Animal - Part 4

Story by Tabby Kat on SoFurry

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#4 of Animal

Disclaimer: This story contains adult content and should not be viewed by anyone under 18 without parental consent. And stuff. It's also my first yiffy story, so I'd love to hear what people think of it! =^^= ([email protected], in case the "email author" link doesn't work). If you haven't read the preceding parts of the series you may want to do so, so the story makes more sense. Enjoy!

ANIMAL - Part 4

Alara was wakened the next evening by the bull entering and dragging the pathetic-looking vixen hybrid from her cage. She saw Kazzius watching the scene grimly, and asked him what the matter was.

"This is her first customer in over a week," he replied sadly, "and they've just got two new hybrids in." Alara was about to ask who they were, but realized he was talking about her and Dayne. "She is no longer worth their keeping her," Kazzius continued. She stared at him uneasily.

"So what... what happens to her now?" He gave her a long, slow look, and a sinking feeling arose in her stomach.

"Her last customer gets her on a discount rate," he said, looking away. "The no-death policy is lifted, and it is agreed that they will use this to their advantage. It is not a pleasant death," he said flatly. "One of my... customers told me all about the process. I was new then, it scared me half to death. He went into a lot more... detail than I will do." He fell silent, and she did not talk to him further, too lost in the horrors of her imagination. She felt Dayne squeeze her paw gently, though, and it gave her new resolve to get away from this place.

When the bull hybrid came for her soon after, she snarled but did not attempt to escape again. Kazzius was right, there was no way she could take down this monster. Instead, she spent the journey looking around her, trying to absorb every detail of the place. There was not much. They were walking along what seemed to be the only hallway in the building - short corridors branched off it, with stout wooden doors at the ends, and the never-ending pulse of music came from somewhere up ahead. It was decorated, like the rooms, in a traditional dungeon style - presumably because this was the atmosphere most customers wanted.

Just as she lost count of the corridors they had passed (this did not take long, as she began mixing up numbers at five and had never learned any past twenty), she was yanked sharply around a corner and down to one of the wooden doors. The bull unhooked his keys from the string around his waist - Alara glimpsed his massive member as the loincloth moved aside, and shuddered - opened the door, and in one swift movement had thrust the maned wolf inside and slammed the door shut behind her. She briefly heard a murmur of voices in the gloom before the key turned in the lock and all fell silent; she had the distinct impression that her arrival had interrupted a conversation.

Trying not to move a muscle, though had she thought about it her presence was hardly a secret, she cautiously sniffed the air. A wave of masculine scent flooded her senses, and she dropped to a fighting stance, now certain that her next "customer" was in here with her.

"How ironic," a male voice said from somewhere in front of her. "The predator finds herself the prey... we saw you listed and couldn't resist that payback." We? The voice suddenly laughed. "But of course, you don't understand... let me show you." Alara tensed as she heard movement, and a clack-clack-clack of hard footsteps on the stone. They reminded her of the bull's feet. But he was not coming towards her - instead, a hand reached out and lifted a torch from the nearest bracket, holding it up high to illuminate the scene a little. Alara felt her stomach roll - there was not one, but two other hybrids in here. The speaker was an elegantly muscular gazelle, while a slightly chubby zebra fiddled with something on a table. It looked suspiciously like he was injecting something into his forearm.

The gazelle replaced the torch, but now that Alara's eyes were adjusting to the semi-darkness she could still vaguely see him.

"Now, dog, you are the prey," he said with a nasty grin. Alara felt her temper rising - she was sick of being treated like an animal. "My name isn't -" she began hotly, but before she could finish the gazelle had leaped forward and struck her a glancing blow to the side of the face.

"Dogs don't speak!" He roared. The maned wolf snarled, blood oozing from a cut in her upper lip. Fine - if he wanted her to act like a wild animal, she would. After all, she was the natural predator.

Without warning, she roared back at him and launched herself upwards, jaws wide and teeth bared to crush his windpipe. Like a flash he had pranced nimbly backwards, laughing as she crashed clumsily to the floor where he had been a second ago. She growled - he was like the wild gazelles in some respects, then. Not to be put off, she readied herself for a second attack; but she had forgotten about the zebra, and he now stepped out from behind her and delivered a powerful kick to her ribs. Completely winded, she rolled over and curled up in a breathless heap. Both of the ungulates laughed uproariously, and before she could recover her breath the zebra slipped a muzzle over her face, fastening it painfully tightly and dodging out of the way as she lashed out with her claws.

"Can't have a dog that bites, now can we?" The zebra chuckled. His voice was strange, thick and baritone with an odd accent. Alara glared at them both, nostrils flaring as she struggled to get her breath back through the tight muzzle. Evidently, outright attacking them was not going to work - she would have to try to outwit them. But first, she had to get that damn muzzle off.

No sooner had she raised her hands to the fastening, however, than both males had sprung forward and knocked her flying into the table. Fresh stabs of pain shot through her bruised ribs, and she felt the wounds on her back from the previous night re-open and begin to bleed again. One of the males, she couldn't tell which, roughly seized her by the scruff of the neck, burying his fingers into the thick mane. She made as if to claw him, but froze as she felt a needle slide into her flesh between his fingers, instincts telling her not to move lest the needle break off in her neck. Fear spread across her mind like a black cloud, and her snarl became a grimace of panic. The antelope must have noticed, for he reassured her, "Don't worry, it's not poison. We've both had some too."

"Though not half as much as what you're getting," the zebra sniggered.

"Bree, that's enough!" His friend said with alarm, moving to snatch the syringe from the zebra; but Alara noticed that Bree gasped and flinched as soon as the antelope touched him. Both of the males stopped and stared at one another for a second; then Bree reached out and gently touched his friend's flank. The antelope shuddered with apparent pleasure. So that was the effect of the drug - hypersensitivity. Alara was suddenly feeling very nauseous. The zebra finally released his hold on her to explore the effects of the drug with his friend, but the maned wolf just slumped to the ground. Her head felt muggy and she felt like she was about to vomit. She was also aware of a faint tingling sensation all over her body, as if ants were crawling over her.

"Well chosen, Caleb," Bree was saying, gingerly touching himself all over to feel the effects. A spasm of sheer delight passed across his face as his fingers brushed his cock, and he looked back at the maned wolf with new excitement.

"Watch this", Caleb said. He picked up a collar from a pile of restraints on the table and buckled it around Alara's neck, noticing that even the touch of the collar caused her to recoil and moan softly. He then attached the collar to a ring in the wall by means of a short chain, and stood in front of the canine, just out of her reach. Bree grinned as he realized what his friend was doing, and stepped up behind him, picking up an odd-looking metal rod on the way.

Alara groaned. It felt like her sense of touch had been made ten times more powerful - every slight movement resulted in a wave of intense pleasure, as if every area of her skin had been made at least as sensitive as the inside of her pussy. And there was something else in that drug, too... she was feeling an urge, a stronger urge than any other she had ever experienced. It grew in her until all she could think about was following it, whatever it was - and then she looked up, and saw Caleb standing naked in front of her. Of course, he had been naked before; but now she noticed it. Now his crotch was at her eye-level, and she stared at it transfixed.

At that moment Bree stepped out from behind the antelope, and her gaze shifted to his slightly larger package.

"Look this way," Caleb snapped at her; but she was unwilling to look away from the zebra, who was slowly moving around behind her. Even in this befuddled state, she did not trust him.

Unfortunately, this backfired on her - for Bree reached out and lightly touched her with the metal rod. There was a zap and she shrieked with pain, falling to the floor and clutching her side, where he had shocked her.

"I said, look this way," the antelope repeated. Tearfully she turned back to him, wanting to look him in the face but always finding her gaze dropping to crotch-level again. He smiled slightly, and then he began to stroke his cock.

Alara felt her nipples harden, and another moan escaped her lips. That was what she wanted, right in front of her... it was growing hard under the gentle ministrations of its owner's hand, the drug speeding things up by intensifying every touch, though not as strongly as it did to her. Bree, unable to help himself, was mimicking Caleb, closing his eyes with bliss as he fingered his member. Alara was breathing hard again, beads of sweat running down the inside of the muzzle, her sex throbbing with desire.

Just as the first drop of precum was oozing from his cock, Caleb stopped stroking himself and began stroking Alara's head, as one would a dog. His hands quickly moved down her neck, and she thrust herself upwards, willing him to go further.

"No," the antelope said firmly, asserting his displeasure by stroking her mane the wrong way. Such was the increase in her sensitivity that even this caused her to cry out in pain, sitting back down and battling to resist the urge to jump up and impale herself on that erect length.

"Now," said Caleb, "if you want more... you have to beg for it." Alara could only stare at his cock as she struggled against the drug; but the drug won. She felt like she would explode if she didn't get that thing inside her. She tried to open her mouth and ask for more, but realized that the muzzle made this impossible. Caleb smiled a little, clearly enjoying his domination over the natural predator. "Well? If you'd rather stop, we can just let you go now." The impact of this hit her harder than the blows she had received earlier. Again her mind was torn by inner conflict - she wanted that cock so much, but getting it would mean deliberately degrading herself purely to get fucked. Again the drugs fought with her self, and again, the drugs won.

Caleb grinned broadly as the maned wolf lay down at his feet and rolled onto her back, shuddering with physical pleasure at the contact with the stony floor and hating herself for doing this.

"Good dog," he said, exactly as the leopard had done the day before - Alara flinched as she heard it, for it highlighted the disgrace of what she was doing. At least then, she had gone down fighting.

But her shame was soon interrupted, as the antelope hybrid ran his hand down her body. She moaned and writhed beneath his touch, hypersensitized by the drugs, and he gently reached around her head and unfastened the muzzle, placing it on the ground within reach.

"Now suck me," he commanded, kneeling over her head so that his cock was in her face. Without even thinking, having assumed the role of submissive, she obeyed, taking its head into her mouth and beginning to suck. Caleb tensed and inhaled sharply as waves of pleasure rolled through his body. The maned wolf could taste his salty precum in her mouth, and let her tongue move down his shaft, eagerly licking further and further. The fog in her mind made her clumsy, and her lust made her salivate profusely; but the drugs in the antelope's body made up for her lack of skill by magnifying every rough stroke of her tongue. Drool dripped from her mouth, mingled with his juices, and she leaned forward to take more of his manhood into her maw. Behind them, with a perfect view of Alara's dripping snatch, Bree was watching and rapidly bringing himself to climax with his own hands, waiting impatiently for an opportunity to get in on the action. Caleb was in a euphoria of pleasure, moaning softly and moving his hips in and o instinctively. The maned wolf was now sucking almost his entire length, her tongue exploring his balls and circling his cock, greedily lapping up the precum with saliva dribbling from her mouth.

Having taken more of the drug than his friend, the zebra came first. With a shout of joy he fired his load directly at the canine lying on the ground. It took her completely by surprise, and the feeling of the warm, sticky substance soaking her unprotected thighs and stomach was intensely pleasurable - a pleasure so strong that it almost bordered on pain, as if the cum had been boiling hot. She opened her mouth to cry out, but it was so full of saliva and precum that she may as well have had a mouthful of honey: it stuck her jaws together, trails of the stuff flying everywhere.

Caleb's mouth, however, was still free; and now he suddenly gasped anew, for in her disturbance Alara had pressed her cold, wet nose right up against his balls. Normally the feeling would have been unpleasant; but now, with chemicals in his system and his natural predator underneath him, he reveled in it. Quickly the female lapped at his cock in an attempt to take it back into her mouth, but the new sensation had sent him over the edge. Opening his deer-like lips in silent ecstasy he exploded all over her face and neck, barely hearing her squeals of delight.

Bree waited for his friend to finish, feeling unbearably horny and growing more and more impatient. Finally the antelope rose unsteadily to his feet, and the zebra sprung into action, seizing Alara's wrists and dragging her to her feet. She was nearing orgasm herself, and even though she was unlikely to offer any resistance now, the zebra chained her wrists to a hook in the ceiling. Bending down, he grabbed the muzzle and jammed it over her sticky face, pulling it tight with clumsy hands. Sweat ran down his own face as he stepped back for a moment to survey the carnivore - chained, exposed and whining dog-like to be fucked. His manhood was rigid, begging to be put to the use it was intended for; and at last, his patience snapped. He lunged forward, forgetting all the usual preamble and instantly taking Alara into his arms and thrusting his large erection as deep inside of her as he could go. His cock instantly forced her cunt wide open, but he didn't know or care about whatever it did to her, as drugged as she was - the feeling of a pussy squeezed around his member enveloped him completely in fiery, blissful passion. He snorted, burying his fingers in her long fur, and withdrew a little before returning in full force.

Alara felt like she was about to die from sensual overload, if such a thing was possible. She would have been screaming at the top of her lungs had her jaws not been firmly held shut by the muzzle; so all she could do was moan deep in her chest and move her body in time with Bree's thrusts in an effort to lessen their force. She was beyond orgasm now - she was in a continuous state of something like it, but even more intense. She did not feel her tail being lifted aside, or the hot breath on the back of her neck; but she felt two hands reach around from behind to clutch her breasts and lightly tease her rock-hard nipples, and felt like her ribs were about to crack from the pent-up screams inside them. In vain her hands strained at the chains holding her, trying to free her arms so she could block this new attack on her heightened sensitivity. She lifted one of her legs, which was still free, in an attempt to fight off her assailants; but Bree, his rod deep inside her, instantly reached down and grabbed it. Panicking, she raised the other one and lashed out in his general direction, only to find that he had dodged and now snatched that leg from the air as well, holding both her thighs just above his waist so that she didn't touch the floor at all.

There was one last attack to come, however. Alara felt something rubbing against the base of her tail and around her tailhole, something warm and dripping with slime. Terrified at what was to come, she tried to pull away from it - only to impale herself further upon Bree, who groaned with pleasure and held her tightly to himself. Again the antelope cock behind her made its advances, and with the zebra so far inside her it felt like he would soon penetrate her stomach, there was nothing she could do. Utterly helpless, she tensed and moaned hugely as Caleb slowly slid his member into her anus. He was gentler than the zebra had been, probably because he had not had to wait to be serviced, and at first he only went a little way in; but he quickly succumbed to the pleasure overload as well, gripping the maned wolf painfully tightly as he panted, his sweat mingling with Bree's over all three of their bodies.

Quite suddenly, Bree cried out in bliss and forced his cock even deeper into Alara as it exploded in the orgasm he had been waiting for for too long. Tears leaked from her eyes and she struggled ineffectually to get away from it - she was sure she had felt sensitive tissue tear, though her nerves were so overloaded it was impossible now to tell the difference between pleasure and pain. Before she had a chance to recover, Caleb came up her ass; she felt his body, dripping with sweat, squeeze the breath from her lungs as he and Bree held her in a suffocating embrace... she felt him gripping her breasts and drooling down the back of her neck... she felt large quantities of spooge flowing from between her legs, and no longer cared whose it was. At last she felt both members withdraw briefly... and then they both thrust inwards again with renewed force, and she blacked out. There is only so much pleasure a body can take before it becomes pain, and only such much pain a mind can take before it gives up.