The sundering and the creation of the Space league uniformed troopers (SLUT)

Story by Sammythespaceman on SoFurry

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A basic overview of where the two sides in my story came from ^^

Almost a decade ago, thousands of races across the galaxy lived in harmony, peacefully trading goods, traditions and stories of past heroes of their people with each other. Within a few weeks after the sundering, all that changed, leaving entire planetary systems ruined and infested with vile insectoid creatures known as the Vara.

Nobody knew where the Vara came from, some say they were an experiment gone wrong on one of the remote research facilities on the end of known space, others said they came from a far distant galaxy almost consumed by war and still others claimed they had seen hordes of them rising up through the cracks of planets ruptured by the sundering.

All that is known that on the day of the sundering, three whole planetary systems shook as violent quakes rocked them and their inhabitants, leaving vast fissures spreading all over the surface of the affected worlds. Nearby planets unaffected by the quakes quickly sent aid to their neighbours but all contact with them and the rescue teams was lost almost immediately upon their arrival on the torn open planets, to be replaced by a low buzzing sound, as if a billion pairs of wings were strengthening themselves for flight.

The silence continued for an entire week before the cause of the sound was revealed as masses of Vara, using the rescue ships they had taken from the massacred crews, stormed planet after planet, leaving almost no one alive, the few males that survived being forced to work in the humongous Vara hives that replaced their ruined cities, while the females were used as breeders by the monsters to grow their army into an unstoppable force, so as one Vara fell, six more would take its place.

The war lasted for years, the male population of the universe dwindling with each battle lost until only a few hundred thousand remained, safely secured on scattered worlds currently far from the Vara's reach. As the lack of men able to fight diminished, an all female force was created to fend off the Vara where ever possible, known as the Space league uniformed troopers or SLUT, they were outfitted with the latest technology created by the surviving races, from weaponry to armour, to give them the best possible chance against the insect menace.

SLUT enjoyed early success against the Vara, as the insects were not prepared for a sudden counterattack on the scale that SLUT produced, managing to throw the Vara off at least seven different planets, but recently the war has hit a stalemate as the Vara rebuilt their defences and more soldiers were birthed on the captured worlds.

Who knows what the future holds for the universe as both sides develop their weapons and forces, ready for the coming war, but one small group of SLUT operatives and one particularly nasty Vara hive queen are about to find out what a powder keg the world of Auxilus prime, a world rich in minerals and resources vital to both sides, can become....

Not rly a story just some links

As I'm on a weird laptop that don't wanna do shit :/ here's some links to my older...
