Meet Me By the River

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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 The sound of running

water filled the air with a dull rushing sound as light blue liquid

rolled and raced over smooth stones on its way to a nearby lake.

Beams of sunlight filtered through the dense canopy of foliage that

hung overhead, turning the encompassing forest much darker than what

it truly was for that time of day. There was very little noise from

nearby fauna, a few stray chirps of birds that hung in the higher

reaches of branches but not much else. It seemed like the area stood

still in its own little bubble of time that no one seemed to want to

bother. That was, until the sound of footfalls entered into the area. From a nearby walk way

that lead to a path that followed the river, a young doe stepped out

on her way to the cool, refreshing water. She was taller than most

others and very thin but not malnourished. She had a light brown

overcoat with white adorning her stomach and under her arms and legs.

Due to of her stature not many considered her proper mate material,

and through unfriendly social interactions from her heard, she was

ousted and left alone to wander the woods. Many would have considered

this extremely dangerous, for without a gathering for her to be near,

she was prone to the hunger of predators that would stalk and consume

such an easy meal. It was, however, in what she lacked in physical

beauty she more than made up in cunning and through that, she

cultivated many mutual relationships with local predators. The doe meandered

further into view, the clothing that she wore hung loosely on her

body, stolen from others without them knowing. She didn't often have

a choice in what she could adorn her body with. A canteen hung from

her shoulder and gently bumped against her hip, her hoofed hand

coming to it to take it up and unscrew the cap. Her lithe form bent

down and dragged the metal container into the cold, moving liquid,

watching as bubbles surfaced as the insides were replenished with

water. After no more than a minute the bubbles stopped and the doe

lifted the canteen to her lips for a drink as she stood back up. The

water splashed into her muzzle and down her throat in a way that

refreshed and invigorated her for the future endeavors that were soon

to come. From her side there was

a rustling of bushes that made the girl spin on her foot and look

where the sudden movement was coming from, eyes wide and ears alert.

Her form relaxed however when she saw a very familiar wolf step into

the clearing leading three others behind him. The one at the front

was a dark gray lupine and easy the largest, the alpha male of the

pack. The others were smaller, brown, white, and black, each

different in their own physical stature. "Hello, Caila," the

alpha said with very deep voice and a smile spread across his mouth. "Greetings, Showl,"

The doe responded and took another drink from her canteen. "I'm glad you made it

here. I didn't think you were going to show up," he teased and

stepped forward. It was about then that Caila realized that none of

the wolves were wearing clothes, not that it was too uncommon but she

wasn't used to it. It made her blush and she tried to hide her red

cheeks behind her hand and water container. "I wouldn't miss

meeting with you and your pack for anything in the world," she said

with a giggle and lowered her arm. The alpha stepped closer and

stopped a few meters away, his large arms coming up to cross over his

broad chest. Showl was a very towering wolf with a very domineering

aura around him. Not many challenged his status in the pack, and

those that did were sent away with many injuries and their tails

between their legs. Despite the magnitude of fights he had been in,

his body was practically free of all marks. Alphas of other packs

thought him to be inexperienced because of his spotless form, while

others thought him as such an incredible fighter for acquiring hardly

any injury in the throws of combat. "So what is it that you wanted

from me?" she asked. "I have with me my

three youngest sons that have come of age to find their mates," he

explained and stepped back to gesture to the three others behind him.

"As you know, mating season is coming quickly, and they need

practice in the art of sex so they don't embarrass themselves when it

comes to finding their own counterpart. I need you to show them the

ropes," Showl said with a chuckle. The doe's eyes went wide

again as she looked from the alpha to his sons and then back to him.

This wasn't the first time he had asked this of her, however it was

the first time he asked this of her with three of his offspring.

Before she could respond or make any sort of objection the wolf

chimed in again. "I thought this would

be adequate payment for your safe passage through the wolf clans'

territory, as this is arguably the most dangerous place for someone

such as yourself to be." The doe thought for a moment and gave a

sheepish nod in agreement. "All right, Showl,

I'll help your brood out," she teased and gave him a wink. The

alpha smirked and nodded to her in a display of his gratitude before

he turned and addressed his sons. "You heard her,

gentlemen, she's willing to help you out. Under no circumstance are

you allowed to harm her or allow harm to come to her. If I find out

that any one of you has caused her any anguish, then the punishment

will be exile," he stated, his voice seething with a growl that

made his word final, much like the gavel in a court hearing. "Other

than that, have fun" he said with a relaxed posture and stepped

past the three and back into the lining of trees. He was out of sight

in a matter of moments. The three wolves watched

their father as he walked away, not making a single sound. When he

was finally gone they all turned to the doe at once with smiles on

their muzzles. Caila swallowed hard and cleared her throat, now in

the presence of the lupine studs. She did her best to not show any

fear, knowing full well that they could pick up on that as fast as

they could probably pick up on her rising arousal. Despite her being

whored out to a friend's offspring for sexual training, she couldn't

help but feel turned on by it. "Well, how about we

get acquainted shall we?" she began, breaking the silence that

developed in Showl's absence. "I'm Taylor!" the

black one called out. He was the thinnest of them, but nonetheless

lean and muscular like his father. "I'm Allow," the

brown one said and stepped forward with a smirk. He was the shortest

of them but not much more than an inch or two with a very similar

build to Taylor. "And I'm Cain," the

white one chirped up with a grin of glinting playfulness in his eyes

that showed he wasn't nearly as harsh as the others or his father but

was easily the strongest looking of them. "Well it's certainly

nice to meet all of you. So I guess we should get started then,"

the doe said and glanced down at the boys' sheaths in time to see

about an inch or so of bright red cock sticking up from them. She

felt heat begin to rise from between her legs the more she stared.

The three boys took that as a cue and all at once they advanced on

her. Caila felt the hair rise up on the back of her neck as they came

closer, and before she knew it they were all around and their paws

were on her body. She felt their strong grasps caress over her form

and curves, two different paws quickly going to her rather small

breasts and groping over them. "You guys really don't

waste any time do you?" she moaned softly as she felt a paw slip

between her legs and begin to grope her rapidly dampening pussy

through her pants. The two paws that were working at her breasts

moved down in a collective effort and pulled her shirt up and over

her head, even catching her bra to make her completely topless.

Cain's muzzle latched onto her soft nipple and began to gently suckle

and tug on it with his lips while Allow went to work with undoing her

pants and yanking them down to her knees. Her panties followed right

after, and she soon felt a thick piece of wolf cock rest against her

ass and tail. The doe bit her lip and

rested a paw on the top of Cain's head, meanwhile Taylor moved to her

side and took her chin into the firm grasp of her paw. The black

lupine stared her in the eyes, focusing a powerful gaze on hers for a

moment before he leaned in and pressed his lips firmly to hers. Caila

kissed him back feverishly and squirmed with a muffled squeak as

Cain's paw moved up and began to play with her other nipple. The doe

barely had to do anything except stand there and take it all, as if

she was being pampered by the three young studs. More movement came from

behind, and before she realized it Allow had become fully erect and

was feverishly grinding his fat cock against her ass while he pumped

it with a firm grasp. Infact, all three of them were equally hard and

of similar size and shape, pre cum spurting from each tip to cover

her fur in a layer of their musk. It almost felt as if they were

marking her as territory, something she didn't think she would mind

too much. Taylors' tongue snaked it's way into Caila's muzzle,

tasting the depths of her mouth with long strokes of his soft

wiggling organ. She breathed feverishly through her nose, her heart

racing as she felt Cain move his maw to her other nipple to suckle at

it like a pup, feeling both tits become as hard as her lovers' cocks. In the midst of her

lip-locked embrace, the doe felt something hard begin to ease up

under her tail and a strong chest press to her back. Her eyes opened

wide with a start as she felt it ease further between her cheeks, her

hand coming up to press against Taylor's chest in an attempt to

struggle away. "Calm down," Taylor

explained between their pressed lips, "We aren't allowed to hurt

you remember?" He teased and took her hand from his strong chest

and pushed it down to settle on his own throbbing erection. It was

slick with hot pre cum like the one that was gently prodding against

her tailhole. She began to instinctively pump the cock that she was

given, whimpering softly to herself as Allow began to gently ease her

puckered tailhole open with the tapered tip of his shaft. She felt the brown

wolf's paws come to a rest on her hips and pull himself closer. The

first inch finally slipped inside of her rectum and spurted more of

his pre cum to lube her depths as he began to steadily dip himself

inside. The doe wiggled back on his cock, her hips shifting from side

to side as another hard cock pressed firmly against her pussy. Her

hand that stayed on Cain's head suddenly gripped a fist full of fur

as his cock began to press past her soft cunny lips and begin to slip

inside of her pussy at the same pace as Allow. Pleasure began to course

through the doe's form as both males hilted within her and began to

move. Taylor moved his maw away from Caila's and grinned as he saw

the glazed over look in her eyes. Her hand continued to stroke his

cock rapidly, liquid spurting from the tip like a fountain with each

pump. Cain moved his maw up from her breast and dragged his tongue up

her chest and to her neck where he began to nipple and suckle. "Enjoying yourself?"

Taylor asked with a chuckle as he watched his two brothers begin to

move hard against her body as it began to become limp in their

embrace. Little did the girl realize, but both legs had been pulled

off the ground. She wasn't being held up by much more than the

thrusting hips of the wolves at her front and back. Moans began to

escape her lips with every rough movement, gyrating between them in a

fury as wet noises came from their constant thrusting. Her screams of

ecstasy began to elevate with every passing minute, bouncing between

their jack hammering cocks with a puddle of their combined juices

forming between the two studs. "Fuck! Don't stop!"

she cried out and bit her lip harder, her working paw on Taylor's

rock hard shaft started to pump down at the base where his knot was

starting to form. In fact, she could begin to feel the knots of the

others as well, as each rough movement caused the bulbous portion of

their cocks to slam hard against her openings. "Cum inside me!"

she screamed and shut her eyes tightly. "Damn, I-I'm not gunna

last much longer!" Allow growled and gritted his teeth. "Me either," Cain

panted and bit his lip, keeping his moans suppressed for a moment

longer. The two worked with varied thrusts, one pushing in just as

the other pulled out. This action made the doe feel as if she was

being tossed back and forth, not that it was too far from the truth.

Their knots continued to grow, and with each increment in size that

they swelled, the four became louder and louder. Even Taylor who was

only receiving a simple hand job was rutting his hips firmly against

her working grasp. The ferocity that was

the doe sandwiched between the two wolves finally came to a head. It

started first with Caila who screamed out as loud as she could when

her orgasm came rocketing through her hips in the form of a gushing

torrent that splashed Cain and soaked his cock like a waterfall. Both

of her holes convulsed around the pounding shafts, and the two

brothers couldn't keep themselves from erupting deep within her

depths. Their knots popped inside and locked themselves to her as cum

began to pool inside. Cain's seed struck her

cervix hard and began to fill the space between them, even

overflowing into her hot womb when the pressure became too much.

Allow's cream was felt deep inside of the doe's belly as it came out

like a fire hose. It drenched her rectum in a layer of his liquid

musk and continued further up into the depths of her bowels. Caila

felt both of the male's deposit their loads within her soaked and

limp body, warmth from their combined effort began to rush through

her form in a radiating blanket of heat. The doe cooed and

groaned as the two males would shift their forms around, keeping her

body suspended in the air a while longer. Their imbedded cocks

stirred her insides with each grinding movement, causing aftershocks

of pleasure to wrap themselves deeper into her frame. "Oooh fuck...that was

incredible," she sighed and slowly opened her eyes. She didn't

realize it, but Taylor was licking at her neck gently, pulling away

with a grin on his muzzle. "Forget somebody?"

he said with a wink. It was then that Caila realized that he hadn't

cum yet, and as her duty to their father, she wasn't going to let him

go unsatisfied. After a while the three

finally calmed down enough for Allow and Cain to begin to work their

cocks from her body. It took a bit of effort but they finally

dislodged their knots. The doe screamed and bit her finger in an

attempt to silence herself as she felt the cocks pull away from her

body and two thick loads of cum begin to come pouring out. Her legs

were slowly lowered and as soon as her feet touched the ground she

felt as if they were made out of rubber. She nearly fell if not for

Cain taking a hold of her as she finally got her bearing. Thick globs of cum

leaked from her pussy and asshole, both gaping open wide enough to

let all of their contents seep out. White seed rolled down the inside

of her thighs and dripped into the further growing puddle beneath the

three. Caila's muscles finally began to work again and she gently

pushed herself back from Cain's embrace. She kept her legs spread and

pushed more until only small drops hit the ground beneath her. She

gave a heavy sigh and grinned happily as she looked up at Taylor

while he stood back patiently. "Your turn, big guy,"

she said with a moan in her voice and then gestured with her finger

to the ground. "Down," she commanded. Taylor was happy to comply

and was on his back in an instant, his cock standing straight up and

even more wet than before. Caila moved over the black wolf's body,

looking down at him with a smirk, her expression glazed over with the

evidence of the pleasure that had just raked through her body. Slowly

she lowered herself down onto his engorged member, taking his length

into her hand to guide him inside of her pulsing, hot pussy. A groan

slithered from both of their maws as she hilted herself on his pyre

and began to work her hips from side to side and then back and forth. While Caila and Tailor

got themselves situated, Cain and Allow couldn't help but move around

to the front of the doe with their cocks still hard and dripping with

a mixture of their combined juices. Caila grinned as she watched the

two cocks point at her and grabbed both at the base as her hips began

to move up and down on her beloved cock. She leaned her muzzle

forward and first took Cain's cock into her muzzle, slurping away the

slurry of cock and pussy flavoring that was left behind. Her tongue

lapped across its broad length while her other hand began to

vigorously stroke Allow, making sure he wouldn't go soft before he

got his turn. Taylor began to buck up

against Caila as she would move down, his strong paws coming to a

rest on her thin hips. She felt him begin to pull her down with each

bounce that she made, feeling the movement between them begin to

become harder and faster. After a while the doe moved up on her

knees, letting the wolf underneath her thrust up into her wet pussy

as much as he wanted, pre cum spurting inside in an attempt to wash

away Cain's cum that was still around. Taylor arched his back and

moaned deeply, eyes closing as he enjoyed the treatment that she was

so kind to give him. His balls smacked her ass with the firmness of a

strong palm with each quick jab up of his hips that he made, making

their fun all the more loud. Caila groaned around

Cain's cock drawing her maw back and looking up at him with a grin.

Her lips were covered in a layer of cum that stretched between her

lips each time she would open her mouth. It dripped from her chin in

long gooey chains that would nearly hit Taylor when they would break.

She moved to Allow's cock and took him full into her mouth with what

seemed to be little effort, her other paw working Cain's cleaned

shaft now as she went to work slurping over his brother. She

swallowed down a wad of deposited cum from the brown wolf's cock as

it quickly collected in her maw. She couldn't help but moan from the

taste, making her lips vibrate around her entrapped play toy. Her hips began to work

down on Taylor's shaft once again, taking over for him like she had

first intended. The black wolf eased back and relaxed, his paws

working up her body to cup and grope her breasts as she eagerly

worked herself down onto him. The doe began to move her muzzle

between the two cocks that were presented to her, slurping loudly to

drink away the excess of liquid on each, even going down to their

base and deepthroating each wolf to collect their delicious pre cum

onto her tongue. After a while she leaned back and admired the two

studs in front of her. She licked her lips when she saw that both of

their cocks were perfectly clean and bright red. She noticed that the

two were breathing rather hard, their maws open and tongues out, eyes

closed with moans rolling from each. She also felt the consistent

pounding of a knot at her pussy, the sign that Taylor was getting

close to cumming just like his brothers. It wasn't long until the

atmospheres of the four quickly changed. All four bodies tensed up at

once it seemed. At first, Allow and Cain howled out at the same time,

their moans elevating into the long noise as both of their cocks

erupted at like volcanoes, spraying another thick batch of their cum

across her flat chest. Their sperm splashed and matted her fur down,

and for the first time she was able to see the amount that had first

been pumped inside of her when they had their first orgasms inside. The sudden spray of wolf

musk on her body caused herself to come to a climax, as she clamped

her pussy down on the black wolf's cock just above his knot, her

juices spraying out around his shaft and sending him over the edge as

well. Taylor's first and only load of cum exploded from the tip of

his cock and crashed against the back of Caila's pussy only to come

back and begin to gush over his own knot and pelvis. They all cried

out in unison, all of their bodies not ceasing any movement for

nearly a full minute. Their lungs ached for a while, much like their

own bodies as they came down from their orgasmic high, slumped and

panting heavily. After a few minutes of

catching her breath, Caila finally lifted her leg from Taylor and sat

down at his side. She watched as the three males began to recover,

their rather thick and lengthy cocks shrank over time, their knots

deflated, and their red organs slipped back into their sheaths. Caila

brought her hand down to her pussy and gently began to scoop the

excess of cum from her pussy as best she could, but found after a

while it didn't seem to do much. She looked up in time to see Allow

offering his paw to her, which she graciously took and was pulled up

onto wobbly feet again. The three wolves began

to bathe her neck, muzzle, and cheek in friendly kisses and licks to

show their much appreciation for her help. She couldn't help but

giggle and playfully push at their strong bodies when they would lick

a spot that was too ticklish for her to stand. It wasn't long before

the four said their goodbyes, gave hugs, and parted ways. Caila

watched as the studs disappeared into the forest scenery much in the

same way that they had arrived, tails wagging happily at their

triumphant first experiences. The doe looked up at the

sky when the boys were out of sight. The once blue heavens had turned

pink and yellow, indicating that it had become evening since they had

all begun. She gingerly stepped over to the rushing river and

squatted down near its bank. She began to scoop up water in her hand

and went back to washing the still hefty amounts of cum from her

pussy walls. When she felt she was clean enough, she leaned over the

water to look at her reflection. She giggled at the sight, as the doe

that looked back was still very much covered in wolf cum, sticky

evidence of a lengthy romp. She washed as much of

the seed from her chest and muzzle as she could, feeling satisfied

she leaned back and started with slipping her clothes back on. She

was very happy to find that Showl's sons were much less frantic to

get her out of her clothing than he was, remembering times where he

had all but shredded every last article that she had on her body.

When the last fabric crossed over her lithe form, the doe smiled to

herself and began to walk down the path that followed so close to the

river, no longer concerned with the fact that she might be harmed any

time in the near future in this forest.