Chapter 27: Fucking (the) Mongrel

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#27 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

from the world of the mating season

Fucking (the) Mongrel

Chapter 27

Keme went along quietly. He didn't see the point in fighting: there were twelve of them and one of him. And they all seemed to carry twice the strength he had - even after bathing in Pavati.

As they were walking along, two of the giant red trees decided to come crashing down on the party. No one panicked. The spotted shemale seemed mildly irritated as she caught both trees in each paw. She hurled them away from her and they slammed in the brush, sending leaves up in an orange blast. She cursed in shemale and continued on her way. Keme heard her muttering, "This is why I hate the red forest - trees are always falling!"

"And it gives away our position when we throw them," agreed another.

"That doesn't matter now," said one of the shemales holding Keme. "Our little brother here slaughtered those who hunted us." She batted her long lashes up at Keme, and he blinked down at her in surprise. She was even smaller than their spotted leader. Her fur was gray and rough, her wild mane was curly and tangled, and her large eyes were a pale blue. A lock of mane fell in her eyes as she grinned at Keme and whispered, "They call me Chimalis, She Who Sprays. Can you guess why?"

Keme felt his face grow hot.

"Stop flirting with him, Chim," snapped the other shemale who held Keme. "This one is not for licking."

"Is he for riding?" Chimalis said playfully.

The other laughed.

"Shut up back there," snapped their spotted leader. "I can't hear myself think for all your giggling!"

"Watseka could use a little bum and hump," whispered Chimalis. "Maybe then she wouldn't be so bitchy!"

They giggled again, and their spotted leader shouted, "I'm warning you two!"

The shemales grudgingly fell silent, and the group marched the day through.

By twilight, they had come to a small camp. Keme's eyes darted around. Ah, so the shemales had no settlement? They were wanderers. Looking around the tattered camp, he almost felt sorry for them. Little tents stood in a circle around a fire pit, fish were hung out, as well as venison, and two shemales were sitting by the fire when the others approached with Keme and Honiahaka.

Honiahaka was set carefully on the ground, and he sat there looking groggy and tired. With his paws still bound behind his back, his legs were open and the knees drawn up. Keme watched as the shemale who had carried him knelt down between his legs, and after giving his soft cock a loving stroke, she pulled the gag down from his lips and started to feed him from a pouch on her hip. Honiahaka ate everything she slipped in his lips, pausing only to grunt and moan. It must've been difficult for him to swallow. There was something almost seductive about the loving way in which she touched Honiahaka's mouth. When it seemed Honiahaka could eat no more, she cupped his face and stroked his cheek with her thumb in sympathy. Keme couldn't believe it.

"Take the half-breed to my tent," their spotted leader ordered without turning. Then she approached the two shemales beside the fire and started drilling them about their watch. Apparently, they had been left behind to guard the camp while the others hunted.

Chimalis giggled as if her dreams had come true. She squeezed Keme's big arm and licked her lips as her hungry eyes traced over him.

"You know he's not for fucking," scolded the other one again. "You take this one, and Watseka will hang your hide out to dry."

"But couldn't we just suck --!"


Chimalis stuck out her lip and pouted. "You take the fun out of everything, Keetara."

Keme tried not to laugh. It was unreal that they were arguing about fucking him. He had expected to be murdered, maybe eaten. Maybe those things were still going to happen. But from the way they spoke, it was almost as if they had captured and raped any number of wolves in the past.

Keme glanced back at Honiahaka. He didn't want to be away from the sun chief, he didn't want Honiahaka out of his sight.

"Do not worry, delicious one," Chimalis whispered in her silky voice. "Your handsome friend will be well taken care of." She smiled at him with the fanged smile of a predator. Keme got the strong feeling that, if Chimalis had her way, she'd skull fuck him all night.

After walking briskly through a maze of lopsided tents, lounging shemales, and small fires, they passed through the curtain of the largest tent in the camp. After the hot afternoon sun, it was so gloomy inside that Keme was temporarily blinded. He blinked until his eyes adjusted. The shemales hadn't stopped marching him on. They took him to the barren fire pit in the center of the room and had him sit on the fur mats spread there. The fur mats were made of bear. The throw rug at the entrance was also made of bear and still had the head of the bear attached to it. Keme had noticed such things with indifference in the past, but after all his time with Askuwheteau, the sight now sickened him.

Keme sat in the dark tent and looked around. He could see a bedroll on one side of the room and various bags of tools that were scattered about. And . . . a small statue stood near a rumpled bedroll. A statue of a fox? Tall and muscular, the statue stood in triumph, and its blue jewel-eyes gleamed in the darkness. But that was about it, the tent was pretty barren. What need had these shemales for many possessions? They were probably constantly on the move.

Chimalis and her companion stood either side of Keme, spears in their paws, as they waited, no doubt, for their leader to arrive. Keme had to wonder what was going to happen once the spotted shemale came. Would they torture him? Beat him? Ritualistically cut off his dick? The spotted one seemed to know he was half shemale right away, had even spoken as if he was somehow to blame for the death of her parent. But how could that be?

Feeling the burn of her stare, Keme glanced up at Chimalis. She was studying him with unconcealed lust. When he caught her eye, her gaze sparkled and she slowly licked her lips. Keme suddenly realized that she would probably tell him anything he asked. She seemed to be a talkative one by nature.

"So . . . you are the last of the Honovi?"

"Don't call us that," Keetara warned at once. "That is a _bear _word - and don't answer him, Chimalis!"

Chimalis had opened her mouth to speak, but having been scolded by her companion, she sulkily shut it.

"You hate the Phanyah?" Keme said. "But . . . I thought the Honovi loved the red bear. It's how Phanyah came to be."

Keetara snorted. "In ancient times, perhaps. Now the Phanyah hate us and hunt us like rabbits. They have forgotten the old ways. So we strike from the shadows like tigers and sell their teeth to moon wolf merchants."

"You killed the ones who hunted us," Chimalis said, and her blue eyes looked at Keme, bright with admiration. "The others will be too frightened for a long time. They won't dare to pursue us."

"How do you know what I did?" Keme asked in surprise.

Keetara snorted again. "We aren't stupid, ayashe. We have been marking your movements since you arrived on the shore. The Phanyah now wail in mourning and you are covered in their blood."

"Oh . . . yeah," said Keme, looking down at his own fur. "So if I did you a favor," he said, "then let us go!"

"Not up to us," Chimalis said and shrugged. "Watseka will decide your fate."

"Before she decides anything," added Keetara, "she wants to look into the eyes of the one who caused our downfall."

They both glared at Keme, and he felt a shiver go down his spine. Caused their downfall? He had never seen any of these wolves in his life!

The shemales said no more, and Keme was glad. Half an hour must have passed before their spotted leader came. She halted some feet away and just glared at Keme. Without taking her eyes off him, she gestured Chimalis and Keetara out, ordering them to stand guard outside. They murmured in obedience and left. Keme couldn't believe it when Chimalis actually winked at him.

Watseka paced back and forth with her spear, glowering at Keme. She was beautiful. She was obviously older than him, perhaps Talisa's age. Her hourglass body twisted as she moved. Keme couldn't take his eyes off her small pink nipples. They stood erect against the soft supple mounds of her breasts. She halted when she noticed Keme's staring and he was shocked when she suddenly kicked him in the face.

Keme reeled over on his back. He couldn't believe it! His face felt shattered from the blow. He touched his cheek gingerly and didn't have time to sit up: Watseka stood over him, her small foot on his throat. Her foot was teeny, but it might as well have weighed a thousand tons.

Lying under her, Keme could see between her thighs. Her pussy lips were huge behind her cock. Huge and pink and soft. Her big cock spouted where her clit would have been, nestled in the folds of that hot flesh. God, he missed Seleste. It seemed ages ago that he had licked her tight little pussy and watched her squirm.

"As if," sneered Watseka, "I would let you touch me, filth. You are impure. Half-breed! _Mon_grel!"

"I get it," said Keme with hooded eyes, "I'm the scum between your toes."

"Hmph," she said, and Keme felt himself stir as he watched the undersides of her breasts jiggle. "You should only be so lucky!"

Keme laughed.

Her eyes widened. "Do not laugh at me!"

Keme laughed some more. "But you're so cute."

He regretted ridiculing her at once. She grabbed him by the mane and hurled him upright, then punched him back down. Keme crumpled. It was like being slapped with a sack of bricks. She started kicking him in the sides and he curled under the blows. She didn't stop until she heard him sob.

Keme lay there feeling battered. He felt blood drip hot from his nose, and wiping it away with his wrist, he dully looked at it. His green eyes flashed angrily to Watseka. She was standing some feet away, breathless, her breasts heaving, her mouth a line of hatred. He sneered around his bloody lip. That bitch was so dead.

"Good," Watseka said, as if satisfied. "Now maybe you understand my pain and rage, ayashe. That is how I feel everyday."

"Ayashe," Keme snarled and dragged himself upright. He sat glowering at Watseka. "What is that? Some bigot word like Matwau?"

Watseka folded her arms under her bosom as she regarded him. "It is shemale. It means 'little one.' You are the last of us, the youngest. We had hoped to capture Wynn and perhaps hurt her instead. She was more to blame than you. But that has proven difficult. If not impossible now."

"Wynn . . ." said Keme slowly. "My sister?"

"Your sister." Watseka tilted her head curiously, and her dark eyes were hard as she studied him. "You do not seem to know the tale. The pygmy bitch didn't tell you --?"

"Don't," Keme warned and pointed a finger at her, "call Aiyana a bitch."

Watseka folded her arms and began pacing up and down, watching Keme as if she couldn't decide whether to hurt him some more or explain why they had taken him captive. Keme decided to help her figure it out.

"Why don't you tell me why I'm here?" he said darkly.

Watseka stopped pacing and said with a trembling lip, "You are here because of your mother. Don't you know who your mother was?"

"A shemale," Keme said with a shrug. "So?"

Watseka glowered. "Your _mother _brought a _stranger _into our tribe and let him get her with a half-breed pup. Your sister."

Keme just listened darkly, his ears pricked forward.

"Your sister was a bitch mongrel, and when she was treated as such, she fled. Your mother went in search of her. In her absence, our greatest enemies struck. They never would have had she stayed put! I was a mere child at the time. I watched my mother scream as fiery arrows sprouted in her face. I watched her die because of the weakness of your mother!"

Keme remembered Honiahaka telling him that the shemales had been wiped out, but he had never suspected that it was the fault of his own mother. He tilted his head down at Watseka. "And this is my fault . . . how?"

"You," sneered Watseka, "are a living symbol of that forbidden love - that forbidden love that caused us the lives of our mothers! It caused us our village! It caused us our lands - we tried to stay but were eventually run off by the pygmies. Some of us were slaughtered in the chase." She paused to glare at Keme, as if he had struck her friends down himself.

Sitting there looking at her, it hit Keme that all the shemales in the camp were the children of the ones who had died. They had escaped the shemale village . . . only to wind up across the sea? Keme knew the story would have been fascinating to Honiahaka, but all he cared about was hurting Watseka. Badly. If only he could get his paws around that scrawny neck of hers . . .

"We hid in the jungle for years before they ran us off," Watseka said, the misery glittering in her eyes, "watching the village, hoping some had survived. The only ones who survived were the ones who had caused everything - your _whore _mother and the mongrel children she bore!"

"Shut up about my mother!" Keme warned.

"We were there," Watseka said, her voice the angry hiss of a snake, "when she birthed you, when they tried to kill you. The pygmy took you away before they could. We pursued her in the jungle. The little bitch was too fast --"

Keme lunged without warning. Watseka shouted as he dragged her down, but he covered her mouth with his paw. She twisted against him, and the blows she gave him could surely break bones. But he didn't stop. He managed to grapple her wrists into his paw, and pinning her wrists above her head, his teeth tore at her breasts. She continued to struggle and buck, outraged that a half-shemale had managed to bring her down. He held his other paw down hard over her mouth, and with his knees, he knocked her legs apart and punched his cock in hard.

Her dark eyes flew open wide at the intrusion of his cock. He pounded her brutally, grunting with every blow, and she wriggled and whimpered behind his paw, but her eyes did not stop glaring. She managed to bite his fingers. He hissed with pain and snatched his paw away. She started to scream for her guards but he slapped her face back and forth, slowly, as if he was toying with her. Each time she prepared to scream, he slapped her again. She cursed at him in shemale, and without warning, lurched forward and sank her fangs in his neck.

"Argh!" Keme roared and pulled back. But she held to him and did no let go. He felt his blood seeping between her teeth. He tried to pry her off, but she was too strong. They grappled until her fangs tore free, and her pussy slid off him. She grabbed his mane in fistfuls, and twisting with her strong thighs, she swung him down on his stomach. She held him by the neck to the ground, and Keme stiffened angrily when she fingered the tight knot under his tail.

Watseka leaned down close. "You've been taken here," she whispered mockingly in his ear. She slipped in two fingers and spread them, holding him open to the cold air. "So it won't hurt as much to take you now. Pity. I was planning on _really _hurting you."

Keme glowered. He felt ashamed when he tried to crawl away, but oh god, anything but this!

She ripped his tail aside and laughed nastily as she dragged him back by the mane. He growled as her fingers curled painfully in his hair. It was like a thousand needles stabbing him at once when she yanked. Having his mane pulled forced his head back as she spread one of his ass cheeks with her little thumb.

"Stop," Keme growled. "Or I swear to fucking god I'll kill you!"

"Promises, promises," she laughed.

Keme winced and gritted his teeth when it happened: her enormous cock ripped into him until he felt his tender anus crack. Blood seeped free down the back of his thighs. He clawed at the earth as she began to ride him. Each thrust was so brutal he felt his teeth click. She leaned down close and locked an arm around his neck. He was glad when she let go of his mane, but it was only so she might reach under his belly for his cock. No, no! Keme hid his face in his arm as she fondled him. She stroked and caressed as she fucked him, until his cock was throbbing in her fingers.

"You think you're stronger than me, mongrel?" she hissed in his ear. "I am stronger and smarter and faster than you can ever imagine. I am pure shemale!"

"Fuck you," Keme whispered breathlessly.

"No," she laughed in his ear, "I think it's the other way around here!"

"Why," Keme whispered through his teeth. "I didn't kill your mother --! Ah - a-aah!" He bit his lip to stop his cries as she sank her dick to the base. It took him a second to realize she was coming in his ass. A dull misery washed over him as he felt the hot sticky semen overflowing under his tail. It seeped down his ass crack and to his thighs. He shivered angrily.

"Now it's your turn," she whispered huskily in his ear.

"Never!" Keme growled. No, he would never give her that!

She climbed off and flipped him roughly onto his back. He sat there a moment as the wind was knocked out of him. He watched in a silent panic as she jerked his hard thighs apart. Her breasts trembled from the motion. His dick was rock hard and covered in the fluids of her pussy. She smiled at him and leaned down toward his cock.

"No!" Keme roared. He tried to shut his thighs on her. She slapped his thighs apart with her scary strength. Her mouth closed on him, hot and sucking. He gasped with pleasure but reached to stop her. She sat up, and without warning, she backslapped him. The world spun. Keme dropped like a sack, his mind reeling. He tensed when her mouth closed over him again. She began to suck him in long, hard strokes, and her small fingers toyed with his balls. Weak and dazed, Keme moaned and gasped until what she wanted happened: he came in her mouth. His dick sagged limp against his belly as she pulled back to wipe her lips.

She smiled at him nastily. She had blown him to prove a point. It was a power play, a struggle of dominance. She had proven that he was weak and helpless, that she was superior in every way. She smiled at him. He wanted to break her neck.

Lying there feeling limp and drained, Keme watched wretchedly as Watseka moved across the room to her bedroll. She squatted beside a bag that was near it, and after rummaging inside, pulled out a blowgun. She stood over him and put the blowgun to her lips. Oh, god, no. The effects of Pavati would have worn off by now. He would be at her mercy. Completely.

Keme tensed. "Don't!" he whispered hoarsely. "I didn't kill your mother!"

Watseka's eyes darkened. "No," she said, "just your very existence!" With that, she blew hard on the blowgun.

The dart hit Keme right in the forehead. He winced with pain, then sagged over into darkness.