A Second Shower

Story by Bityn on SoFurry

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#2 of Two Girls and A Great Love

Finally getting out of class, Kira grabbed her bag and dashed out. After a quick stop at her locker to drop off the book she wouldn't need, she headed out of the school and started down the street towards her home. There had been a marked change in the rabbit since yesterday when she had met Linna. She shone with a new confidence. Sure, some of the kids still tried to give her a hard time every so often, but it didn't bother her as much. She knew she could get comfort and support from the fox girl, and because of it, she wasn't as easy a target anymore.

"Hi Mom! I'm home!" Kira called out as she got to her house. Linna had finished with her classes earlier and went to the library to study, so they'd agreed to meet at Kira's house later on.

"Hi sweety," her mother said, coming around the corner. "How was school today?"

"Good!" she replied, taking off her backpack and hanging up her jacket in the closet.

She smiled happily. "That's good! It's been a while since you enjoyed school."

"Yeah. Well, now I have a new friend. Speaking of which, she'll be coming over later. You don't mind, right?"

"Not at all," her mother replied, shaking her head. "I'd love to meet this friend of yours. You sounded so enthusiastic about her when you were calling to ask to stay over last night."

Kira quickly knelt to remove her shoes, not wanting her mother to see her blush. She knew the whole story, her mind flashing back to the events of the evening before. "Yeah.... Well, I'm going to take a shower before she gets here, alright?"

"Go right ahead."

Nodding, Kira dashed up the stairs, getting into the bathroom and leaning back against the door. She felt relieved her mother hadn't noticed the scent of desire emanating from the rabbit girl. She could feel her body heating up just at the thought of the vixen, even starting to et a bit wet down below. Undressing quickly, she turned on the shower and stepped in, trying to use the water to cool down. It only made things worse, though, remembering when she had taken a similar respite in her new friend's shower. Unfortunately, Kira's shower didn't have the removable shower head.... Turning the temperature of the water down even more, she leaned back against the wall. Closing her eyes, she let the cold water run down off her head and down her body, trying not to concentrate on how much time was actually passing and seemed almost in a daze.

She came out of it suddenly as she heard a familiar voice right in front of her saying, "Ooh... You are so sexy when you're wet. And the cold water makes your nipples all stiff."

Before Kira could blink the water out of her eyes, the vixen squeezed one of her nipples and twisted gently, her other hand covering Kira's mouth to muffle the resulting squeak. "Shhh.... Don't want your mom coming to check up on us, do you?"

Giggling softly, Kira shook her head. Finally, the paw released her, and she managed to get the water out of her eyes just in time to see Linna moving in for a kiss. In that moment, Kira's eyes traveled over the shapely face of the vulpine. Her fur was wet from moving through the jet of water, and those beautiful hazel eyes met her sparkling blue just before their lips finally connected. Sighing happily, she returned the kiss, lifting a leg and wrapping it around the vulpine.

"Mm," she murred softly, breaking the kiss. "I missed you. I couldn't stop thinking about you all day...."

Grinning, the vixen slid a finger into her slit, wiggling it insider a little. "I can tell.... That's not just soap and water in there, is it?"

She let out a moan of pleasure as the finger worked inside her, face reddening. "Well... no.... I've really... missed you."

Adding another finer, she started to rub against the rabbit's soft inner walls. "Well, I'm here now.... Let's see just how much you've missed me."

Right after finishing that statement, she pushed in harder, twisting her wrist back and forth. That caused the fingers to rub against her sensitive insides. Before she could moan, the vulpine pressed their lips together again to block the sound. For a moment or two that continued, until there was a knock on the door. Feeling her heart skip a beat, she lifted an ear.

"Yeah?" she called out hesitantly over the sound of the running water.

"You need anything from the grocery store?" her mother's voice called back.

"Um.... No thanks, mom. I'm fine."

"Alright then. Oh, and your friend is here. She was really quite charming. You're right. Anyway, I think she's waiting in your room when you finish your shower."

Looking down at the wet face of the vixen, they both grinned a little and Linna suppressed a giggle, though the running water muffled that. "Ok. Thanks mom!"

There was a pause, then they could hear the front door close. It was then that Kira finally relaxed.

"Phew! That was close! I thought we'd been caught!"

"Hee hee.... Yeah. Exciting, isn't it? Well, now we don't have to worry about it. We have until your mom finishes at the grocery store... so let's get to it!"

Giggling and nodding, Kira pressed in for another kiss, feeling their breasts pressing and rubbing together. Reaching out, Linna turned the water temperature up. Then, she cupped her paws aainst the rabbit's cheeks, fingers curling around to hold onto the curve of her jaw, stroking lovinly as they kissed. Her body pressed against Kira's rubbing up against her. The bunny moaned happily into the kiss, feeling the cool tiles of the wall against her back at the same as the warm body was rubbing up against her. Their lips worked against each other, opening every so often so their tongues could dance together. With each passing moment, the passion increased, tilting their heads so they could deepen the kiss even more. Then, Linna's fingers slid up along Kira's leg, once again dipping into her pussy, grinding into it slowly as her thumb gently massaged the sensitive clit nestled amidst the delicate folds. She gasped for breath, breaking the kiss and rolling her head back to moan in pleasure. Taking advantage of it, Linna started to kiss her throat, gently nuzzling and licking at it before moving down farther. After a pause to kiss her collarbone, she moved down to her breasts, sucking and gently grazing her teeth over her nipples. But it didn't stop there. Crouching down, she slid her fingers back out of her. After a pause to lick the fingers clean, she spread the lips of her bunny lover's slit, pressing her pointed muzzle in to lap at her folds. That brought a loud moan from the bunny, stretching her arms out to brace her hands against the wall on either side of her and widening her stance.

"Ooooh.... Linny.... That feels so good...."

Giggling softly, she sat back on her heels, pulling wet hair out of her eyes. "Linny.... That's so cute! No one's called me that before. I like it." Grinning, she moved back to lick at Kira's vulva.

"Mm! Well, then I'll call you that more often.... Ooh...." Each time the soft tongue pressed against her, she whimpered softly, letting her eyes drift closed to savor the feelings. Then, they came back open as she got an idea, leaning over to place her paws on Linna's shoulders and gently push her away. She smiled down at her, lovingly stroking her hair as the water ran down over it. "I want to get a tasted of you too.... You've been taking such good care of me.... I want to give something back."

Nodding, Linna smile, following Kira's directions. Changing places, the fox sat down in the corner where the least water was falling with her back a little ways away from the wall. Then, she leaned back against it, waiting to see what it was the bunny had planned. Once she had her in the position she wanted her, Kira stood over the fox with her back to the wall as well, one leg on either side of the fox. From there, she bent over, putting her palms against the tile floor and lowering herself onto the other female. A grin spread over Linna's muzzle as she figured out where it was going, slumping a little lower and wrapping her arms around the bunny's waist to help hold her up. Finally, everything was ready. Placing her paws against Linna's thighs, she stretched her head forward until she could reach the vixen's slit, sniffing at it for a moment before experimentally sliding her tongue along its length, getting her first real taste. Meanwhile, the ticklish sensation of the sniffing caused the fox girl to giggle, opening her legs a little wider. A moan was the next noise she made, feeling the tongue starting to hesitantly explore her labia. Returning the favor, she lifted her head enough to rub her own tongue against the other girl's pussy, just as Kira had planned.

Through the whole process, Kira could feel her body tingling. It was such an amazing experience, giving her lover pleasure at the same time she was receiving it. They started playing a little game together, trying to outdo one another at giving pleasure. Linna, of course, had the benefit of experience on her side, but Kira was holding her own. In fact, Linna was a bit surprised at how deftly the tongue moved over her lower lips, pressing in one moment and working her clit the next. Still, she had a few tricks of her own. Pressing her nose in harder, she slipped her tongue over the bunny's clit before sliding it into her. Once she had worked her tongue all the way in with her lips pressed to the other female's lower pair, she started to twist her tongue back and forth, working the flat, edge, and tip inside her vagina. Tensing her body, Kira let out a cry of pleasure. Trying to match her, she brought her paw up to rub Linna's clit while her tongue slid in and out of her slowly, but meaningfully. More and more, though, the sensation of the vulpine tongue twisting inside her filled her senses, along with the constant droning of the falling water. There was even a surreal feeling as the mist and steam swirled around the two females making love.

Finally, the pleasure became too much, and the rabbit's body was the first to tense, shivering and moaning in pleasure as orgasmic bliss rushed through every inch of her. Yet she still didn't cease her licking, determined to bring her lover along for the ride. And a moment later, she heard the gasping turn into a long, drawn out moan, the vulpine body writhing a little beneath her.

After a while, they both relaxed, sighing in pleasure and smiling idyllically at one another. Turning back right-side-up again, the bunny slid into her vulpine lover's lap. Together, they scooted under the main jet of the water, letting it spray over them as they closed their eyes and enjoyed a deep, passionate kiss. Then after a while, they broke the kiss, cuddling up against one another.

"I love you Linny...," Kira muttered softly, resting her head under the fox's chin.

"Aw.... I love you too baby bunny.... Now maybe we should clean up and get out of here before someone finds us, hm?"

"Hee hee.... Yeah."

* * *

Arriving home, Kira's mother put her bags down on the counter. "I'm back! Got those cookies you like!"

Hearing no response, she called out again.


Again, there was no answer, so she headed up the stairs, going to Kira's room and gently knocking on the door. When she put her ear against the door, she heard no movement, so she carefully pushed it open, peeking in. The two girls were snuggled together in bed, Kira's head resting on Linna's chest and a blissful smile on her face. Grinning a little, her mother closed the door again, letting them sleep.