The Pack Character Profiles

Story by Lynxxie on SoFurry

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#1 of The Pack

I started this story two years ago, before I found my mate and had our cub :) Wanted to share it. I will post more as I finish it.

The Pack


Kyrian: 21 black German shepherd bi. Kyrian is the dominant (Alpha) of the 'Pack'. He is Danny's younger brother (different mothers). He disappears at odd moments and usually reappears covered in various mostly shallow wounds. Kyrian is the only one who can calm Kitten down (without someone getting injured) when she goes into a rage. (Taking the back of her neck in his fangs and applying pressure)

Danny: 22 Gray wolf straight. Danny is weaker than his brother Kyrian, which is probably why he hasn't challenged his brother for the position of Alpha yet. Danny was Kitten's lover for a while and because of that he refuses to get to know Bella as anything other than a fellow packmate. He is loud and obnoxious but is terrified of commitments and he tends to alienate himself from the other furs. Danny spreads rumors about Kitten (because she dominated him during sex)

Kitten: 20 Siberian tigress/White panther bi. Kitten is the dominant female (Beta to Kyrian's Alpha) and is Bella's girlfriend. Kitten loves Kyrian but refuses to tell him or the pack because Bella would flip. (She acts disinterested around Kyrian but still acts as his Beta) Kitten doesn't fight the rumors Danny is spreading (she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her). Kitten has a mysterious lover she only calls Master, no one knows who it could be. (Danny knows it would have to be someone stronger than him.)

Bella: 18 brown and black tabby cat bi. Bella is the beloved youngest pack member. Every furry except Danny loves her. She absolutely loves Kitten (is a bit possessive) but despises Kitten's taste in men (outwardly) mainly because Kitten slept with Danny. Bella avoids confrontation unless it involves Kitten.

Syn: 19 Black fox bi. Syn is everyone's friend. He is intelligent, cheerful, friendly, and incredibly easy to please. He possesses a child-like enthusiasm for life and is so full of energy he rarely just walks anywhere. He loves everybody without reservation and is very protective and affectionate toward everyone.

The pack is bigger than just these but in this story I am only focusing on them.

The setting is a medium sized town located in the United States, most of the community is open-minded about furries but a few people absolutely hate them.

End of Times Chapter 2

Chapter Two Maxxie was once again watching the new pet while Calyx made them dinner. Bitch was just curled up in the corner of the room, still naked...

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End of Times Chapter 1

Chapter One The canine woke still tied up but no clothes and in a compromising position as well as covered in cum. 'Damn,' he thought. 'What the...

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End of Times Prologue

The End of Times Calyx looked at his best friend Maxxie. The wolf loved having a friend even though he was technically alone. He had been exiled from his pack when his dam had left her pup and the pack for a new Alpha. Maxxie didn't care that he had...

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