Part 4 - Dealing with Bullies

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#5 of Youth and Vigor which Greg has a hard time but earns a big reward.

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor. If this sort of thing offends you, don't read this story. If this sort of thing interests you, please enjoy. This is my first story on SoFurry and I appreciate any constructive community feedback.

Additional Note: I'm having a lot of fun writing these stories, and if there's any playful misadventures you'd like to see Ray and the cubs get into, I'm open to content suggestions. Please leave a comment if you'd like to suggest an idea. I can't promise I'll use it, but if I like what I hear I'll try to work it in. I also appreciate the votes and favorites!

This story has a bit of character development at the beginning. If you'd like to skip to the smut (and I wouldn't blame you if you did), it starts about halfway down.

Part 4 - Dealing with Bullies

Ray turned on the radio and kicked his footpaws up on the dashboard. Man, what a day it'd been. He had met not one, but two adorable, energetic little cubs who loved playing his kind of games. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, remembering how good it felt to empty his seed into that tight bunny behind. And now he was going to get the opportunity to take one home with him, the most adorable little doberman pup. All this was rather quickly giving him a hard-on, and the wolf had to shift his weight to try and hide his excitement as the final bell rang.

Other school busses had already begun lining up in the drop-off circle as cubs began pouring out of the school. A few parents were waiting in cars nearby, honking their horns as they saw their respective youngsters. He saw Andy hopping along the parking lot towards a blue station wagon. He was still wearing nothing but his swim trunks and his backpack. He turned and waved at Ray just before he got in the side door of the car. Ray wondered what Andy's father was going to think. The wolf's scent was strong, and having filled that cub as much as he did, he knew his father was going to notice. But that would have to wait, his bus was almost already full, but he still didn't see Greg.

It was now 10 minutes after the final bell, almost all the cubs had left the front of the school, but there was still no sign of the doberman pup. He knew he couldn't wait much longer, he had to drive the rest of his route, but he couldn't bear to leave Greg behind, not after the fun they'd had together. He gave two frustrated honks of the bus's deep, blaring horn, and finally he saw the little black and brown furred pup slinking out from the school doors. Greg looked like he'd gotten in a fight! His shirt was torn and his baggy swim trunks were muddy at the knees. The pup looked up at Ray slowly and wiped his muzzle on his sleeve. His eyes were big and teary.

Ray leapt up out of his seat and clamored down the steps to Greg's side. "What happened Greg, did you get in a fight?" the wolf asked, genuinely concerned.

"Some mean boys made fun of me for hanging out with Andy on the bus." he mumbled. "They called him a faggot, and then they called me a faggot for hanging out with him."

"Awww hun, it's okay, those were very mean things that those boys said. You tell me their names and I'll make sure the principal has a good long talk with them." Ray tried to comfort the crying cub.

"No, Mister Ray, it's okay. They were boys that used to be my friends. Besides, I picked up a big rock and hit one of them in the head. That's what made the rest of them jump on me."

"Come on pup, we'll talk about it when we get back to my house. Let's get you on that bus." he took the cub's paw and led him back up the steps and to a seat near the front. Greg kept looking down at the ground, kicking his footpaw at whatever stray leaf or bits of gravel he happened to find. When Greg was seated, Ray went back to the driver's seat, looking worriedly over his shoulder at the pup before he started the engine. He felt horrible, it was his fault that this innocent puppy got introduced to this kind of discrimination. It wasn't fair, and he had to make it up to him.

Slowly the cubs all left the bus, a handful at each stop, until finally only Greg remained. Ray looked back over his shoulder at the pup, still sulking into his paws. "Why don't you come sit on my lap for the rest of the ride Greg, I'll let you put your paws on the steering wheel. No other cubs ever get to do that!" Ray smiled and patted his lap.

Greg perked his ears up and jumped down off the seat, his padded paws hitting the rubber mat with a light thud. He walked over and climbed up onto the wolf's lap, nestling himself in. The cub was small enough that Ray could still see well enough to drive, though a puppy's tight behind pressing against his crotch might be a little distracting. He shifted the bus into gear and gave the pup a tight hug before starting off back toward the school to drop off the bus. As they rumbled along a smile grew on Greg's face as he ran his paws along the steering wheel, pretending to make tight race car driver turns as Ray held the wheel steady. Each bump in the road caused his backside to rub against Ray's bulge, something he certainly didn't object to in the slightest.

When the pulled into the school parking lot he gave the pup another hug and patted his belly. "Okay pup, time to climb off, this is our stop." Greg leapt down off his lap, looking back over his shoulder and noticing the wolf's sizeable bulge. He sniffed at the air and grinned.

"I can't wait to see your house Mister Ray, I bet it's really cool!" the pup exclaimed, bouncing up and down a bit with excitement. Ray pulled the bus into park and turned off the engine.

"Oh it's not that exciting, Greg. Just a modest bachelor pad, but we'll order up a pizza and have some fun. I have lots of video games and stuff."

"Sounds good, Mister Ray." Greg nodded and hopped down off the bus. Ray followed, then led the pup toward his little red pickup truck. He unlocked the doors and climbed into the driver's seat.

"Hop on up Greg, it's not too far now. I live pretty close by." Ray patted the passenger seat as Greg climbed up into the cab. He wagged his tail happily against the seat and smiled up at the wolf. Ray smiled back and started driving down the road toward his house. Ray lived in a small white rancher in the middle of a rather calm street. None of his neighbors seemed to be out as he pulled the pickup truck into his driveway. The driveway was lined with tall pine trees that made his house smell amazing and provided a lot of good privacy. He parked at the back and climbed out, looking back at Greg and smiling. He reached in and grabbed the pup by the arm pits, hoisting him out of the truck cab and giving him a playful swing around. Greg giggled and wagged his tail, then nuzzled affectionately against Ray's leg. "Let's get you inside and cleaned up, huh? Let's forget all about those mean bullies." he scooped the doberman pup up in his arms and carried him up the back steps. All the while Greg kicked his footpaws playfully and nuzzled against Ray's big, strong chest. He set the cub down in his living room and flipped on the lights.

"You have a cool place Mister Ray, I like all the cool music posters on the wall." Greg said, looking around at the living room.

"Thank you Greg, I listen to a lot of music, these are some of my favorites." he motioned towards the wall posters for various rock and roll furries, dressed in leopard print and white headbands.

"They sure do wear silly clothes though." the pup giggled.

"Haha, yeah they sure do. But speaking of clothes, yours are filthy, pup. Why don't we get you all cleaned up. How would you like a bath?" Ray suggested. The puppy looked up at him and nodded happily.

"Normally I don't like baths, but I'd like it a lot if you gave me one!" he smiled. The pup started pulling off his shirt but quickly got tangled in the ripped sleeve. Ray got down on his knees and helped, but not before rubbing his paws up the pup's sides and soft belly fur, admiring his slim physique. He managed to get the pup's shirt off while Greg was already undoing his pants. Ray blushed, licking his muzzle as he watched the cub continue to undress. Greg's swim trunks fell to the ground in a shuffle and he stood naked in front of the wolf. He blushed and covered his boyhood, but it was pretty clear the pup was sporting a little bit of a stiffy. That's okay, so was Ray, but his was quite a bit more noticeable.

"Alright pup, off to the bathroom. It's the first door on the right, I'll get your clothes started in the wash." Ray watched the pup scamper off down the hall, his cute little tail whipping back and forth. Ray tossed the cub's clothing into the washing machine and started a small load. The washer rumbled to life as Ray padded back down the hall toward where Greg had gone.

When he stepped into the bathroom, the cub was bent over the tub, his tail high in the air and his bare tailhole exposed. He was fiddling with the water faucet, trying to get it just the right temperature. Ray shuddered, his throbbing wolfhood straining against the elastic of his waistband. Greg looked back and smiled, his tail wagging faster when he saw the wolf come in. When he was confident he had the water the right temperature, he climbed into the bathtub and sat down on his hindquarters. Ray got down on his knees beside the tub and smiled, rubbing his paw up the puppy's back and over his headfur, mussing it up into little spikes. The pup giggled and splashed some water back at Ray.

Ray reached for the soap and started lathering up the pup's fur, making sure to get all over every inch of his cute little body. When he got to the pup's crotch he started moving a little slower, giving him some teasing paw rubs. The pup cooed softly and spread his legs a bit.

"Why don't you come take a bath too, Mister Ray? I bet you got pretty hot waiting in that bus all day." The cub suggested, shyly. Ray could certainly use a wash too, if it wasn't sitting in the bus all day that made him hot, the unexpected physical exercise certainly had an impact.

"Would you like that?" Ray asked, putting his paws on the side of the tub. Greg responded with vigorous head nodding as his tail whipped the surface of the water. Ray smiled and obliged, pulling off his tight tank top and tossing it into the nearby hamper. Then he stood up and did the same with his shorts, letting them slide slowly down his legs, exposing his large red wolf cock. He watched the cub lick his muzzle, staring intently at the wolf's huge member as he stepped into the tub, then slid down so he was sitting across from the pup.

"Can I... can I taste it?" Greg asked, still staring at Ray's cock. Ray gave a shiver of lust and beckoned the cub closer. It didn't take long for the puppy to wrap his muzzle around the tip of Ray's dick. He let out a dribble of salty precum, which only made the cub whine and suck harder. The cub couldn't deep throat very far, but he made up for it by working his small, warm paws all up and down Ray's length. When the wolf's knot started to form he gave it squeezes regularly. The cub's hunger was incredible! He could hear the pup sniffing deeply as often as he could, the wolf's strong scent must be driving his sensitive nose wild. This was getting Ray incredibly worked up, he wasn't going to last long at this rate. Having a sexy cub like this working over his cock was about all he could take. His breathing quickened and he gasped twice, and then suddenly he couldn't hold it any longer. Ray's cock erupted with cum. The first load shot down the back of the puppy's playful muzzle and then splashed out the side. A few ribbons shot into the air which coated the doberman's soft chocolate brown chest fur. Some even splashed into his cheek and muzzle, which the hungry pup promptly licked up, not wanting to waste any of the wolf's delicious seed. "Ooooh, it tastes really, really good!" he exclaimed, scooping some of the extra off his chest and then licking it off his paw. "I could almost feel mine coming too. Do you think you could... you know... like Andy did?" he looked up at the wolf, raising his tail and giving a soft whimper.

"I don't think you're ready for that just yet puppy, but let's see how many fingers you can take, hmm?" He reached back and held the puppy's rump with both paws, his finger teasing the wet spot just under his tailhole. The puppy whined and pushed back against Ray's finger, his cubby cock pressing against the wolf's belly as he leaned forward. Ray pushed one finger in with ease, the pup was probably still a little loose from the pounding he'd gotten from the bunny boy earlier that day. He tried pushing in a second finger. This made the pup moan and clench around Ray's fingers. "Ooooh, such a good boy!" Ray praised, using his other paw to cup the cub's soft balls and rub them gently. The cub pushed back against his fingers and moaned again.

"Oooooh, more!" he let out, pushing back harder. The cub's cock was leaking pre-cum down his shaft and dripping into the bath water. Ray slowly and carefully lined up a third finger, then pushed that down his puppy tailhole too. Greg hung his tongue out, panting madly. His cock bounced as Ray began pushing his paw in and out. He kept pumping the cub, listening to every little moan and gasp, listening to them get louder and higher as he kept pounding away. He kept thrusting and thrusting, and suddenly the puppy shot his load, leaning back which forced Ray's fingers in as deep as they would go. His stream of cum shot up in the air and landed all over the wolf's face. Ray smiled wide in surprise and leaned into kiss the cub's belly, then his chest, finally he planted a kiss right on the puppy's lips, sliding his tongue in a little deeper, the taste of cum still on his breath. He kissed the cub long and hard, the puppy's playful tongue lapping back against his. Slowly, they broke. Ray looked down at the adorable mess before him.

"I think you're going to need another bath, pup." he grinned.