Love of an old dragon.

Story by ZerUaEno on SoFurry


A story guiven to me by Dragonviper

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc: it comes and it goes......everything has a purpose without doesnt exist : a kind dragon with a fragile heart...

Ellie: my heart is fragile but i learned there is such a thing called duct tape

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc: what about it?

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc: duct tape fixes everything?

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc shakes his head smiling slightly

Ellie: most things and glue thats why we made it

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc: from hooves of animals

Ellie: wait.....what...?

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc: glue is made by hooves of animals. Everything that humans make is always made by another creature

Ellie sort of growls in defense of her people and she sort of snaps "That is not true!"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc digs his claws into the ground "Think of do you think they ever made glue? have you ever wonder or oil.....where it came from.....or the the shoes you wear? the clothing on your back? do not question where it came from and how was it made?"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc continues "Have you ever wonder about the shampoo you use or the make up you wear? the animals that were used as lab tests? And your telling me that its not all true. you of all....would understand"

Ellie some anger builds and she stops stroking your head and pulls her hand back watching you claw the earth "But no everyhing we have destroyed. We have not done all to bad. Not everything we make of has been destroyed and I do not wear makeup!"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc points to the forest that is nearby "No? you destroy, rape, and denude nature? do you not destroy trees for the things you need? or...." He points to a nearby stream "Do you not pollute the waters with your garbage? The air you breath? now tell me that not every that you make destroys. Everything that you dont use get thrown into landfills taking up space and what do you do with that stuff? you try to dump it somewhere else" He begins to growl lowly as he said all these things.

Ellie sort of chokes "No...I understand....I just...just...wish it wasnt dont know how it feels to be from horrible people..." a tear slowly drips down her face and she jumps at the growls

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc dig his claws even deeper into the ground "Humans will never learn. At the end they will all be destroyed. And when that happens then we will see what they try to do fix the problems they create"

Ellie sees your claws dig deeper and she begins to turn on her heels walking away slowly hanging her head low and is deepened in sadness and anger and looks back at you her eyes gently shaking and then she returns her gaze to the ground walking slowly on

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc unclenches his claws flexing them before calling out "That is how i felt......and it will never change if they do not learn.....come with do not need to go alone....come with me back to my will be safe there...and dont have to worry....about the humans....and....i am sorry....but..." He shakes his head as he slowly goes on towards his cave at a slow pace hoping you will take his offer.

Ellie looks back at you wanting to come looking in front of her seeing the woods and then quickly turns aroud running back to you and clenches you tightly shaking lightly

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc stops as he looks down at you "You choose to make a difference? Chosen not to live the same path as the others? You want to try in your power to change the path?" He ask with curiosity

Ellie nods as quick as she can "Yes I do." tries to stop her shaking

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc nudges you carefully with his snout " will be alright....You have made your choice no one else.....And that what makes me happy to say i am proud of you"

Ellie closes her eyes slightly at the warmth of your snout and feels comforted by your words "Really...? Your...proud of me...?"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles "Not everyday that someone wants to make a these days is always about the power and land......But you...." He continues to smile as he raise his head up. "You are far different from the others"

Ellie smiles and blushes and raises her hands to her cheeks trying to hide it but only blushes harder

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc leans down nudges you carefully "Come...young one....its getting late and you dont want to be caught outside without any shelter....its not safe for you....the wolves cold air and even dangerous terrian"

Ellie nods slowly the thought of wolves "Agreed...." starts to wonder what your cave looks like and likes the fact of being called a young seems familiar to her "Is your cave warm?"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles as he chuckles lightly "Of course its warm, Not all dragons like to sleep in the cold.....its not good to have mildew on the creates an itch that is very hard to scratch..." He walks slowly towards his cave stoping for a moment turning his head waiting for you to catch up

Ellie jogs behind you leaping from foot to foot able to run swiftly without making a sound and she looks up to you smiling

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc continues to smile as he made his way up the hill before stoping up on top. He scan the horizion for his cave before saying "I wish i can take you to my hatching cave...but its too dangerous for a human.....instead i will take you to my cave....which was created by my ancestors before me...." He stops a moment before letting out a low sigh. "It fasinates me how they create the cave that allows the rock to be heated up during the day while at night it will be warm even in the coldest nights"

Ellie nods "I wish I could see the hatching cave....I wish I was a dragon.." gives a dissapointed sigh

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc shakes his head as he said quietly "Never wish...." He continues on towards his cave stopping a moment for you to catch up before making to the foot of a mountain.

Ellie catches up quickly and looks up the moutain then back to you

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc points his head "We have to go up"

Ellie nods quickly "Is it going to be hard to get to the cave?"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc shakes his head as he lays down "Not unless you have wings it is not"

Ellie giggles and climbs aboard your back

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc waits until your are settled as he said "Hang on tight" He smiles as he said with a low voice "Acutally im going to do something special"

Ellie nods and scootches up to your neck putting her hands up your neck smiling " on tight."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc walks along the edge of the mountain making it to a spot that seem to be marked with claw marks to anyone that has a good eyesight to notice. He smiles as he said quietly. "I love doing this"

Ellie sees the claw marks and holds on tight waiting to see what is going to happen

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc mutters a few draconic words as he claws beging to give off a low light. He jump up digging his claws in heating up the claw markings his slowly climbs up the side of the mountain making his way towards the middle to a ledge before taking a break.

Ellie breathes in and holds on tighter as you climb and laughs out loud at the ledge

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc looks around for a moment as he said "Think we are there? Well guess again. Remember hang on tight" He jumps off the side of the ledge landing on another before jumping to another ledge. He made it to the final ledge revealing a nicely carved entrance to his cave. He flexes his claws as the light around them begins to fade. He lays down as he said "Well what do you think of the trip?'

Ellie holds on tight as you jump from ledge to ledge and finally loosens her grip when the stop sliding off of your back "It was amazing!" gives out a giggle putting her hands over her mouth

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc chuckles as he tilt his head shaking it in a silly manner. He points to the entrance as he said "Go on inside and tell me what do you think?"

Ellie giggles as you shake your head and she mimics you "Ok." she walks in the cave and has a rememberance to it closing her eyes and it takes her breath away " is amazing!"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc follows behind closely smiling "My ancestors build this cave with a secret chamber that is further up the mountain which can be accessed through this chamber...." He point with his head up futher in the darker part of the cave to a well hidden door way which slopes up in a 40 degree angle. He taps his claw on the solid rock below him as he let out a low yawn. "Well...we made it here before sun down....that is a good thing"

Ellie yawns when she sees you yawn looking back to the trap door " well it dangerous at the woods after dark?"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc nods as he responds "Very dangerous.....mostly with the hungry wolves....not to mention...." He rolls his eyes as he said "Random holes that are created by humans.....and then the chill in the air...." He shakes his head as he makes his way to his bed laying down wrapping his wings and his tail around himself before continuing "Its best to stay here for the night.....and there is no way down.......execpt a nice 500 foot drop to the jagged rocks below....."

Ellie gulps at the thought of wolves and other hungry animals watching you curl up she sits on the floor "I think the drop would be a bad idea..and I would like to stay here.." smiles as she wraps her arms around her legs

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc lift his head as he said with a smile "Come over here young one....where you will be warm I dont bite i promise"

Ellie smiles and jumps up heading over to you as she lays herself next to you "I have faith you dont bite.." smiles and giggles lightly

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc wraps his wing around you smiling "i know...i just love to say that."

Ellie feels the warmth of your wing and smiles closing her eyes and cuddles into you.

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc purrs softly as he let out another yawn "Always will be safe.....when your next to a dragon."

Ellie looks up at you and smiles her eyes gently shaking letting you know that she feels she is safe and comfortable "I love dragons.." She yawns as she turns over and rubs your stomach.

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles slightly as he slightly kicks his hind leg lightly "There is always a reason why everyone loves dragons"

Ellie smiles looking up at you "My reason is because of you.." she continues to rub your stomach and lightly tickles it giving out a slight giggle.

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc giggles lightly smiling "Awe....that is so kind of you"

Ellie smiles and lets her eyes close and then opens them again thinking she has heard something outside but decides to wait untill you are asleep to check it out, "Well....I am just telling the truth.."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc yawns once again closing his eye "That is all i need to know"

Ellie watches eagerly hoping you will fall asleep soon and smiles slightly

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc: Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc dig his claw lightly in his bedding as he said "Time for one to sleep....."

Ellie nods and clutches your wing loosening herself slightly but holds your wing ever so lightly

Ellie thinks she hears the sound outside again and quickly looks up to see if you are asleep

Ellie gently moves your wing aside hoping not to disturb you and goes to the edge of the cave looking over the edge seeing nothing but she hears the sound again and narrows her eyes scanning the forest floor and makes out a spot...what she thinks is a human and breathes in quickly watching him move around the edge of the mountian.

Ellie quickly shakes the feeling of being disturbed by this human and goes back to the warm protection of her dear friend tucking herself in your wing and cuddles next to you getting as close as possible making herself secure and closes her eyes letting herself softly drift to sleep....

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc wonders what Ellie is up too....

Ellie looks up at you and smiles toothfully before pulling on your wing lightly.

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc growls out in protest "Why?"

Ellie looks eager "Can I ask a question?" she says this with anticipation

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc: ask

Ellie rocks on her heels "Can you take me to the ground for just a second?" She looks off the cliff

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc tilts his head slightly "Why do you want to go there?"

Ellie bites her lips "I needa see what the rustling is..."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc shrugs "More likely animals.....but if you want to...then i will...."

Ellie smiles toothfully "Thanks!"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc lay down as he said with a low voice "Getting up is easy but getting down is not...."

Ellie climbs onto your back slowly and grips with her legs by your wings and her hands on the scales on your neck

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc walks outside the cave to the ledge as he scans the skies. He turn slightly to one direction as he leaps to the side of the mountain before kicking off to a ledge nearby.. He stops for a moment looking for the next spot to jump to as he made his way down the side of the mountain.

Ellie grips tightly not letting loose

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc misses his footing as he tries to grab hold of a nearby ledge but failed. He falls as there is not enough room for him to open his wings, to the small river below.

Ellie lets out a yelp and hits her head on a rock from the river and slowly sinks to the bottom looking at the top of the water wishing she could swim but sinks.

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc sinks for a moment before regaining consciousness reach out for you with one of his paws carefully wrapping it around you as he pulls you to the surface

Ellie feels the claws grab her and she goes unconscious getting pulled up.

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc reaches to the shore shaking his head warly trying to keep consciousness. He lays you on the ground doing his best as he can to bring you about.

Ellie sputters out water and looks at you the back of her head looking at her hand seeing blood and she gives a low moan then looks back at you and crawls next to you rubbing your head slowly.

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc shakes his head as he said with a low voice "I am sorry..."

Ellie slowly blinks "Its fine.." examines her head again with her fingers "I shouldnt of asked to come down."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc staggers slightly before falling to his side. He sighs as he said "Its were curious..."

Ellie watches you fall to your side and slowly rises heading to your leg trying to keep her ballance as best she can touching it softly "Does this hurt?" she gently presses down on your knee.

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc growls out lightly in pain as he said "I think i sprained it...."

Ellie checks your leg gently pressing in spots and whinces as the pain from her head sets in and she tries her best to ignore it and continues to tend to your leg.

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc continues to growl as he watches around for any animals that might be interested in what is happening. He stops for a moment as he turn his attention back to Ellie. "Do not rush yourself...."

Ellie wakes up slowly and reaches her hand in front of her the sun shining in her eyes but notices it is sunset and she quickly sits up alarmed and scared.

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc lays there half asleep trying not to worry too much of the sprained knee. He lightly dig his claw in the ground before releasing it.

Ellie his wide awake and looks to her left and starts whimpering worried you left and then looks to her right and gives a sigh of relief embracing you hugging you tightly and is alarmed when she hears a twig snap behind her quickly turning around her eyes scanning the area

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc listens carefully as his earfin twitched wondering what is making the noise. He growls lowly in defense as he tries to regain concesious.

[9/22/2010 10:39:08 PM] Ellie: Ellie rests a hand on you simply telling you "Stay here." she slowly rises and gently walks across the ground to where the twig snapped as her head pounds she gently cradles it with one hand

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc opens his eyes looking around dazed and confused. He blinks a few times to clear away the bluriness as he hear Ellie say "Stay here"

Ellie creeps behind the tree and is quickly pulled in by a man her mouth covered by his huge hands and she squirms around before he presses a cloth over her mouth damp with bitter smelling stuff making her loose consciousness

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc regain concsciousnes as he looks around for Ellie. He tries to stand up, only to be greeted with pain that shoot up his leg making him growl out before falling back down. He whimpers softly as he know he has to find Ellie before something happens to her....

Ellie is dragged behind the man still unconscious and then regains it and finds herself tied up and sitting by a fire she looks around frantically seeing the sunrise slowly and then looks behind her seeing the man and she stops squirming and tries to get up only being tripped by the ropes on her feet and gives a low moan as the pain hits her again from her head and the man gives a smirk and she whimpers loudly wishing you were here

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc manages to get up on all four ignoring the pain from his knee as he lower his head to the ground finding a sent trail. By luck he has found one of a male and a female heading towards the south. He nods as he said lowly to himself "I will find you..." He limps slowly towards the south hoping to catch up to the duo before its too late.

Ellie stares at the man and then her gaze turns to the fire feeling something erie and then is frightened slightly jumping when the man speaks "What were you doing back there with that.....beast?" growls at the word beast "Nothing you need to know..." she narrows her eyes at him examining him closely

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc continues to follow the trail as it lead to a clearing. He cautiously look around for anything unusal as the pain tells him to stop. He shakes the pain off as he continues across the clearing to the otherside as he detects a hint of burning wood. He nods as he know he is getting close.

Ellie turns her head so the warmth of the fire can hit it and is stunned when the man puts out the fire picking her up and the bag and starts to walk to the woods again and she lets out a shrill shriek before getting hit on her leg and she whimpers before he applies the clotha again as she looses consciousness she utters "Help..."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc leans up near a tree to rest as he hears a shriek up ahead. He takes a few breaths as he tries to pick up the pace saying to himself "Im coming Ellie...." He continues to follow the trail until he found what used to be a camp site. He stops for a moment lower his head to the ground and sniff the area. He nods as he said with a low voice "If only i gotten here quicker..." He sighs as he looks around determining which way they went before heading towards east.

Ellie is continued to be dragged and is soon awoken by the man and she looks in alarm hopefully for you and he chuckles at her "So....we are heading to a town." she glares at him unforgivinly "So? I would rather die than be with you!" she spats and her slaps her and she whimpers loudly and he grabs her leading her on as the walk and she walks silently behind him and whines lowly

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc manage to catch up tired and weak. He kept his distances as he said to himself "Where are you going....and why?" He shakes his head trying to follow silently but cannot. He whimpers lowly as his knee tells him to stop and rest, but he said to himself no and kept on following them.

Ellie hears a whimper and apparently so does the man as they both turn and the man takes out a bow and arrow as her eyes grow big she kicks his shin he drops the bow and then grabs her by the forearm and she smells him breathing on her furiously "Do that again and one of these arrows will go through you!" she whimpers quietly and looks to where she heard the whimpering

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc made his way around the two as his whimper seem to distracted them. He quietly made it all the way around smiling warly as he stands 2 feet behind them. He bares his teeth hoping that they turn around soon.

Ellie feels that something is behind her and she smiles feeling your pressence and the man turns around as he yanks her around too and he gasps as he falls back seeing you making her fall too and she gives a shriek hitting the ground she looks up at you and shouts "Kyatusc!" the man looks at her and grabs her quickly and she lets out another shriek as he uses her as a shield and she whimpers trying to free herself

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc growls out as he said "you use a woman as a shield after you stoled her? Just as i suspected from a human like you" He keeps in a defensive position trying to hide the limp watching you and the man carefully judging when to attack.

Ellie whimpers as she watches you her eyes filled with fright and terror making her eyes shake slightly and he stands her up grabbing his bow and arrows aiming them at you and she gasps "DONT!" she yells out and the man looks at her puzzled and suprised "Please...dont...take me and leave him..." the man stays right behind her and she looks up at you in a pleading way not wanting you to get hurt

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc stares at you for a moment before returning his eyes to the man. He carefully judges the man reaction before noding his head slightly. He quickly looks at Ellie before saying with a low voice almost barely a whisper "Do you trust me Ellie?" He keep one eye on the man and the other on Ellie hoping to get a response.

Ellie gulps and nods ever so slightly the man hits her on the back and she cries out closing her eyes tightly and she looks back up at you "Beast...let us go!" she is angered again by the word "STOP IT!" she yells and the man sort of jumps back at her reply and she looks back up to you in a pleading way her body is shaking lightly

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc mutters a few words in ancient dragon as magic builds up around them. His eyes begin to glow yellow as he said "That is not the way to treat a female" You feel a slight tingle around you as he continues on "No one and i do mean NO ONE treats a female like that" He growls as he said softly in your mind "Trust in me"

Ellie whimpers and feels the tingle around her and she feels comforted and your words fade slightly but she hears you in her mind and she replies " I hearing things? Is this..even..possible?"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles as he said "Dragons have the ability to do so and for those to hear us to have an open mind." He continues to mutter in ancient dragon as more magic builds up. He grins toothfully as he said "How about you let her go and nothing bad will happen?"

Ellie feels the man grip her shoulders tightly still holding her and she closes her eyes tight feeling him grip harder "What are you going to do?" she groans as his grip tightens even more and she lets out a whimper

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc growls lowly as he said "Do you wish to find out?" He looks around the area with fire in his eyes "Or will you do as i ask you to do?" He taps his claws on the rocks below him waiting for an anwser.

Ellie the man lets go of her tossing her to the ground and grabs his bows pulling the string back narrowing his gaze at you and she gives a yell jumping up and tackles him sending the arrow through the air hitting her arm and she gives another shrill shriek combined with a yell as she stares at the arrow lodged in her arm she looks back to the man and then back up to you her body shaking violently out of nervousness and she tries to stand but falls back down from the shock

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc saw what has happen he ignites the magic around him burning down 100 yards of forrest in all direction. He uses the other half of the magic protecting Ellie as he watches everything sight engulfed in flames.

Ellie closes her eyes tightly and then looks up seeing the forest in flames and is over whelmed struggling to keep consciousness and runs to you despite the flames holding your leg tightly and then looks up at you her shaking slowing but she struggles to keep her eyes oppen

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc looks around to find what is remains of the man. He let out a low whine as he feel his leg being squeesed. He mutter in draconic a few soothing words as a ice slowly engulf the flames before the fires went to a inferno. He sighs as he looks at you saying "you didnt have to do that....." He leands down as he use his teeth snapping off the arrow head and carefully sliding it out of the wound. He stops for a moment as he said "You are safe now...I am here...." After he removed the arrow he chants soothing words as a faint cool breeze pasts by slowly healing the wound.

Ellie watches the ice engulf the flames and replies "No...I had too...I didnt want you to get hurt..." whimpers loudly as you pull it out biting her lip hardly and is comforted by your words leaning against you gently feeling the breeze heal her and she gasps examining where the wound used to be "Thank much for saving me...for everything.."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles slightly as he said "I have to do what i can to keep those who understand safe.....some...doesnt want to be like the rest of the humans...and we do what we can to keep them safe....for you never know what you will recieve in the end" He whinces as his knee telling him to rest. He shakes his head as he said "Lets go back to my cave.....i fear if i try and rest here again....the same thing will happen...and i may not be able to help you...."

Ellie smiles and sort of blushes " should rest..i need to buy some stuff any way..I will go into the town and buy a few things I will be back in a little while. You rest." hugs you tightly before grabbing the bows and arrows suprisingly seeing they arent burnt to bad and pulls back the string narrowing her gaze she lets the bow go and hits a tree she runs to pick out the arrow throwing the strap around her shoulder and heads to the town looking back at you she nods slightly

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc nods slightly as he lay down tired and weak from the journey and the casting he calls saying "Just be careful.....and if anyone ask....."

Ellie turns around listening to you intently

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc yawns lightly "Just tell them that you were spending time with a friend that lives in the forrest"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc ponders for a moment as he said outloud "If you want to meet others like you....mention the words 'in the forest there is a creature that sleeps'....they will know and they will help you"

Ellie nods quickly and walks toward the direction of the town knowing you will sleep soundly she walks quick with step entering the town she gapes her mouth at how big it is and the rush of people walking around the roads covered with mud she enters a shop filled with shirts and capes she purchases a cape with blue satin and gold fringed on the edges slipping it over her she flips the hood over her quickly stepping out of the shop heads down the road passing a bakery shop she stops and grins feeling the little money she has left she enters the store buying a loaf of bread and some goods contained in a brown paper bag she cradles them and walks around town for a while more before starting to head back to the forest thinking at leats three hours have passed she yawns as she sees nightfall coming and quickens her pace to the forest

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc sleeps soundly laying on his back kicking his feet. He snores lightly trying to feel comfrontable with the pain slightly shooting throughout his leg waiting for your return.

Ellie narrows her eyes as dark falls trying to remember where she came and ponders for a moment before turning her direction heading to where she think you are and she soon sees you and turns her walk to a jog then a run soon sprinting through the woods nearing you

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc flips over landing in a pile of ash waking almost instantly sneezing fire. He shakes his head now covered in black ash scaning the area for any disturbance until he spotted Ellie jogging towards him. He smiles slightly as he tries his best to clean off the ash with little luck.

Ellie doesnt slow her pace and is soon embracing you and giggles at the ash covering you taking off her cape and wipes the ash from your face as best she can she fumbles for the paper bag and feels its still warm showing it to you holding it in her hands her arms stretched out and she sets down her cape and bows

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles as he said "Why thank you...i didnt want to leave until you have was the town?" He stops as he tilt his head slightly as you bowed. He shake his head as he said "Please....that is something that i havent seen in a long time.....and there is no need for it....and..." He spots the brown bag as he said with a curious look "What did you get?"

Ellie her words come out as a splur "The town was busy!" is puzzled "Oh well...its about time you have seen a bow." giggles slighty and is about ready to burst with excitement as she unwraps the bag showing three cookies and she smells them still with that delicious cinnimony and delightful raisin cent "Guess!"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc ponder for a moment as he said with a smile "Well....with the look on your face i can tell its something very good...mmm.....cookies?" He tilt his head slightly hoping he is right.

Ellie licks her lips and nods "A special kind..." looks at you expectantly biting her lip hoping you guess right "Heres another love them!" giggles with excitement

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc beams a smile " shouldnt have.....oatmeal is always my favorite....." He sighs lightly looking back on earlier days.

Ellie smiles toothfully and sets the cookies down on the rock "Well...i thought since you did that I should give you something." she listens carefully and hears a stream nearby she goes to it scooping up water and drinks it the cold watery liquid hitting her lips and she closes her eyes loving nature and goes back to grab her cape wondering if she should wait till morning to wash it and then returns back to you and sits next to you setting the cape on a nearby tree

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc looks at the cookie before picking it up with his tongue. He closes his eyes as he chews on the fresh baked cookie. He continues to think of the past remembering someone that was kind hearted that brought him cookies each day....He shakes his head before sitting down on the ground waiting for you to return.

Ellie yawns and walks around for a few minutes wandering around and thinking hardly concentrating and snaps her fingers loudly "I got it!" she blurts out

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc snaps out of his daydream looking up to what you are doing. He lower his head as he lays on his side yawning loudly.

Ellie smiles and thinks some more "I can get a job at the town...something simple...and then i could earn money to buy more baked goods!" licks her lips at the thought of cookies and milk every day along with breads and fruit and is soon drooling quickly wipinf it from her lips

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc stretches out for a second before wrapping his wing and his tail around him before falling into a deep sleep. He begins to snore trying not to get your attention that it is dark

Ellie looks at you and then snaps out of her plan and grabs her cape using it as a blanket she covers herself sitting on the rock and watches you sleep

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc opens one eye watching you fall asleep before closing it smiling.

Ellie falls into a light sleep to afraid to go deeper and dreams the day over again gently shaking

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc growls lightly as he digs his claws into the ground. He mutters under his breath a few words that were impossible to determine what they are. A few moments later he stop growling and muttering.

Ellie screams out of no where and wakes up in a cold sweat she breathes heavily looking around but only sees pure darkness and she rises trying to walk but only trips and falls she quickly gets back up and sits down waiting for sun rise not wanting to sleep again

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc opens his eyes waiting for them to adjust to the dark as he calls out "Ellie? Are you alright?" He looks around for a moment waiting for a reply.

Ellie is shaking her knees knocking together " ok...sorry..." she whimpers quietly and feels for her arrows finding them and readies the bow feeling safer now

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc feels relieved as he hears your voice. He quietly say "Try to get some sleep...everything will be better in the morning..."

Ellie whimpers louder "I cant sleep...the nightmares will come back..." sighs and she holds her bow and arrows tighter than ever

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc gets up from his spot and walks over to you. He smiles as he said "Do you want me to sleep with you if that makes you feel safe?"

Ellie the shakens fades slowly and she nods "Yes please...." her eyes have adjusted and she stands up meeting you and rubs your head lightly

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles as he said with a calm voice "It will be ok" He find another spot to lay down wrapping his wing and tail around as he said "You can sleep here under my wing. Ill keep you warm and protect you"

Ellie smiles and feels protected and more safe then she has felt in days the shaking has stopped all togther now and she smiles grateful to have a friend like you she curls up pressing into you and whispers "Thank you.."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles warmly saying "your always welcome young one"

Ellie cuddles you her hand holding the tip of your tail and she smiles as she lets her eyes close

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc yawns lightly looking around a few times satisified he lower his head before closing his eyes falling into a deep sleep.

Ellie grips your tail and falls asleep and dreams about pleasant things for once falling deeper and deeper into sleep

Ellie squirms in your wing stirring in her sleep

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc moves slightly as his earfin flicks in a silly manner. He slowly snore louder than before trying not to wake you up but cannot help being a dragon

Ellie hears you snore and opens one eye giggling softly and pokes her head out from under your wing seeing a light sunrise coming and tucks her head back under your wing returning to the warmth

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc flicks his earfin uncontrollably as the sun slowly rises. He grunts lightly as he slowly wakes up to look around for a moment before lowering his head down.

Ellie stirs under your wing and smiles pretending shes asleep

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc opens one eye looking at the sunrise once more as he groans lightly knowing he has to return to his cave and do normal cleaning and counting of his treasure

Ellie yawns and presses into you tucking her head under one of her arms

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc yawns once more as he opens his eyes grumbling as he continues to think of what to do for the day

Ellie opens one eye and yawns when you yawn poking her head out and smiles

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc looks down smiling "Well hello there sleepy head, how did you sleep?"

Ellie giggles and smiles beaming "Hi, I slept great!" rubs her head on you gently still a little tired

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles as he said with a calm voice "What would you like for breakfest? We have the whole forest as your menu" He chuckles lightly as he said that

Ellie giggles and ponders tapping her head with her finger "You choose." she finally decides

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc looks around "Well...there is fish....deer...." He continues to ponder more on what else to eat

Ellie lick her lips at the thought of deer "Deer sounds delicious..."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc nods "Yes it is ill get some then..." He waits for you to get from under him so he can stand up.

Ellie carefully climbs out from under you and smiles embracing the slightly chilling air and gently shivers but gets used to the air

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc stands up shaking a moment as he flexes his claws. he looks around for some wood founding a few trees survived the blaze. He snaps off a few limbs laying them down in a neat pile. He open his mouth emiting fire lighting the wood on fire creating a small fire. He smile as he said "I will return with breakfest"

Ellie smiles and nods she moves to the fire soon remembering what she has to do and grabs her cape returning to the stream gently and carefully washing all the soot and ash away from the silk and places the cape by the fire to dry she yawns and curls up into fetal position holding her legs and drifts slowly into light sleep

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc wanders off looking for breakfest as he came across a 9 point buck. He smiles as he sneaks up around it pouncing it killing it by snapping its neck. He drags it back to the small campfire he created wondering how to prepare it for you.

Ellie slowly wakes and smiles seeing you she yawns and then sits upright "Wow..nice buck!"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc nods slightly "yes...but i dont know how to prepare it for humans.....i usually eat it as it is....."

Ellie thinks hard "Roast it maybe....?" she thinks but really doesnt know and sighs

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc tilt his head slightly "Well...i can do that....but..." He picks up the deer drag it to a safe distances and set it on fire. after 5 minutes past the flames died and drags the deer back over as he said "I dont...but i think its edible for humans"

Ellie smiles at your attempt and hugs you "Thanks.." she uses the tip of her arrow to cut a piece from the deer cutting the fur off and bites a piece off licking her lips "Its great."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles as he said "I never....." He tries to think of the word "Cook? is this the word?"

Ellie smiles and nods quickly "Yep!"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc let out a low grunt "I have not much use for this 'cooking'....i only done it a few times....for..." He said quietly to himself "Someone...else....long time ago..."

Ellie is curious "For who?"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc sighs "Someone like you....that doesnt want to be what the humans are...and what they do....she....use to come to the forest....and we would talk.....and tell day she didnt return...and....that was the last i heard of her...."

Ellie whimpers "Do you think I will be like that.....?" is starting to feel something deep beneath her is disturbed

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc shakes his head "I do not the way she was talking...she found someone...that was one of them...and...." He continues to shake his head as he doesnt want to continue on.

Ellie gets a sharp pain in her lungs and chest again and she whimpers "What were they..?" she doesnt mean to urge on but shes curious

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc shakes his head "Those...who would destroy their own world for greed..."

Ellie whimpers and looks at the ground "Im not leaving.."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc shakes his head once more "I cannot tell you to stay or leave....but...i would like if you did....and i am happy that you are not..."

Ellie is determined "No..I will never leave...that...would be sad.." her face glows softly in the rising sun as it always does and she yawns

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc nods "Very well then the first thing to where the lands are safe...and where they are not..."

Ellie nods

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc looks around "From the mountain all around is safe the further you go away from the mountain the more dangerous it becomes...right now we are in a fairly quiet part of the forest"

Ellie smiles but yet feels rustled and looks behind her and on the sides of her "Okay.."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles "Your getting the hang of it always be alert....if your not you never know what will sneak up behind you...."

Ellie smiles and nods "I cant help but feeling a little bad for the guy yesterday..I mean standing up to you..badddddd idea." shakes slightly

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc tilt his head "Well i did tell him to hand you over....and he was just being stupid not too....well i suppose he wanted to know what i am going to do.....and he found out"

Ellie giggles lightly and nods "Most humans are stupid."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc flips his claw over to check the underside "Why do you think most of them are easily manipulated? and make them rethink of what they are doing...and then you got" He points to a direction "Him....the ones that are just too impossible to change"

Ellie thinks for a moment "Because they only think on their behalf. Only care about themselves." ponders for a moment

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles "Sharp as a she use to put it"

Ellie giggles "My grandma always use to say that." she is soon from giggling to choking up and she stops smiling and looks to the ground sighing

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc place his claw back down. He sprang up as he said "Oh! i almost forgot always take note of your surroundings. Learning where you are is a great way from getting lost. From where we are there is a stream....which means the mountain is north west from where we are"

Ellie nods "Because water flows downstream.: notices she just made a dum comment and sighs shaking her head

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc smiles "Every little detail counts. Missing one little detail can determine from getting home and being lost"

Ellie sighs at the silence "Darn....I kinda suck at this." does a breath laugh still looking at the ground

Ellie nods

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc shakes his head " a virtue"

Ellie starts to listen "Yep! Another thing my grandma taught me..sometimes I had to learn it the hard way."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc nods as he stretches "Well...we cannot let this deer go to waste...."

Ellie giggles as she has been nibbling on little bites and not has been eating alot for the past week " think I had a past life?" chews on the deer

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc ponders a moment "You probably did....but i do not determine...."

Ellie nods and looks to the ground chewing slowly savering every bite and slowly rises grabs her cape placing it over her head but not pulling up the hood and ties the string that connects o the neck strapping the bow and arrows to her back holding the bow in her hands and turns around sprinting off into the woods almost soundlessly

Ellie runs through the woods not stopping nor slowing nearing the town and narrows her gaze concentrating on springing from the ground and is practically flying through the woods only the sounds of leaves rattle as she rushes by them

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc snaps out of his daydream to look around noticing that You are not around. He shakes his head for a moment as she is capable of knowing her way back...

Ellie springs from the woods into the town and people move to the side as she runs through the town mud splattering on people as they grumble but she only smirks as shes running to fast to care and she is soon to the end of town she breathes heavily but keeps her pace

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc ponders why she left before diving in the now cold deer. He munches on a chunk of meat getting his fill for the morning

Ellie is now past the town feeling the erge to keep running for some reason so she keeps her pace her side hurting now she runs through a wheat field swiftly running past and she gives a whoot not believing how fast she is running and the pain is gone she keeps her pace strong and willing nearing a more tighter forest where the trees almost touch each other and she smirks she loves challenges and she dodges the trees still kepping her pace

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc wonders what taking so long. He finishes what he can of the deer before taking off to the skies on search of your where abouts

Ellie dodges the trees as she runs breathing heavily she sees a stream and bounds across it seeming to pause in the air but lands without a problem as she looks back she almost hits a tree but quickly moves to the left she smiles as she hits another clearing and she is soon in a canyon where a river flows and she leaps from side to side still moving swiftly and she finally gets to a waterfall she smiles looking up knowing this is it she bends down and leaps into the waterfall finding nothing and jumps out of the waterfall and then dives into the water still holding her bow

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc looks around the mountain and the forest fearing if he goes out further humans would panic. He sighs as he went back to the clearing he created....and waited hoping you return unharmed

Ellie swims towards the bottom and soon sees the bottom she smiles and giggles sending bubbles going up into the water and she grabs the sword at the bottom of the river and sits at the bottom for a few seconds looking back up to the surface pushing off with her two legs sending her almost to the surface and she swims to the top and breathes theair closing her eyes she swims to the bank the sword huge for her but not seeming to heavy and she throws the bow and arrows into the water as she is more skilled with a blade she sits at the bank drying out her hair and setting her cape aside to dry and she waits

Ellie soons sees the boy and grins approaching him at a sprint not seeing him for a long time and embraces him as he hugs her tight and she points to the top of the waterfall as he nods she drops the sword by her stuff as they both run by starting to scale the steep mountain side

As they near the top he helps her up and she and him run onward even farther into unknown territory as something urges them on not getting tired or hot

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc growls as he said to himself "I only done this a few times.....but...i have to find her....i dont want her to end" He stops as he shakes his head. He mutters a few draconic words as he begins to shrink. His wing begin to disappear as he slowly stands up wards on two legs. He look into a polished shield as he smiles slightly "now i need my trench coat....gloves...and hat....and no one will notice...." He grabs for these items before heading off towards town.

The mountain soon turns into a steep downhill slide and she grins running even faster at it then before and she jumps hitting the rocks and she jumps from one rock to the next as the boy is next to her he jumps in front of her and she gives a laugh and the continue to run full speed leaping, bounding, and laughing all the way

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc ask around a few of his friends about where abouts of Ellie. He describe to them as best he could as a woman with a bow and arrow and a cape. One said yes they have heard such person ran throught the town to the other end and then headed off towards the fields. He gave them a small trinket for their help as he heads off towards the fields....before leading to the thick forest. He sighs as he said "You better have a good reason to run into this part....."

They hit level ground and she slows waiting for the boy and she smiles knowing she can run fast than most and when he cetches up she begins to run faster again and they are both soon having their own competition she smiles as they look at each other soon the warm weather they know to a somewhat chillinh climate this however does not slow them and they continue running soon stepping on snow and they head for the mountain they once knew..

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc moves closer to the forest as he sniff the air. He nods as he said "As all creatures run...they leave a trail behind.." He follow the trail in deeper watching out for the trees. He makes it to the canyon as he said " either fallen and then climb up it or your like me and love a challange. He runs back to the trees before taking off towards the canyon. He leaps with great faith landing on the other said. He dust himself off before continuing on following the trail until he found a waterfall. He scan the area real quickly for anything unusual until he found a cape. He leans down to examine it for he know who it belongs.

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc noticed a sword laying nearby. He pick it up to examine it. He noticed a few distinct runes on the hilt determining that its a blade not known to him...after he continue to examine the blade he found out what it was he gasp before wrapping the blade up with the cape and place it on his back as he tries to pick up the trail once again heading up the mountain.

Ellie they keep well pace soon to the moutain "Almost there!" she shouts the boy gives a nod and she smiles toothfully narrowing her eyes running faster again and they are at their top speeds their feet flying underneath them her long blonde golden hair blowing behind her adn the boys short brown hair stiff as a rock they get to the base of the mountain and the beigin to run up it leaping from parts to parts soon seeing the cave the run into it and crash on the cold floor they both give out a laugh and she wonders why she just had done all of this..the voice in her head...why it told her to run to she knew she was going to meet a boy..all of these questions confuse her and make her head go fuzzy so she stops asking them and she holds onto the boy

Ellie feeling the body heat soon heat up the cave she smiles and...she cant place exactly her tongue on who the boy is..yet she knows she has..seen him he smiles and she smiles back and they sit there in silence waiting

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc climbs up the mountain grumbling as he made it to the top he looks down shaking his head as he said "im only doing this because i care...." He jumps down the side and begins to slide all the way down jumping every so often before making it to the bottom. He rest for a moment wishing that he didnt do all this but continues on with the trail heading towards the second mountain.

Ellie they hear the thumping and imidiately jump up and run outside they see the great white dragon and both bow holding each others hands and the white dragon nods to Ellie as she climbs the back of the magnificent creature and she takes flight Ellie crouches on her back waving to the boy below her and the white dragon and her search the mountains..she feels connected to this dragon....but yet her head is fuzzy and they fly together as one..

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc climbs up te second mountain making it to what seem to be a small cave. He sniffs the cold air sighing heavily "She was here....." He sits down in the snow breathing in the cold air before taking the sword off his back. He continues to examine it before saying "Im taking this home...just for safe keeping..." Then he stops and think "Where is exactly is home?"

Ellie they fly through the mountains and Ellie gives a yell and the dragon looks back at her she smiles and the dragon gives a nod and they start to freefall in front of the mountain where the cave is Ellie lifts her hands into the air gripping ith her legs and is greeted by the rush of air

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc stands up and start to pace. He calmly tell himself " need to panic...we are in land i never been in...and...well frankly....this is all new to me...."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc continues to talk out loud "I mean what am i doing up here?"

Ellie the dragon and Ellie push up off the ground and the fly into the sky once more before landing on the ledge of the cave the she dragon giving a snort and she pets her lovingly and looks to you suprised your here

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc stops pacing in place afer he spoted you. he turn around and said with a consern look "What did i say about further you go from the mountain the more dangerous it get?" He shakes his head "And now i dont know how to get back....its more difficult to travel like this than it is in my true form..."

Ellie grins slightly and she jumps off her fellow dragon and runs to you hugging you tears get into her eyes as the boy reapers she smiles the she dragon steps forward and nudges Ellie

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc sighs as he said "you better have a good reason......" He stops as he spots another dragon "Who is your friend?" He said with curiosity.

Ellie she slightly shrugs "Something...or someone told me to come here.." she pets the dragon and crouches Ellie climbs onto the back and the she dragon digs her claws into the earth

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc shakes his head as he takes off the cloak and unwraps the sword. He asked "Where did you find this?"

Ellie bites her lip "At the bottom of the river...I was suppost to grab it before I met him.." she points to the boy and he bows staying by the side of the she dragon

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc runs his claws along the edge of the blade. He clicks his tongue as he said "I been looking for this blade.....its been lost...but its found.....such a wonderful.....artifact...." He shakes his head as he wrap his paw around the blade holding on tightly "What were you going to do with it?"

Ellie ponders trying to remember "Leave it there...come back and get it..then fight someone with it.."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc pats the hilt of the blade on his other paw still holding on it tightly "Fight someone? well....questions is who? or what?" he continues to ask wondering what the anwsers will be.

Ellie stiffens "It said I would now when the time came..but personally...I think its going to be an animal..a powerful one...I dream of them sometimes but then the dream is lost or its fuzzy.." the she dragon snorts the air from her snout showing in the chilling air

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc stops patting the hilt. He raise an eye in consern "An Animal you say? powerful one? well...i can think of a few that are powerful...but why would you need this sword?" He holds the hilt and the blade tightly as he said "No....this blade....will not help you....."

[9/23/2010 4:23:05 AM] Ellie: Ellie she steps off the she dragon carefully "What do you mean...?"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc snaps the blade in two "Because the sword is not real....if it was...i would be bleeding....and the real sword would be unique to the person that found it....and...." He snorts as he throws the two pieces over the ledge "The person who found it would keep it with them at all times...."

Ellie whimpers and sighs is confused hungry and thirsty the she dragon seems to read her thoughts and crouches its like there is a que, Ellie climbs onto her back she turns and leaps into the air taking flight her eings spread full and she grips with her feet by the wings and holding the scales on the neck the she dragon flie slowly drifting around for a few minutes before heading to a lake on a mountain

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc watches as they left. he sighs as he said to himself "Because i been looking for the same sowrd....and always found a fake....I am sorry...."

Ellie she steps off and the she dragon finally speaks to her "Hello Ellie.." she almost jumps suprised but then sighs of relief "Hi...." the she dragon scans the area before satisfied and lowers her head to drink "Do you know where the real sword is..?" the she dragon looks up amused at the question "Most people do...but i do not know."

The dragon crouches again and she climbs aboard as they take flight again the head back to the cave and land on the ledge again

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc sits on the ledge looking out towards the forrest below not moving much but only to turn his head slightly as he continues to scan the forest below. He sighs grabing hold of the cloak not saying a word.

[9/23/2010 4:35:06 AM] Ellie: Ellie gets down and goes over to you and hugs you "I will help find it." she looks at you examining you and whimpers

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc closes his eyes as he tries to think where to look....but shakes his head sighing. He opens his eyes looking down as he said softly "Everyone is looking for it....and no one has found it....and i doubt anyone will...."

Ellie ponders "What...what exactly IS it...?"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc stands up and moves away from the ledge. He removes his trench coat hat and gloves laying them neating next to the cape. He sighs as he said "The form before called a draconian....a half dragon....every dragon learns to take on this form...but....the true draconians are fighters of claw and sword...and the sword that we are looking for is the legendary sword of all time...they call it the Draconian it known to strike down the toughest of all evil creatures.....that no other weapon can is said that it destroyed the once evil creature of all ragnarok....banishing him to his dormaint sleep.....where to this day lays in his realm undisturbed....and will be kept so for time to come..."

Ellie wonders if this is the creature she saw in her dreams but shakes it off "Sorry for running off...I kinda lost controll for a while..." looks to the boy and he moves to her and the entwine fingers

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc shakes his head "It ok...." He pick up his hat coat and gloves putting them on "you had no control over what you done...."

[9/23/2010 4:46:04 AM] Ellie: Ellie looks up at you and wonders "Why did I do it...?" she asks out loud

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc slowly begin down the mountain. He stops not raising his head as he said "Why we do the things that cannot be explained?" He continue down the mountain hoping to make it back home

Ellie nods to the she dragon and she follow close behind "Would you like to fly home?" she asks and Ellie smiles climbing on and ushering the boy to climb aboard to he wraps his arms around her and she smiles holding on the way she taught herself "Hey." she calls down to you "Do you want a ride?" giggles lightly

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc stops for a moment before saying "As i have taught have to remember the details...even the little details can determine where home is and being lost." He tips his hat up smiling "And i know which way to go" He continues on the path way flipping his hat down. He shakes his head as he whistles a strange draconic tune as he made his way back home.

Ellie nods to the she dragon and she smiles toothfully swooping down and grabs the hat from your head and they all begin to giggle and Ellie wears the hat playfully the she dragon staying still beating her wings slowly in the air

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc stops for a moment saying "Hey...i need that if i want to go through town...."

Ellie giggles and tosses it back to you she steps off the dragon suprisingly landing on her feet and walks beside you as the dragon and boy fly ahead

Ellie she whisperes to you "Are you okay?"

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc grab the hat twirling it on a claw before responding "why do you ask?"

Ellie ponders "I just...feel like you are dissapointed.."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc stops twirling his hat before handing it to you "Your do have that feeling...."

Kr'rlo Kvakr'r'rl'his Kyatusc took off his coat and gloves throwing them down before he continues on down the mountain until he found a flat spot. He mutter two words as he slowly changes back to his true form. He sits down on the edge looking out shaking his head.

Ellie wakes up suprised to see the cave again and wonders if things were a dream but sits up seeing the boy and sighs knowing that it wasnt and scans the cave looking for you and whimpers not seeing your presence

D'auin'Zhar is laying down from the cave on a ledge looking out to the horizion not showing any emotion but a sad look on his face.

Ellie stands up and wanders over to the boy seeing he's sleeping and thinks 'I dont even know his name....' she looks over the ledge and sees you calling down "Hey!" she smiles happy to see you

D'auin'Zhar continues to look out to the horizion as a light cold breeze begins to stir the snow around him. He closes his eyes for a moment turning his head slightly to look up at your direction.

Ellie sees the sadness in your eyes and whimpers "Whats....the matter...?"

D'auin'Zhar not saying a word turn his head back to the direction he was looking at as the wind begins to pick up.

Ellie gulps and closes her eyes stepping off the ledge from the cave onto the ledge you sit and gives a yelp as she lands stumbling forward and touches your back lightly

Ellie wonders whats wrong and whimpers loudly " okay..?"

D'auin'Zhar opens his eyes only turning one eye to your direction. He looks back up as he said "No....i am not ok...."

Ellie walks to the end of the ledge and turns to you her heart sinking "What happened?"

D'auin'Zhar dig his claw into the snow before sighing. "All...this....happened....i feel that its going to happen again...."

Ellie is slightly confused "Whats going to happen..?"

D'auin'Zhar shakes his head "remember what i told you about a female that use to come and see me?"

Ellie nods really fast

D'auin'Zhar sighs as he continues "I feel that you will do the same...and leave...and never come back..."

Ellie she goes pale "Why would...I ever leave? I mean...your the best friend I hav ever had..."

Ellie's heart continues to sink and she soon shivers from the cold

D'auin'Zhar draws in the snow a strange draconic symbol saying "The winds are picking up...a storm is coming...."

Ellie watches you and nods noticing you dropped the subject of her leaving and sighs looking up to the cave wondering how to get up

D'auin'Zhar stands up as he said "I can take you up there....after that...i am going to return to my cave..."

Ellie narrows her vision "Im not leaving you. Im coming with you."

D'auin'Zhar shakes his head " will be too going through the storm...and it will get cold.....real quick...and you wont make it..."

Ellie breathes heavily grabbing her cape and starts to climb down the mountain "Then I'm walking.."

D'auin'Zhar calls out to you "Its not safe to walk in the forrest durning a can get lost....Please....stay here....until the storm pass..."

Ellie looks up with a sadened look in her eyes "I wont get lost..I remembered the details as I ran.." considers staying here and whimpers gulping "What...what if you dont come back...."

D'auin'Zhar smiles slightly "We all come back....just matter of time...."

Ellie whines softly not wanting you to leave and slowly nods whimpering loudly "Ok...."

D'auin'Zhar smiles "Thank you...your safety is far greater than mine...ill take you up to the cave"

[9/24/2010 6:53:28 PM] Ellie: Ellie sighs and knows this is what you know best "Ok..." wonders where the white dragon has went and looks back up to the cave

[ D'auin'Zhar turn around flexing his claws. He begins to climb up the small cliff as he said "Grab hold of my tail and hang on tight"

Ellie obeys and grabs your tail "Im hanging on.."

D'auin'Zhar continues to climb up the cliff. He reaches the top lifting his tail over the side giving you enough space to drop down. He shake his head "Now...under no condition you leave the cave during the storm...being up here on the mountain will be worse times if not in shelter and can prove fatal..."

Ellie nods slowly and drops down wishing she could come "Im used to the cold...." sighs and pets your head " careful...ok?"

D'auin'Zhar flexes his slightly injuried knee as he said "Ill be fine....just you stay safe inside the cave..."

[9/24/2010 6:59:52 PM] Ellie: Ellie grabs her cape and ties it to your knee knowing it wont do any good but wishes it could "Ok...I will.." heads over to the boy and curls up next to him

D'auin'Zhar nods lightly "thank you....for trying to help..." takes off the cape around his knee head inside the cave and lay it over you. He whisper "Stay safe young one..." Before he head out the cave, jumping off the ledge and take flight towards his cave through the brewing storm ahead.

Ellie the boy turns and wraps his arm around her she wishes it was you and your wing and cant fall asleep and lays in silence for some time wondering if your okay she sits up and the boy does too "Whats...whats your name..?" she whispers to him as she watches the snow fly outside the cave he looks to her and says "Forest...yours?" somehow the name seems familiar to her and she says without anticipation "Ellie.." she turns her gaze to the blizzard outside and shivers

D'auin'Zhar flies through the storm as he is pelted with ice and snow making his way to the other mountain. He wonders if this is a bad idea but continues forward. He snort as he flaps harder getting tired his wings starts to gather ice. He whines to himself trying to find a place to land.

Ellie starts to almost pant and somehow calls out "Scexekra!" a few minutes pass and the dragon lands on the ledge and she smiles "Hey Ellie." she gets a pain in her chest knowing this is wrong but knows she has to do something "Please...I need help...can you fly me out..." the dragon stares at her and she shakes her head slowly "This storm is to bad for you...I..Im sorry.." she whines loudly and gets up looking out over the ledge and watches the snow fly she is suprised when a single tear drips down her face and lands on the rock

D'auin'Zhar continues to fly through the storm as it gets harder to flap his wings. He quickly shakes his wings hoping to rid the ice building up with little to no success. He continues to look for refuge from the storm with little success....He begins to panic wishing that he didnt leave from the cave.....

Ellie grabs her cape in panic remembering not to leave the cave but is really scared for some reason "Im walking if you dont fly me!" she threatens but knows its the only way the she dragon looks at her astonished "Ok..I will fly you...this is a very bad idea..but I dont want you to die either.." she sighs as she lays down on the ground waiting for her to climb on knowing this is a horrible idea she climbs on and the she dragon takes flight soaring quickly throught the storm and the girl shivers but is determined to find you

D'auin'Zhar tries to keep focus as he grown tired. The massive amount of ice build up on his wings as he begins to decend. He tries to keep control gliding down through the trees breaking the limbs and branchs as he crashes into the ground to a stop in front of a massive rock that been worn by the wind through the years. He tries to stand but only in vain fall back down he tries to cry out but weak from exhustion. He closes his eyes as everything goes black.

The she dragon flaps her wings as hard as she can flying fast and snorts seeing her shiver the girl looks up and says with a pleading whisper "Please...go on.." she whimpers wanting to find you fast and the near the town the she dragon landing "I can not go any farther..the townspeople will panick.. find a house you can stay at. Hurry please.." she nods and pulls the cape over her head and turns around running to the houses quickly knocking and has no luck she knocks frantically on another door and it opens a little girl stands in the door way she looks upon her seeing she only may be 8 or 9 "P..Please let me in.." her teeth chattering and she shivers violently the girl turns around and calls her mother she rushes to the door seeing the girl her eyes widening "Please! Come in!" she steps inside and collapses on the floor shivering the only thing she wants to do is sleep..

Ellie the next thing she knows she wakes up tucked into a bed and she cries out starting to sob the little girl runs in "Whats wrong?" she looks up with teary eyes " would know about.." she stops crying and wipes her tears away noticing the hunger in her belly she gets up quickly noticing the storm has passed and runs out the door the snow slippery but keeps running towards the forest crying out "My dragon!" she frantically runs throught the forest keeping her ballance best she can and scans the area whimpering loudly she collapses by a tree sobbing unforgivingly and whispers in between sobs "My dragon..."

Ellie she soon cries herself out and curls up next to the tree falling into a deep sleep

Ellie wakes up slowly and sees it is now night she rises and her eyes adjust a bone chiling breeze passes her and she shivers slightly but her body is numb so it doesnt bother her much

Ellie remembers why she is here and starts to run again cryng out and crashes through the town to the other forest in search for you she races as fast as she did before but soon moves faster her pace picking up she narrows her eyes as she runs across the plain her feet barely touching the ground "My dragon!" she cries out as loud as she can

D'auin'Zhar lays there motionless as the blizzard blows around him. His thoughts race through his mind as he tries to wake up.

Ellie runs faster and faster as she picks up her pace growing tired her lungs telling her to rest but she pushes her hunger pains and hurting side away "I...must find him." she cries out again and she sees the forest her eyes widen and she races fatser and faster soon it seems as if shes flying across the ground she reaches the edge of the forest and begins to dodge the trees the blizzard blowing in her eyes but she narows her vision once again her golden hair blowing behind her she yells out "My dragon!"

D'auin'Zhar flicks an earfin as he slowly wakes up. He opens his eyes regaining his vision as he gets up and shakes off the snow that piled on him. He closes his wings as the best as he can. He weakly cries out hoping someone would hear.

Ellie hears you and races yet even faster whimpering loudly she calls out again "My dragon!" trying to remember where she heard your cry she knows you must be close she leps across the stream again crashing through the forest she begins to feel the numbing wind freeze her fingers and legs but she pushes her feeling aside knowing she must find you

D'auin'Zhar falls to the ground as he let out another cry weaker than the first as he tries to get back to his feet.

Ellie hears you cry out aqgain and she yells as loud as she can she runs faster and sees you in the distance she nears you and doesnt slow she collapses by you and starts to cry using her inger nails to try and chip away the ice frantically

Ellie tries harder and harder to chip away the ice and wipes her tears away

D'auin'Zhar reconize you as he said with a weak voice "Why...have you were safer back in the cave...." He breaths out slowly as he continues on "its no use...they are fozen....and they will not thaw out..."

Ellie looks at you frantically and cries out as she digs her nails in she collapses out of exhausten "I dont care if im safe.." she says and gets back up "They will thaw out!" she says fear in her eyes she takes out an arrow and digs into the ice

D'auin'Zhar whines "Please....its...not begging you...find fine...." He closes his eyes as his breathing continues as a slow pace

Ellie cries out again in frustration "Im not leaving you!" she wails out she gets up and takes off her cape putting it over you knowing it wont do good and the wind picks up she pushes her chills away and she goes to your head "Please....please dont leave me.." she whimpers and crawls next to you and whines lightly

D'auin'Zhar mutters quietly saying " your anything...." He lay his head down as everything went black again

Ellie whimpers and stays next to you she says in a whisper "Please...stay next to me...please...your the best family..I have ever had.." she lets another tear roll down her cheek

D'auin'Zhar calls out in his mind in a strange draconic tune that seem to echo off the trees. He continues to do this to others that are tune to hear his cry.

Ellie wakes up slowly and notices the snow has built around her, her body cold and numb she scoots closer to you noticing the wind has stopped and whimpers out loudly

D'auin'Zhar lays there motionless hoping that his cry has reached far enough for anyone to hear and help as he lies there half frozen in the snow.

Ellie drowsily opens her eyes and tries to stand collapsing almost immediately and groans her legs to numb to move and closes her eyes once again before feeling a hand wrap around her and pick her up

D'auin'Zhar stirs slightly with little motion of his body. He breathes lightly as he continues to go over again and again to why he decided to leave. His weakened state feels a presence and is not able to do anything about it.

Ellie tries to look up at the person who has lifted her frozen body from the snow but is to weak and feels a blanket cover her before setting her back down what she thinks is a hollow tree and hears the foot steps go farther away thinking its heading to you and she shivers

D'auin'Zhar stop thinking for a moment and tries to listen to who ever the person maybe near. He tries to control his breathing with little hope of working he keeps breathing slowly and shallow.

Ellie lays there motionless and feels the hand on her again picking her up and feels the man or woman walking through the snow and says in a low whisper "No....please...leave me.." the person keeps walking and she starts to whimper loudly calling out to you.

D'auin'Zhar hears the whimper but in his mind he says "I am sorry..." He silently cries within his mind as he is left there in the snow half frozen not able to move. A large Dragon tear rolls down the side of his face freezing as it hits the ground.

Ellie looks up at the person seeing it is the boy and smiles slightly but soon remembers her friend lying in the snow she says "Stop...please....let me go back.." he sighs as shakes his head her heart sinks and she grabs the strength from within her to crawl out his arms as his eyes widen he helps her balance and she uses her half fozen legs to move and she begins walking back to you she pleads to the boy "Go...please...get some must hurry.." he nods walking her back to you as she sits on the ground weakly she pets your head

D'auin'Zhar continues to cry within his mind not realizing what is happening. Another Dragon tear rolls down side of his face making a shine as the light hits off of it before freezing and hitting the ground as the one before that one.

Ellie whimpers seeing the tear and she kisses your forehead letting you know she does not want you to go she gives another shiver but she pushes the cold away picking up the dragon tear she puts it into her pocket and lays beside you continuing to pet your head

D'auin'Zhar stops crying for a moment feeling your presence near him and begin to think why she is still here. He continue to cry fearing that she will have the same fate that he will have.

Ellie thinks in her head deperately you will hear "I will not ever leave you...ever.." she whimpers and holds one of your claws much like a baby holds a pinky and clutches it near her

D'auin'Zhar response weakly "I...wanted you to be safe...i to be happy...." Another tear rolls down side of his face as he tries to continue on but cannot.

Ellie gives a sigh as she sees the boy running in the distance with sticks in his arms and two rocks she grabs them from him as he gets to her and frantically sets it up so she can hold it much like a torch and wipes the snow from the two rocks striking them on one another until they ignite and she grasps it tightly her fingers numb making them obey she sets it on the ice upon your wing hoping, praying it will thaw seeing it melt she builds excitement and sets it on your other wing only a thin sheet of ice left she watches the other ice bed on your wing start to melt as another shin sheet is left she sets it by your face hoping you will wake and soon starts to grow tired, things..starting to fade..she blacks out..

D'auin'Zhar feels the heat from the flames as they melt the ice from him. He weakly flexes his claws once before letting them drop. Cold and weak he does not move even with the ice removed from his body.

Ellie the boy watches you two and narrows his eyes and whispers sitting down next to the girl stroking her hair "Oh Ellie...." he whimpers letting a tear drop and grabs your head shaking it lightly "Please....wake up...please..." he whispers to you "She needs you..." he sees her holding your claw and cries harder knowing this will be their fate if he does not do anything and he calls to the she dragon, she lands and her eyes widen she quickly breathes on them hoping it will warm them the girl stays motionless and waits to see the dragons reaction she keeps breathing on them desperately

D'auin'Zhar whispers with a calm voice in your mind "Ellie...its not your not....leave...." Another tear fourth tear rolls down side of his face as it lands on your cheek. He continue softly but weakly saying the same words over and over again, ad a fifth tear rolls down the side of his face landing as the last one did on your cheek.

Ellie shakes her head with what last strenght she has as she replies weakly her voice turning soft and much like it was when she was a young child "I shall not mean to much to me..." the warmth of the tear wakes her and she springs to life and she lounges for your neck holding it tight she doesnt loosen her grip closing her eyes she lets a tear roll down her face and hit you

: D'auin'Zhar softly respond "you mean alot for the young boy....yes....i know between you and him....i felt it...back at the cave....i wanted you to be happy...." He feels the tear land on him but little effect. He cries few more tears as he said "I am sorry...young one.....but....we cannot be you must accept....that.....i will not be waking up.....go...and remember....i will always be there...." Little does everyone know...a strange creature watches from a distance to the event unfold. He disappeared behind the tree waiting for them to leave.

Ellie cries out and sobs the boy pulling her away and she fights him to not take her but his strength holds her back and she finally gives in just going limp and the boy holds her tight scooping her up and the she dragon looks back before laying her head on you a tear rolling down her face and hits you she blinks solemly and continues to walk behind the girl and boy dragging her feet in the snow

D'auin'Zhar echo in the wind the words "Remember....i will always be there...." The strange creature watches as the others left. He made his was to the fallen dragon. Wearing heavy woolen robes he kneels down saying quietly "I am here....old friend...." He reach out revealing a scaly hand carefully patting the dragon. He reaches in his robes pulling out a small pouch carefully opening it. He looks down for a moment before saying softly "I...know i owe you many favors...but this will make us even...." He reaches with his other hand digging into the small pouch pulling out a pinkish crystal laying it on the dragon before mutter in draconian.

Ellie still sobs and is carried in the arms of the boy as the dragon speaks as they are in the field "I am sorry..for your loss young one...but I must go.." she spans out her wings before flying up the boy kisses the girl on the forehead and she whimpers "Why...did it have to happen.." her eyes shaking violently showing her heart has torn up and he says to her gently "You can stay with me.." they near the town and he walks her into his house before setting her down by the fireplace as he ignites a fire she grasps the blanket staring into the fire blankly

The strange creature raise his hands to the skies as he draws energy from the surrounding trees and life. He focuses the energy to the crystal chanting loudly. His eyes shine beneath his hood of pure light as he attempts to bring the dragon back to life. He brings his arms down waving his hands in quick fluent motions bending and manipulating the life energy as he aim it once again towards the crystal. He smiles softly as the dragon's hind leg begins to twitch.

Ellie sees the boy again and he sits on the couch patting a spot next to him "Come on over here..." she stands up and sits down he wraps his arm around her and she sets her head on his shoulder "I dont...understand...why..this had to happen..he was my best friend...he looked after me..and helped family.." he hug her tight and he whispers to her "It will be ok..." she whines loudly before burrying herself into his shoulder crying

D'auin'Zhar The energy forming around the crystal begins to glow brighter as a draconic circle begins to form around the dragon. The crystal begins to rise above the dragon striking lightning arcs towards the circle. The air around the dragon and the strange creature grew still as the dragon continues to twitch. The strange creatue said with a calm voice "Come...i know you can make it....come on...i never given up on you..." The open his mouth as air flow in filling his lungs. He open his eyes adjusting quickly to the light. The strange creatue smiles under his robe. "I knew you are still strong after all these years...." The energy begins to die down and the pinkish crystal now blue slowly falls to the ground. The strange creature picks it up and returns it back in his pouch before it disappears back in his robes. He smiles wide as he said "Welcome back my friend...."

Ellie feels as if a part of her has died and she whimpers loudly the boy stroking her hair she whishes she could curl up and die too she repeats "He family.." he sighs and holds her tight knowing she hurts "I will be back..I am going out to get food.." she nods slowly and shivers when he leaves and lays down burrying her face into the wool blanket she begins to sob again her voice now lost and weak she falls asleep

D'auin'Zhar slowly gets to his feet stretching out. He snaps his neck with a few quick flicks before saying "Where...where" The strange creature finishes "They left....there tried the best they could....but...i got your call.....and i made it in time..." He turn to the direction where he was standing and walk over. He pulled a perfectly organized pack and brought it over. He takes what remaining sticks that were left and stacks them neatly. He mutter a few words waving his hand over the stick as they ignite starting a fire. He looked around for bigger branches finding a handful he carefully feeds the fire as it slowly grew. He took out another pouch that carried well seasoned raw meat and offered to the dragon "Here you need to eat....and warm yourself..."

Ellie waits for the boy to return and gets up walking outside the chiling wind having no affect on her she walks into the woods noticing the grime that has built up on her and sighs she nears a pond she slowly dips into it the water bone freezing so she steps out and continues to walk on not caring where she goes only wanting to run from life

D'auin'Zhar lays down near the fire chewing on the raw meat. He stops and look up to the strange creature smiling slightly "I am glad you came" The creature smiles as he said "If i didnt...who know what would happened to you?" He shakes his head as he pulls out a flash and uncorks it. He takes a swig before returning his gaze to the fires as he repeated to himself "who knows..."

Ellie lifts her gaze and turns on her heels as she returns to the pond she takes off her shoes and jacket only leaving her, her long pants and short sleeved shirt she slowly dips into the pond holding her breath she dives in and sinks to the bottom looking to the surface watching the bubbles go up and breathes out letting all her air leave her she closes her eyes

D'auin'Zhar looks down at his claws sniffling "I....was a fool.....i shouldnt did what i done...i know that i wasnt going to make it....but.....look at me now....i dont know where Ellie has gone...." He lift his head uttering a loud roar as he would do for those who have lost something dear to them. His roar carries along the winds reaching as far as they will reach. The creature cast his gaze down in respect knowing the same lost he had.....

Ellie the water chills her and all heat escapes her body as it did from the snow her lungs hurting for air she opens her eyes and looks to the surface something shaking the bottom of lake and she tries to breath in water spilling into her lungs she gasps only letting more in and she knows this wasnt suppost to happen she panicks opening her mouth letting bubbles elegantly float to the top of the water her hair floats up and she yells down from the bottom of the pond she graps or the top of the surface but a weed has caught her foot she desperately claws at the surface

D'auin'Zhar continues to roar out in the same manner as before. The strange creature perks up as something has caught his attention. He slips away quietly heading towards the pond. He cautiously reaches the pond looking around for anything out of the ordinary. He raise his hand before him and mutter one word as magic forms around him. His vision improves as he caught sight of bubbles floating up to the surface. He looks futher down the pond and notice someone down there tangled. He franticly threw off his heavy robe and dove in to help them. He reaches out for them hoping they will notice him before its too late.

Ellie tries to free herself and looks up again seeing the creature she reaches as far as she can her eyes wide with panick she tries to grasp for his hand and finally clutches it she makes out the words "Help...please.." she lets more bubbles escape her mouth and starts to afde away blacking out slowly..

The creature frees Ellie from the weeds and pulls you to the surface. He gasp for air bringing you up as well as he bring you to the shore. He opens his heavy woolen robe and place you carefully in it. He checks if your still breathing. The bitter cold grasp his scales as crystalline begin to form. He preforms cpr trying to get the water out of Ellie's lungs.

Ellie lays motionless and pale the rosy cheeks now a deadly white her lips blue her hand slowly winces her heart slowing pace but still beats as you continue. She sputters up water and sees the creature, her vision blurry and weak she can only mouth out "My friend..." tries to make out other words but fails and lets her head fall back to the ground. She lays there still motionless breathing slowly she closes her eyes and sighs weakly

The creature wraps you in his robes carrying you back to the fire. He growls softly now the cold is biting deep on his scales. The dragon looks up and noticed the his friend carrying something and asked "What do you have there friend?" The creature lays you down near the fire revealing you to the dragon as the dragon looks in horror not knowing what to say.

Ellie hears your voice but is to weak to reply and whimpers lightly still pale she feels the warmth and her fingers begin to tingle she shivers in the blanket and lays motionless once again

D'auin'Zhar looks at you then back at his friend who is now shivering. He beckons him over saying "Where was is Ellie?" The creature asked "I found her at the bottom of a pond nearby. The dragon gasp "What?!? Why? why would she do such thing?" He shakes his head wrapping his wing around the creature keeping him warm. The creature smiles as he said "thank you friend...if i haven't found her....she...." He shakes his head softly "She will be okay"

Ellie hears the two talking but to her it is all a blur. She warms quickly the rosy that used to be in her cheeks returns, her fingers back to life but she still lays there wanting to know the rest of your conversation before shivering once again

The creature stops shaking his head to take a look at your direction. He turn his attention back to the dragon saying "I hate this type of doesn't go well with the scales...." He brush off the melted ice that formed on his chest plate before continuing "What connection does this woman have with you?" The dragon sighs as he said " my only friend since the last one left....10 years ago....i been so alone for so long...i just...want her to be safe....when i am not there for her...." He looks down for a moment before continuing " family to me....the only family i have left....." He closes his eyes "And I almost destroyed that...."

Ellie is warmed that you too call her your family but whimpers at the last part she whines quietly and curls farther into the wrappings around her the warmth consuming her she closes her eyes again and says quietly "You are my family..." she opens her eyes again wondering if anyone heard and whimpers quietly

The creature tilt his head slightly as he scratches behind his earfins. He looks out to now darkening sky as he said "Its going to be cold.....and...i will go and get more fire wood...." The dragon blinks as he said " did bring another set of robes did you?" The creature chuckles as he said "Yes but only my fall robes...but..." He shrugs "I suppose it will keep the cold off me" He taps his chest plate with a claw. He turn his attention to his pack and grabs for the second pair of robes. He puts them on then ponders a moment "you know...i prefer not to wear this..." He shrugs as he heads off to find more fire wood. The dragon shake his head as he said quietly "I am sorry...."

Ellie sits up and looks around "I owe him...why are you sorry..?" she looks at you puzzled and steps out from the blankets and heads over to you cuddling close " that creature?" she looks up to you and blinks twice curiosity filling her.

D'auin'Zhar raise his head sighing in relief "Your alright! oh..." He cast his eyes down for a moment "I am sorry for trying to destroy everything....I understand you and the boy...and i wanted to leave get to know one another.....and...its my stupidity to try and fly in a ice storm....." He shakes his head trying to forget that. He tilt his head as he said "Have you not forgotten? THAT creature is a draconian....a wingless dragon....We....go back.....long time ago.....and it was also the time i learn to become one of them.....and...we became very best and close friends....we...don't talk to one another.....due to some restrictions...."

Ellie her ears perk up at you " didn't try to destroy us to get to know...each other..?" she smiles and continues "What restrictions...?" she stops smiling and whimpers

D'auin'Zhar rubs the back of his neck as The draconian walk to the small camp with a huge load of firewood "Well....His father...doesn't like me...." The draconian finished "Because he doesn't like how you were raised....." He place the wood near the campsite as he feeds the fire. He takes off his robes and chucking them to his pack. "My father...never does like how others are raised....that is why i got out and explore the world...." He moves over to the dragon sit down leaning back on the dragon. "So....lady that almost drowned...why were you taking a 'swim' in the pond when its freezing?"

To Be continued.......