care still. As much as he wanted more, he was starting to tire out, and as the two cocks slid out from him to allow a small river of Kremling seed ooze from his hole, he panted heavily, sweating hard which made the Kremlings chuckle. "Had enough already boy?" "Just...a little...ah...more...fuck me more." "Fuckin' 'ell, yer a real cumbucket eh?" "I'm gonna fuck all of you, and I mean it." His arrogance flared briefly here. He wasn't backing out of this. He was going to go all the way to the very end. "Come on, there's what...s-seven more of you to plunder me?" He couldn't really move and frankly didn't want to, as they decided to finish it with one last orgy for the day, as well as the fact lunchtime was nearly over. A wicked idea came to them as they once again had two more cocks shoved inside his tailhole, which was certainly nice and wide for any cock or two to fit in. But he noticed for some reason the two fucking him were on either side of him, pulling him up to be between their chests but behind him. And then one muscular grey Kremling, a different one from before but of similar cock size, chuckled and rubbed at his reamed-open pucker. "So you wanna be the Kremlings' special cumbucket? Let's see how much you can carry!" He tried to shove a third cock into him, pushing slowly inside for the effort of squeezing with two cocks already in there. The raptor screeched at the pain of the stretching, as he was approached by five cocks all around him, ready to cum on him as they jacked off.

"AAAAAAAGH FUCKIN' CHRIST!" His muscles felt on fire again, forced to stretch open, but despite all the efforts they could muster it wouldn't go in. With a little disappointment, they backed off and let James heave back his pain, saying nothing more and letting the mistake pass by as they continued to just doublefuck once again. As the pain subsided to be swallowed within his rising pleasure, he wondered at what it'd feel like to have not two, but three hot fucksticks in his ass. And now he was wanting it, moaning with spread legs. Thanks to the double penetrations of before, the pain went away faster and the pleasure kicked back in just as quickly as they began to fuck him nonsequentially with each other's hips grinding furiously against his own, squeezing him between the three bodies. A body pressed up underneath him started precumming against his ass to make up for before. More precum spurted on his face at random intervals as he had two cocks shoved into his mouth, which even though it was tired and throbbing sore, did its best to suck and moan like a bitch, his puppy eyes making the crew laugh. "Awwww lookit the cute li'l cocksucking fag...jus' wanna take 'im home and fuck his ass dry dontcha?" "S'what we're doin' anyway, roight?" "Mmmm damn right...keep sucking....thas righ', yer just a fucktoy for a buncha nasty pirates aintcha? You been dreamin' of it all yer life huh?" He could only nod and have tears well up in his eyes at this, which even though were from the previous pain, it was seen as an extra effect knowing exactly what the crew would like. And they did like it so. "Hahahaha, he's actually cryin' fer how much cock he's gettin', the faggot!"

They kept fucking in every part of him, his lithe hands reaching out to jack off the two cocks near him, whimpering to have all they had left on him and inside him. His sucking became a little weaker, but his hands kept stroking and fondling and groping the fleshy rods aimed at him ready to cum. One of them did so all over his face and nearly getting it in his eye, but he closed in time to let it smear on his eyelids, gasping at the feel of the hot sticky cream on it as he tried to focus on jacking the other one. His tail swished back and forth as much as it could in sheer desire, before one cock suddenly shoved hard into his mouth in an orgasmic rush to fill him with more cum. He was feeling sick in the stomach from so much of the stuff but he didn't care. He needed more, he wanted to please all of these big sexy crocodiles. Never before had he been surrounded by so many of them who wanted to fuck him until he was unconscious, and dammit he was going to please them all. Focusing his jacking hand more, another splatter of cum spurted on his neck and chest. More hot liquid musk to be smeared on him, the sight and feel of this all too much for one in his throat who made him swallow, forcing the back of his head down a bit to drink up, gagging but doing his best. "YEAH, eat it you fucking lizard!" A squeal in reply and loud gulping noises showed he did, the hot cum rush flowing through his throat threatening to choke him, but he kept his nerve even with his body going up and down on two cocks. Two left to cum until one more did so, another hard shove to the hilt to spurt more seed inside him, his ass dripping heavily on the three Kremlings' laps, a slick sticky mixture of various crocs, his stomach bulging a little. He swore he could feel fat now, though there was merely nothing but a little pudge of his belly given a little more groaning girth, as the other cock fucked into his throat in orgasmic throes to make him swallow more, relishing the thick salty ropes that painted his throat white. Now only two more remained, but the one jacking decided to just go right ahead and make him swallow more cum, shoving the two aside and faceraping James hard much to his surprise, but taking it all the same. "ARGH...yeah...fucking cumeating boy you are, gonna make you all fat an' juicy like a pig!"

Shuddering in the treatment he was given, he came one more time, almost painfully so from the depth of the cocks inside him, his prostate practically crushed which made him spurt again, but a weaker amount all over his belly. A quivering moan ran along the cock in his mouth, with the one in his ass finally blasting off against the two other already orgasmed cocks, finally filling him from that end for all he had today. With the last spurting he'd get for now filling his mouth, he was forced to swallow with the head nearly touching the back of his throat, the thick unwashed musk of the Kremlings completely covering him from inside and out. He was finally allowed to rest as they all pulled out of him with a mighty SHLORP, leaving the raptor lying on the ground completely exhausted. The cum was like a giant spider web on his body holding him down, as well as both ends of his body completely caked with white goo. "Mmmmm...fuck yer the best slut we ever had, one of 'em certainly. Yer gonna have a LOTTA fun on this ship if you can keep that up." They laughed raucously as they wiped their cocks upon him, the raptor in tears from exhaustion as he was left on the cargo room floor, except for three of the Kremlings who wanted to make sure he'd not be too weak, having had duties already in the cargo room anyway. The raptor let himself rest for a bit, hoping the dinner lasted a little longer, maybe 20 minutes at least just to regain his strength. His belly growled with its slightly engorged fill of nothing but Kremling semen. "Huurk...unh...agh...hhhhehehehehehe...." All he could do was laugh at what he had just done, both in shock and in awe, giggling to himself as he tried to rest his throbbing body. "Ffff...goddamnit James, hhhhha ha ha ha ha...hoooooo...phew...maybe not so many next time huh?"