Ghost 2, Part 4

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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More of the white fox's adventures in jail.

Ghost 2, Part 4 - July 05, 2013 Written by Afril, Edited by Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association

M/M/M, Language/Oral/Anal/Violence/Incest Wolf, Canine, Feline, Horse

Chapter 26 - More favors

Bimmly awoke and sighed, stretching. He tried not to giggle, then turned it into a soft laugh... Maybe he Was falling in love with another male. Not hard to do when it was a swishy-hipped wolf who could suck his balls dry - Then chew on them until be begged for mercy. It was no act, no 'Let's get it over with'... His butt ached nicely, his balls just ached. Damn... Every inch of him had been sucked on, bitten, caressed, tongued, And had a cock rubbed against it. When a tongue flicking between your toes can make you cum - Aaaaaaaaa! He jerked up, grabbing his nut-sack. Stupid! Getting up, he waved to the 'Lookers', grinning. It was different, having an audience. Hearing Their moans as someone got a little Too excited watching the canines work their bunny over.

He washed, did the morning 'necessaries' - Not even sticky! Didn't that damn fox ever cum? He did. Several times... Temas usually ended up white-washing him, the floor... Which was clean. Well - One less chore for the rabbit to do. The big clock outside said there was enough time to get his pants on and line up for the Shower... But there was something inside the pocke- He jerked the simple hoop of gold out, Staring at it. Was it... Real? Inside was all four names, including the 'ae' mis-spelling of his youngest's name.

Oh, he was Steamed - Until she said she would be Glad to be 'Daddy's Little Lae' - And why was he blushing like that... Mommy? Mommy was laughing too hard to reply... Hmmpf, Grownups!

Slipping it on his right hand, he forgot about everything until a familiar hand gripped his naked butt. "You are not Supposed to be nude at the morning count, but they do make exceptions for hot-assed rabbits, I hear."

Crying while trying to laugh... Laughing while trying not to cry...

Temas offered his right hand - And got a ringed one gripping his left one instead, fingers meshing with his. It took but a moment to undo his own snap and together they walked out to stand naked, waiting to be counted. Of course, if it was good enough for Ghost's Lovers... When the Guard came to do his round, he found every male was naked, many erect... And All of them holding hands with their cell-mate - Even the damn felines who would rather squeeze a mutt's balls than link fingers with one... And naked, they went to the showers. To morning meal. To the laundry. And back, leaving panting muzzles and popped-out eyes and twitching fingers in their wake.

"You know where the mops are - I expect to see cloth-covered asses for Lunch - Otherwise I don't care if you paint the whole damn Block white!"

And the wolf turned to go... Except his pants were around his ankles. A muzzle was nibbling on his butt, another was rubbing his balls across a short nose-ridge. And a tongue was teasing his knobs...

"Can't let you go out like That, Ser..." Well - His partner was just going to have to Wait for the morning role numbers.

* * * *

"I need a favor."

An apparition stood in the doorway, not dressed in pants and shirt but a white robe with names of Places and People who didn't exist any more. Both wolves managed to get their hearts started again... There was no squeak of the Tower door opening downstairs. The elevator hadn't hummed, it's doors hadn't hissed open. Any footfall, even a light one, echoed through the stairwells. Worse, the fox walked over and placed a bullet on the desk - Crap! The wolf grinned and thumbed his radio - "Please inform Watch 4 they are missing a bullet - And they should be glad that was the Only thing he pinched."

Nigi's partner stood up. "I... have to make rounds. Shall I have tea brought, Elder? I wasn't There. I didn't do - Whatever it was you and he did. So, the less I know, the happier I am." He didn't even let out a yip as fingers combed his tail... He would get it all later, when his partner was be-moaning whatever chore it was - Everything required paperwork to be filled out. And at the bottom of the guard tower - Stupid and Idiot. Twin stallions who were known for their size and the fact that they had more Bone than Brain inside their skulls. If The Elder needed a hand, they were there. If he wanted his ass scratched, or his nose rubbed or his loose fur collected - And all because of a little flower...

NightSleep was a pretty common wild plant that didn't have any Real value on it's own. It was bland-tasting, dull-looking and grew Everywhere. The flowers only opened at night, and not for long. The Putz Brothers had been fiddling with a still for months, trying to get their 'piss-water' to do something besides explode. It finally dawned on them to ask someone else for help - And who else other than a white fox who was a brother Merc? He had been to exotic places - He probably knew Something... Said fox came, tweaked a coil here, a line there. It was a little better but still as limp as Dishwater. Then he pulled out a pouch. Carefully pouring a small amount of the clear rocket-fuel into two glass cups, he added a pinch of something, then floated a flower petal on top of each one.

"What's this?" snorted Stupid.

"Ain't barely enough there for a Sip..." groused Idiot.

Well, he Was an Elder, so... They downed the liquid, shrugging. Same old Nothing... Not even as much buzz as sticking a live wire on your tongue. But the fox kept looking at them like he expected Something to happen... Alright, they would stick their dick in the river croc's snout.

"What was that, anyway?"

"It translates to 'Angry Mule Kicks Head'." Yeah, Ri... About that time their skulls blew apart. Hells - Did a tree fall on them? No, no trees. Just a smirking Elder... Who offered them a second glass, sans petal. It helped - Some. It Definitely helped when they woke two days later, and found the sound of their hair growing was too loud...

* * * *

"Elder asks favor of partner. Much paperwork. Much head hurting and hand hurting. HomeBrew help this Yes? And a tea for the Elder Fox, Please." One of the horses snorted and left to fetch the drinks. Long as you kept the words short and to the point, everything was ok.

Chapter 27 - Payment in Full

Upstairs, the wolf sighed. He was going to miss the pool by a day, Dammit! He slid a folder out from the pile and placed it on his partner's desk. Bimmly's arrest, trial, and sentencing. It really wasn't the Council's fault... They could only go by what they had. The rabbit wasn't in any shape to do much talking. The Defender did what he could. It still stank... He waited until the fox had finished, then took a 1-credit note from his pocket.

"I have a wife and two cubs. If anything happened to them..." The fox nodded. "Make sure our pride is restored, Hunter - No matter how far up the tree you must climb." The money was folded in half, slid into a sleeve-pocket. It was Ritual - Payment for Service.

"Did they fix the Riot-door yet?"

Fix it? It sat in the War-Hall, with all the other 'Trophies'. Riot doors were solid metal rectangles that had to be placed Just Right in order to work properly. This one had been put in badly, because it stuck. It squeaked - Loudly. And it had been in the way of a tired fox...

* * * *

Ghost had pushed on the bar, and waited a moment before shoving against it. It didn't budge. He tried again, ignoring the gathering crowd that watched and whispered. Punching it got a loud squeek, and nothing else. Closing his eyes, the male sighed... This was all that stood in the way of a hot mug of tea and a place to sit for a while - "Open!" He snarled, slamming his fist into the metal...

And was very much surprised to find himself elbow-deep in Riot-Door. Another crowd gathered to witness the miracle of a white-furred arm sprouting out of the other side. It vanished a moment later, leaving a hole in the metal. Rrrrrrrr....

"I WANT My Tea." *Crunch* went the door as bent fingers slammed into it.

"I WANT To Rest My Feet." *Crunch* as the other clawed hand buried itself in the door.

"And You..." A metallic Groan came from the Riot-Door as the fox pulled down on it.

"Are In..." Another Groan as the hinges buckled, the top one breaking apart.

"The Way!" The last a snarl that was drowned out by a louder Groan as the reinforced concrete wall started bowing in and down from the force.

With a scream that made everyone's hair stand on end, the inch-thick steel lock-bolt sheared off, leaving the top third of the door hanging free. Reversing his hands, the fox started pulling upwards... This time, it was the Floor that buckled and heaved before the bottom lock-bolt sheared with a death-howl, the lower hinge faring no better and leaving the mangled door being held by a single piece of metal in the middle.

The Elder shook himself, put his hands together... Then he pushed on the crumpled remains - Which slid aside quietly, as if fearing to anger the male still more. The fox sighed and gently shook his head - Sometimes it was best to just Be Angry. There was a pot of hot tea sitting on his table, and a pillow in his chair when he got to his cell-block.

"See?" one male said to his cell-mate, who was gawking in awe at the twisted metal, "That is why you Don't Mess With Crazy! Could We do that? Of course not. A charging Rhino couldn't do that... But Crazy doesn't Know they can't do that - So they do it."

Chapter 28 - Any More Surprises?

"Kiwan?" This was Impossible! First a Ghost glides into their office without so much as a whisper. Now, the one who Never left his cell, was standing in his doorway... What next - The Warden in a tutu?

"It's not Everyday I get to see a legend... And you 'Hired' him. Did you at least tell him what kind of proof you wanted? Idiot!" The ferret shivered... "Remember the Rhino? That was Business - This is... Personal. Depending on what kind of mood he is in, you may find a tape of - Mister X, in your mail. That is All you will ever know of the incident - They disappear, you get a tape. Or you may get a body-part - And unless you want your cubs asking you why the 'bells' don't ring, you Don't want that... Although your wife might like something else."

Did the ferret actually smile? "It might be easier to tell him what you Don't want - A mind-wiped zombie barely able to walk, stumbling in here, wanting it's 'Master'. A crate with a bag of fur inside - Every bone from the neck down shattered, and every organ untouched so they are very much alive. I told you, He is one of Those who do the Impossible." The brown male sighed softly...

"I never thought I would say this - I may have 'Found' someone. One of those rabbits came to my door. He wouldn't go away until I let him in - Naked, of course. I... I have never known anyone who could out-paranoid Me - At least I know who wants my ass... And Why. He... He shivers and won't sleep unless I am holding him. He wakes in the night - And *I* have to comfort Him... It feels weird."

Nigi grinned... "Hey! That's, ummmm... *Mmmmmmmm*" He forgot how good the ferret kissed. He moaned as fingers teased his bulge into hardness.

"I think there is room for Two in your big lap. And if not... We may just have to take turns."

Was that an invitation? The wolf held the lithe male, feeling the shudders stop. The muscles relax - It had taken a Lot for him to come here. "Do you want me to walk you back?"

"You have work to do... And don't worry about that stupid piece of paper - Just stand naked at the door, so We can 'frisk' you... Lover."

The wolf shivered himself... Then he closed his eyes - And was sitting alone again. How many damn mouse-holes did this place have? And of course a big horse showed up with a tray.

"Where Fox-Elder go?"

Nigi snagged the bottle and snapped the top off with a claw, not even wincing at the pain as he glugged it. Now That was what he needed - Hey! A huge hand gripped his crotch.

"Wolf bigger than Fox. Like beer? Give you another if you stick that cock in me... Give you 2 if you put knot in as well... Please?"

Damn! Manners... From Dumber and Dumbest. The big brown horse-ass was already swaying in front of him, the stallion bending over his partner's desk, pants on the floor... Heh! All that paperwork would have to be re-done because Somebody spooged all over it... No - That would be Too cruel.

"Alright - In the breakroom, Hoss." He took another swig of the home-made, and grinned, watching the male slip his shirt off, place it with his pants in a vacant chair, then walk naked down the hallway. Other wolf-heads appeared from the guardrooms to Stare at the firm, round ass as it passed by... 'Sorry boys, he's taken. Better luck next time.' They were already drawing straws to see who cleaned up after the couple, he was sure. Once inside, the male knelt on the couch, legs apart. Nigi dropped his pants and reached down to grab the huge, warm balls, rubbing them, making the stallion moan and drip pre all over the seat.

Scooping some of the slick liquid up, he coated his canine-cock with it and pressed the pointed head against the ring of flesh - Which engulfed him, the big butt pushing back until his knobs were knocking on the horse's back-door. Unnnhhh! Damn male was Tight, and Hot... And *Squeezing* his dick.

"Fox-Elder, he don't do us. He makes our heads explode and our balls ache, but he don't stick his dick in like we want him to. He doesn't do Wolf or Bunny enough either. Fox-Elder sad. Ain't that right, Brother?"

A clop made Nigi turn... There was stallion Number 2. Just as naked, just as hot. But with a couple of beers in hand. He gave the guard one, who chugged it, while the other bottles went on a table for later. Then the horse knelt and nibbled on the wolf's shuddering butt, grabbing his brother's balls, and working them over roughly. But not as roughly as his tongue was probing Nigi's tail-hole. The wolf whimpered as he was assaulted from both ends, his knot sliding in with very little trouble into the round anus. And of course, it *Squeezed* every inch of his cock as he howled and came, a thick finger teasing his prostate as the stallion sucked on his nut-sack, tongue warm and big and cradling the lurching ovals.

The thick digit probed his rear-passage, making the guard moan and gasp and flop on top of the first horse, his hands somehow finding a pair of nipples to tease. The male whinnied, gasping as his huge balls got bitten on and sucked on by his brother, a thick hand jerking on his dick until he was spurting all over the wall, his ass sucking on the dog-cock inside him, getting more hot spurts warming his guts.

Older brother took the empty bottle, handing the wolf a full one. "Yes, Fox-Elder sad. But wolf happy... Maybe later you come to cell and pump My ass full of dog-cum. Or maybe we sit you on bed and take turns sucking you off."

He slapped his brother's ass roughly, making the horse whinny and *Clamp* down on Nigi's cock again. The guard whimpered, thinking he was getting Too much sex lately. He somehow managed to get his dick free, and his pants back on, falling into a chair with his beer. A grunt followed by a yip made him open his eyes... A wolf was sitting on a table, the stallion between his legs, chewing on his knobs. Another with his pants around his ankles was panting over the big brown back, whining as his knot popped into the dark ring of muscle, butt-cheeks clenched as he came much too soon for his liking.

The same thing was happening on another table, except the bigger horse had a finger buried under the wolf's tail and the furry balls stretched tight while he bobbed his head, his hips making the male behind him moan and gasp and try to keep up.

And if That wasn't bad enough - All the other guards on the floor were standing in line, waiting their turn at the hot males. And it wasn't even Lunch yet!

Nigi polished off his beer and got back to his desk where it was safe... For the moment anyway.

Chapter 29 - Old friends

Tequah sighed... There was some kind of commotion coming from the main room. One of the lower ranks came in and said someone 'Special' wanted to see him. So much for his nap... So who the hells wanted to see him so - Raph? Raph, the Stupid Mutt who pissed off the Ghost.

"You gotta help me!"

Raph's life had been Hell ever since 'The Bull'. Nobody would touch him, not even his cell-mate! He went to 'Work' alone. Came back alone. Ate alone...

"I'm going Nuts! I haven't had sex in two weeks! Not even with my hand - What damn good is it when all I can think of is those damn white fingers sliding under my tail, making me cum like it was my first time all over again..."

The feline snorted. So far he hadn't been a 'victim' of the Gates... And was damn glad! "So why me?"

"Because... Because maybe you hate me enough to use me... Fuck me rough and hard. Even if you toss me out After - Please..."

The feline felt his whiskers go down. All the times he had fantasized about the mutt laying at his feet, sobbing... Yet he felt hollow. This wasn't victory... He pulled the canine up, and held him.

"Look I... *Mmmmmmmpf*"

Jeez - Mutts. Mind, Raph did kiss pretty well... 'Getting soft - Hells, it beats being bored.'

The feline growled, "Pants off, bend over..." Raph was in tears as he dropped his pants and knelt to gently pull Tequah's pants down, kissing his sheath, rolling his balls around until the spear of cat-cock sprang out to be engulfed. But only until it was slick. Then he was bent over the bed, head down, butt up, wagging it enticingly.

"Please... I Really need this!"

The cat slapped his enemy's ass, getting a yip and a moan. He shook his head, kicking his pants out of the way, and stood behind the canine for a moment. Then he grinned and putting his spined tip against the winking hole, he shoved his cock in roughly. He didn't expect the howl that shook him to his core... Nor the sobbed gasp as hands reached around, grabbing His ass and holding him against the mutt's rump that was grinding itself against his crotch to get every last inch of cat-cock buried inside it. Tequah growled and reached down to tug the knobs free of the dog's sheath, sighing as it jumped in his fingers.

Stupid Mutt! He bit Raph's ear, tweaking the firm nipples with one hand and squeezing the moaning dog's cock with the other. He tried to thrust, but the hands on his ass wouldn't let his hips move. So he squeezed the round knobs, hoping the mutt would let go... Raph arched up, almost sitting in his lap and with a silent scream, white-washed everything in front of him.

Tequah felt a jolt of fear run though him. Not at the Mutt - That bastard was doing everything he could to pull the feline-cock out by it's roots and stuff it deep into the squeezing, clenching ass. It was this sudden warm, almost protective feeling he had... Ok, so the sex was Really, Really good. It was still just sympathy-sex - There wasn't anything behind it. He jerked his hand away before it got smeared by all the goop the dog was still spewing, then shuddered when Raph dropped his head on the feline's shoulder, kissed his cheek, and whimpered, "ThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYou..."

He shook his head, trying not to feel the hands caressing his ass. Not to hear the moans and whimpers every time he shifted his hips. "Look - Unlike Mutts, we don't have knots...So we stay hard longer. Alright - I promise not to pull it out until I am soft... Like I would anyway, Mutt."

It was that damn Fox's fault! If he hadn't made Raph go sex-crazy, the bastard wouldn't be rubbing that firm, tight ass into his crotch and making him grit his teeth to keep from yowling. And He wouldn't be having these feelings - Like he wanted to lay next to the mutt, stroke his body. Kiss those soft lips again and feel the sexy ass move in his hands. He grunted and pulled out, making the canine howl and grab after his cock.

"I gotta piss ok? I can always stick it back in again Aft-"

Raph had him pinned against the wall, muzzle mashed against his in a soul-searing kiss that made the feline's bones turn to water. He had Dreamed of the mutt's shaking hands on his body, but now they shook for a different reason, as they caressed his face, his shoulders... Then the mutt hugged him tightly, tears wetting his chest. The slap that was supposed to knock the damn dog onto his knees instead slid down the shivering back to grab a handful of ass and squeezed it roughly.

"You are going to get us both all sticky... And while shower-sex is really good, the guards kinda frown on it. Unless..." This was almost Too easy. "You are part of My pack."

Damn mutt stole his breath away with a hungry kiss, a rough hand caressing his dick, keeping him gasping for air. The feline growled, going to the pot and using it. Then he returned, shoving the canine against the wall, and lying beside the still trembling mutt.

"I am going to take a nap. Don't wake me before dinner."

The lookout nodded, keeping a grin to himself.

Tequah grunted as Raph hugged him, his hand rubbing the thin back as he felt wetness on his chest. Bastard Mutt... He wasn't about to go all soft and romantic - No matter how nice it felt to hold the male. Feel the breath on his chest. Caress the tension from the furred shoulders, getting a soft sigh. He wasn't cuddling, Dammit!

"You had damn well better not snore, Mutt - Or out you go."

It was all that white fox's fault... Corrupting him like this. Well, he still had plenty of enemies he could fantasize about. The feline almost sighed as the mutt kissed his nipples, fingers caressed him back to hardness and then helped stuff his erection into Raph's tight ass all the way up to his sheath . Hmmm... Fuck dog now, and sleep later. Sleep now, fuck dog later. Fuck dog who was rubbing a hot ass into his crotch, then nap, then fuck dog some more.

He ran a hand down Raph's back, getting the dog to arch, riding him as he lay and watched the canine's face contort, the spines tickling places Raph didn't know existed! Damn mutts shouldn't be so sexy... Tequah pulled the male down again, still hilted in the tight butt, growling quietly as he was hugged...

They weren't cuddling, Dammit!

The End