Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 12 - The Great Expedition

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#12 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 18 - Mushroom

With luck smiling upon them, as they get closer to each other, James and Koopin are soon accepted into Professor Kolorado's intrepid group of archaeologists. What tantalising treasures await them in the Dry Dry Desert, far gone beyond the reaches of time itself until now?

Super Mario copyrighted to Nintendo, FinalGamer to me

James and Koopin spent two more days on the island together, taking their time to enjoy the best of what the island had to offer. Despite the tropical jungle and beyond being off-limits for the sake of safety, Koopin did meet up with a fellow member of the Tour Guide Associations that kept him updated on any new local info, a toad called Muss. T. Traversing through a safer part of the jungle that had already been mapped out, the two travellers at least got to experience a more tropical taste than before. Chittering birds calling out from above the trees, hoots of warning beasts from the ground to stay away from their strange colourful bodies, various tributaries of fresh jungle rivers thriving with fish before channelling out to sea. It was certainly a more active island than the one he had met Sailor Dee on. The fruit was also accommodating too, mangoes and melons all around him inviting him to taste. He resisted for now however, as Koopin's fellow guide lead them through their small tour. The koopa noted nothing new since the last time he had visited, taking a more professional tone this time around as he conferred with Muss. T. on any specific details. James found this all rather boring and blanked out most of their dialogue while they talked all the while. He watched the entire jungle shift around him subtly so, creatures and plants swaying and scuttering around him. Eventually they returned to the yoshi village. The rest of the island trip was uneventful, much to James' slight chagrin at finding nothing important to note. The island tribe were welcoming, courteous, open-minded and very active in their athletic games and knowledge. FG almost had to wonder on what they were like on more intimate matters, the yoshis seeming to be a very non-judgemental race. He almost wanted to stay, were the island more populated. But soon the ship had come, and it was time for the tourists to leave.

Returning back on the ship, while enjoying the soft waves of the southern seas, Koopin asked James: "Didya find anything to help you...find whatever you were looking for?" "Nnnnnope." "Sorry man." "Heh, s'alright, just have to try harder...must be some place I haven't gone to yet in the Mushroom Kingdom. Where else you think I can go Koopin?" "Uhhhh...Rogueport which is pretty far away and kinda on the edge of the kingdom, have to get there by a long boat journey." "Yyyyyeah I kinda wanna not be on a boat so soon after this one." "Heheh, seasick?" "More like just tired of the sea for now...I've been on it enough times to not miss it anytime soon." "I bet, I mean how long did it take ya to get here from your island?" "Oh man...musta been like...a week or so? Was a hell of a long trip, the days all just sorta blend together yanno." "Yeaaaah I guess they must have, whatcha gonna do once we get back to the mainland?" "Well," began James, "I wanna see if there's anywhere else I can about you?" "Well my travelling's kinda over, so I'm gonna go back to my house and relax for a while until I have to go back to work." "Sounds good!" "OH, um...but maybe if Professor Kolorado says yes to me joining his expedition I might go on that!" "OOH! Yeah, I forgot about that! Oh man I hope he asks for me too." "Well you DID offer yourself up and that assistant of his seemed pretty hopeful." "Let's hope so then. I might stay close in the area and get my bearings a bit, if that's okay." "Oh sure sure, no worries! You can come over and visit me even! ...i-if you wanna." Koopin gently pushed two fingers from each hand together as he said this, biting his lower beak nervously at even saying such. James grinned and leaned closer towards him. "Is that an...invitation?" "U-u-um...just...if you wanna come over and chill out a bit, I wouldn't mind that's all." "Mmmmmmmmm I'll consider it okay?" "O-okay." The raptor chuckled at his friend's anxiety, rubbing his head to reassure him as they watched the sea drift by. Goonies cried out from high above, flapping their wings in cloud-white V-shapes arcing above their plump small bodies. Sleeping in the small cabins of the ship was soothing enough, bunk beds to help James slip back into his happier memories from his time upon the Gangplank Galleon.

Finally returning back to the mainland of the Mushroom Kingdom, the two returned to Koopin's home, as he waved and greeted everyone he came by with small anecdotes he would tell later to them. He made his rounds of checking in with the post office to obtain his mail, as well as keeping updated with any local friends. Surprisingly, little mail had come to the koopa during his vacation, none of which was an application from Professor Kolorado sadly. "Aw well," said James encouragingly, "maybe they still have to make sure everything gets sent through." "Yeah, that I'm back here and...returned home, what are you gonna do?" "Well I did say I was gonna stay close around here and get myself used to the place. You did say I could come and visit you even, if you still want me to." "Sure, you can come over, you gotta wait for your letter too and all!" "Right!" Over the next week, James and Koopin regularly met up with each other while James started getting used to the town of Koopamuir more and more. The post office, the general store, the rave club just outside of town and of course the Toad House which offered him to stay as many times as he wanted. He was still blown away by such generosity of a free service to the people, something much appreciated after his extensive travels. He would have lunch with his new koopa friend day after day, the two occasionally meeting up around night to have a drink down at the 1.2.8. Thankfully they avoided a repeat of their first encounter, by trying not to be drunk if they wanted to get more intimate with each other. And soon they did, around four days after Koopin had returned home from his trip. A slightly tipsy starter of rum and cider soon led their mouths closer towards each other one night. Just for a little fun, nothing going all the way. Softly they would kiss at first, with beak meeting snout, gentle breaths exchanged before they eventually licked at each other's tongues. Slowly sliding into the other's mouth, Koopin's little hands slipping around the raptor's back to clutch him tighter, their moans only audible to each other as their chests warmed up, hands up and down each other in bubbling lust.

Koopin gasped as he felt FG's bulging jeans grind up against his shellfront, giving the raptor an opportunity to tongue him deeply once again, eyes closing as Koopin began to rub down at FG's bulge to make him moan. Soon he undid them to unveil a throbbing 7 inch raptor cock which he began to stroke modestly, the kiss breaking with salival tendrils between beak and snout. " the little koopa boy hungry?" murmured the raptor. The sensible part of his mind stayed below deck to allow a little fun as Koopin nodded shyly. The raptor moved onto the koopa's shell front, gently mounting himself on top to rub his cocktip at the cute little beak, which eagerly suckled at the meat without a word. James rubbed his friend's head softly with a wondrous sigh at the warm sucking on his cock, feeding the koopa his slightly salty warm precum, the sounds of suckling little moans making him sigh with simple bliss. " really love that dontcha?" A small "mmhmm" from Koopin was his reply, as James rubbed the smooth yellow head to let him go at his own pace, precum spurting still into his throat while trying not to make too much noise. Whenever Koopin moaned, he petted his head and calmed him down more. "Shhhhh-sh-sh-sh...just keep sucking..." A slight dominance was growing in him from this, but it would soon not last as he eventually released himself into the younger turtle. Sighing as his lust was sated at last with a hot throbbing stream of dino seed deep into the warm throat, he asked nevertheless: "Had enough?" A nod came from Koopin before the two decided to sleep in together, warmed up and relaxed with a casual cuddling-up of each other's bodies. Koopin however looked towards James' sleeping body for a longer time, before he felt himself sleep, his own thoughts uncertain for what he felt. It was too soon to tell, at least that's what he kept thinking to himself.

One morning however, a few days after their little fun interlude, Koopin was barely able to stop himself from opening his own front door. The moment James knocked, he swung it open with a beaming smile. "Woah that was fast," said FG. "Guess what came today!" "Uhhhh...what?" The koopa did not say a word, but instead merely handed him a recently-opened letter, slightly frayed from excitable small hands.

_Dear Mr. Kennidon

Your clearance to work with Professor Kolorado's expedition has been approved. Arrangements have been made for you to begin work on the following dates and times. Please do your best to represent our organisation in the most positive, informative, and helpful of manners as possible. Your pay during your current job and location has been debated with a small redaction to cover administrative costs.

May your feet be worn with many lands

Duss. T., Executive Officer_

"You...get to go with Kolorado?" asked James. Koopin merely nodded excitably, almost trying not to squeal with joy before he gave James another letter. The letter came from Kolorado himself, nearly in the same officious manner to explain that he had accepted James Campbell to be a bodyguard for the expedition. The raptor saw Koopin's face light up still and soon he joined him, squealing: "WE'RE GOING ON AN EXPEDITION!" "OH MAN JUST LIKE THAT MOVIE!" "WHICH MOVIE?!" "I DUNNO! EEEEEEH!" "EEEEEEEH! I NEVER BEEN ON ANY OF HIS EXPEDITIONS THIS IS GONNA BE SO AWESOME!" Koopin grabbed James' hands as he bounced with him, before they finally calmed down and composed themselves, making a plan on how best to present themselves before Kolorado. "Okay," said Koopin, "we need to show that we are well-equipped, eager, and well-read. How much do you know about archaeology?" "...uhhhhh, I'm just the bodyguard man, I only need to know how to kick asses and take names." "Hehehe...fair enough. Okay I better read up on this all then, you can learn stuff with me! Long as you show you're EAGER to learn, he'll definitely like you more." "So what's this Kolorado like?" asked FG. "Like...some old cranky dude or is he like young and bold or..." "Iiiii say he's inbetween. He can be real excitable but he's not getting any younger." "Ohhhhh...yeah I see where this is going." "Well don't judge him yet until we meet him, come on! Besides you're gonna get paid." "And I still get to hang out with you." "...r-really? You want to?" "You're my closest friend here Koopin, you showed me the world. Of course I do." Koopin gently resisted the urge to hold a hand to his chest with a deepening warmth at hearing such words, the tiniest of squees coming from his beak which James cocked his head at. "You alright?" "Y-yeah...just...oh man, I can't WAIT to meet Kolorado!" "Hell yeah, when do we meet him?!" "Mmmmmm a few days from now!" "Aw man I can't wait...kinda amazed they even considered me." "Well be glad they did! Now come on, we gotta study up on what we might be dealing with! Might help you in your research too."

For the next few days until their appointment with Professor Kolorado, James and Koopin studied as much as they could on archaeology. The raptor was fascinated somewhat with the strange finds that had been discovered over the years, even if history did not particularly interest him. He tried to keep some interest up however for the sake of Koopin, to keep up his guise as a student waiting to discover new things. After a buildup of excitement that slowly rose up within them through half the week, the raptor and the koopa found themselves standing outside a shell-shaped house in Koopa Village. They came bearing packs full of equipment to prepare one for a desert expedition as had been expressed in Kolorado's letter. The sandy-coloured shell-like casing was intriguing to the raptor, as Koopin knocked gently on the door. A female middle-aged koopa was behind it, her head wrapped in a fuchsia dewrag while wearing rather homely clothes. "Hello there dears, you here for Mister Kolorado?" "Uhhh yes please," said Koopin politely, "My name's Koopin Kennidon, is he available?" "In the backroom, come on an' join in-...hello?" "Hi," said James. She stared at him a little strangely for a moment before letting him in sweetly, rather surprised by the unusual guest. The house itself was a rather normal looking living room with a few miscellaneous places to the side, a few chairs and bookshelves comfortably so. "I'll let him know you arrived, Mr. Kennidon. HONEY!" "YES WHAT!?" said a voice from the back of the house. "A MISTER KENNIDON ARRIVED!" "JOLLY GOOD, SEND HIM THROUGH!" "He'll see you now." After cleaning their ears out a little from the ring of the voices, they walked towards the back of the house through a lone door. The other side of it was much more fitting for an explorer of Kolorado's caliber.

A large desk with various utensils strewn across, bookshelves and papers rolled up alongside parchments and blueprints, all categorised in some incomprehensible order of interest. In the middle of the spacious but cramped and cluttered room, were four koopas. Kolorado was unique enough by his pith helmet and colonial-style moustache to not even require James to remember his shell-markings. The three other koopas however he tried to note, one of whom he already remembered as having a semi-spiral pattern hidden within his cracks. Another had three diagonal streaks neatly grooved into his shell. But one koopa however had a blue shell, with a red neckerchief and a red armband on each wrist. "Ahhh yes yes do make yourself at home," replied the helmeted explorer with a boastful upper-class accent, "most delighted to see-GOOD GRACIOUS!" Turning around he saw a koopa with a beaming smile of admiration, and a taller stranger creature of brown scales and purple marks. Shaking his head clear, the traveller stood brave and asked: "Good sirs, who might you be exactly?" "Hi there!" said Koopin. "It's such an honour to meet you professor, my name's Koopin Kennidon, professional tour guide, and this is James Campbell." "Mercenary for hire," greeted James with a bow. The professor stood up towards James and examined him cautiously. "Hmmmm...I did find your name rather unusual for a koopa, but it seems you are not a koopa at all!" "Nope, just a velociraptor." "A velociraptor?! My word where do you hail from?! I've never even seen or heard of a creature such as you!" "Hehehe, waaaaay far away, I-" "Note it down for me later, a new place of interest is ALWAYS fascinating, but right now I must not get sidetracked from why we are here!" "Uhhh kay." "Oh, of course, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Professor Kolorado, archaeologist and intrepid explorer debonaire. I read over your credentials Mr. Kennidon and I must say, for a lad at your age it is quite impressive." "R-really?!" stammered Koopin. "Ohhhh yes. Course when I was your age I did twice as much, but it is always a pleasure to see today's youth taking an interest into the history of their world around them. Your organisation approved of it all I presume." "Sure did, even got the letter here!"

Koopin provided the letter of acceptance from the Tour Guide Association as proof, to which Kolorado nodded with satisfaction. "Yes yes, good good. Now, before we begin, more introductions. These are my assistants. Kooper, who is our stocktaker and organiser." "Hi there!" said the blue-shelled one. "Koopmar who handles linguistics." "Afternoon," said the one with three streaks on his back. "And Karlos, who you met, is our engineer and architectural expert." "Glad you could make it," said the swirl-shelled one. "Wait engineer?" asked Koopin to Karlos. "So why did you come out to recruit someone?" "Oh we all handle Kolorado's requests whenever it's convenient, I was in the area scoping out the lay of the desert to make notes." "Ah." "NOW THEN!" The professor clapped his hands together before rubbing them with eagerness as he moved over to the large desk. "We have all we need for our expedition which is to start tomorrow. I take it you all came prepared?" Everyone nodded with murmurs of "yes". "Marvellous! I did not want to say anything until you were all ready with everything possible for our little desert expedition." "Uh sir?" asked Kooper. "Is there really anything LEFT in the Dry Dry Desert? I mean after you discovered the ruins of Tutankoopa, I thought that was pretty much it!" "Nonsense my lad! There's always more to explore in the world! For example, I have recently uncovered a most fascinating find that I would like Koopmar to translate for me." Kolorado placed an old scrap of paper upon the desk, covered in strange hieroglyphs that were rather faded to make out. Symbols that looked like little people making strange blocky movements with stubby limbs and deformed heads. Koopin had never seen any of them before in any of the books he had, whereas FG just stared at them blankly.

"Didn't you already translate this sir?" said Koopmar. "I mean, I know you always take a crack at it before I do unless it's even more cryptic." " it entertaining an old bean such as myself." Koopmar sighed and bent over the desk to investigate the parchment. He started to explain his process of thought as the symbols began to make sense to him. "Well this is definitely Snesian era no doubt about it, some of the symbols have more detail. Definitely authentic and we confirmed that together." "And what does it saaaaay?" The professor had the face of a child about to unleash an epic prank, rocking back and forth on his boots eagerly. "It have been far and arduous...but passage has been reached towards the we-....w-w-west..." Koopmar's eyes went wide as he stared at the old scrap of paper, as he began to try and control the shaking urges of excitable revelation in his hands. Koopin asked warily: "S-s-sir, what's wrong?" "I...g-guh..." The linguist stammered at the parchment, realising what it fully meant before dramatically proclaiming: " evidence of the Weston Kingdom!" "Th-the Weston Kingdom?!?"

Koopin and the other two assistants were agape at this. "But," stammered Karlos, "that's been lost since time immemorial!" "And it's about ruddy time someone found it," proclaimed Kolorado, "and that someone shall be me!" He struck an epic pose for himself, a fist upon his shellfront with his head held high, before FG interjected in confusion. "Uhhh...what's this Weston Kingdom?" " boy, the Weston Kingdom is one of the two most ancient kingdoms in the world, that we even know of, the other being the fabled but uncovered Easton Kingdom of Sarasaland far far from here! You see, Sarasalese archaeologists have discovered hieroglyphs in those ruins recently, which mention a similar kingdom elsewhere in a neighbouring region. And to imagine that this other kingdom is in our OWN kingdom! Do you realise what it would mean to unearth it?!" "Um...not...really." "It means we will have undeniable evidence of this ancient civilisation spanning far beyond Sarasaland, uncover their migratory influences and even discover the beginning era of the Mushroom Kingdom beyond our earliest records, don't you see lads!?!?! Evidence of a civilisation! In these very lands! Of a pre-Snesian era!" " sound rather cool..." The raptor was lost in this nonsensical-sounding talk of another world's ancient history. He barely knew enough of his own world's history as it was, other than a world war here or there. Kolorado merely bristled his moustache with outrage. "Wha-buh-spuh-COOL?!?! beyond any word within your modern street vernacular boy, except perhaps AWESOME which is quite frankly being used far too often for less miraculous things of today." Despite this unchecked slight across the generation gap, the raptor was trying to get over the word "vernacular" when Koopin added: " long have you been planning this professor?" "This sort of venture required a good solid THREE WEEKs of preparation, especially when there will not be a discovery this grand again, not since I uncovered the Kingdom of the Diamond Brain!" "In other words," replied Mrs. Kolorado from the other side of the door, "you'll lie on the couch for four days then stay in your room for the rest of the week." Her snarky remark made her husband stifle his surprise at her insult, as he replied: "My dear, you know NOTHING of what I undertake, and as such I cannot blame you for perhaps scrutinising my routine. But I assure you if I ran out right now without any preparation I would surely never return!" "Oh you better leave quickly then, give me some peace for once." "Blast it woman this is no laughing matter!" "Uhhhh before you two go making a divorce case out of this," inquired James quickly, "what exactly do you want ME to do, as a bodyguard?" "Ah...r-right, you're absolutely right my boy, always focus on your duty no matter WHO the distraction is. Very well, you are to accommodate me on my expedition along with your friend. You seem to be rather...rough around the edges though, will you be able to handle it?" "Oh don't worry Mr. Kolorado, I can handle myself. I was a bodyguard at a bar in a nasty area of town long back home, and I'll be extra careful with anything that needs to be handled, like when I had to handle the glasses in the bar." "Ohhh hohohoho, now now don't get ahead of yourself."

A gentle patronising pat on the head was given to the raptor. "You may be willing but you do need some experience in archaeology, or at least an actual degree from a university such as I, to even consider handling something very very old." Other than touching you with a good backhand if you pat me like that again old man, thought James. "So what time do we leave?" asked Koopin. "Tomorrow morning, bright and early! I will certainly appreciate your guidance through the desert Koopin, how well have you trekked that treacherous desert?" "Oh it's practically my back yard! I can get through that place in a sandstorm, though that isn't recommended at all and is very dangerous to do so." "Ah of course, well we have our makeshift shelters and such, everything in order Kooper?!" "All ready and checked it twice sir!" said the eager blue-shelled assistant. "Then it's settled!" exclaimed Kolorado. "You two can stay in the village for the day, ask anything about the expedition and make sure you have everything ready with you. We can't let this chance slip by now chaps!" "Do we know anything about what we're looking for sir?!" asked Karlos. "Ruins of course! The parchment here has marked out a general location of the desert area that we shall investigate. Koopmar, if you please." "When the furious sun blazes high," translated Koopmar, "the shadow of the mountains shall guide you to the kingdom." "Which means that we must be in the northern part of the desert directly before Mt. Rugged! Karlos has already mapped out some calculations as to where their shadows would reach in accordance with the zenith of the sun, so we know our destination! Now...anything else chaps?" For the rest of the day, James and Koopin asked anything and everything they could about what they would expect in the expedition. Koopin became professional in asking about weather conditions, notifications of any Tweesters in the Dry Dry region, and also about their food and water stocks. James asked about the local enemies of the desert area, wanting to be ready for any sort of confrontation. The two also familiarised themselves with the three assistants, Kooper especially as according to Koopin, he was one of Mario's very own allies during the rescue of the Star Spirits, and as such Koopin was fascinated to learn more. The two ended up talking all through the night, sharing and clarifying information about the legendary hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, all while James listened in with increasing incredulity. Okay I know I've been through a lot but seriously? A guy who looks like a plumber is the hero of this world? Not some bold koopa or toad guy or whatever? ...I wonder what he even looks like, I haven't even seen a picture of him anywhere. Maybe he's old news by now?

Ignoring the conversation for now, the day soon passed into tomorrow, and the group was ready to leave in the early hours of the morning. With thick backpacks on all three assistants and Kolorado himself, James and Koopin followed them to the train station of Toad Town, heading off back into the grand dry desert. Koopin was glad to return to it so soon, whereas James was ambivalent towards the heated wasteland. Arriving in the desert before noon, Kolorado's group soon set out towards the north of the desert, gauging their distance with how far it was from Mt. Rugged towards their destination. Checking the sun and the shadows every once a while, Karlos used his innate understanding of mathematics to measure their steps. Kooper kept taking stock of inventory whenever something was used, while Koopmar lead the way, with Kolorado behind him wielding a walking stick for his travels. Koopin assisted in guiding them around the more treacherous areas of the Dry Dry Desert, namely areas where quicksand was common, or even more dangerously, the sight of Tweesters. James was rather freaked out by them, small deadly sand-tornados that somehow made a most devious face within their folds. Even his own wind power through his nanos did little to dissipate them. He kept himself largely on the lookout for bandits and pokeys, the two greatest regular dangers of the desert according to Koopin. Thankfully however they had little encounter other than one particularly stubborn pokey that kept harrowing them slowly from square to square of the desert map. A few strikes with his scissors across the tough leathery cactus skin was enough to make it leave. Finally they reached their destination, somewhere in the north by northwest quarter of the map. Kooper had held onto the map, which had split up the desert into a series of squares marked by letters along the X-axis and numbers on the Y-axis. "Here we are," he said a little tiredly, "Quadrant B-3...looks just like every other quadrant, hehehe." "Marvellous," said Kolorado. "Now we just have to wait until noon at least, and the shadow of the mountains shall lead us through to our destination. We set up camp here." Setting up a large tent near two palm trees, the professor's group soon had their provisions sorted out. Water and food had been rationed fairly, with Koopin and James using their own supplies. The three assistants began to don special metal helmets with flashlights on the front, to prepare for the inevitable descent according to their leader. They waited for the sun. The high blazing sphere rose above them evermore, increasing the heat and the pressure on them as they started to sweat profusely. James tried once again to summon more water out of the air, but again it failed in the scorching heat of the desert dunes. Suddenly, Karlos piped up. "I-i see it! The mountains! They're pointing there!"

Even though they had all been watching the shadow of the mountains over time, their attention was refocused at hearing this, watching the black shade creep over the land like a finger, pointing the way through. The moment the sun had reached its highest point, the shadow stopped upon a tiny rock. They all hurried over towards it to quickly dig away the area, finding a tiny pyramid-shaped rock. Even more amazingly, it had symbols hewn upon it much like the ones on the parchment. "K-k-koopmar!" squawked the professor, "translate!" "It summon this kingdom before your eyes, inscribe unto the sand your name and your lies. When your friends see your heart and so shall they accept, then you shall walk where we once slept." "...lies?" "That's what it says." "...well blast it all chaps, out with it, tell some stonking great fibs and get on with it!" "W-wait no! It has to be specific! It needs to be lies from the heart, lies of the past! And it has to be ALL of us, one lie each." "W-w-well who's going to be the one to do it first?! I mean...this will be rather personal stuff!" "I'll do it." James said this from the back, shrugging softly despite Koopmar and Kolorado's perplexment. "Sorry old bean?" "I said I'll do it, I'll put down some lies, I got a lot of 'em." "You sure?" asked Koopmar. "It needs to be real deep stuff, I'm not talking about not stealing from the food cafeteria or something. And these are lies we're all gonna have to find out." "No no I got this. I know what I can put down." "...alright then." They all stepped back and allowed James to go forwards. Koopin slightly tugged back on his arm to hold his step, asking: "Are you...sure about this?" "Oh yeah don't worry, this'll be easy." "L-l-lemme do it first!" "...huh?" "I-i know one, I'll just do an easy one that...that I can put down, and then all of you guys can put it down after me, okay?" They all shrugged and murmured, rather glad to not be first except James, who wondered why Koopin was trying to hold him back. Nevertheless, he let his friend go first, the koopa kneeling down before the small pyramid and writing down a lie in the sand, along with his name. The others began to come forwards, each with their own mood towards how to handle it. Karlos bit his lip as he wrote out his lie. Koopmar was surprisingly firm and sincere with little waver. Kooper had to take a few breaths to calm down before writing his own falsity. Kolorado's was rather shaky at first, but he took things seriously with a steadying hand. Then it was James' turn. The raptor stepped before the small triangular stone, kneeling down before it as his claw lifted itself above the sand. I wonder if I was meant to come here after all, he pondered. If a place like this wants me to let go by...well, by accepting stuff as a lie, then maybe it IS for me. Or maybe I'm just that willing to prove myself? Whatever, let's do this, I just...oh god which one should I pick, I just need to- "Good heavens old chap what's the hold up?!" stammered Kolorado. "J-just gimme a minute okay!? I need to think." "Well...please don't take too long, I know this is a sensitive matter but we must bare our hearts open to this place." "I know...I know." After another minute of debating in his head, he snarled and angrily scrawled down his false truth, sighing as he stood up to see what they had written.


Shady eyes crossed between each other, from one ally to the next. Questions began to boil within each of them of their allies' troubled hearts. Koopin however was most fearful for James' reaction, thinking he had managed to guess a deeper secret already. He also had to wonder who this Sarah was, but his modesty begged him not to ask. He decided to wait however, when a rumbling came beneath his feet. With these words placed upon the shifting sands, the dunes began to tremble. An earthquake seemed to strike all of a sudden, making the group stumble and fall before the rising mountain before them. The small pyramid-shaped rock began to reveal its true form, a taller pyramid, growing ever higher towards the sun itself. The rocky-top peaked above an entire layer of thick sandstone, perfectly sculpted as dust blew down its slopes towards the six explorers. Once the rumbling had stopped, and the sounds of the scirocco wind had returned to their ears, they found themselves standing before a mighty pyramid, reaching up at least 40 feet high. A single entrance stood in the middle of its base, inviting them into its dark musky passageways. Kolorado was speechless at first, his mouth agape at the majesty of the alien monument. "...m-my...word. This is absolutely MAGNIFICENT!" He punched the air with excitement before rushing straight in, his assistants panicking after him to try and stop the boisterous old adventurer, with Koopin and James heading up the rear. The moment they passed through into the pyramid, the heat of the sun left them, as a dark cold atmosphere softly embraced them.