Wolf and a Sheep: Chapter One

Story by Steakston on SoFurry

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#1 of Wolf and a Sheep

"No, Clive" she whispered, "we cannot."

"Baby, do not worry about the others. We can make thi--"

"No, we can't Clive. You are an anthropomorphic wolf... I am an anthropomorphic sheep."

"So what? Love should not be confined to a single species. We should be free to fuck whomever we wish."

"Clive you know how I don't like you to use that word. It is too vulgar."

"I am sorry Bernette" Clive said, shifting around and slipping his arms back from around her, "I got carried away with myself. You know how I get car--"

"Clive I know."

"Yes... I just cannot help it sometimes."

"I know," Bernette said, as she nuzzled her face into the rough grey fur of her boyfriend. Her secret boyfriend, she thought with regret. All of the other sheep found boyfriends in the same species, and were allowed to get away with all sorts in public, but she had to fall for a wolf. Still, she shouldn't think about that negatively, he was her wolfy after all. And nothing would ever change it. Bernette was usually rather meek and eager to simply go with the crowd, but this time she would stand for what she felt was right, and that was her love for Clive. He was sweet and caring, he wasn't like all the others. He was philosophical beyond his years, although one drawback was that he gets easily frustrated, and also wants to have the sex with her. She just wasn't ready, those taboos were still in place.

Clive encircled Bernette in his arms, and pulled her tight. Her wool was incredibly soft, and he loved the feel of it against himself. He dreamed of the day that she would remove her clothes, and she would press her naked wool over his whole body.

Oh... oh God no, not now, he frantically told himself. He felt an erection coming on, just as Bernette was repositioning herself to sit in his lap. Just go down, go down, go down! But it wouldn't, it would only slowly and relentlessly increase in size.

What could he do? Slipping an arm down there to conceal the bastard would make it look like he was trying to get a feel of her sweet ass. Whilst he certainly wouldn't mind this, the last time he had dared to do it, she hadn't spoken to him in two days. But if she sat down on that thing, it could be even worse. Think, Clive, think! And then it came to him.

As she went to sit, he took her in his arms, and turned the two of them sideways, to a position in which they were laying down together. Just as his penis reached its maximum of twelve inches, he pulled his pelvis back. Meanwhile, he took hold of her hands, and held them tightly in his own.

It was moments like these that she treasured the most. The tender side of Clive really shone, she realized as she was embraced in her lover's arms.


"Mm?" she replied.


She could hear the tone in his voice, and it wasn't full of the typical sense of him treating her as a sexual conquest to brag to his friends about like the others. It was something altogether more pure. He wanted it because he truly loved her. She could not deny that she wanted it too, and she felt terrible holding out.


Bernette was arriving home in a mess. She was thirty minutes late, and it had been raining as well. Her parents would be horrified at her if they spotted her. Her only hope was to sneak in and get to her room undetected and pretend that she had been there the whole time. She'd done it before, so it wasn't impossible.

Walking along the street though, her parent's car was not there. excellent! She could get in there very easily. If her older sister gave her any trouble she could deal with it. After all, her parents usually believed her over Gwen. So her new plan was to get to her room, take a quick shower, and then get out a book, wearing her green dressing gown. That way it would look like she had gotten back an hour ago. She was notorious for her long showers, and often her parents would complain to her about them.

Perhaps she would even be able to sneak a short phone call to Clive. One day she would simply leave the family and go somewhere, anywhere with him. Just leave everything else behind and go where her heart took her.

But then she heard the sound of an engine further along the road, coming towards her. The headlights gleamed on the rain -stained tarmac. Growing afraid, she zipped behind a nearby tree and peered out.

This wasn't good. It was her parents' car, presumably with them inside. She needed to think quickly here. The front door would not do at all; they would spot her. She had to find an alternate way into the house and beat them too it.

It wasn't going to happen though. She sighed in apprehension of their punishment as they pulled up alongside the house. Bernette would have to come up with a solid cover story within the next few seconds and--

The neighbours are coming out! From their yelling, it seems that Mary-Sue, her sister, has thrown a baseball through their window! The Hoovetails are pigs and probably deserve it, but this gives Bernette the time she needs to get in through the back. She dashed into the alley between the Blackfur's house, and the place that the creepy old cat lived, and counted along the houses she passed, until arriving at her own. As she was fumbling with the latch, she heard a gruff voice behind her. She turned to see a gang of five teenage wolves. They were all male besides one, and she recognised them as Clive's friends. He had never introduced her, as she had never introduced him to her friends, but he had pointed them out from a distance once.

"Yeah, you," the voice continued. Its owner was six feet tall with grey fur. His eyes were piercing, and his clothes were ragged, as if he had deliberately torn them to look cool. His manner of speech was a direct, no bullshit sort. He made her feel immediately nervous, and the others were no better.

"We know what you're doing," another continued, who had dyed his once beautiful fur the colours of green and pink. He thought he was making a statement but he accomplished only the feat of looking ridiculous.

Bernette did not have time for this, but the latch wouldn't unhook! She had to say something, and so settled on "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Stay away from Clive." the first one ordered. As he said those words, a feeling of nausea washed over her. It was as if their love had become tainted, with the outside world knowing of it.

She could faintly make out the sounds of the adults around the front coming to some sort of an agreement, and needed to get in quickly. Luckily, the latch gave way and she fell through the door. The wolves retreated to the shadows, but not before informing her that "this isn't over", and that she was a "woolly slut".

Sensing her parents opening the front door, she rushed to the back, and inserted her key. It turned with no effort and she entered, closing it an instant before she heard the front one open, and her parents' calls for her.

Thinking quicker than she ever had before, she slipped out of her wet jacket and stashed it underneath the table. She would have to retrieve it as soon as she was free of course, but it would do for now. She put her shoes in the same place, before composedly walking herself towards the hallway.

"Bernette, why are you wet?"

She looked down, realizing that the rain had soaked through to the wool. With embarrassment, she covered her chest with her arms, and said "I just took a shower".

With suspicion, her mother asked "why did you not dry yourself, dear?"

Bernette told her that there were no towels, as absurd as it sounded. Her mother raised an eyebrow, but thankfully seemed to accept this.

"Remember tomorrow we are doing the family shearing," her father told her, "make sure that you know what style you want, because summer is just around the corner."

They seemed in an unusually good mood today, and she wasn't going to interfere. Bernette made her excuses and told her parents that she had left something in the back yard. This was a perfect opportunity to get a wet coat up to her bedroom with no questions asked. With the soundtrack of her parents disciplining their other daughter, Bernette hurried outside and then back inside, after pretending to pick something up. She was not going to hang around back there, knowing that five wolves were lurking in the shadows.


In her bedroom, alone and safe at last, Bernette got out her shearing magazine and looked through the different looks. There was the full-body mullet in which it was cut short on the front but allowed to grow at the back. She thought it was too early to be ironically retro. As for actual new looks this season, the poodle-cuff looked interesting. Whilst taking its name from the style in which poodles have become renowned for, it does not include rings of wool around the body, instead leaving the wool only around the ankles and wrists. It was kind of rebellious, giving imagery of handcuffs, and also lately taking fashions from other species and making them your own was edgey. If only inter-species dating was allowed too, she lamented, falling back on her bed. Clive was in her mind now, and she knew he would stay there until the next day.

She took out a box from her bed, and opened it. Within was a tuft of his fur that he had given her. She rolled it around her fingertips, and lay back on her bed.

Some time passed, and Bernette found her hands drifting down to the area between her legs. Just thinking about him had gotten her into a state of mild arousal. She was slightly amused with herself for this, and allowed her fingers to brush against her genital region. Even through her jeans, she felt herself respond to the touch, and even shuddered. She could tell that she was turned on. Perhaps it was the scent of the fur that had drawn out her sexual side, but whatever it was, she was still quite surprised. She hadn't felt this way before, and it was kind of enjoyable. She squeezed a nipple lightly through her thin t-shirt and gave a quiet yelp. She hadn't expected it to feel like that, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

Bernette's other hand was meanwhile half-heartedly rubbing her jeans, when she suddenly felt something happen. That whole area had began to feel very strange, and slightly alarmed, she unbuttoned, unzipped, and pulled them down her thighs. Her fingers now felt completely soaked underwear. She was astonished that this had happened so fast, and was even more astonished that the hand carrassing her nipple was now underneath her shirt, teasing it directly.

She began all-out rubbing her nether lips through the wet fabric, being sure to control her moans. This was something incredible... she had obviously experimented before, but it had never felt so good. Bernette took the fur once more, and put it inside her underwear, in direct contact with her burning clitoris. This would be the closest that she could get to Clive's actual wolf penis for now, and it felt oh so good. She began to press with two fingers, straight upwards through her panties, pushing the fur into herself.

The sheep drove herself crazy, and her body writhed uncontrollably, as if an invisible giant were contorting her body within his hands. She pictured Clive pumping his penis inbetween her spread legs, and licking her exposed nipples. Oh God, she felt like flying to his house this second and telling him to do it. She knew he'd say yes. But even in such exctasy, she knew that she could not do that. Instead, she fumbled for the box again, and took out the object which it had been sold with. A magnificent canine vibrator. She flipped the switch, but with frustration remembered that she kept the batteries in her drawer in case she ever accidently turned it on and left the room. Well, accidents can happen!

She regretted the decision now of course. She need that thing whirring away inside of her right away! Bernette felt as if she would die without it, and madly searched around with one hand in her bedside cabinet, her other still attending to her fur-stuffed vagina. She found them, and hastily inserted them, not stopping to replace the battery cover. She pulled back her underwear, inserted the thing in all at once, and returned the clothing. The girl even pulled up her jeans, to more firmly lock it in place.

Gasping, she now had both hands free to deal with her woolly breasts. Between groans she drew breath, and got to work on them, twisting, turning, squeezing, pulling, anything and everything. It wasn't enough.

She sat up, still wriggly because of the thing stimulating her genitals, and examined the box. She pulled out the nipple attachments, and plugged them into the vibrator. She realized that the wetness could interfere with the batteries, and so this time she returned the cover before attaching the new parts to her nipples.

But after she had, she realized that she had rendered herself practically powerless to a machine. The only thing she would prefer would have been for the machine to have been Clive. She suspected that he was, and stood up, pulling down her t-shirt, and giggling as she could only manage a few steps before falling on the floor helplessly. She let out laughs and moans whilst she massaged her covered breasts, and felt the vibrator stimulating her so much that the fluids were now soaking through her jeans, creating a visible wet patch. And just after the rain had dried out of them, she joked to herself!

And as she lay there, wriggling and writhing and moaning and laughing, the door opened.

It was Mary Sue.

Bernette could have killed herself for not locking the door. Now she would have to play it extremely cool, although with such a whirring coming from inside of her woolly vagina, she doubted this would work. Fuck...

"I heard noises so I thought I'd come and ch--hey, what are those wires?"

Bernette looked down, and saw that some of them were portruding between her jeans and shirt.

"And what's that box left open on your bed." Mary-Sue said, her voice quickening with what was glee. Shit shit shit! And then it came, she said "hey, you're masturbating!"

"Please don't... aaaaah... tell mom an... eeeeaaa... dad please Mary-Suaaaaahh!!!"

"You dirty girl... you're doing it even now!"

"I can't... aaha... haa... haaaa... turn it off!"

Mary-Sue got a mean smirk on her face, and picked something up out of the box, and put it on. With horror, Bernette saw that it was the strap-on attachment for the vibrator! Mary-Sue pulled down Bernette's jeans and underwear, and pulled out an unbelievably wet shaking piece of rubbery plastic. No it wasn't plastic, it was just that the sheen of the juices made it look like that. Bernette would have done something about this girl, only she felt her first orgasm shatter its way through her body right before it was removed. She stopped all movement for a second, and then spasmed crazily, powerless to stop Mary-Sue attach the vibrator to herself. She was going to get fucked by her sister! This was so wrong! The only one who was supposed to have sex with her was Clive! And she was straight, god dammit!

Before she had a chance to escape, Mary-Sue had plunged herself in, gliding back and forth on the slick fluids as if she were surfing.

"Bernette!" Mary-Sue proclaimed between thrusts, "you will suck my nipples!"

"NO!" she screaming in reply.

"Why, this isn't making you feel good?"

"N... no!"

"I know that you are lying, little sister. You are loving this and you know it!"

Bernette tried to look aside so that her sister would not see that she was indeed enjoying this, as much as she didn't want to let herself know. It did feel good to have somebody moving it in and out. But she would not suck her sisters nipples... she wouldn't! She...

She sat up with enough force to knock Mary-Sue to the floor instead of her, and swung over on top of her, tearing her shirt up and planting her lips firmly over the nub of one of her woollen globes. She sucked it, and she loved it. She felt even better when she heard her sister returning moans, and even playing with her breasts.

Bernette didn't even see the second orgasm coming, but it did, and it hit her with the force of a sack of bricks. She yelled, and clung to her sister, squeezing against her as tightly as possible.

After the waves of pleasure had subsided, she murmured "I love you, Clive", and immediately Mary-Sue froze.

Bernette knew that she had fucked up.

"Excuse me?"

"Uh, nothing. Forget it."

"Clive... the only Clive I know of is that dirty wolf!"

"Nothing is happening!"

"I didn't say anything HAD. You're just a little defensive, don't you think?"

"Yes I mean no I mean... please leave me alone!!"

"No," Mary-sue whispered in her ear, "if you want me to keep this one a secret, you're going to have to fuck ME. In the ass!"

"Jesus chris--"

"Don't Jesus Christ me, Bernette. I know you loved that fucking I just gave you, and I wanted one back anyway. I'm throwing the secrecy in out of good will, but if you're not good enough to return a sister's favour, I'm not good enough to do you any more of them."

Bernette, tears streaming down her face, silently took herself off the vibrator, put the strap-on around her waist, and after pulling up her sister's skirt, fucked her in the ass.

Wolf and a Sheep: Chapter Two

The next day at the breakfast table was a horribly tense thirty minutes of awkwardness. Bernette tried to not look at her sister, but Mary-Sue kept her eyes fixed on her, every now and again licking her lips. The parents were completely oblivious to...

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