KoB - Kiss of Blood - Chapter 4

Story by Dominion69 on SoFurry

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#5 of KoB

  1. xxxx

I woke up late, 8am. He was still in bed. I was feeling drained so I made a quick breakfast and I set up some tea for the both of us. I'll wake him soon, so I can keep an eye on him.

Before the kettle started whistling, I had dragged him out of bed, he was still silent, thinking. I made our tea and sat with him on the couch, he ate a few crackers, most likely he had a massive headache. He always has hangovers.

"What happened, Nick? I mean yesterday. I can't remember shit. I know we went to the party. But now I'm here. What happened in between?" He said, looking genuinely out of place.

"You knew what kind of party it was?" I asked him back.

"Oh, yeah." He looked away, as if the memories started coming back. "A few guys busted your lip pretty bad. I found you on the bathroom floor. That was it really."


He stayed quiet, pondering like he did. He took a sip from his tea, blowing it a little so he could start drinking it sooner. He was taking his time. I was getting irritated.

"It was a rave, silly. Nothing more. Stuff happens. You went with, can't blame me for it." He said calmly. "Jade you fucktard, you made me come with. But oh well, if I didn't come with some guy would've kidnapped you or you would still be on that floor doing whatever you were doing there."

"True, thanks for taking me home." I frowned at him, shaking my head. "You remember what they did to you?" I asked.

"Not really. I was knocked out the second I stepped into that room. My ribs hurt, they beat me up pretty bad so I don't know." His face was blank.

"My butt hurts." He added. I looked at him in disgust. "They raped you?" I blinked very quickly, I stopped stirring my tea.

"Yeah, and pretty badly too. I can hardly walk. It's all upset downstairs." He sipped his tea some, looking more sad than blank now. But still unsure of what exactly had happened. "That's sick, Jade, we should sue them."

"Can't, they're a gang, Nick. We can't do anything against that. They will kill us and everyone we know. I won't let them kill our family or my girlfriend. Or are you crazy?" He looked at me weird. "Well then what?!"

"Nothing, Nick, we do nothing. It happened. I'll be fine. I'm sorry." I shook my head again. I couldn't think of anything to say, so I stayed quiet. It was a nice day so we both got into our swimwear, even though he was limping and hurting a lot.

He was still eyeing my every move. I was going to tease him today, to make him feel better I guess. So we played volleyball, and each time I picked the ball up from the ground, I bent down. He stared at my butt and with every time I did it, he opened his lips partially. It was silly. A bit sick still, but at least we're having fun. Like old times.