
Story by Jon Sanders on SoFurry

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#3 of Benefits?

After practice I got a jeering ass-slap from Rick, the kangaroo goalie. "Still haven't gotten one past me yet this year, Mars," he snickered along with it.

The posterior-pat came out of nowhere halfway through my changing ritual, so yeah I jumped a few inches. Still smarting and more than a little embarrassed, I said, "Well 'so far this year' only Keith has and we all know he's the golden boy anyway..."

"Eh Keith's okay. But I'll decide who I call 'golden', right?" He smirked and swaggered away to his own locker. He was always saying cryptic bullshit like that and goofing off in the locker room. It's a good thing he was an impenetrable goalkeeper because he kinda creeped me out.

I showered at the school because I didn't want to have to use Brad's, even though he normally did the opposite. Once I was relatively clean and changed into a fresher pair of loose athletic shorts, I cocked a few fingers in the direction of Darren, the zebra I was somewhat friendly with since he was also a forward. We worked well together and chatted regularly but never hung out otherwise. That was a "privilege" reserved solely for Brad these days.

The half-maned lion's big black truck was parked in its usual area close to the football field, but its owner wasn't in it just yet. That was usual, as football practice commonly went a few minutes longer than soccer. I shrugged my backpack off my shoulder and leaned against the truck, utilizing its shade even though the black paint against my back was very warm. I flicked open my phone while I waited. Nothing new to see there.

After just a couple minutes I heard some of the first footballers out of the locker room arriving at their cars. I snapped my phone closed and put it back in my pocket. Since Brad didn't like to shower at the school, I knew he'd be along soon.

I heard the power-locks on the truck give a _chunk_as they unlocked, immediately followed by a lionic "Hey." On the other side of the truck, Brad lifted his duffel bag into the bed and opened the driver's-side door. I picked up my backpack and joined him in the cab.

As the powerful, manly vehicle growled into ignition, Brad asked, as he always did, "How was practice?"

"Fine. Still can't score past Rick."

He hmph'ed. "No one can, man, he's the best 'keep in our conference. Good practice anyway. After him, every goalie you ever play again is gonna be cake."

"I guess so. How 'bout you?" Even with my window down I could pick up the dried sweat smell from his fur. Funny that I was so used to that smell. Did I like it?

"Eh. Our line sucks this year. We need Galen back. Bunch 'a rookies now."

I didn't wanna think what our defense was gonna look like come real game time without Galen Roach, the bear that graduated last year.

Such pointless, awkward talk about or respective teams and teammates occupied the short ride to Brad's house, as it usually did. Now it was weird though, charged with an ominous, unrelated subtext. I think we both knew that our relationship had fundamentally changed, though neither of us wanted to discuss exactly how much. He'd said not to make it weird. Ignoring what we were both thinking was probably exactly what was making it weird.

Upon arriving at the Boyd household, we made our way back to Brad's room and dumped our stuff there. Brad grabbed his towel and a change of clothes, heading to the shower without a word. I found my world-history book in my backpack and tried to read the chapter we were supposed to have finished over the weekend. And when Brad came back from the shower only wearing the new pair of shorts and the towel slung over his shoulder, even my vague commitment to the academic text evaporated entirely.

He draped the towel over the bedpost, and a sudden steely horniness poured through me as I openly stared at his bare flank from my lower vantage point on the sitting cross-legged on the floor. That layer of soft fur and looser flesh over what I knew was hard sinew...oh my fucking god, was my mouth actually watering?

"Do you wanna...?"

I hadn't even noticed that he'd caught my hungry look. I didn't have to ask what his open-ended question meant. No one could be that stupid.

I swallowed and nodded, still feasting my eyes on his beefy torso. He padded to his rolling desk chair and backed it up against the desk, looking back at me expectantly.

I was suddenly a little cold. Was that the only reason I was shaking?

I actually crawled over to him. When I was kneeling in front of him, I took a deep breath, and even with him being freshly out of the shower, I could smell lion. It seemed so familiar even though it was technically so new to me. I gingerly placed my paws on his thighs...hesitantly ran them up the silky fabric toward his waistband...

Once my fingers reached it and hooked around the elastic, I looked up at him perhaps a bit too solemnly, with my eyebrows questioning. He merely grunted in acknowledgement. I started to peel back his shorts and boxers together, working them around his ass when they got there with a little wriggling help from him.

He wasn't hard at all. His penis was nestled comfortably atop his balls, which still hung loose and low from the heat of the shower. As modest as his manhood was, I didn't think it could look more perfect on him at that moment, or feel better in my hand when I gathered it up and squeezed...

Brad let his head lay back more as a sigh of a breath escaped his nose. My left hand still rested on his thigh, beginning to nervously rub and massage as my right hand fondled him. There was such a comforting warmth here between his legs, and especially in that hand that held his privates, the penis ever-so-slowly starting to thicken. It was about the same length as it was when it was hard, if I remember correctly, but it was filling out and standing up more proudly. It was so thick, so full...I couldn't imagine it being any longer, it was too beautiful as it was. I let go of his nuts and let them dangle as I curled my fingers around the shaft and pulled toward me.

The lion was almost imperceptibly sliding down the seat, his hands repeatedly gripping the sides of it and then relaxing. My fingers worked back down to the base of his dick and for a few seconds I just looked at the head of it sticking out past my thumb. It didn't really flare out much beyond the rest of the shaft, but even then it was still remarkably wide. For some reason that slit at the end of it looked so enticing. Well I guess he did just shower...

I leaned down into his lap and experimentally put his cockhead into my muzzle. I ran my tongue over that opening at the end and heard Brad give a breathy "mhhh" and tense up. Hopefully that was a good tense.

So I let go of the penis with my hand and moved it down to hold his testicles, which had juuuust started to pull up in their sack. That gave me all the room I needed to slide my mouth the rest of the way down him.

There was that sort of chalky feeling on my lips I'd felt before. The numbness and excitement there from touching another person's sensitive skin. But now there was a mass in my mouth, a thick, warm pillar of flesh that seemed so rigid in my hand but now felt strangely soft in my maw. It didn't amaze me and it didn't change my life; it just felt like there was a penis in my mouth. Nothing more...but definitely nothing less either.

Since he wasn't very long, I could pretty easily bury my nose in the sprout of reddish fur that crowned his crotch. That singular smell of his was amplified down here. My tongue ran slowly up the underside of his penis, testing out the feeling of having him in there. I pulled my muzzle back to the tip and worked the tip of my tongue around that slit on the end I'd found so enticing. Brad was gripping the edges of the desk chair tightly and leaning forward. If I'd turned my ears forward I could have tickled his chest with them. Because tickling usually turns out well in this relationship...

My head was going up and down now, my tongue running along his length without quite knowing what to do, and one hand was still resting on his thigh while the other softly gripped his scrotum. I knew that scraping him with my teeth would be bad, so I was consciously trying to keep them off...but I was kinda going into this blind. Maybe I should have done some research? How suspicious does "how to give a lion a blowjob" look on a web search history?...

I kept bobbing up and down, feeling the ridge of his head pass beneath my tongue each time and hoping anxiously that this felt good to him. I wanted to please him so badly in that moment, to show him even just a little bit of the appreciation I felt. Show him what I couldn't show the other guys. I readjusted my hand on his nuts and gave them a few short squeezes.

His left hand went to my right shoulder. I stopped my head motions but left his cock in my mouth, rolling my eyes upward to try to see what was going on. Turns out I should have looked downward instead.

My chunky lion friend was leaning down over me and worming his hand into my own shorts. Diving straight under the waistband of my underwear, he wrapped his fingers around my uncomfortably hard member, which had stood brazenly outward since Brad had reentered the room. In a near-paralyzed panic I just knelt there with his meat still in my mouth, unable to process the unexpected molestation.

"Heh," he chuffed as his fingers squeezed around my penis just once and then crept down under my ballsack and gathered up their contents.

"Ghhhhh..." I stupidly groaned around my mouthful as he too-roughly felt me up. I winced at a ball-squeeze that put one of them at an awkward angle, but my hardness didn't recede at all from its record level.

Just as soon as it started to register that my genitals were being handled by the former one-sided object of my favors, his fingers brushed back up my shaft and his hand left my shorts with a soft snap of the elastic at the rim of them. My cock was straining for more, for ANYTHING, but the cessation of my own stimulation reminded me of what I had been doing before it started, and I resumed with an even more heated need to please. My hands took turns massaging the soft fur of his inner thighs and making a thumb-and-forefinger ring around the base of his stumpy erection while I slurped up and down the now-slick tube of flesh. I felt it pulse between my lips, more and more frequently. My sensitive nose was saturated with the heady musk of his groin. I had to hold down a high-pitched whine in the back of my throat from how heated I felt.

Brad placed the hand he'd used to grope my privates on my head between my ears and pushed back, enough that when I complied with his motion his meat fully exited my mouth. He then took himself in hand and started to masturbate himself, grunting low and soft inside his chest. It seemed funny until I remembered that he was left-pawed. The right one on my head tensed and I felt the tips of his claws prickle through my short headfur. It was less than a minute before he quickly re-applied the pressure on my head, aiming his cock toward my muzzle as he pulled me back onto it. I opened up and accepted it back in just in time to get my second throatful of his sperm, a little rudely forced back there by the paw still holding my face into his groin. I didn't hear any noise from him as he came, just felt the spurts of his warm, greasy-tasting ejaculate coating the back of my tongue. He held me there even as I twitched away slightly when one of the first volleys hit my palette the wrong way and I almost retched involuntarily. In the end, I swallowed a few times around him once the outpour stopped. There wasn't really all that much in total, but to my utterly inexperienced throat the load was tough to choke down.

I realized I was in the same position now as I was in the very first night I drank with Brad and ended up in his bathroom feeling like I was heaving up chunks of my intestines. Both of my hands were gripping his thighs, and in the aftermath I awkwardly released my hold and rested my elbows on his legs, his cock still jammed in my muzzle. I was basically giving his crotch region a hug.

He finally released my head and I swallowed one more time before licking my way up and off of him. I don't know why I felt like it then, but I just rested the side of my head on his stomach, his pubic tuft just tickling my throat and chin. I could of course feel the rise and fall of his irregular breaths, but was I imagining that through my ear I could feel the thumping of his heart as he came down from his orgasm?

There was silence between us while he basked in his afterglow and I held my head against that wonderful pudgy torso and became increasingly aware of the throbbing in my own still savagely wanting member. I felt so comfortable and warm in the position I was though, and didn't want to leave it to do anything to relieve myself. The blurriness in my eyes was probably just from the watering they'd done while cramming his manhood into my mouth repeatedly.

Breathing. Him breathing contentedly and deeply after his pulse settled. My breathing in that musk of his, hardly believing I could get my fill.

"I don't think I told you, I talked to Angela today."

Pang. "Yeah?" I murmured without getting off him.

"She said she'd go to Homecoming with me."

His hand was still on my head. "Good for you man."

"Now we just gotta find you a nice guy to go with, eh?" He gave my head a pat that was probably meant to be jovial but made me feel hollow what with the verbal context surrounding it. I didn't respond.

Brad kinda sighed and sat up, reaching for his shorts and underwear pooled on top of his feet. I lifted myself off him and sat my haunches back on my heels, more than a little dejection building up in my throat.

"Lang, I think..." Another sigh as he situated his shrunken and sated genitals back into his boxers. "I think we shouldn't do this anymore."


He scratched the side of his face. "I wanted to talk to you about it before it happened again, looked like you really wanted to and I know you like it... And I know you don't really have any other options so I thought why not."

I sat there.

"But I don't think we that again. Okay?"

"But you--" I blushed and lowered my head. My tail flopped over just once behind me.


"You...felt me too..."

"I was just...look, Lang, it felt really good at the time and I just thought I'd try it. I feel bad that you don't really get anything out of this, but...I'm not that way, and yeah you're my best friend but I don't think I can return the favor. I think it'd be better for you if you find someone who can."

"Like who?!" All of a sudden I was getting defensive again, almost wailing.

"Look man, I can help you if you want, I wanna see you happy and hell, I wanna see you get some too! But I don't think this is the best way for us to help each other out right now."

"But I--I..." I lost all strength from my voice and stared straight at the carpet, my back hunched in and my ears laid to the sides. I had to whisper, "...I like you."

I cowered and didn't look at Brad's reaction. It was a long time before I heard one.

"Lang...I'm sorry, but I just can' that. I kinda like Angela, you know that. And my parents really want me to meet a lioness and all and..." Heaved another sigh. "That's what I want too. I'm sorry if me letting you do stuff was confusing but I don't wanna be like that. I wish I could, almost. But...yeah."


I'd long since gone completely soft in the crotch since we'd been talking, but it was starting to get almost painful down there and I was already feeling really frustrated. It made me feel pretty goddamn lame and used, too. I thought for maybe a second there when Brad had took me in hand that I was becoming part of this equation too. But not only was I just the eager, convenient-but-secondary cum-dump in this relationship, I had only stayed in that position this long due to pity.

Pretty much the most emasculating circumstances in the world, and it's not like I felt particularly secure in my masculinity to begin with.

"Can you take me home?" I hated how petulant it sounded. I was continuing to dig my own bitchy little grave.

" We still got all night."

"I don't feel good." Nyaaaaaaa.

I gathered up my history book from where it'd been utterly forgotten. I tried to not act sulky as I reloaded my backpack. He was silent and unmoving.

"Lang, I just don't know what to do."

I dropped my bag back onto his bed. "YOU don't know what to do?! I'm realizing that I like guys and figuring out how to pleasure my best friend and YOU don't know what to DO?" As soon as I said it, I knew that I'd done it again. I felt a clammy, creeping fear that maybe it's true that being actually gay does turn you into a total queen. I'm sure it wasn't all that reassuring to Brad either.

"Great, my dude friend turned gay and now he's a total bitch. Ain't that the way."

I felt sorry immediately for my unfair outburst but I didn't apologize. I was coming off weak enough as it was. My tail drooped. "Can we just go?"

"Sure." He grabbed the top shirt in his drawer and dressed himself. I willed myself not to have one last look at his naked top half.

The slightly muggy heat outside was pleasant. The atmosphere in the car during the short drive was unbearable. I slumped in my seat and looked out the window. Brad sat rigidly and with his jaw set, staring resolutely out the windshield.

We pulled up at my house. I opened the passenger door.

"See you later, man." Brad's quasi-casual goodbye sounded dead in the air. Would we ever not be awkward now? Does everyone you blow end up acting this way? I never wanted to do anything sexual again. I probably sucked at it anyway. He'd had to finish himself. I wasn't even just the pity-whore. I was a pretty poor pity-whore even at that.

"Yeah." When WOULD I see him later? Would we even try to hang out anymore? Maybe if I could make myself stop sycophantically fawning over his dick long enough to actually be a good buddy then we'd resume normal operations.

I shut the door behind me. The black truck left me alone on the concrete.

"You're home early," my dad observed once I was inside. "Something happen?"


I added right before I went into my room, "Nothing weird."

Thanks so much to everyone who's showed interest in this project! These first three chapters comprise approximately half of the whole story. I of course vow to finish the rest, though I may be taking a break to write some other things. Be patient with me! And thanks as always for reading and commenting/faving/voting, each and every one makes my day. See ya 'round! \m/