Pt. 2 Gift Horse

Story by Dimn on SoFurry

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Consciousness returned to Cade in slow bubbling thought's as he drifted into wakefulness, and reality. The chemical that had been introduced into Cade's system was slowly wearing off. Although groggy he could plainly tell that he was not lying down. As he opened his groggy, sleep filled eyes he saw that he had been moved to a new confine, this one was brightly lit. So much so that Cade's eyes seared with pain when he first opened them.

He winced looking around in order to take note of his surroundings. The room was rather large, with him against one wall chained to the ceiling by his hands in a way that left his sides vulnerable, the position also made breathing slightly uncomfortable. The floors, other than the small stage that Cade was standing on, were covered in metallic tiles that reflected the light emanating from the ceiling, making everything brighter than necessary. The walls were mirrored, and left Cade staring at his nude form.

He stared at his now finished body. His once long blond hair was replaced with an even longer, flowing chocolate brown mane. His formerly pale skin was covered with a lighter brown fur that felt like course velvet. He could feel the tiny hoof like appendages at the end of his formerly well-manicured fingers, His once attractive, boyish face, that made the seventeen year old teen look younger was now a long and, to him, disgusting horse snout.

His new nose was enormous, and smooth, with two large nostrils that flexed every time he breathed in through them. His once tiny, thin, human teeth, which were intended for an omnivores diet, were now replaced with the thick, large molars typical of most herbivores. His eyes, previously a bright, cheerful, almost inhuman green, were now the large, dark, almost soulless eyes of a horse. His new face was completed with the addition of two large spear shaped ears, that poked of the top of his head, swiveling in unison, almost against his will, towards any sound they heard.

This, however, he had already grown used to during the weeks that he was forced to undergo the procedure that made him this way. What was new, and shocking, was his new figure. The once plump belly had diminished to a flat form that was now something that he found humiliating, and degrading. He looked completely feminine. Well, as feminine as a male anthro-horse can get.

His strong legs were still there along with the hooves that had grown at the end of them, but his upper body was now thin and lithe, his arms had once been filled with thick, sinewy muscles.

His stomach (before he was pumped full of fluids) had previously sported an impressive six-pack, but now was so flat it was almost concave. Had he had breasts, and no fur, he could have easily been a bikini model from the waist up. He felt empty. No, he felt like he had never eaten in his entire life. He was sure that if his stomach started to growl everyone would hear it. The one thing that seemed to attract the most attention though, was nestled right between his legs.

Cade's member had been the last to go; his once six-inch member had been replaced with a thick rubbery looking sheath. He could see in his reflection that the thing concealed something huge. It had to be least three inches thick. The thing was still inside its resting place, poking out just a little. He could tell that he was still circumcised; his member was not the same shape at the tip as a horses. His testicles hung in a sac the size of a large orange. The two fleshy pendulums were individually the size of a light bulb, and his sac looked like it was straining to hold them in.

His thoughts over his new body, as well as his longing for his old one were quickly replaced with interest in the two new individuals that were walking in through a mirrored door.

He had never seen these tow individuals during his stay here, and they weren't wearing the uniforms that his handlers wore, nor the lab coats of the scientists. Instead they were wearing rather expensive looking suits one was tall and filled out his suit rather nicely, the other one filled out his suit in less attractive ways, and was slightly shorter than the first.

Neither of them talked, only observed. The portly one stayed close to the entrance while the taller one started walking towards Cade. 'What are you going to do?' Cade tried to ask to ask but all that came out was "Neh-eh-eh-a--

"Will that be permanent?" The taller one asked.

"It's highly unlikely Mr. Carlson, most cases they learn how to speak. He'll have a little trouble with it of course, but after a while he should return something close to human speech."

Mr. Carlson returned to inspecting his new toy. 'He turned out rather nicely' he thought as he studied Cade's face, while his captive attempted to force eye contact. Cade wanted nothing more than to make it known that he was pissed. He finally felt like he met the person behind all of this, and he was right. Mr. Carlson was the boss of a firm that Cade's father, Steven, worked in. They had seen each other on more than one occasion, and every time Mr. Carlson was around Cade he felt some nagging feeling that left him constantly suspicious around Mr. Carlson. Now he knew why.

Mr. Carlson, for lack of a better word, was a sicko. He had seen Cade first when he was visiting Steven to discuss minor issues at work. Cade was something that he hadn't expected, he had jumped at the chance to take dinner at their place, and spent the entire evening staring at the teen.

He knew that he now had a prime candidate for his new plaything. The splicing program had made everything simple in order to keep constant customers. Currently the process hadn't been legalized, or even known to the public. So it's funding was limited and any subject that underwent custom procedures had to pay an unheard of amount of money.

But this was no problem to Carlson. He had made plans for this since he first heard of it, and money was no issue. All he had to do was find out a little about Cade and give it over to someone who would take care of the kidnapping, the cover-up, and all the other nasty business. Now he had his prize. He just had to make sure that his new pet would belong to him forever. "Get him ready to begin the final procedure."

In walked a scientist and one of the more violent handlers. The scientist quickly made his way towards Cade and injected him in the neck with a strange fluid, while the handler came forward with a disk shaped power tool. Cade began to thrash about in his chains, remembering the threat that had been made to him what seemed like ages ago. 'There actually going to do it!' He thought, 'Why would he want me dead?!'

As the drugs began to kick in he settled down and sobbed, his eyes screwed shut as he tried to forget where he was. The buzzing sound of a power tool came nearer in nearer, as he began to think about all the things he had yet to do. He tensed up as he heard the hum of the tool making contact with some part of his body.

He opened his eyes realizing that he felt no pain, and looked down to see the handler bent hunched down on his knees sanding away at Cades hooves. He stared at the process stunned that they weren't going to do anything horrible to him. Upon realizing that his life wasn't going to be as short as he first though, he decided to ponder the reason for doing something the equivalent of an equine manicure.

He felt numb all over like his entire body was soaked in Novocain, and his hooves had the same familiar pressure of a dentist drilling at his teeth. Soon enough the procedure was done and he was given the chance to see what remained of his once human feet. They had been sanded down to dome shaped nubs. He imagined how painful that would feel later as gauze was applied to them and he was lowered down into the arms of his new owner. His body was limp and numb as he was carried out of what had been his prison for what had seemed and eternity.

He was brought to an indoor garage and left in the back seat of a large car with tented windows. The car was started, as he lay on the back seat, so numb that he could barely move. He remembered a scene from one of his favorite movies, filled with swords and guns and tons of Kool-Aid like blood. 'Wriggle your big toe' he thought, his body shaking a little bit as he tried to giggle.

Soon the car was out on the streets, and the dimmed light that passed though the nearly opaque windows of the back seat blinded him. He thought of trying to look out the window to see what he had missed since he had first been kidnapped. But he drugs prevented him. He considered doing a lot of things now that he was alone with the person who did this to him that the drugs would have prevented.

The car finally stopped as he was running out of ideas for vengeance, and the back door was opened. He was carefully pulled out of the car and led to a large house in what appeared to be the countryside. He winced as he saw a small amount of blood dribbling out of the bandage on his left hoof, realizing that he was now dependant on the same person who had put him through hell, and then some.

Cade was brought to a large room on the second floor of his new master's house and laid out on a large bed, then covered. He stared out the window, watching the sun go down, for the first time since his transformation.

After hours of staring at the fields that had chosen to take residence outside his window, until he could no longer see into the darkness that covered the outside world like a curtain, he fell asleep, dreamless.