Broken Hearts

Story by pawsin on SoFurry

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#1 of Broken Hearts

Marcus comes home to find his boyfriend cheating on him. So he goes to a friend for comfort, but when feelings start to surface will he let them grow or is his heart broken beyond repair?

Why did he do it? Did I do something wrong? Marcus thought as he was in the shower. He was glad for the running water because tears started to fall as he thought about what happened a day ago. He came home early from work, because he wanted to surprise Brian for his birthday by having his favorite dish ready when he got home. He got home to find Brian having sex with a lion on the couch. All that Brian could say was "I thought you got off in another hour." Marcus left them and just ended up walking for hours before he ended up in front of his best friend's house. He knocked on the door and was happy when it opened and he saw Nick.

Nick was surprised to see Marcus at his door. He knew that it was Brian's birthday and that something was wrong on how Marcus looked. Usually he looked like he could take on the world, but now he looked like someone just cut his heart out. "Mar.." was all Nick could get out before Marcus started to cry and fell into his arms. It sacred Nick to see the minotaur looking so vulnerable. "What happened? Are you alright?" Nick asked as he brought Marcus inside. "It's Brian. I came home early and found him cheating on me. He didn't ever act like he was sorry." Marcus sobbed as he buried his face into the bear's chest. I knew that lion was trouble. Nick thought. "I am so sorry. You can stay here for as long as you need." He said as he held Marcus. "You can take my room. I'll sleep on the couch." "Are you sure?" "Yea I'm sure. You just get a good night rest." Marcus started to Nick's room he stopped. "Nick would you lay with me? I don't think I can be alone right now." He asked as he stood in the doorway. "Sure. Come on lets get some sleep. Everything will be better in the morning." Nick said as he walked to the room.

Marcus finished his shower and he looked into the mirror. _Was it how I looked. Maybe it is the nose ring? But he picked it out._He thought as he watched the water run off his body. He reached into his jacket and pulled a little black box out of the pocket. He opened it and looked at the ring inside. A tear fell onto the ring before he closed the box and threw it into the trash.