Your Birthday, You Choose

Story by AshChyme on SoFurry

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It's the day before Andy's birthday and his impatience is about to get him into some trouble. Just what sort of trouble? That's up to you to decide in this Choose Your Own Yiff story.

My pet has written me some wonderful stories for my birthday, so I thought it was time to return the favor. I always thought a Choose Your Own Adventure style would be neat for one of these, and it wound up letting me write a couple different stories all mixed together. Story contains lots of pervy kinky fun and a certain blonde kitten getting absolutely cream filled, don't read if ya shouldn't!

"What are you doing for my birthday, Master?" Andy asked.

The young cat suppressed a giggle as the snow leopard jolted in his chair, the controller he was holding flying through the air. He actually had to dodge as it came back down, but that didn't stop his need to laugh in the slightest. When Ash stood up and gave him a bit of a glare, he just couldn't take it. He had to support himself with a paw to the back of the chair as he laughed, that expression of slight annoyance and startlement together on his master's face was just priceless. He took a moment to pull himself together then just grinned, sticking his tongue out slightly. "I swear, a troll could sneak up on you when you're gaming."

"Oh, shush. It's a good game," Ash said, sticking his tongue out as well. Seeing the splash of red across the television screen he only bothered to pick up the controller long enough to flick the mute button on his mic before setting it aside. "And you asked me that yesterday, and I'm going to give you the same answer today. It's a surprise."

"Aww." Andy whimpered, though smiling to show he was playing. "You always say it's a surprise. Why can't ya just tell me? Give it to me early maybe?" He asked hopefully, giving his best kitten eyes, even batting his eyelashes a bit.

"Now, how could I refuse a face like that?" Ash reached out and gently curled a finger under his kitten's chin, leaning in close til their lips just barely touched. "Like this. No." He said with a quick kiss. "Why don't you go get comfortable in the living room? I'll be out shortly for our movie night, I just wanna beat this boss." As Andy started to speak up, he laid a finger on the kitten's nose. "Ah! Master said living room. I've almost got this guy figured out, I'll be there before ya know it." He gave his nose a little tap before dropping back into his chair, picking up the controller again.

(You get to make your first choice here. You can be a good boy and do as you're told and simply continue reading, or to interrupt master's game skip ahead to Naughty Kitty.)

Andy sighed a little before turning around and padding away. The little office was set up so the various yells and trash talking that seemed to go along with his gaming wouldn't disturb the quieter of the pair while he tried to study. Though he had a few games of his own he quite liked to play, usually seeing how long he could tease the snow leopard before he'd abandon the game, even if he would have to be 'punished' for it. He thought about that as he walked around the sofa, having to pat his crotch a little bit to adjust his bulge as a result. "Down boy," he said, his cock threatening to lift up the skirt his master liked to keep him in while they were alone together. Not that it helped much with his outfit practically designed to show something, the short skirt and tight little panties just barely enough to cover everything, which only seemed to draw the snow leopard's paws towards them all the more.

Reaching the couch he hopped over the back of it and flopped over on his side, grabbing one of the large pillows to tuck under his head, reaching out to grab the remote laying on the coffee table and scroll through the list of movies they'd downloaded. "That cat and his games. I swear, one of these days he's going to fall in to the screen."

"I hope it's while I'm playing Skyrim, that Kahjiit who sells the amulets has a nice ass." Andy jerked a bit as his master's voice came from behind him. He leaned his head back, seeing Ash smiling down at him from behind. "Not quite as nice as yours, however."

"'Course not." Andy beamed. "He's too buff to pull off a skirt anyways"

"Something my pretty boy does quite well," the snow leopard said with a chuckle. He walked around the couch and picked up the stocking covered feet of his kitten, holding them aside as he sat before lowering them onto his lap, promptly taking one between his paws and rubbing it idly.

That made Andy smile and he wiggled his toes a bit more as he settled in, getting comfortable. Ash looked up from those striped toes after a moment to the television. "Oh, Lord of the Rings hmm? Always liked that movie"

"Nothing to do with all the barefoot hobbits running around, hmm?" Andy smirked as his master rolled his eyes, trying to hide a blush on his silver furred cheeks. Feet just happened to be one of his master's biggest kinks, a weakness Andy was more than happy to exploit as often as possible. Even as he lay there with his footpaws resting on his master's lap he could feel the bulge swelling just a bit under his heel.

He hit the play button and relaxed back against the sofa, squirming slightly as Ash's thumb found a particularly ticklish spot of his foot. He always enjoyed their quiet time together. Just getting to relax with his master after a rough day of school always cheer him up. As the movie rolled on Andy's attention turned from the mortal peril of the hobbits to the now substantial bulge under his footpaw. With a sneaky little grin he waited til his master was distracted before pressing his foot flat against Ash's belly, disguising his move as an innocent stretch then slowly teasing his cotton covered toes under the waistband of Ash's pajamas, feeling the tip of his cock beneath his toes.

Ash blinked, his attention being drawn from the sword fighting on screen to the soft caress of sock covered kitten toes on his now rock hard erection. With a soft smile he looked over to his pet. "Find something you like, kitten?" Lifting his rear off the sofa for a moment he slid his pajamas down and off. Always the gentleman, he wanted to make it easier for Andy to have his fun. As the other foot pulled free from his paws, Ash gave a soft sigh as it joined it's twin, both wrapped around his cock and stroking slowly.

Andy purred as he watched his master, propping himself up on an elbow as he worked his skilled footpaws, stroking and teasing his master exactly the way he knew the snow leopard liked. He could feel a little pre soaking through his sock and increased his pace, making sure to watch Ash closely for just the right moment. He curled his toes around the head of Ash's cock, giving a squeeze along with the rapid stroking, moving his footpaws quicker as he watched his master biting his lip.

With his sock now soaked in the slick pre of his master he held it tight just under the head of Ash's cock, his toes gripping the slick shaft and pumping furiously. He felt the thick pole twitch in his grasp and watched as his master gripped the arm of the sofa, a jet of cum spraying up and landing on the snow leopard's shirt, subsequent shots being trapped neatly between Andy's footpaws, letting his master finish his orgasm between his toes before he could relax his legs, letting them lay across Ash's thighs as he purred softly, smiling over at him. "I gave you a surprise, so if you wanted to return the favor..."

Coming down from his climax, Ash raised an eyebrow as he looked over at his pet. "Sneaky girl, exploiting master's weakness like that. But I suppose you have earned something for yourself." Looking down at the rapidly cooling puddle on his belly he frowned slightly before peeling off his shirt and tossing it aside. Catching hold of one of Andy's ankles he brought it up to his shoulder, nuzzling into the side of his calf as he slowly pulled the long sock off. With a purr he pressed his nose into the soft pads of his kitten's footpaw, giving a long, tender lick across his pawpads. His goal lay elsewhere though, and with his foot fetish satisfied for the moment he turned to kneel between Andy's legs, letting them lay to either side of his waist as he leaned down, hooking his fingers into the waist of the skimpy pair of panties his kitten wore and hurriedly pulling them off.

Andy shifted slightly as his master moved him around as he liked, used to the older feline's often and welcome manhandling. He was just about to bring up his birthday surprise again but his words died on his lips as Ash wrapped his own around Andy's cock, reaching his paws back to cup his pet's buttocks from behind, holding him in place. "Ooh, Master..." he trailed off, unable to think of anything to say while Ash's warm, wet tongue swirled around his penis as if it were a lollipop, teasing it as it grew thicker and longer.

The moment didn't last long though. Without warning Ash opened his maw and left Andy's stiff shaft, slick and shiny with his master's saliva, wobbling in the cool air. He smiled softly at the soft whimper from his pet, resting his cheek on a cream colored thigh. "Relax kitten, I'm not done yet." With that he leaned in and licked lightly over Andy's testicle, bathing the soft skin with eager strokes of his tongue, moving a paw from Andy's ass to his cock in order to tease it with feather soft touches, feeling it throbbing with need. Ash purred as he coaxed a shining drop of pre from his kitten's member, watching it slowly ooze along the underside and towards the balls he was currently lavishing with attention.

Andy shifted in his seat and moaned as his master ever so gently took one of his testes into his mouth, rolling the sensitive organ around on his tongue, squeezing it lightly against the roof of his mouth. His cock throbbed again, another bead of pre following the shining trail left behind by the first to be collected by Ash's finger and spread along his shaft. "Master...I'm so close..." He knew his master liked to be warned, the snow leopard opting to play with his kitten's cum as often as drink it. Wordlessly Ash stopped teasing his pet's cock and wrapped a pre slickened paw firmly around it, beginning to stroke with confidence as he let Andy's testicle slip from his maw, capturing the head of his pet's cock between his lips, letting his tongue swirl around it eagerly. Just as he felt his pet's cock throbbing, so close to climax he let go and slid away, leaving Andy just on the edge but not allowing him to finish.

Sitting back up he tugged his pet's legs back over his lap, giving a gentle pat to his calf. "Sneaky pet trying to bribe master into giving away the surprise. You can just wait til tomorrow for your climax and your surprise now."

(You're not just gonna let me get away with that are you? Of course not! It's time for Revenge of the Petski, but how? To ambush me later in the kitchen, read on. For a more nocturnal approach, skip ahead to Bed Bondage.)

A few hours after his close encounter with his climax, Andy sat in his favorite plush leather chair plotting. He could hear the occasional clink and scrape coming from the kitchen as Ash fixed their dinner. He'd been so close to a much needed orgasm, but his master just wouldn't let him have it. But he knew just what to do. After taking a peek into the kitchen to make sure his master was good and distracted he snuck off to the bedroom, returning moments later carrying a black duffel bag. The 'Duffel Bag o' Mystery' as his master liked to call it was usually filled with various toys and ropes to be used on him during their kinkier times, but now he'd stocked it with just what he needed for revenge.

Moving in that quiet, stealthy way only cats could manage he made his way across the tile floor of their kitchen and stood behind Ash, waiting til the snow leopard finished slicing the celery and set the knife down before he sprang into attack. Moving quickly he took hold of the waistband of Ash's pajama pants and tugged them down, one arm going around his waist to hold him in place as he poised the tip of a rather thick dildo, already coated with a liberal helping of lube against his tailhole. He'd taken the toy plenty of times himself, but it wasn't often his master's rear took anything larger than a finger during a blowjob. He pressed upward with the toy just enough to make sure Ash could tell just which one it was.

"Slowly now, _master,"_as he said it he pressed just a little more with the dildo. Ash might be his master, but he was making it quite clear he was in charge at the moment. "Step out of the pants...that's it. Now, raise your left leg nice and high for me." Reaching down into the duffel bag he pulled out a long latex boot, the end of which was far smaller than Ash's foot, and had a distinctive U shape at the sole.

The snow leopard recognized it at once and tilted his leg slightly, keeping his foot angled so Andy could secure the hoof boot to his leg. Another fetish they both shared, they indulged themselves with a rather elaborate pony play kit one Christmas. With a set of boots, gloves mask and inflatable tail plug this wasn't the first time Ash had been turned into a rather shiny pony, though he still wouldn't allow Andy to paint a cutie mark on his rump. He'd been caught off guard at the sudden forcefulness of his pet, but certainly wasn't going to start complaining now. He moved as he was ordered, wobbling unsteadily on his hoof as he lifted his other leg and stumbling backwards with a groan. A few inches of the dildo sliding up into his tail before he'd caught himself, earning a quick apology from his pet and a pat to his rear as the toy was withdrawn. As drawn into their play as they would get, they were always careful. That bond of trust so important, especially when you found yourself dangling suspended from the ceiling with your paws tied together and a ball gag in your mouth as Andy often did.

With his master's footpaws now successfully converted to hoofs, he brought Ash's paws back to slip into the matching mitts, preventing him from using his fingers for anything until Andy finally decided to let him go. He stepped back after a moment, leaving his master standing there as he looked him over appraisingly. "Hmmm, it seems I've forgotten something. Do you know what it could be, horsey?" He waited til Ash just started to speak then used the dildo as a riding crop, the rubber phallus smacking loudly against the snow leopard's rump. "Horses don't talk, you're not Mr. Ed. To help you remember that..." Walking behind his pony master, Andy rummaged through the duffel bag, making sure to take his time just to tease like Ash did so often to him. Walking up behind his master, he reached around slipped a leather wrapped bit into his maw, buckling it securely behind his head.

"Oh, I remember now. Where would a magnificent stallion be without his glorious tail?" Bringing a paw from behind his back, Andy held it up infront of his master. He held in his paw a short, squat looking orange carrot, a long stream of black hair flowing from the top. He grinned slightly as he watched Ash's eyes widen at the sight. Hidden in the horse tail was a small bulb which let the toy inflate once it was securely inserted into the pony's rear. "I bet you wish you let me cum now, hmm master?" Andy purred mischievously in Ash's ear as he pressed a lube coated finger against his tailhole. "I was soooo close, just a little more tongue and you would have had a yummy treat. But you just had to be mean to me." He teased his fingertip in a slow circle against his master's tailhole, pressing just a little harder with each circuit til that ring of muscle finally gave way, letting his finger sink in. "Luckily, I'm going to give you a chance to make it up to me. I'm going to cum tonight, and you're going to be a good horsey and help me, aren't you?" He chuckled softly as Ash gave a large nod of his head, playing along with his role. As he slipped another finger into his master's tail he laid his free paw on Ash's tummy, sliding ever so slowly down to find his cock already hard. "Oh my, such an excited horsey. That's good, we're gonna need this." He gave his master's member a firm squeeze, eliciting a low groan from the snow leopard.

Letting Ash's cock hang free, he returned his attention to the other end of his master, three fingers now stretching his well lubed tailhole. "You've been a good horsey so far, I suppose you deserve your treat. A nice, juicy carrot..." With the tail buttplug covered in lube he eased it slowly into his master's ass, watching Ash's eyes close and purring as he heard that soft moan, knowing just how much he loved it, even if he would never admit it. He gave a soft kiss to his master's shoulder then strode confidently in front of him, taking hold of the reigns dangling down his chest and leading him off to the living room. "I wanna see those knees come up nice and high horsey, trot for me."

Andy moved slowly, letting Ash adjust to walking in the hooves for a while as they walked around the living room, pausing every so often to swat that silver furred rump and correct his posture, just relishing teasing his master for a change. After their second lap he paused behind the sofa and placed his paws on the back of it as he bent over. Turning to look over his shoulder, he made sure he had his master's full attention as he raised his tail and so slowly pressed a lube covered finger to his own tailhole, slipping it in and out, grinning as he watched Ash's eyes follow every subtle movement, the snow leopard's member rock hard and twitching. "Oh, master..." He breathed, intending to draw out his teasing as much as possible. "I need you to fuck me. I need your cock deep inside me!" With an extra finger in his tail, he spread himself nice and wide, just watching as his master practically drooled over the sight.

Turning around slowly, he walked up to Ash and laid his paws on the snow leopard's hips. "Here's the deal horsey. You get to fuck me and make me cum. If you make me finish first, I'll let you make a nice, creamy mess of my ass. But if you cum first..." Reaching back, Andy found the bulb hiding within the horse tail and gave a little squeeze, the toy hidden inside his master's rear swelling just a bit. Trailing a finger slowly down Ash's chest he turned and leaned over the back of the sofa, his tail laying across his back as he gazed at his pony master. "Whenever you're ready."

Ash could barely contain himself. It was all he could do to just stand there as he watched his kitten finger that wonderfully tight tail he loved to be inside. He was already fired up, but he'd have to be careful. The last thing he wanted was that buttplug getting too much bigger. He lunged at the invitation, setting his mitt covered paws on Andy's back as he stepped in close. With a deep groan through his bit his cock found home, sliding in with one smooth stroke to the hilt within his kitten. He'd have to go slow, build them both up. Not that Andy was making it easy for him, the devious kitten flexing his tailhole in all the right places.

He kept his thrusting as smooth and even as he could, practically withdrawing his full length with every stroke and driving himself in to the hilt roughly, speeding up as he heard the appreciative moans of the kitten below him. Pre began to mix with the lube coating the velvety walls of his kitten's tight ass as he drove himself into the younger male more roughly now. He gave a very un-horse like growl as he leaned heavily over his pet, feeling every inch of his throbbing manhood being squeezed within the amazingly hot body beneath him.

Andy squeezed the sofa firmly as he felt his master move into position above him. He'd enjoyed his teasing, but he knew he'd be paying for it now. As he felt his master's cock poised at his tailhole he took a deep breath, bracing himself for what was sure to come. As he instead felt his slick but still perfectly tight ass part to welcome his master in he couldn't help but give a soft, contented purr. Crossing his arms over the back of the couch he raised his rear to press it snuggly up against Ash's hips as he thrust, that thick snow leopard cock caressing his insides in all the right ways. With his paw still covered in lube he reached down to stroke himself slowly, the ever quickening thrusts against his prostate helping speed him along towards what was sure to be an explosive climax. He clamped down each time his master's cock hit just the right spot, not wanting him to take it away.

Ash let his muzzle lay between his pet's shoulders, panting into his fur as he plunged himself deeply again and again into Andy, feeling his orgasm growing rapidly and knowing there was nothing he could do for it. Each thrust came with a soft squishing sound, the combined lube and pre now leaking from his pet's well fucked tailhole and coating his balls as they swung beneath him. He shoved himself hard into Andy's ass, holding still as he tried to back away from the edge of climax, so very close to blowing his load at any moment. Feeling a sudden tight squeeze around his shaft was all it took, his toes curling within their latex boots as he shuddered against his kitten, thick, warm bursts of cum flooding Andy's bowels, thoroughly painting his insides with his seed.

Andy bit his lip as he worked his paw faster and faster, his back arching slightly as he thrust so eagerly between the thick cock of his master and down into his own paw, drops of his own pre splattering across his toes. Even as his mind clouded with the over stimulation he was receiving he found himself thinking "I should make him lick those clean when we're done." He was so close, feeling himself start to swell in his own paw. He just needed a little more, one good thrust. As he felt the snow leopard slam himself so roughly into his tail he let out a howl of pleasure, that jab to his prostate just what he needed to push him over the edge. His tailhole clamped down reflexively as he came, jets of his jizz covering his footpaws as he stood bent over by his master, groaning as he came so strongly around his own now spurting cock.

Breathing heavily he wiggled his hips just slightly, waiting for Ash to finish filling his tail before he gently pat him on the arm, giving a meaningful little hump backwards. He shuddered as his master slid his spent cock free, standing up slowly and taking a moment to catch his breath before looking over at the snow leopard, laying a paw on his bare chest. "That was a tie, so I'll only have to give you a half punishment." With a little smirk he hopped up to sit on the back of the couch, holding out a cum covered foot towards Ash and looking up at him expectantly, his toes stuck together with a string of cum wiggling slightly.

Ash nuzzled gently into his pets back in his post orgasmic bliss, a deep purr rumbling in his chest. He was only vaguely aware of the tapping and gasped softly as his cock slid free of his kitten's ass, watching with a grin the slim river of cum leaking down his legs. He raised an eyebrow slightly at the mention of a punishment, about to protest as Andy presented him with one of his favorite things. He knelt obediently, tilting his head to help undo the bit in his maw before turning his attention to the creamy toes just an inch from his nose. He let his tongue move slowly over those soft, pink pads before taking one toe at a time into his maw, cleaning every bit of cum off them before moving on to the other foot.

Once he was satisfied his footpaws were appropriately jizz free, Andy stroked one lovingly over his master's cheek before standing and helping him out of the pony mitts and boots. He left the toy purposefully for last, taking one last chance to tease Ash and give the bulb one last squeeze before letting it deflate and easing it gently from his ass. He gasped and giggled softly as he felt his master's arms wrap around his middle and lift him up into a strong hug he happily returned, his arms draped over Ash's shoulders as their foreheads pressed together.

"You're so lucky you're cute. Not a lot of masters out there would just let their pet get away with such behavior, ya know." Ash said, with a soft nip to his kitten's nose.

"Yeah, it gets me out of quite a bit, doesn't it?" Andy beamed then tugged on Ash's hip to spin him around, aiming him towards the kitchen. "Now, I believe you were in the middle of something before I interrupted."

They cuddled for a while on the sofa after dinner, exchanging caresses and kisses as the mood took them. As the last of their shows finished Ash yawned and stood, holding out a paw which Andy took happily, following his master to the bedroom. As they crawled under the covers, the younger feline curled up and nestled snuggly against his snow leopard tilted his head just slightly, looking up into Ash's eyes.

"So, about my surprise..."

(Skip ahead here to The Surprise)

(Bed Bondage)

Andy stayed quiet most of the day, snuggling only halfheartedly with his master as they both sat on the sofa, catching up on the tv shows they liked. Ash frowned slightly, laying a paw gently on Andy cheek, petting him softly. "You okay, kitten? Don't seem quite yourself."

Andy gave a small nod, nuzzling into the feel of Ash's paw on his cheek. "I'm fine master, just kinda tired. Do you mind if we turn in early tonight?" He took hold of his master's paw as he stood, waiting impatiently as his master turned the tv off then climbed to his feet, giving a little squeeze to Andy's paw as they padded off towards the bedroom. He stopped by the foot of the bed and snagged his master by a finger in the back of his pants. "It's so warm tonight master, I think we can get rid of these." He said with a soft purr, his paws sliding under Ash's shirt and lifting it up and off. The pants came next, leaving the snow leopard standing naked for just long enough for him to strip his own clothes off and crawl onto the bed, the both of them sliding beneath the sheets together.

Andy still hadn't forgotten about the teasing from his master earlier, bringing him so, so close to orgasm then just taking it away but still continuing to tease him through the day. He'd been quiet and played the role of the good pet, all the while silently plotting his revenge. And now he lay in his master's arms, quietly listening to his breathing grow slow and steady. Turning over slightly he gave a gentle prod to Ash's chest then a push, the snow leopard rolling over onto his back but still asleep, causing Andy to grin.

He slid quietly off the bed and made his way to the closet. With the both of them so much into bondage play there was no shortage of various ropes and straps for one of them to be tied down. And tonight, that wouldn't be him. Sliding the lid off a box filled with the soft, velvety ropes he'd bought for them last Christmas he let them drape over his shoulder as he returned to the bed, crawling over the sleeping snow leopard and tying his paws off to the bed, one arm stretched out towards either corner. He laid silk scarf over Ash's eyes next, tying it off behind his head. Sitting straddling his master's chest, Andy took a moment to admire his handiwork, making sure his knots were good and tight before tickling his master's ribs to wake him up. "Time to wake up, master!"

The snow leopard grumbled at the tickling, trying to roll over but feeling something pressing down on his chest. "Ngh, masta's sleepin'. G'way." As the tickling persisted though he pulled on his arms, trying to fold them over his chest and finding he couldn't. He opened his eyes to see what was going on and saw only darkness, vaguely aware of the feel of the soft fabric around his head. Pulling a little more on his arms he could feel the soft ropes around his wrists, making him sigh softly. "Very funny, petski. You wanna let me go now?"

Andy just grinned wider and laid his paws on Ash's chest, his fingertips drumming softly. "Nope!" He announced in a sing-song voice. "Master's in biiig trouble! You wouldn't like it if I just gave you blue balls and scarpered, would you?" He laid a teasing finger on his master's nose, smearing it with a little of the precum already beading on the tip of his cock. "So I'm sure you won't mind helping me out a little now." Not giving Ash time to protest, he crawled up a little more on the bed and laid his paws on the headboard, his tail curling gently around Ash's neck as he lowered his hips, his sac laying over his nose.

Though still half asleep the familiar scent of his pet's pre filling his nostrils roused him quickly. He gave a little growl up at Andy, not used to being the one tied down and ordered around. Not that he could be too upset, he'd expected some sort of retaliation all day from his unusually quiet pet, and this was certainly one of the more pleasurable outcomes. Feeling Andy straddle his muzzle he knew just what his kitten wanted and was happy to oblige, his warm tongue reaching out and lapping softly along that tight tailhole hovering just inches above his tongue. With his nose buried in his kitten's balls every musk filled breath spurred him on, his erection responding rapidly. But with his paws tied all he could do was just what his kitten wanted, curling his tongue and letting it slip up into Andy's ass as far as he could reach.

Andy purred blissfully as he knelt over his master's face, stroking himself slowly with a paw, his hips wiggling slightly around that wildly wriggling tongue working under his tail. He lowered himself a bit more, eager to take in just as much of his master's tongue as he could. He held himself there for a few wonderful moments, letting his master lap along his insides as he stroked himself quickly, pre dribbling down on Ash's forehead. He had to stop himself after a bit, having very different plans for his orgasm. Pulling himself from Ash's tongue he slid back just a little, reaching down to lay a paw on his master's cheek tenderly just before sliding his cock straight into his maw.

Ash tilted his head as much as he could as he tongue bathed his pet's insides, knowing just how much Andy enjoyed a good rim job. He paused momentarily as he felt something dripping on his forehead. Finally realizing what it was he chuckled softly and resumed tonguing his pet, using his tongue just as he would his cock, sliding in and out slowly of that tight ring of muscle. Feeling Andy pull away and reposition himself he simply laid there, just nuzzling against the paw on his cheek. As he felt the cock fill his maw he opened wide to keep his teeth out of the way, curling his tongue around Andy's length as he closed his lips snuggly around it, letting his pet fuck his muzzle and providing as much stimulation as he could. Every time Andy's cock slid in, he'd embrace it with his tongue, sucking hard as it slid away again.

Pressing his paws into the mattress just above Ash's shoulders, Andy thrust eagerly into his maw, his eyes closed as he enjoyed that talented tongue milking him of pre. He held himself nice and deep in his master's maw for a long moment before slowly pulling back, smirking as he gave a little slap at Ash's cheek with his cock before feeding it to him again. He let his master thoroughly coat his cock in saliva then withdrew, making his way to the foot of the bed. Taking hold of the snow leopard's ankles he brought his legs up and pressed gently, pressing his knees towards his chest and bringing his ass up. Holding his cock by the base, he teased the pre and saliva soaked tip of his cock along Ash's tailhole. With a soft purr he gave a slow lick along his master's foot, starting at the heel and waiting til he reached those splayed toes before rolling his hips forward and sinking a few inches of himself into the bound snow leopard.

Ash gave a playful growl at the slap to his cheek, sticking his tongue out at his pet. There wasn't much he could do now, bound and blindfolded as he was, but he'd have to make sure to remind Andy just who was the pet when he got a chance. As his muzzle filled with pet cock again he suckled strongly around it, a deep purr making his tongue vibrate. As Andy pulled away he laid his head back to the pillows, awaiting whatever his kitten had in mind next. He expected some of his favorite toys to make an appearance, the nipple clamps or an ice cube or two. But as he felt his legs lifted he just grinned. It'd been quite a while since he'd been taken, and he certainly had no objections. At the lick to his foot he wiggled his toes slightly, giving a sharp gasp as his tail was suddenly filled, clamping down tightly on the invading member.

Andy kept hold of his master's calf, hugging it to his chest as he lapped along those footpads, knowing just how much Ash loved it. Pressing his hips flush with his master's ass he held himself there, wanting nothing more than to thrust hard and fast, but letting his master have a little time to adjust before pulling slowly away. Closing his eyes, his thrusts moved slowly from tip to base, letting Ash feel every inch of his cock sliding out before guiding them right back in. With every thrust he gave another lick to his master's twitching footpaw, lavishing those soft black pads with affection, watching the snow leopard's cock drip pre onto his belly.

It had been quite a while since Ash let himself be fucked, those slow, teasing thrusts stretching him out nicely and making him squeeze down around each one. Feeling the constant licking to his footpaw he pressed his toes a little more towards his pet's tongue, his maw hanging slightly open as he gave a low moan that turned into a gasp as his cock was suddenly squeezed. He shuddered, not sure anymore how to move. As Andy's cock slid free from his tail, his has squeezed down, and stroking as he slid into his tail. He could feel his pet's pre pooling in his ass, making each thrust a little smoother and his own coating Andy's fingers, smearing along his shaft.

"Master feels good getting fucked, hmm? I bet you wanna cum all over my paw, don't you?" Andy grinned as he sped his paw up, pumping rapidly along his masters heavily leaking cock, his own now shoving strongly into that tailhole filled with his slick precum. He wanted to tease his master more, maybe make him beg a little but all that tongue play had really worked him up, he could feel his orgasm growing quickly. Hugging Ash's legs tightly to his chest he took his master's toes into his maw and moaned loudly around them. He stiffened as his back arched, his cock swelling and pumping all his pent up cum straight into his master, filling the snow leopard quickly and feeling his cum leak back out and over his balls as he leaned down over his master, panting against his footpaw.

"Don't be mean kitten, let your master cum!" Ash moaned his words, concentrating far more on the over abundance of pleasure flooding his senses. With his pet's last few thrusts hitting just the right spot inside him he bucked up into the slick paw, feeling himself so close to cumming. Suddenly he could feel the warmth spread inside him as his pet finished, cum spraying across his prostate causing him to shoot his own straight into Andy's paw, quite a bit splashing across his belly. He jerked his hips til the end, a last thick bead of cum oozing down his cock as he lay limply on the bed, wiggling his toes slightly against his pet's nose.

Resting his chin on his master's footpaw, Andy smiled softly down at the jizz covered snow leopard below him then placed a soft kiss to his toe before lowering his legs back to the bed. Pulling himself free from Ash's well fucked and filled tailhole he crawled up to lay beside him, reaching to untie his master's paws and blindfold and toss them aside, lifting his muzzle to look into Ash's golden eyes with a little grin. "You're not too mad at me, right?"

Ash brought his arms down slowly as they were untied, flexing them a little to help work the circulation back into them before wrapping them around his kitten's shoulders and pull him close, feeling his now cold cum being smeared between their chests. "Oh, I'm sure you'll think of something to make it up to me." He pressed his nose to his pet's for a second then kissed him with a soft purr. "Now get some sleep. You've got a very interesting day tomorrow."

(Skip ahead here to The Surprise)

(Naughty Kitty)

Andy grumbled softly to himself, watching Ash pull the headset back over his ears and once again get absorbed into his game, apparently trying to kill some large spider monster with some of his friends. He considered for a moment heading out to the living room like he was told, but there weren't any movies he felt like watching. There was something else he had in mind for tonight's entertainment.

Still behind Ash's chair he took a quick moment to strip himself of the thigh length skirt and the almost-too-small panties, leaving himself in just the long striped socks he knew the snow leopard loved so much then slid himself onto the armrest beside his master, casually letting his legs drape over Ash's lap, a footpaw pressed firmly between his legs, smiling at the gasp he earned.

He made sure to stay just barely out of the way, letting Ash see the television even if he would have to lean a bit for it. While his master continued his gaming, chatter with his friends now occasionally interspersed with a suppressed gasp, Andy simply went about his own fun. Trailing a paw slowly from his unoccupied footpaw and up along his leg he brought it to his already stiff member, collecting a shiny bead of pre on his finger then holding it up infront of his master's lips, grinning at the feel of the tongue swirling over his fingertip.

Andy worked his toes eagerly into the rapidly swelling bulge between his master's legs, feeling his cock growing and doing his best to help it along. Leaning lightly against Ash's shoulder he made a show of gently playing with his own stiff prick, pausing to show off the flesh glistening with his slick pre every time he caught his master's gaze dropping from the game, which was becoming more and more often. With his paw slickened with his own pre he gave a low, lusty purr right next to Ash's uncovered ear as he slid that paw down the front of the snow leopard's pajamas, giving his rod a good squeeze.

Ash stiffened noticeably at the clutching of his cock, so entranced by the teasing of his pet he let himself get killed yet again. Muttering something of an apology to his friends and restarting again, he looked up at the kitten perched on his shoulder, waggling a warning finger at him for a second before trying to go back to his game. Andy, taking this as a challenge, redoubled his efforts with Ash's cock, now giving a lick along the side of his neck as he stroked his master, feeling his pre mixing with his own along his fingers.

As the screen flashed red with yet another death, Andy grinned, lightly flicking his tongue over Ash's ear. "Master seems distracted by something...eep!" The snow leopard stood quickly, one arm tight around Andy's waist to keep him from spilling to the floor. Hooking a finger into one of the silver D-rings hanging from the collar around his pet's neck he pulled him close so they were nose to nose, growling softly. "Bed. Now."

Doing his best to look appropriately chagrined, Andy turned away only to let out a yelp as his ass was slapped, pouting slightly as he looked back over his shoulder at a grinning snow leopard. He scooped up his discarded clothing before jogging into their bedroom. Against the far wall stood their bed, a large four-poster affair, each post having a sturdy hook screwed into it. Between his master's fetish for bondage and his own love for being tied up, it was a rare night that he wasn't bound in some fashion to the bed. He knelt in front of the bed on a large cushion kept their for just that purpose, knowing master didn't let bad pets up on the furniture.

He didn't have long to wait. Just moments after kneeling Ash strode into the room and closed the door behind himself, the lock making an audible click. There was no need to lock the door, there was nobody else to walk in on them, but it also meant his kitten couldn't get out, just another layer of their game. Walking over to the bed, Ash let himself drop onto their custom ordered velcro sheets. The soft fabric perfectly comfortable for sleeping, but provided infinite ways for him to use the set of straps it came with to pin down a naughty kitty.

He laid a paw lightly atop Andy's head, his fingers curling through the blonde hair as he tilted his head back slightly, doing his best to keep up the stern facade as he stared down at his pet. "Disobeyed a direct order, played with yourself without permission, and got me killed multiple times. You're in big trouble tonight. I might just have to break out the duffel bag." Andy bit at his lip to hide his smile, trying to play along. The "Duffel Bag o' Mystery" contained most of his favorite things, various toys, plugs, gags, there seemed to be something different in it each time it was opened.

As his hair was released he let his head droop and stared down at the floor like the chastised kitten he was. As Ash stood and walked to the closet, he turned his head just slightly, watching as Ash rooted around the small, dark room, making a few clinking noises occasionally. After a moment he held a small, black bag in one paw and a pair of long, white pipes in the other, each about as long as he was tall.

Ash laid the pipes on the floor and Andy could see a panel of black latex stretched between them. Lifting one of the pipes opened the setup like a book, a sheet of latex laying along the floor, the other held aloft. Ash snapped his fingers and pointed at the sheet laying on the floor, looking over at his pet. "Lay down girl, your punishment starts now."

He waited til the younger feline was situated across the latex sheet before laying the other one over him, taking care to line up a hole crafted into the material to let just his muzzle slip through. Reaching under he took Andy's paws and laid them flat against his sides before giving a little pat to his now latex covered belly. "I hope you enjoyed getting to move around as you liked, you'll not be doing that for quite a while." He took a moment to make sure his pet's muzzle was clear and free before he sealed the latex bag, letting him lay there on the floor as he stepped away.

With his eyes closed, not that having them open would do much good, Andy lay quietly in his latex cocoon, rather excited at the unexpected turn of events. He'd expected a spanking, maybe his paws tied to the bed, but this was turning out nicely. He whimpered softly as he heard his master walk away, surely this wouldn't be the end of it. Being bound and completely helpless was one of his biggest turn ons, but he wouldn't just spend the night like this, would he?

Just as he was about to speak up he heard Ash returning and the sound of plastic snapping together somewhere near his head, then the sound of the vacuum. As it roared to life he felt the latex restricting, growing tighter and tighter around him. He tried to move his arm, wiggle his fingers, but the thick sheet of latex pressed snuggly against him, keeping him perfectly immobile. He heard the sound of the snapping plastic again then silence. He felt the latex shift slightly to his left and heard Ash's voice so close to his ear, a hint of concern in his voice. "You're okay in there, right? Say something." He loved his master for this, no matter what the devious snow leopard would come up with to do to him, he knew his safety was always his first concern. "All good, master." He felt a soft pat to the top of his head then heard the squeak of their bedsprings.

Ash had disrobed quickly and now sat on their bed, grinning down at the outline of his bound pet. Extending his leg he set his footpaw lightly over Andy's exposed muzzle, purring softly at the feel of his pet's warm tongue playing over his pawpads, his toes squeezing playfully at his nose. Bringing a paw to his erect cock he stroked himself idly as he enjoyed the affections lavished over his toes for a moment, his foot fetish tied with his love of seeing his kitten bound and helpless before him.

He took his footpaw away after a moment, watching Andy's tongue lapping at the air a little as if searching for it before disappearing back into his maw. Setting the duffle bag on the floor he pulled the zipper slowly, moving it close to make sure Andy could hear it open. "Alright pretty boy, you've got an important choice here. I hold in my paw the Coin o' Fate. Will it be heads or tails?" With that he flicked his thumb under the silver rim, sending the coin flipping end over end in the air.

(You get to make another choice here, lucky you! You're pretty much helpless at this point, but this coin flip decides your fate. So what will it be? For heads, continue reading. For tails, skip ahead to Tails.)

Andy hesitated for a moment. He knew that depending on what side the coin landed on that's how his master would take him. If he happened to guess correctly he'd get to cum too. But if he was wrong, that's when Ash brought out the chastity cage. A steel device he'd bought just to tease his pet, sometimes keeping him locked in it for days, still taking full advantage of Andy's tail or maw as he pleased. "Don't worry boy," Ash had said the first time he locked his kitten up in the cage, making sure it was just tight enough to work properly without hurting. "I know you can't cum tonight, so I'll be sure to make extra to cover for you."

He knew he had to answer quickly, if he waited too long he'd lose by default. And he'd already been teased so much tonight, the last thing he wanted was to be unable to touch himself. He blurted out "Heads!" just before hearing the coin clink off one of the pipes laying beside him. He waited anxiously as he felt Ash move beside him, kneeling down to retrieve the coin, a hint of disappointment in his voice as he spoke. "Hmmm, lucky guess."

He felt the snow leopard move around a bit more then a pressure on his chest, feeling Ash's knees right beside either of his shoulders. Knowing he was being straddled, Andy opened his maw obediently, lightly licking over his lips in anticipation. A paw caressed his cheek before he felt it, the familiar head of Ash's cock laying against his lip. He slid his tongue out to greet it then stopped, giving another exploratory lick at it. "Strawberry?"

Ash smirked as he watched the bound feline lapping over his syrup covered penis. "I just thought you might like a little treat. Now shhh, be a good girl and enjoy it." Through the latex he idly stroked Andy's cheek as he rolled his hips towards the younger male's maw, his flavored cock slipping slowly over Andy's tongue. He held himself there and simply let his pet work, his thumb stroking encouragingly over the latex covered cheek, enjoying the hot, sucking muzzle wrapped around him.

Andy purred as he held his tongue firmly against the underside of his master's member, letting his tongue vibrate right against it. With his head securely bound in latex he couldn't move his maw as he would have liked along the strawberry flavored length, instead having to use his tongue all the more to make up for it. He felt his master shift slightly then start to thrust gently, feeding him his shaft, now dripping with precum. They continued along like this for a few moments, the kitten sucking in his cheeks and doing his best to lap over every last bit of his master's cock before it withdrew, leaving Andy to whine softly.

He felt another soft pat to his cheek then Ash moving around above him, his master's paws fumbling around near his sheath, his own cock straining against the latex to escape. He felt the latex part suddenly and his prick spring free through a hole only just big enough for it. Just as he'd come to enjoy the relief of his manhood being freed he gasped as a much more pleasurable feeling took over, a moist warmth engulfing his cock. His master moved eagerly, treating Andy's penis as if it were a straw and he was desperate for a drink. He'd started to give a soft moan before feeling Ash's cock once again upon his lips, leaving them coated in a thin layer of pre. He opened his maw wide then closed it tightly, eagerly returning the fervor of his master's efforts.

With his head unrestricted, Ash was able to bob his muzzle along his pet's length, his nose pressed right up against the latex on the downstrokes, letting Andy reach into his throat and swallow around him every so often. His tongue moved in rapid circles, noisily lapping over Andy's cock, collecting every bit of pre as soon as it was offered. His hips moved quickly now as he felt himself drawing closer to climax, his member swelling as he let it pump deeply into his pet's maw.

Andy struggled against his latex prison. He was so close to his finish, wanting nothing more than to thrust himself up into his master's maw. Almost as if Ash could read his mind he chose that moment to take him in deeply and that was all Andy needed. With a moan muffled by the cock still leaking pre copiously in his mouth his own erupted in his master's maw, leaving Ash's tongue coated in his pet's seed. He swallowed every bit eagerly just as his own climax hit. Raising his hips slightly so as not to drown his pet he shuddered strongly as he unloaded a thick muzzlefull of cum into Andy's maw, shivering as he felt him swallow it down around his over-sensitive cock.

Ash remained inside his cum filled kitten for a moment, simply enjoying the afterglow of a well earned climax before slowly pulling free. He stroked a paw gently along Andy's body through the latex as he leaned in close, gently pressing their noses together as he purred, the love and affection he felt for his pet more than evident. He gave a soft kiss to Andy's cheek then stepped away, leaving him panting softly in his latex prison. Lifting one of the plastic pipes broke the vacuum seal and let him free his kitten, hooking an arm around his waist before walking to the bed. After crawling over onto his side, he pulled Andy down beside him, his arms staying tight around the kitten, snuggling him close, his lips brushing softly over his ear. "I love you, kitten. Now get some sleep, you finally get your surprise tomorrow."

(Skip ahead here to The Surprise)


Andy gave a small whimper. He knew he only had an instant to choose. No matter what he said, the coin would decide how his master would use him. Only if he guessed correctly would Ash let him cum. There had even been a while where Ash had swapped the coin for a double headed one, Andy only catching on after the coin had landed on his lap and he'd gotten a look at it. He'd gotten Ash back for that later, serving his master a bowl of ice cream after dinner one night and only letting him know after he'd finished that he'd covered it in quite a bit of his cum. He'd earned himself a spanking, but those hadn't been a punishment for quite some time.

He shouted out "Tails!" then heard the coin land against the latex sheet right beside his ear. He felt his master kneel beside him and then a paw on the top of his head, patting gently. Andy knew what that meant and gave a deep sigh, relaxing as much as he could with his body still bound in latex.

"Lucky kitten! Master's gonna fuck that nice, tight tail of yours and you even get to cum too." Ash smiled softly then stood, reaching up over the bed. A pair of steel hooks were screwed into the ceiling for them to use with their swing or various other bits of kit they kept in the closet. Now Ash looped a length of chain over them then clipped it to the sides of the frame holding Andy bound in his latex. As he pulled on the chain the frame rose, now hanging a few inches off the floor and leaving Andy swinging slightly, suspended helplessly. He walked up behind his pet and trailed a finger down his spine, sliding along the smooth latex til he came to a small panel positioned just beneath the lump of Andy's tail and slid down a zipper, leaving a hole in the latex right over his kiten's tailhole.

Andy blushed as he heard his master, smiling up at him even if he couldn't see him. He heard the soft clinking sounds above him, not sure what was going on til he felt himself rising slowly, the latex squeezing a bit tighter around him now that his weight pressed down on it. He couldn't help but purr happily as he swung slightly, shivering at the feel of his masters teasing finger running over his back then the latex loosening just slightly over his ass as the zipper was opened. He gasped as he felt something warm and wet suddenly slide between his cheeks and press right up against his tailhole. His toes curled slightly, his movements still restricted and he purred appreciatively. He knew the feel of his master's tongue, and with it now squirming and wiggling it's way inside him he felt his sheath stiffening quickly, his cock growing out and being squeezed between his belly and the latex.

Ash sat on the edge of the bed and held the frame for his pet's bondage, holding him close as he buried his muzzle up under his pet's tail. He worked his tongue eagerly along Andy's tailhole, letting it slip inside only briefly before pulling away and lapping quickly over his pet's tight little pucker. He kept up this pattern for a while, his tongue pushing in a little further each time til he had it wedged fully inside him. This sort of thing he knew would drive his pet wild and that was exactly what he wanted. He flicked the tip of his tongue wildly over the slick and slightly stretched tailhole of his kitten then finally pushed his pet aside, letting him swing freely.

Standing behind the kitten bound in latex, Ash smirked as he watched that outline squirm ever so slightly and reached out to stroke it, his fingers sliding slightly down the smooth latex and tracing over the bulge between Andy's legs, giving a soft squeeze. He leaned in close, his muzzle laying right along with his pet's as he whispered softly. "My kitten is gonna make such a mess trapped in here..." And with that he grabbed the edge of the frame and spun it around, holding his pet still as he pressed his stiff erection right up against that carefully crafted hole in the latex, feeling the warmth of those soft furred cheeks squeezing around him.

Andy purred softly as he felt his master's cheek against his own, flicking out his tongue to find his master's ear. As he felt himself spun around he strained a little more at the latex holding him trapped, his fingers pressing against it as his cock strained against the material pinned to him. He gave a sharp gasp at the pressure to his tailhole, trying to press himself back towards it. He knew how much his master loved to tease, and with him unable to move it'd be just like Ash to take full advantage of the situation. And true to form he felt his master's cock prod and pull away from him repeatedly, stretching him a little more each time til at last he felt it pressing incessantly harder and harder against his tail til it finally sunk home, sliding in to the hilt all at once.

Almost as soon as he'd let himself sink into his kitten's tight tail he pulled away again, resting lightly once again just outside of his pet's tailhole. "Now, I can't just make it that easy, can I?" Purring softly in Andy's ear he slid his cock slowly back into his pet again for a moment, just loving the feel of those warm walls squeezing around him before pulling away once again and slapping that latex covered ass. Leaving his pet to hang from the ceiling for a moment he knelt to the duffel bag and rooted around in it.

With a grin he pulled out one of his favorite toys. It started off thin, a little more narrow than his own cock and gradually widening to a base even thicker than his fist with a series of ridges all along the length of the toy. It looked like a thick rubber screw, and that was precisely what he intended to do with it. He smeared a little lube along the dildo, getting it properly slick before taking a seat at the edge of his bed, letting Andy hang before him.

Grinning wickedly he took the thick toy and brought it in nice and close, holding it just below his pet's tailhole. His paw stroked gently down his pet's rear just to tease him a little before he pushed upward with the toy, twisting his wrist to let the ridges of the toy do their job and screw right up into his pet's tail, stretching only a bit of that tight hole at a time, the ridge helping to keep the toy firmly lodged in place.

Andy gave a soft whine when his master's cock was taken away, just starting to get used to the feeling of fullness. As it slid back into him again he welcomed his master back with a squeeze of his tail, wriggling happily in his binding. As it was taken away once again he squeezed himself as tightly as he could, trying to keep his master's cock inside him just as long as he could.

He heard the familiar sound of his master going through his duffel bag and grinned in eager anticipation. Whenever Ash went to the bag, something good was bound to happen. All he could do was wait and squirm a bit, as much as the latex pressing around him would allow at any rate. He bit down on his lip as he felt the teasing touch then shuddered, that dildo being forced into him, recognizing the familiar feel of the spiral ridge pressing in all the right places.

Ash purred softly to himself as he twisted the dildo more and more, every rotation easing the toy just a little further into his pet, watching closely as his tailhole flexed and stretched to accommodate it. With a low growl he leaned in to lap along the stretched hole of his kitten around the toy, pressing his tongue in along with the toy as well, opening his pet just a bit more to make room for it, his tongue sliding in deeper, lapping strongly along his inner walls, helped by the pressure from the toy.

Andy gave a soft mewl as the extra pressure pressed against his tailhole, forcing him to stretch ever wider, his ass flexing strongly around his master's tongue. As the angled ridge of the dildo finally screwed itself in place, pressed right against his prostate his trapped cock throbbed against the latex, a stream of pre leaking out and clinging to his belly. "Oh, master..."

That was just what he'd been waiting for. Ash did so love to tease and torment his pet, but both of them knew how this was going to end, and he was quite happy to get the real fun started. He turned the toy agonizingly slowly, letting it slide inch by inch from his pet's ass, tossing it aside once it slid free. He then stood and laid his paws on the edges of the frame, keeping it from moving as he stepped in close, moving himself into the perfect position. With a low growl he fed his cock slowly into the slick and stretched tailhole of the softly mewling kitten.

Ash pressed his nose into the shiny surface of his pet's shoulder, tightly gripping the frame to hold it steady as he shoved himself up under Andy's tail, taking a long moment to enjoy the tight squeeze of his pet around his cock. Giving a soft push to the frame he let Andy swing forward a bit then back onto his shaft, letting the swing do all the work, his hips rolling slightly forward to press into the soft ass swinging towards him. Starting to pull on the frame keeping his kitten bound he thrust himself hard each time they met, the shove of his hips rocking the latex frame forward, helping make every push stronger than the last.

Andy groaned loudly, eyes squeezed tight as he swung helplessly to his master's every whim. He moans appreciatively every time Ash's cock forces it's way into him, making sure to squeeze down just as tightly as he can for his master. He can feel the slick member pressing firmly to his prostate, the warmth of a pool of pre forming inside him, being churned by his master's constant, hard fucking. With his own cock squeezed between the latex, now slick with his own pre and his belly, every time Ash shoved up into him it made him slide up against the latex once again, making him shiver at the sensation, his ass clenching all the more for it.

He could hear the familiar groans coming from behind him and the telltale swelling of the cock plowing away at his insides, knowing just how close the snow leopard was to filling his ass with his cum. Right on the verge himself, Andy gave a hard squeeze around his master's cock and felt it spasm inside him as it froze in just the right spot, sending him into a powerful climax. He could feel the pre slickened latex rub and press against him, helping push him along as his member pulsed, spraying jets of his warm cum up to cling to his fur, the tightly squeezing latex leaving no room for it to go anywhere except all over him.

Ash bared his fangs, held back from taking his kitten's shoulder in a possessive bite by the latex covering it. With his muzzle pressed snuggly into the side of Andy's neck he let out a muffled roar as he came, his cock throbbing with each pulse of his seed flowing into his pet, thoroughly filling him his his master's essence.

He held himself still for a long moment, simply enjoying the pleasure slowly fading before he stepped back, watching with a smirk as a pearly river of cum poured down the black latex leg of his kitten. He undid the chains and gently lowered the frame back to the floor before cracking the vacuum seal, helping Andy up to his feet before sliding his arms around his kitten's waist, chin resting on his shoulder, his chest rumbling with a soft purr.

Andy could feel the warm rush of his master's jizz shooting up into him and loved every second of it, flexing himself around Ash's cock just a bit, eager to milk him for every drop. Letting the latex support him fully he slumped down into it, panting heavily in his afterglow, only letting out a little groan as he was jostled around with the frame being set down. He took the proffered paw and stood in front of his master, smiling as he happily returned the hug, his nose pressed into the side of Ash's neck.

They stood that way for a while, the dominant snow leopard taking a moment to simply enjoy his pet, offering little licks and kisses over his shoulder before he tilted his head back to bring their noses together. His lips brushed softly over Andy's before he tugged on his paw, pulling him along as he crawled onto the bed, the pair of them laying snuggled together under the covers. As he started to close his eyes he felt a light pressure on his nose, his golden eyes opening once again to see the cream furred finger pressed to his nose and his kitten's bright blue eyes so close to his own.

"So, what about my surprise?"

(The Surprise)

Ash woke up early and stretched, careful not to wake the softly snoring feline laying beside him. Propping himself up on an elbow he watched his pet sleep for a moment, reaching over to tuck a stray bit of the blonde hair behind his ear before leaning down to kiss his cheek. Sliding himself out of bed he padded quietly to the dresser and found a pair of his favorite pajama pants, the soft fabric a faded shade of black, the logo of his favorite video game running down the leg.

He made his way into the kitchen to set things up for the day. He'd been teasing his pet for ages with this surprise, and now he'd finally be able to let him have it. It was something they'd talked about doing plenty of times but just never quite got around to it, but Ash thought now was just the perfect time. He checked the clock on the stove as he stood over it, a pan of bacon sizzling to his right and a pair of pancakes just starting to bubble before him. Another hour and everything would be ready. He stacked the food onto a pair of serving dishes, a large stack of pancakes and a slightly smaller heap of bacon being set on the table before he dashed back into the bedroom and sprang onto the bed with a shout. "Morning kitten!"

Andy stirred in his sleep, the scent of bacon invading his dreams. He found himself laying on a plate as a large pile of it rained from the sky, he could even feel it thud onto his chest before he heard the cheerful yelling of his master and his eyes snapped open, blinking up at the excited snow leopard. He started to speak when he was drawn up into a kiss, his master's tongue shoving it's way into his maw and he welcomed it eagerly, giving a little nip at the wiggling appendage, smiling as Ash sat back astride his legs, holding his paws gently.

"Happy birthday pretty boy! Now, I know there's been some talk of a surprise..." He let his voice trail off just to watch the anticipation on Andy's face before continuing. "And you'll have it in....about forty minutes! Now get your butt outta bed and get dressed. Since it's your birthday I might even let ya wear boy clothes today!" Not that you'll have em on for too long. He thought with a smirk. He gave a quick kiss to Andy's nose then hopped off the bed, walking back out of the bedroom. Stopping just past the door, he turned and poked his head back inside. "I expect you in the kitchen in five minutes!" then disappeared again.

Andy chuckled softly to himself as he crawled out of bed and padded his way over to the dresser. He rooted through his options for a moment before settling on a simple pair of grey sweatpants and his dressing gown, smiling faintly with the memory of his master's confusion over it. As an American, the snow leopard had a very different idea of just what constituted a gown. He'd been expecting some form of dress and was slightly disappointed when it turned out to be nothing more than what he called a robe.

Tightening the belt around his waist, Andy made his way quickly into the kitchen to find his master standing beside the table holding a small box in one paw. As he approached, Ash held the box out towards him and he could read the tag hanging from it 'To make my pretty boy even prettier' and smiled as he took it, slipping his thumb under the lid and letting it open on it's hinges. Inside was a bow tie, a simple red one and he looked up quizzically at Ash, the snow leopard just grinning. "What? Bow ties are cool." Andy laughed softly as he caught on to the Dr. Who reference and closed the box, laying it on the table. "But I suppose you'd like a real present, hmm?" He turned to look as Ash brought his tail forward. Hanging from it was a collar, a ring of padded black leather rimmed with gold. A gold bell hung from it with his name written on it, a small diamond heart embedded into the gold just after his name. He gasped softly as he took it and felt the soft leather, turning around to let his master unlock his old collar and help him put the new one on, reaching up to flick a finger at the bell and make it ring softly before he turned, hugging his master tightly.

"I thought you might like that," Ash purred, nosing softly into the top of Andy's head. "Now come on, gotta have some breakfast before you get your real surprise. You're gonna need all your strength." He laid a paw gently on his pet's cheek, his thumb stroking that cream colored fur tenderly before letting go and stacking a few of the pancakes on Andy's plate then his own, sliding into his chair and promptly digging in.

They talked quietly as they ate, Andy gushing over his new collar and trying to probe his master for any information about his surprise, the snow leopard simply refusing to cooperate and saying nothing about it. Just as they finished eating the doorbell rang and Ash's ears perked up, a wide grin crossing his muzzle. He stood quickly and tugged Andy over to the half of the kitchen without a view of the living room. He set a finger on his pet's nose and grinned. "Now stay. Good girl." Then he was off, dashing into the living room. Andy couldn't hear much, some soft sounds and what sounded like furniture being moved around. He wanted nothing more than to take a peek, but he knew his master worked hard on the surprise and he didn't want to spoil it. He stood there quietly for quite a while til he heard Ash call for him.

Burning with curiosity and anticipation, Andy held himself back from running into the living room and managed to calm himself down into a fast walk, stopping just as his footpaws met carpet and staring at the large box sitting in the center of the room. Looking around he couldn't see his master so he approached the box slowly, a long red ribbon hanging from the bow sitting atop it. His head tilted slightly as he took the ribbon and pulled. As he did the sides of the box fell away revealing the scene inside. Inside stood his master, naked and erect. A sight he was all too familiar with but beside him stood their neighbor Max. They'd been friends with the dalmatian ever since he moved in, often having him over for dinner or game nights. Andy wasn't sure what he'd expected to see in the box, but it certainly wasn't seeing Max and his master standing with an arm around each other's shoulders and each with a paw working the other's very stiff cock. Ash smiled toothily at his pet, gesturing with a small nod towards his erection. "Are you just gonna let these go to waste? Why not get over here and enjoy your surprise?"

He barely had to think about it. The sight of those two standing naked in front of him stroking each other turned him on something fierce, his sheath swelling quickly. Without a word he stepped forward and sank to his knees, reaching up to take hold of his master's hips and promptly swallow his cock to the base. Ash gave an appreciative groan, letting his free paw rest lightly atop Andy's head and stroke through his hair, giving a soft hump into his strongly sucking muzzle.

"Kitten..." Ash said after a minute, pressing lightly on his pet's head to guide him back off his cock, his member glistening with saliva. "Don't forget we have a guest. I'm sure Max would appreciate a little..." He stopped and just smiled, watching as his pet turned slightly and swallowed the dalmation's cock, gently tussling his blonde hair before going back to stroking himself slowly, watching the canine cock disappearing into his pet's maw.

Max just smirked and leaned against Ash, his paw resting on the opposite side of Andy's head, gently playing with his ear. He gave a low groan and pressed forward with his hips, eager to get himself a little further into the warm maw of the young feline sucking him off. With a grin he tugged a bit on Ash's shoulder to pull him a little closer, both of their cocks now nearly touching and brushing against Andy's lips, the blonde kitten looking up and opening wide to allow both into his maw, letting his tongue swirl between them.

Ash shuddered as his pet's maw engulfed him yet again, dribbling a little pre out and onto his tongue. He let Andy work and lap along the pair of cocks in his maw for a moment then gently nudged Max's side, his head tilting slightly towards the kitten and earning a wide smile. Max pulled himself slowly from Andy's maw and teased the tip of his member across his cheek, leaving it with a slick trail of pre from his lip nearly to his ear.

As Max stepped aside, Ash pulled gently on Andy's head, helping himself a little further into his maw and gently pulling him backwards towards the couch, letting the snow leopard sink onto the cushions and spread his legs, his kitten kneeling between them. Stretching his leg, he pressed his toes lightly against Andy's hip to gesture for it to rise, his pet holding his rump up nice and high obediently. As soon as he did their dalmation friend knelt and took a firm hold of Andy's sides, holding him in place.

With one paw stroking through Andy's soft fur he took hold of his tail with the other right at the base, pulling it up nice and high before stretching it along his back. He watched for a moment the blowjob going on in front of him, the blonde kitten moving his head up then down, making sure his master felt his tongue lap over every inch of his cock. With a grin he turned his attention back down to the shapely rump poised at just the perfect height.

Running his paws along Andy's back he rolled his hips forward slowly, the slick tip of the canine's cock sliding just an inch into the occupied feline's ass, making him moan out around the shaft in his maw. Leaning over him he led his pre leaking cock steadily into Andy's ass, watching as the bobbing head stopped it's moving as it's owner tried to adjust to the unfamiliar intruder. Andy panted softly, his warm breath washing over Ash's cock as he held it loosely in his maw, his back arched as he squirmed and pressed back slightly towards the dalmation, feeling his cock stretching him wide then the strange sensation of a much thicker bulb bump against his tailhole.

"Yeah, your master doesn't have one of these, does he?" Max smirked and pressed his knot a little more firmly against Andy's tailhole, letting him feel that thick ball of cock threatening to pop in at any moment before relaxing. Andy blushed bright at the teasing, taking a moment before he was able to resume sucking off his master, bright blue eyes looking up into Ash's. They had a couple knotted toys back in their closet, but those didn't feel nearly as big as the one now bumping again and again at his ass. He'd taken the toys plenty of times but this would be different, and he was very excited for it. Ash grinned and mimed a kiss down at his pet then grinned as he pulled on the back of Andy's head, feeding himself into his kitten's throat, his pre pouring down into it before sitting back, letting Andy resume his own pace.

Max leaned over the kitten around his cock, placing his paws on his shoulders and pulling strongly. He thrust himself in hard and let his knot just start to stretch that tight pucker around it, opening him just a little. His thrusts grew harder after this, his knot being brought into action each and every time now, widening his neighbor's tailhole a little more with each thrust. Leaning down he let his lips brush over Andy's ear as he growled lowly. "You're gonna have this whole thing in you soon."

Andy moaned out at that and doubled his efforts on his master's cock, swallowing strongly around it and keeping his tongue pressed up against the underside of it. He could taste the rush of pre pour over his tongue as a reward for his effort and purred, feeling Ash's fingers tighten a little in his hair. Purring loudly around his master's cock he flexed his tailhole around the thick member in his other end, eager to please both of the men enjoying him. Every time Max thrust into his ass he lunged forward, taking Ash's cock into his throat and swallowing strongly around it. He gasped suddenly as he felt a squeeze around his own cock, a paw stroking him quickly to match the rough pounding in his ass, the dalmation's paw quickly soaked in precum.

Max gripped Andy's hip with a strong paw, the other busy quickly stroking his cock, letting his thumb swirl over the pre leaking tip, smearing that slick goo everywhere. With a deep groan he gave a rough thrust with his hips, nearly half of his knot now stretching Andy's tailhole wider than ever. With just a little more he'd shove his way in past the halfway mark and sink it home. He squeezed down around Andy's cock, treating it like a handle and pulling him back as he slammed in hard. With a deep groan the thick bulb of his knot finally popped right into Andy's tight ass, the full size of it sinking in all at once, locking him to the kitten. As he felt the tight squeeze of Andy's tailhole clamp down behind his knot he buried his face into his back and moaned into it, his cock throbbing then releasing his load, thick streams of jizz painting Andy's bowels, his knot keeping him pressed tightly against the kitten's ass, not moving an inch.

Andy shuddered at the feel of Max's cum washing over his prostate over and over again and the thick bulge of his knot locked inside him. With Max's paw still stroking over his cock he moaned out and tightly gripped his master's calves as he came into Max's paw, his master's cock in his throat being squeezed as he swallowed strongly, his cum shooting out and splashing over his chest and Ash's footpaws.

Ash had contented himself with humping gently into his pet's maw, letting his member slide of Andy's tongue and steadily pump more and more pre down his throat. As he watched the other two cum, he pulled himself free from his pet's muzzle and took hold of his blonde hair with one paw, the other stroking his cock fast and hard. As Andy's cum splattered over his toes he moaned out loudly and held the tip of his cock right up against Andy's cheek, spraying his face with several ropes of his seed, matting his fur and leaving gooey strands stretching all across his kitten's face. He sighed and slumped back onto the sofa with a soft moan, smiling softly as he wiped the head of his shaft idly around Andy's cheek, painting it a bit with a little more of his jizz as he smiled down at the other two.

"I thought you might like that kitten. And don't you worry, Max has cleared his schedual for us. We'll be able to be," He grinned, sticking his tongue out slightly. "knotty all day." Max leaned forward then, gently stroking over Andy's spine as he looked up at the snow leopard.

"Hey, Ash, you think you could fit in here too?"