a twisted tail

Story by Fen Tera on SoFurry

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Walking through the slums to get to work on time was never a good plan in my head, but my friend Tono said that if we didn't then we would have been fired a long time ago. I have been living with him and his roommate for about 5 months now and he got me a job where he works, at a movie studio. But I never imagined what he meant I walked in that first day and say what kind of movie studio. This place made porn for Christ sake. It took me a while to get used to seeing the kinds of things that went on there, but I soon learned to just try and ignore it. Not being the kind of person who watches these movies, I politely asked for a job behind a desk, where I didn't have to be anywhere near what they were doing. I became a secretary for the company, arranging photo shoots and auditions and other such things. Tono on the other hand, being the horny bastard he is, became one of the lead film directors at the studio. I enjoyed not having to be near the action because it gave me time to read my favorite stories in my free time. Tono always went out with the actors and actresses after shoots and I was always dragged along but eventually he realized that I didn't want to be there and he started to let me just stay at the office. It was better for me to keep my secret safe.

From the day I was born, I was different. I looked like a normal little child, until I grew to be about 5 or 6, that's when my parents threw me out onto the street. I was taken in by Tono's parents who accepted me like one of their own children. When I started maturing I noticed that I didn't have what Tono had. I noticed when we took showers together and when we would go skinny dipping in the lake at night. From the waist down, I was a girl. Tono's parents had taken me in because they were doctors and they knew how to care for a child like me. When the time came for Tono and me to leave on our own I was taken away by his parents and they told me never to tell anyone about my "condition". I asked Tono if he knew and he said that he had known for years but never cared. He said that his parents had told him to treat me like a normal kid so he had never given it a second thought. We went our separate ways on that day, I went to college and he went to go work in a city up north where he had been offered a job in movie production. I eventually dropped out of college and moved in with Tono and his friend. I had no idea how very soon my life would be turned upside down.

I should probably tell you a about Tono. Living with him has been a fun, but strange experience so far. He is a human and I'm, well...not. Even though he isn't really my brother I tend to treat him like one since he has been by my side ever since I was left for dead. Living in a world where creatures like me are looked down upon, I always relied on Tono to protect me. In middle school and high school I was always bullied because I was furry. But Tono was always there when I needed him. There was a time in gym class that we played dodge ball and everyone threw the balls as hard as they could towards me, but Tono stepped in front of me and protected me from getting hurt. He ended up with a broken nose and quite a few bruises. I told him that he didn't have to do it but he just smiled and said "no worries little brother."

Anyway, back to the story. I was sitting at my desk doing paperwork when Tono walked in saying that he had finished early and was going to go out tonight and that I was on my own. Being the kind of person I am, I told him to have fun but be careful on the way home. He replied with a serious look, "you need to be more careful than anyone else Fen." His tone scared me a little, but he often joked with me at work so I didn't really know if he was being serious. I continued working long after he left and into the night. When I got off work it was about three in the morning, not good sign. I told everyone at the production office goodnight and started to head home. Again, walking through the slums is never a good idea, especially alone at three in the morning. As I was walking down our usual path home, some movement caught my eye. I was being followed by a group of hooded men or whatever they were. It had started to rain a while back and my clothes were almost soaked through and as I started running I could tell that I was never going to escape them. I called out for help, hoping that someone would hear me. Still running, I could hear the thugs catching up to me. They were fast, but I knew that I was faster. I ran through alleyways trying to get rid of them but they always seemed to catch up. I ran into an alley that lead nowhere, as I tried to run out they cornered me and started to beat me up. I could feel the sharp pain of wooden clubs hit my head and back, I was punched and kicked until I was on the ground. They took what little money I had and left. As I lay there in the pouring rain, I felt somewhat glad that Tono hadn't been with me. I knew that he would have taken them all on knowing that he could never beat them. A tall slender figure loomed over me asking if I had called for help. I slowly nodded and the figure reached down and I felt a small pain in my arm.

I awoke to the sounds of people yelling and what sounded like an announcer. I sat up to look around but I hit my head on a metal bar. Still groggy from being knocked out, I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I tried to stand but I couldn't feel my legs. I started to panic so I looked over at them, only to notice that I was stripped bare. Only my fur hid my secret now. I looked around to see that I was in a cage with many humans staring at me. Their stares made me feel like a caged animal at the zoo. Soon, arms were reaching into the cage and I was shackled and taken out of my prison. Still unable to feel my legs, I was dragged out into a harsh light and into the sight of hundreds of humans. I knew where I was, I was being sold off as a slave!

I had become the one thing that I had feared the most. I was nothing but a number, a toy, an object of pleasure. A man appeared beside me, touching me and showing me off to the potential bidders in the audience, when he noticed that I was female from the waist down. He paused for a moment; I grew scared and closed my eyes in tears. He spoke in a more excited voice than before. That was the first time I heard it. What these kinds of people called things like me. I had become... a "cuntboy." When they heard this, they immediately started bidding. They didn't care how much money they were bidding. All they wanted was me, a rare specimen, as I was called by the announcer. The numbers kept rising higher and higher "2 million", "7 million", "10 million", "13 million", "24 million". Out of nowhere I heard a female voice say "37 million!" I had just become the most expensive sale of the night, according to the announcer. I was dragged off the stage, hosed down, and thrown into a small room with only a little light to see. I curled up into little ball of fur and cried.

In that dark, wet little room I thought about my life. I thought about all the times that Tono had protected me from bullies when we were little, and how I was always the one who got special treatment because Tono said I should. I thought of his parents and how well they had treated me and raised me as their own. I thought of all of my friends that I would never see again. I had cried myself to sleep in that room. I was woken up by the sound of chains being attached to my limbs. I tried to scream out for help, but I had been gagged before I woke up. I began to cry once more, but a soothing voice calmed me down. My new master, as I should call her, ordered that my chains be removed and replaced by a single collar. They seemed to obey her command quickly as if she was an important person. I was unchained and she put around me a single black collar with a little blue heart-shaped tag on it. I was her pet now. The drugs that numbed my legs had worn off so she led me to her car, which was an extravagant limo.

I was seated in the back with her. Seeing how I was still naked, I tried to cover myself as best I could. Seeing me in my despair, she have me her jacket and took off the muzzle that had kept me silent this entire time. She asked me my name but I was too afraid to answer. She said that her name was Haruna, but I should just call her master. I nodded my head and she pulled me closer to her. She started feeling my fur and complimented me on how soft it was. I smiled shyly and looked down at my feet. She noticed how scared I was and so she told me that I was special to her and so I wouldn't be mistreated like her other slaves. Her words calmed me down enough to tell her my name. In a shaky voice I said to her "m-my name is F-Fen" and I looked away quickly. She turned me back to look at her and said that my name was the cutest of all her slaves, so she held her hand right under my chin and gave me a kiss on the lips. I sat there blushing in silence for the rest of the way to my new home. The remainder of the trip was ridden out in silence with only my new master speaking on the phone with someone about living arrangements and other things. I didn't bother to listen to closely. I wondered to myself what my new life would be like. How would I be treated, where I was to live, what I was supposed to wear, how to address people. As I grew more and more tired, my new master had taken notice and offered me her lap to sleep in. I politely nodded to her and was soon fast asleep in her lap; her hand running through my hair. She was luring me into a false sense of security, and I was falling right for it.

I must have been pretty tired from last night's activities because I woke up the next afternoon. I rolled over in the rather large bed I had been placed into. There was a knock on the door and that same female voice from last night called out to me, my master. She came in asking me how I had slept, I sat up in bed still being rather tired I just nodded to her and fell back down into the soft feather pillows that had held me like a mother holds a newborn child. She asked me to sit back up for a moment because she needed to do something, so I sat up briefly and she took off my collar. She told me that she needed to put my information on the tag so it looked more proper. As she was examining the blue tag on my collar I asked her why she was being so nice to me if I was to be her slave. She replied in a comforting voice "I thought that you could use a little break from things before we got started on your special training." I somehow felt more scared than comforted at her comment. She told me to get some rest and that I would be brought to her study later that night.

The time passed slowly as I lay there in that enormous bed, thinking about what she had meant by "special training." I rolled out of bed, making sure to tidy up a little before exploring the rest of my new room. Looking around the room I could tell that this was a rather extravagant room for a newly bought slave to be sleeping in. I walk over into the bathroom which was rather large as well. I relieved myself before taking a long, hot shower and making sure to clean everywhere I could reach as I was used to doing at home. Beads of water danced along my soft purple fur as I sat there in the shower, thinking about how Tono should be reacting to me not coming home at all. He probably called everywhere looking for me by now, hoping that someone had seen me recently. I said my silent goodbyes to him as I got out of the shower, still dripping wet. I was handed a towel by a rather strange looking bunny that seemed rather happy to see me. He asked me to please take a seat and he would dry me off. I was seated in front of a large mirror. As the bunny started to rub my back with a towel to get it mostly dry I arched my back more and more the farther down he went.

I felt ashamed that I was feeling so much pleasure from another male touching me so far down. I asked him what his name was and he replied in a soft tone "my name is Obi my young friend." He continued to dry me off and I could tell he was getting pleasure out of doing this because I could see that his penis was now fully erect. Seeing this made me blush and feel strange that I had made someone that excited just by touching my body. I asked Obi why he was so excited about drying me off. He replied, "I have a thing for cute little guys like you." That made me feel uncomfortable and I asked him to stop. I showed him that I wasn't fully male as I opened my legs and spread my tight little pussy for him to see. He blushed and immediately pushed me off the chair and pinned me to the floor. I started to scream, but as soon as my mouth was open, he already had his cock into my mouth and was busy fingering me in my ass. He knew that I was to stay a virgin until master had chosen how I was to be deflowered. Not knowing what I was doing I started to choke as his cock was rather far down my throat. He quickly pulled out, and helped me regain my breath. He apologized for being so rough and asked me if I wanted a private lesson on how to please men. Knowing all too well that he could easily overpower me I unwillingly agreed as he told me to get on my knees as he sat in the chair. I was face to face with his rather large penis, throbbing and dripping with pre. He showed me how to grasp the shaft properly and how to give a hand job. I had made him cum all over me. He showered me off and then dried my fur without hesitation this time.

I asked him for some clothes but he just laughed and said that as slaves, we weren't supposed to wear clothes unless master gave us clothes to wear. He led me to our master's study where I was chained to the floor on my hands and knees. There was a fire going in the fireplace and I wished that I could just curl up next to it and fall asleep like back home around Christmas time. I waited for a few minutes maybe before master came in with some other people who I didn't recognize from before. I was unchained from the floor and asked to stand still while my measurements were taken. It felt weird having all those people touching my body at once. I closed my eyes blushing and stood as still as possible letting them move me when they needed. When they were finished they left the room in a rather uniform manner. Master told me that being a special slave meant wearing special outfits. I grew scared and a chill ran down my spine; shivering. I asked her why my room was so large for a slave. She replied in her usual manner saying that as a special slave, I was given special accommodations. I was being treated just like a purebred animal. I told her that I didn't want my room and continued to ask her why I was so special, after a moment she walked over to a bookcase and pulled out a small, leather-bound book with strange writing on it. She flipped through the pages until she had found what she was looking for. She walked over and showed me a picture that shocked me. The image looked just like me. I asked her what the book was; she replied that the book was of her family tree. They had been slave traders for many centuries and had gone into hiding since the practice of owning slaves like us was banned almost everywhere. She told me of how her ancestors owned special slaves like me and continued to tell me that those special slaves were my ancestors. I slowly backed away in disbelief and ran out of the study and down the hall, running upstairs to Obi's room and into his bed. I had rudely awakened him, but he seemed to care more about my tears. He held me in his arms as I cried myself to sleep. This was becoming a regular occurrence.

From then on I stayed primarily in Obi's room only returning to my room to pick up pillows or a comforter. Obi was always kind to me everywhere we went. He fed me and walked with me everywhere, and held my hand whenever we were together. He would sing me to sleep in his arms on the nights that were rather stressful. I wanted to be with him forever, but that was not to last. Master knew what was going on in Obi's room over the past week and she didn't like it at all. She arranged for Obi to be taken out on a loan for a client which left me with no one else to cling to when I got scared. I had pushed the whole ancestor thing out of my mind so it wouldn't bother me as much. What really scared me was what she was making me wear everywhere. I was to wear an outfit of tight, thin leather straps wrapped around my long slender figure, keeping only the most intimate parts hidden. I was forced to wear this out in public as well when she paraded me about at her rather strange parties that she held quite often. Not having Obi with me at these parties is what scared me the most. It used to be that Obi and I were strapped together on our hands and knees and then paraded about the large room which contained almost every sexual device you could imagine. She reassured me saying that I would never be used like that until I was properly trained. I knew in my mind that I wasn't far from being properly trained. At her parties she would watch as I was taken by other masters' slaves and forced to deep throat their large cocks and eventually ended up being spread wide and raped in my tight little ass. Everyone knew that my virginity was off limits to everyone but master. I was being saved for something special; I could see it in her eyes.

Obi came back a few days later and I was so excited to see him I jumped right into his arms. He smiled and gave me the most wonderful "Thank you" kiss I have ever received from him. Later that night, Obi asked master if he could loan me out for two months to teach me about being a better slave. Master reluctantly agreed, saying that as long as he didn't take what wasn't his, I would be his for two months. Later that night I was lying in Obi's arms and asked him why he would do something like that. I told him that he should have just done everything in bed like usual. He held my face and stared into my eyes saying that he was making sure that I would be ready for when the two months were up. I tried to ask him why, but he was already busy making himself right at home inside my ass like he usually did when he went to sleep. I was used to this since it kept me in his arms all night. I just smiled, kissed him goodnight, and turned out the lights.

The next morning I woke up with Obi's rather large, still erect penis in my ass. This usually never happened as he was either up already or he had lost his erection sometime during the night. It was a pleasant surprise that when I turned my head to look at him he was already awake and waiting for me to get up. He kissed me, and then proceeded to get rid of his morning wood by fucking my ass. This was a side of him I had never seen before. I asked, while being fucked, why he was so horny. He replied in a rather unusual way, he said "I wanted you all to myself for two months because that's all the time I have left here. "But why" I asked him in mid thrust, his balls hitting up against my thigh. He told me that he would be sold to a buyer who was quite pleased with his performance. I wondered who it was and asked if I would be able to see him again. He said that I could see him in the movies and I immediately knew what he meant. I asked where he was going to be living once he left. What he said astonished me; he said he was going to be living in a city named Nassin. That was where I was living up until I was attacked and sold. I asked if he would be working at the production studio where I used to work, he said yes. I begged him to take me with him when he left, but he couldn't, not until master said I was ready.

I ran off, still naked and covered in sweat on cum, heading towards master's study. I burst through the doors and begged her to make me the perfect slave so I could go with Obi. She immediately jumped up and kicked me down on the ground where she started tying me up and dragged me to the large room where everyone was already waiting for something. As I was dragged up towards the center she asked me if that was what I really wanted and if I would do anything to get there. I nodded since I was gagged and she brought me up to the center platform in the room and said to the crowd, "this little slut wants to become a proper slave tonight." Everyone in the room stared at me. I was now chained to the ceiling by a hook and my feet were spread by chains to the floor. She grabbed a rather large strap-on and put it on, telling me that I would soon be in more pain than ever imagined. My eyes widened as she pulled out a riding crop and started to whip me over and over. My fur gave me little protection from the force of her blows, as blood started to seep through my fur she grabbed a bottle of lemon juice and poured it out on my wounds. A muffled scream could be heard throughout the whole place and I guess Obi must have heard it too because he burst through the door screaming my name. "Haruna, Leave him alone!" Obi yelled at her from the far end of the room, running over to the stage where we were. I looked at him and he saw the tears in my eyes and the blood dripping onto the floor. He rushed up onto the stage and was face to face with Haruna. "This is what he wanted Obi. He wanted to become the best slave he could be so that he could go with you." he looked towards me and I nodded to him and he turned back to look at master. She told him that if he wanted me that badly then he was the one who had to make me the best slave I could be, right then and there. I looked at him with such big eyes I thought that he would just cry. He immediately mounted me and it was pure ecstasy, his large, pulsing dick inside my tight pink little pussy that he had wanted for so long. The pain was almost unbearable after all the torture my body had endured but the pleasure that Obi was causing me was overwhelming. I would moan and he would reply with harder and longer thrusts into my now deflowered pussy. I felt Obi grab me harder and I knew what was about to happen. We both climaxed at the same time, Obi pulled out and covered me in his warm, sticky cum. I collapsed, hanging by my arms, still chained to the hook above me. Obi took off my gag and gave me a kiss, whispering "it's over now" to me. He unchained me and carried me off to his room and showered with me since I was too weak to stand. He dried me off softly since I was still wounded badly, you could see the blood in the towel. I was bandaged and brought back to master Haruna's study for a private meeting with her, as well as Obi. We talked for hours about the terms of this agreement, and came to the conclusion that I would go with obi if I sent half of my salary to Haruna in return, to pay her back. Those next few weeks before we left were pure bliss, nothing but sex, sex, and more sex. I had become addicted to Obi and to sex. Obi told me that I had become a better sex slave than anyone could have imagined. I just smiled and continued sucking his dick all the way to Nassin where our new home awaited us.

We arrived in Nassin early the next morning. It had taken about two days and a lot of cock was sucked, by me. We figured that we should go to work since we had a photo shoot in about an hour and a half. We walked hand in hand through the slums that I used to walk through with Tono. Until that moment, I had almost forgotten about Tono. I became worried about what he would think when he saw me again. Obi grabbed my scantily clad ass and told me not to worry. I blushed and smiled at him, saying that he was right. I led Obi to the studio and walked through the doors with him, sitting down in the front office. I noticed Tono out of the corner of my eye and called his name but he just looked at me and kept walking. I started to hear whispers around me and I felt people's stares beaming down on me. Obi held me close so that people would stop, showing them that I didn't like it. We got ready for the photo shoot and Obi stripped me down, placed me on the bed and started to have his way with me. The cameras started taking pictures, and I started getting hotter and hotter. I didn't care that Tono was watching, or that everyone knew my secret. I wanted to be seen like this, I wanted people to see the pleasure and I didn't care who. After the photo shoot, when people were putting the equipment away, I walked past the cameras and towards Tono. I kissed him and whispered in his ear, "I missed you big brother." I walked out into the night with Obi by my side, wondering how Tono had reacted to what I said and did.