Chapter 30: Cum Like a Good Boy

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#30 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

from the world of the mating season

Cum Like a Good Boy

Chapter 30

Seleste awoke the next morning when the servants brought in breakfast. Her tray waited for her on the bedside table and the hot scent of the food made her stomach growl. The room was still and silent. She wished they were above ground so she could hear the birds. She dragged herself upright and froze when she realized Ahote was not in bed with her. Her pretty gray eyes darted around the room before she noticed him at last: he was seated beside the fire in a chair covered with furs. His fingers touched his chin idly as he watched her. He was already dressed: the short skirt and feathered cape were tied on his muscular frame, and his long gray mane fell loose around his powerful shoulders and neck, as if brushed. His lips curled in a slight smile when his eyes met Seleste's. His eyes were so bright with affection it made her dismal.

"You're so cute," he said quietly. "Sneaking around, keeping secrets from me."

Seleste swallowed guiltily. She quickly decided that it was best if she just admitted she had gone out the night before. If he knew, there was no use pretending. She took her breakfast tray from the bedside table and began to eat with a solemn dignity that made Ahote laugh softly.

"Now you're going to admit you slipped out last night," he said, amused. "Just tell me why." His muscular body shifted in the chair, and one foot slid forward to extend his leg.

"You're right, there's much I haven't told you. That concubine," Seleste said with a curl of her lip.

Ahote's face darkened. "Hiamovi?"

Seleste blinked. "Yes. How did you know?" She set her fork down and just stared at him.

"Movi has long been a trouble maker," Ahote said and rose from his seat. He went to a shelf, his paws behind his back. He laughed softly. "I can't count the times she has tried to slit my throat." He looked over his shoulder, and his eyes lit angrily, "Has she threatened you? Harmed you? You must tell me these things!"

Seleste's heart leapt, and she knew in that moment that Ahote probably would have had Hiamovi skinned for her. That Hiamovi had dared to threaten to Seleste, the indignation burned hot in his eyes. She was such a fool for not telling him before.

"Yes . . ." Seleste admitted sheepishly. "She and the other concubines were so _mean _to me on our wedding day . . . Hiamovi even threatened to kill me if I told you about it. Then I caught them tying up Talisa and doing things to her --!"

"And that's why you tried to run away," said Ahote, realization flickering in his eyes.

Seleste nodded at her tray.

Ahote sighed and moved across the room to the bed. He sat on the edge and looked at Seleste in quiet exasperation. "Seleste," he said, taking her fork from her. He speared a slice of ham and began to feed her. "You must be honest with me; you must tell me these things. I can take care of things. That's what a male is for."

Seleste licked her lips as Ahote pulled the fork away. Her long lashes lowered. "I thought I could handle it myself."

Ahote shook his head. "You still don't understand. I'm your husband. It's my _duty _to handle things."

"And it's my duty to look pretty and keep my mouth shut," Seleste said in disgust.

Ahote laughed. "If only you were a plains wolf, then you would understand. You might even enjoy letting me take care of you. . . ." He wiped a bit of ham from her lips with his thumb and smiled when she playfully licked it off.

They laughed.

Seleste looked at Ahote and felt an ache. God, he was making leaving so _hard._She almost wished he had turned out to be a monster. Then leaving the plains would be no problem at all. But it was a problem. She had no desire to hurt him.

Seeing the sorrow in Seleste's eyes, Ahote frowned. "Are you sure you're not hiding anything else?" His lips became a hard line, and she realized for the first time that he knew about Keme - knew, at least, that she had moved him into the room across the hall. Her heart skipped a painful beat. Did he go over there? Did he hit Keme? Threaten him? Would he do that?

"The slave . . ." Seleste began guiltily.

"The slave," Ahote said. "Yes. You moved him. I can only assume because of Hiamovi."

Seleste nodded and said to her tray, "Yes. . . ." She stole a furtive glance at him, silently praying that he had not yet realized exactly who "the slave" was. After all, any concubine could have eavesdropped on them the night before.

"Consider the matter finished. Hiamovi was beheaded an hour ago." So saying, Ahote brushed his paws off on Seleste's napkin and rose from the bed.

Seleste just sat in shock, her wide eyes watching the back of his feathered cape in astonishment. "She . . .?"

"Was beheaded," Ahote finished for her. His voice was as nonchalant as if they were discussing baked bread. He paused near another shelf and touched one of the trinkets fondly. When Seleste continued to stare at him, he said, "This may come as a shock to you, but Hiamovi . . . was my half-sister."

Seleste set aside her tray. "Your what!" Her slender legs flew as she scrambled to her feet. It took her a second to realize she was naked. She dragged a thin sheet up from the bed and covered herself.

Ahote laughed dryly. "I wasn't sleeping with her, I assure you. My father was mad. He wanted Hiamovi and I to marry - we were Dad's favorite children, after all. He had some crazy idea that our mating would produce more _wonderful _children just like us, and perhaps then the betrayal and intrigue would stop.

"My eldest brother - Fronri - he planned a coup to kill Father and take the throne. Fronri poisoned Father. He died traumatically in the middle of a feast. Everyone knew he'd been poisoned, but no one had the courage to come forward. Except Hiamovi. Fronri sentenced her to the harem.

"But Hiamovi believed the throne should have been hers. She worked with another brother of mine to get Fronri killed in turn. There were fourteen of us back then. Hiamovi's scheming quickly dwindled our numbers. When I took the throne, I decided to let her live quietly in the harem - provided she didn't cause trouble. She broke our agreement when she threatened you."

His explanation finished, Ahote sank wearily in his chair again. The bed sheet still wrapped around her, Seleste came up behind him, and with her eyes full of sympathy, she massaged his shoulders. He smiled sadly.

"Was there no love in your family?" Seleste asked. "Ever?"

"I already told you," Ahote replied. "I don't know what love is. . . . Well, I think you might have taught me." He glanced up at her happily.

Seleste bit her lip, unable to stand it. She hated deceiving him. And oh god. What would he do if he found out? He hadn't shown Hiamovi mercy. His brothers either.

"The thought that I might have children who would grow to do the things I've done . . ." Ahote shook his head miserably. "I don't want to watch my children slaughter each other for the throne! My father went mad watching us stab each other in the back. Mother died because she took a poison meant for someone else, and his mind just . . . unraveled. Seleste . . ." Ahote took Seleste by the paw and guided her to sit in his lap. She watched him sadly as he smoothed her mane behind her round shoulder. "Are you sure you want this? I'm not sure a life as chieftess of the plains is for you. The more I think about it, the more it frightens me."

Ahote just looked at her, his brows together in earnest. Seleste didn't know what to say. She leaned forward and hugged him tight. She wished desperately in that moment that there was something she could do to make him happy! The fact she was going to sneak off and leave him . . . she didn't want to imagine how that was going to hurt him.

"Your majesty . . ." muttered a nervous voice.

Seleste broke away from Ahote and closed the bed sheet tight around her breasts. She hurried behind a screen in a corner of the room as Ahote rose from his chair and said darkly, "Don't you know how to knock?"

"I'm sorry, your majesty . . . but you requested . . ."

"Ah, yes," said Ahote, delighted. "Bring him in."

Strapping on her skirt, Seleste peeked from behind the screen and gasped: Keme was being led in on his leash. His paws were bound behind his back again, and the gold manacles glinted in the firelight. His fur was sleek and clean and his bruises all but gone - which, Seleste could only assume, meant some shaman had looked over him that morning. He kept his green gaze on the earthen floor as the servant led him in, and Seleste noticed how beautifully his black mane shone, the straightened tresses falling around his thick neck and flexing shoulders. The servant put his paw on Keme's shoulder and guided him to kneel. Keme did as he was told, though he jerked his shoulder free and grunted angrily around his gag, to Ahote's amusement.

"Magnificent," Ahote whispered again and stroked his chin. His eyes narrowed on Keme with quiet hunger as he settled back in his chair. He gestured idly to the servant. "Leave us."

The servant bowed himself from the room.

"Seleste!" Ahote called. "Aren't you dressed yet? Come here and look at this wonderful thing. I love watching the way he makes your little clit throb."

Seleste knew her face was beet red when she came from behind the screen. She was clad in her silk skirts, as well as a silk top that covered her breasts. The diamond necklace Ahote had given her was draped around her neck, and her golden bracelets and anklets sparkled in the gloom. She swished toward Ahote's chair, tail swaying, as the perfume of her fur filled the air.

Not taking his eyes off Keme, Ahote pulled Seleste down on his knee and stroked her mane absently. "Look at him," he whispered to Seleste. "All that raw, quiet power. That tight, hard body." He leaned close to Seleste and whispered in her ear, "Do you wonder what it's like to have that power inside?" His paw slipped under Seleste's top and squeezed. Seleste closed her eyes and her lips parted.

"Ahote . . ." she moaned. "Wha - what are we doing? Not in front of --"

Ahote laughed. "Seleste! He's your sex slave! He'd better get used to seeing you pleasured! God, look at him. What would it be like, I wonder, to slip inside you while he's slipping inside me?"

Seleste shivered to think of it. Sex with both Ahote and Keme was something she would gladly welcome. She wasn't so sure about Keme, though. If anything, he was looking livid to see another male touching Seleste. His nostrils flared, the strong line of his jaw stood out, his muscles tensed. When Ahote's paw squeezed again under Seleste's top, Keme's chest heaved.

"My god, look at his quiet rage," Ahote said in amazement. He nodded, "And look at that, Seleste. He wants you."

Seleste looked where Ahote's nod had indicated, and she blushed prettily: Keme was starting to get hard. Keme noticed it too. He glanced down at his stiffening cock and closed his eyes miserably.

"Maybe you should oblige?" Ahote teased.

Seleste put a paw to her lips as his meaning became clear. "Ahote! I couldn't!"

"You mean in front of me, you couldn't," laughed Ahote. "It's alright. But at least name him. I'm tired of calling him the slave."

Seleste looked apologetically at Keme. He didn't look back. He lowered his eyes to his knees, and Seleste could tell he was making a great effort to remain calm.

"I almost want to call him Bull," said Ahote in much amusement, "for all the damn bucking he does. Not to mention the size of his meat." He licked his lips.

"I never suspected that you liked males, Ahote," Seleste said to steer from the subject.

Ahote snorted. "Why? Because of what happened on the ship? My dear Seleste, _no one _enjoys being raped."

"How do you think he_ _feels?" Seleste said, gesturing at Keme.

"No one has raped him. No one has mistreated him. If anything, he'll _be the one fucking _you. Your slave has spent the morning pampered and spoiled, bathed and caressed and fed and massaged by my loveliest servants. And now, all that's expected of him is to slip his dick in the wet heaven that's between your thighs. Oh yes. Things are terrible for him."

Seleste wanted to disappear into the floor to hear Ahote's words. She could tell that Keme did too, and she remembered for the first time in a long time that he was shy. It must have been painfully embarrassing to have Ahote going on about the size of his dick and the beauty of his body.

"You know, over in the moon village, sex slaves are always at attention," Ahote continued. "Always." His fingers went to Seleste's thin top and started to pry it open.

"Oh, Ahote . . . don't . . ." Seleste whispered in dismay.

"Don't you want to see that big thing stand?" Ahote said in her ear.

Seleste trembled nervously as Ahote pulled her top down around her arms. Now exposed, her plump breasts and their sharp nipples shivered against the air. She closed her eyes miserably when Ahote pinched one of her pink nipples.

"That's it," he breathed in her ear. "He's getting hard."

Her cheeks aflame, Seleste looked at Keme to see the suffering in his eyes. He was trying so desperately not to look at what was happening, but it was as if he couldn't stop himself. His green eyes drank in Seleste's high breasts, her long neck, her pretty flushing face and batting lashes. But what amazed Seleste was what happened when Ahote unlaced his skirt: it fell open around his erection, and Keme seemed to suffer as his eyes went to it. Keme . . . liked males too?

"I knew it," Ahote said with a small laugh. "I can always peg them."

Keme glowered.

"Must we do this!" Seleste begged, for Ahote's fingers went next to her skirt. He carefully unlaced it, and it collapsed around her hips to reveal her pink sex and the wet lips that cloaked it.

"We must," Ahote whispered. His paw slid down Seleste's belly to her sex, and he carefully pealed her pussy lips open to reveal the throbbing clit hidden there. Seleste clutched the armrests of the chair and wiggled when he started to finger her. Her slender, shapely body twisting in Ahote's lap was making Keme's chest heave. She wanted to stop, but at the same time . . . she was enjoying what was happening. Ahote's exquisite touch, Keme's lusting eyes. She almost wanted to say to hell with it and suggest a threesome. God, that would be perfect.

"Up," Ahote whispered, lifting her hips, "and then down." He moaned as he brought Seleste's pussy carefully down on his hungry cock. Seleste could only imagine what she must look like to Keme: blushing and weak with desire, her breasts heaving, her nipples hard, her pink pussy clenching on Ahote's veined cock. She cried out as she moved up and down in Ahote's lap, as his big paws massaged her tits, as his mouth closed on her neck. She could feel his rippling belly and the hard muscles of his chest moving against her as they made love in the chair. Keme watched weak with longing and pre-cum seeped from his cock. He was so hard now, his cock went past his navel.

"Look at him," Ahote said as Seleste moved up and down in his lap. He kissed her cheek. "He wants you. Go. It's only polite." He smoothed his paw down Seleste's narrow back in a dismissing gesture.

Seleste was so wet and hot and hungry, how could she say no now? She climbed down from Ahote's lap and moved across the room to Keme. She could hear Ahote moving around the room behind her but suddenly didn't care. Keme's eyes were aching for her, and she felt the way he looked. Kneeling before him, she removed his gag, and cupping his face, she kissed him. His tongue thrust in her mouth, and her lashes fluttered in surprise. But she closed her eyes and moaned through the kiss with him. His tongue became so insistent she thought she might squirt.

It took Seleste a moment to realize Ahote was standing behind Keme. Suddenly, Keme's paws were free: Ahote had removed the manacles. Without hesitating, Keme crushed Seleste to the floor and continued to kiss her. He buried his face in her cleavage and suckled her, he licked her neck, he touched her mane in a frenzy of desire. She locked her shapely thighs around his hips and wriggled, urging him to slip inside. But he wouldn't. God! Why wouldn't he!

Seleste was glad when Ahote - as if he too had been impatiently waiting for it - took Keme's large erection and slipped it inside Seleste. Keme's eyes widened in alarm and he tried to pull out, but something happened that made him stiffen and wince. Seleste looked beyond Keme to see Ahote kneeling behind him: the chief of the plains had slipped his cock in Keme's ass. With serious satisfaction, Ahote smoothed his paw in admiration over Keme's muscular back, then he grabbed his tail and began to thrust. Keme closed his eyes as Ahote's thick cock pushed inside, and his brows pressed together as if he was enjoying it.

Seleste was suddenly glad. It suddenly seemed to her that Keme had never looked so beautiful as when he was enjoying such pleasure. His lips parted in a moan and he looked at Seleste sheepishly, as if he was ashamed of himself. "It's okay," she whispered, and when he looked relieved, she kissed him.

Seleste held Keme tightly, and as if he couldn't stand to have her see him like this, Keme hid his face in her mane. Seleste didn't care: she was in heaven. Each time Ahote punched himself in, Keme's hips were forced to thrust in turn, pressing so deliciously deep inside Seleste that she felt her pussy wetting and lengthening with each thrust. They rocked together, groaned and gasped for so long that Seleste didn't think she could take it much longer. Looking past Keme at Ahote's determined face, she realized the chief was trying to make Keme come and Keme was doing everything in his power to hold back. He was wincing now with the strain.

Fed up, Ahote leaned down close and did something Seleste had not anticipated: he kissed Keme's neck. He kissed Keme, he licked him, he nibbled his ear. Keme squirmed and his lashes fluttered under this affection, but it was clear he was enjoying it: Seleste could feel his cock getting thicker and harder inside her. The pleasure of it all sent thrills through her. She arched her back under Keme and felt her pussy lengthening as her juices washed over him again. Keme whispered, "Oh god . . ." and came inside with a stifled cry. Seleste closed her eyes happily as his hot fluids rushed to fill her.

They sagged in a pile as Ahote whispered in Keme's ear, "Good boy . . . Keme."

Seleste and Keme stiffened. Seleste looked at Ahote, fully expecting his face to be twisted with rage at her betrayal: she had lied to him, after all. She had told him that Keme died defending her against the slavers. She had pretended she didn't know Keme. And she'd had every intention of running away with him. That he now knew everything was crystal clear.

Seleste looked fearfully at her husband, but Ahote only smiled sadly at her. He leaned past Keme to kiss her on the cheek, then got up and left the room.