Road Rovers: Induction to the Lykans

Story by Kane Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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A story I always wanted to work on. I loved Nex_Canis Lykan stories and wanted to write one with the rovers in it. I've been working on this for quite some time and I really need to get to my other stories. I've been way too busy. Hope you guys enjoy and hope I did good on this story

Road Rovers: Induction to the Lykans

Hunter groaned as he felt Scout's huge cock slide in and out of his ass. It's been awhile since he had time to spend with his mate and he was going to milk out every second of their time together. He heard Scout growl before feeling the Rottweiler's knot slowly pressing into him. Hunter gasped when the knot finally went in with a loud 'pop' and feeling his mate's warm seed fill him up. Hunter groaned as his fourth orgasm overtook him. Despite the exhaustion of the mating they just did both of their tails wagged happy that they finally have time to be together. Hunter was injured, some ribs fractured, while on a mission to rescue animals from poachers in Africa. Scout has been busy with Exile and Colleen tracking down all of General Parvo's hiding places, and infiltrating them to try to make an arrest. Though they have been un-successful so far they have only a few more hiding places to try before they declare Parvo either dead or went off the radar.

After being patched up Hunter has to rest for a month so his bones can fully heal and since he can't get along on his own Shag has been ordered to be his nurse maid. Shag does a good job, but he usually drives Scout away and Hunter has cussed Shag out irritated that he denied him to see his mate. But after three weeks of recovery and work both finally got together and both have been fucking each others brains out for five hours. Scout has been very careful during their mating as to not injure Hunter or halt his recovery in anyway. Hunter nuzzled Scout's neck and sighed happily taking in his mate's scent. Scout rubbed Hunter's back and was about to say something when they heard voices.

"I don't want to see them biting their toochies." No doubt that was Blitz.

"Don't be weird boy. Besides they more prone to lick and fuck than bite their tooshies." And no doubt that was Exile the saving grace of whatever stupidity Blitz gets himself into. A knock came to the door and both sighed before saying the two could come in. Blitz, the doberman, and Exile, a Siberian husky, walked in in shorts and muscle shirts. It looked like the two just got back from working out at the gym. "Good day friends. Are you doing better friend?" Hunter smiled and nodded. "Wonderful! Blitz made you a cake to celebrate your recovery." Blitz blushed and presented a cake with blue icing all around. The top of the cake had Hunter's face on it and it had writing above his head which read 'Get better soon Hunter.'

"That's really sweet Blitz." Scout got up and took the cake stealing a kiss from Blitz before going to get some plates and silverware. "How many pieces do ya want babe."

"Three I'm pretty hungry hun." Hunter sat up wincing in pain and smiled towards his two friends. "Come and sit down. I can't make you think I'm a bad host." Both smiled and sat down accepting plates full of cake from Scout. Hunter took his plate and scarfed down all three pieces of his cake while the others ate theirs at a slower pace. "Man that was tasty. We need you to cook more Blitz." Blitz blushed again, but he had a smile on his muzzle. Scout and Exile just chuckled as they ate.

The base alarms started to ring and Master's voice came on the intercoms. "Calling all Rovers! Report to the control room immediately! We have multiple intruders!" Scout got dressed in his full body armor, and Blitz and Exile activated their insta-armor watches donning their armor in a flash of light. Hunter heard multiple foot steps and saw five German shepherds in rover armor arriving at the door.

"General Scout! We have come to provide protection for your mate Hunter." They saluted and donned their energy rifles. Scout nodded and kissed Hunter before running out with the others. Hunter looked on in fear worried for everyone. One of the soldiers came up and gave Hunter a reassuring smile. "Hey I'm sure they'll be fine. Besides its been only six of ya for awhile. Now you got a whole army to help ya out." He and the others smiled before returning to their post guarding the door. Hunter smiled and thought, 'Yea we've been through worse and always come out on top. This is no different.'

A whole mass of canines were assembled in the control room. Various breeds were in the room made up of dobermans, German shepherds, dalmatians, saint Bernard, Labradors, and retrievers. Exile, Blitz, Shag, and Colleen all arrived at the same time looking towards the big screen to see master their. They all looked to the screen and the master began his speech. "Rovers we have a problem. Enemies have breached the base. I'll assign posit-."

The power went out and chaos broke out everyone pushing up against each other. After a few moments the power came back on and Scout gasped at what he saw. The monitor, the walls, and the floors were all scratched up. The other rovers were all lying down out cold or getting up rubbing over their arms and legs that got hit. "Master!" Scout rushed to Master's room with the others hot on his heels. He knocked the door down the door to see white stuff covering everything and scratch marks everywhere.

"Damn it. We're too late." He rubbed his forehead thinking about how this happened.

"General Scout! General Scout!." Scout turned around to see one of Hunter's guards running up to him with his armor shredded to pieces. "I'm sorry sir. It's Hunter." Scout's eyes went wide and pushed through everyone to race towards his room. He dashed past all the unconcious or injured rovers to get to his room. He finally made it to his room seeing the remaining guards knocked out and when he saw Hunter's room filled with the same white stuff covering everything. He looked at the bed to see it torn to shreds, but no Hunter.

Tears filled Scout's eyes as he fell to his knees pounding the ground. The others arrived and stared in horror that their friend is truly gone. Colleen bend down and started comforting Scout who was howling in sadness at the loss of his mate. Bltiz, Exile, and Shag went to help the injured soldiers while Scout cried. They dragged the soldiers out to take them to the infirmary when one of them grabbed Scout's arm. "Sir it was canines like us that took Hunter, but they weren't one of Parvo's." Scout growled and nodded.

"I'm getting him back." Scout growled. Everyone nodded, but first they had to take care of things here before a rescue could be attempted.

The Master groaned in pain as he slowly stirred after being knocked out. He looked around through bleary eyes seeing that he was in a jungle somewhere. He looked at the ground to see that the ground was dry and desert like, but that would be impossible if he was in a jungle. The Master sat upright and looked around to see a jungle, but all the foliage had some weird fruits and flowers on them that looked like a canine's cock and balls. "Oh no. Don't tell me."

"That the government did what you warned them not to do? Oh yes they did Professor Shepherd, but don't despair we don't blame you at all." Shepherd looked behind him to see a huge blue and black colored wolf completely naked with a huge sheathe and pair of balls. "I'm very impressed you were able to suppress the pack mentality by adding more DNA of your earth's dogs species. Quite ingenious actually! No wonder you were the only one that President trusted with our DNA." Shepherd breathe heavily already feeling the effects of the Lykan standing near him. He started to sweat and already he could see Lykans all around him smiling waiting for him to turn completely.

"What do you want? What do you have to gain by turning me?" He saw the Lykan chuckle and the massive canine plopped down next to him. The Lykan put an arm around him and pulled him close. Shepherd moaned as he felt the heat radiate off the Lykan's body and smelt the potent musk drift from the creature to him.

"Why we get all of our brothers back to the way they were. True they were once normal animals, but since you infused them with our DNA they are just our sleeping brothers just waiting to be freed from their slumber. And I get you." Shepherd's eyes went wide wondering if this creature was going to make him his personal cum slut. "I sense in you that your my mate and I've been looking for quite awhile." Shepherd couldn't believe this. He was going to be turned into a Lykan and be mated to this Lykan. "You must be scared, but believe me you will love it and I'm sure your Rovers will embrace the new life with open arms."

"What did you do to them?" Shepherd looked into the Lykans eyes seeing love and warmth in them. The Lykan picked him up and brought him to a grove with Hunter in the center being caressed by other Lykans. These Lykans were smaller and all were the same color as Hunter. They kissed and caressed every part of Hunter's body and he did the same unaware of his Master's approach.

"We only took him because we sensed his pain and we knew that he would be enough incentive for the others to come after. Now my love let go and be one with the pack." The Lykan laid Shepherd down and ripped his clothes to shreds revealing his now naked and changing form. Shepherd shuddered as the air felt unnaturally cool. He didn't have long before he felt the wolf roughly kissed him and rub his huge paws across his body. The wolf shoved his tongue into Shepherd's mouth roughly making out with him growling all the while.

The wolf pulled away from Shepherd who began to whimper wanting to keep the make out session going. "Shhhh don't worry the fun won't end just yet." He then pulled Shepherd up to his sheathe and popped him in the nose with it. "Now lick." Shepherd peeled the sheathe back to suckle on the tip of monster cock. The Lykan growled in pleasure as his mate suckled on his tip. "Your a natural Shen." Shepherd pulled off and looked at the huge canine.

"My name is Shepherd." The Lykan looked down at him and grinned.

"Really? Cause I think Shen is better. Also my name is Razor." After that Razor pulled Shepherd back onto his cock and murred as he felt the hot maw envelope his length. His cock began to shoot bucket loads of pre into the good professor's maw and watched in awe as the changes began to happen. Shepherd's head began to change into a canine's and his maw began to form allowing him to take more of the growing monster into his maw. Next his body began to change with some bone cracking moving into new positions to make his form more canine like. Thick black fur sprouted across his body and with a grunt he felt his new tail grow out.

Razor grinned seeing the changes happening more rapidly than ever. The changes were always quick, but on a strange world they had to make sure it happened subtly as to not get caught too early. However it would seem they're growing stronger or that the good professor was already infected and didn't know it. It didn't matter the plan is moving perfectly and faster than expected. He pulled his cock out of Shepherd's maw and raised his legs up to where he could get access to the tight hole.

Razor licked his lips and jammed his cock in hard hearing Shepherd howl in pain, but soon was replaced with moans of pleasure as he jack-hammered his 14 inch cock in and out of the tight hole. Razor chuckled seeing his mate frantically jerking his growing cock and he also saw other members of the pack stroking themselves grinning. He could feel their support and excitement knowing that their lost brothers would join the pack soon. Razor licked his lips again seeing Shepherd's cock jerk and squirt out his potent seed all over his chest. "Welcome to the pack Shen."

Shepherd, no Shen, chuckled grunting as his mate continued to pound his hole. He looked up and saw the various wolves smiling at him. He looked to where Hunter was at now fucking one of the Lykans and sucking another off. The others licked and fucked the others turning it into a mini orgy over there. Shen smiled hoping that his Rovers would come soon. Ready to welcome them into the pack.