Into ones unknown chapter 4

Story by Youkomon on SoFurry

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I do not own digimon, or Assassins creed they all belong to their respected owners which speaking of I just got done rewatching season three of digimon subbed and it never ceases to surprise me how much different it is from the American dubbed they really tone it down. Hell digimon even use the bathroom on that verse. So I'm going to follow the subbed version closer then the dubbed for now on.

Anyway hears the next chapter-( Into ones unknown.)

Music listened to- Nickel back-If Everyone Cared

Chapter 4

"Damn it ouch!"

"Would you hold still, your worse than my daughter before she goes to one of her god forsaken photo shoots." Spoke a mirthful yet elderly sounding woman to the young man who was currently or rather very reluctantly getting his back cleaned and prepped for rewrapping.

"Please Seiko why don't you try saying that to my back at the end of all this then we'll have that little talk."

"You just got remarkably lucky Adam you've been healing much faster than I ever could have anticipated."

Looking closer you can see what appeared to be a young man hunched over a backwards chair while the elderly woman tended to a now less then soothing looking burn marks upon his back. But the thing is the young man sounded young and even looked the part to some point.

He was was currently wearing his loose fitting brown pants along with brown leather arm braces but nothing else. The figure also was surrounded by silky yellow fur followed by a black tipped tail which was currently placed upon his lap, being careful not to get the sensitive appendage trampled on from behind.

He was clenching his fanged teeth tight from the pain as the older woman was at the moment cleaning the burn wound, which currently was furless in spots exposing the raw, and flaming flesh to the open crisp air.

"Shit!" he cursed as another jolt of pain made its way down his spine.

"Watch your tongue Adam." Seiko scolded. "If it makes you feel any better put this in your mouth." Handing him a twisted blue cloth rag to bite down on to help ease his near constant grumblings.

It had now been a week since he arrived at the mostly uneventful Nonaka house hold after his rather brief and painful encounter with Gargomon. But yet not all was negative, for on the upside of it all he ended up saving a young child named Rika in the whole ordeal but at only the cost of taking an almost fatal hit to his back thus partly destroying part of his cloak which had yet to be repaired to his honest distaste.

But in the end some type of luck must have been on his side because the apple piece he had been keeping hold of was in the undamaged pocket which was now moved to his pants pocket for safer keeping from then forth, along with his nearly empty forty-five which was holstered around his black leather belt.


*This is the last time I do any favor's for anyone!* Grunting as Seiko made another pass over his back.

But to what really had him upset at the moment...

It was that Rika kid he had helped...

She was told he would be staying with them for possibly a while but what she had done had surprised him.


Nothing at all!

Now he was never really one to want any type of thanks to begin with but that wasn't the point...

She just acted as if he hadn't existed end of story. She hadn't said anything nor did anything and more or less entirely ignored him period, and she seemed to go to rather great lengths to do so and this just really irked him for some reason.

"Adam hold this bandage for me would you."

Bringing him out of his current thought he did as the older woman, Rika's grandmother Seiko, asked of him while she began to wrapping his torso and arm for hopefully the last time for a while.

Patience was one thing he always prided himself on but sitting here and putting up what felt like constant needles being pushed into his upper back non stop was another bad story entirely.

He sighed lightly when he felt the feeling of Seiko's hands leaving his now finished back.

Only to feel her eyes cast upon him critically, "Adam you should be done for a while but I really have to stress pushing yourself like you did. You digimon may heal quicker than us humans can, but I'd still stress that I'd rather not find out if a digimon can get wounds infected yet."

"Oh... yeah I just would love to die of infection that's on the top of my bucket list." He was originally only just trying to lighten the mood that always seemed to turn sour around him but he didn't think Seiko had taken it the way he had intended as he watched as her smile had faded quickly, moving through several conflicting emotions in the span of seconds before settling on annoyance before smacking his rough shoulder hard enough it could be heard. This in turn caused Adam to wince while grabbing his arm in obvious discomfort ,"What's with everyone hitting me it the bad arm, I'm not everyone's punching bag"

"Then maybe that will teach you to respect your elders a bit more." A small scowl now currently plastered on her face. "Your just lucky my daughter's always in such a rush when she gets home anymore, I doubt she would take you being here as well I have anymore."

Adam just decided on being smart this time and settled on a nod for obvious reasons since he had already suffered enough for one weekend for his liking.

Minuets passed afterwards in silence as Seiko was finishing her work. But this slowly had started working on Adams nerves, as rustiness began to sink in and he had started to squirm in his current position.

"Seiko have you seen Rika or Renamon?" Now he was just trying to change the subject to something more productive since he was really looking to speak with Rika than said purple taijitu vixen anyway, especially after what she had put him through earlier last week, he hadn't really seen head or hair from ether except from the casual glance at times during the night when they arrived home late.

But he still felt rather uncomfortable to truly give any real thought about it afterwards.

Rika's grandmother had placed a finger upon her lip in what only could be described thought for a few moments, "yes for a matter of fact I have, I think they were out back training earlier."

Adam figuring he was on a roll at the moment decided on risking another question and one he was truly hoping to get some right answers too for a change.

"Not to change the subject again Seiko but how come you have been taking this so well?" He was generally curious now about how she could take her granddaughter going out and fighting these things so easily.

"I'm going to be honest with you Adam I can't say that I'm happy about it, but I trust Rika's judgment and Renamon has promised me she would always be there for her as well so I know she's in very good hands besides I don't think I could stop her if I wanted to anyway. But It's just hard sometimes to watch the times change but it's just the way life is." Adam watched as Seiko walked over to the far corner of the rooms tinted window and stared into the deep blue sky above.

"But that's also the reason why I wanted you to stay. I want you to watch her as well." At this Adams eyes widen a fraction before just as quickly he schooled his features.

"She's hasn't had anyone to look up to in such a long time Adam," Seiko began calmly, "she always tries to push everyone away from her including myself at times. So I'll just skip to the point and just come out with and be blunt, as her grandmother it really does scare me from time to time to see her like that."

Adam nodded in understanding to the elder woman while turning around in his seat, being careful not to irritate his wound again.

"I understand that, but I don't know how I can be of any help at all."

"Just watch over her for me please Adam... Please be there for her like I never could. Her mother always means well but she's always off modeling somewhere and they never get the chance to be together. So I really have to insist that you please try for if not my sake, Rika's." Her voice was starting to take a more of a pleading tone now the more she spoke. "I'm just at a loss at what to do for her anymore." She finished as her growing sorrow now began to taint her own voice.

After her worried words Adam was generally left with absolutely nothing to say...

Speechless... dumbfounded...

Nothing could really describe the way he felt, except horrible since he could have possibly been a bit more sensitive around such a subject.

Not like he had a whole lot to lose at the moment. He had no idea how to get home or anything of the sorts.

"As you wish Seiko," he spoke quietly. It was honestly the least he could do for all their troubles, and his brash rudeness which was only just one more thing Adam could go and hold against him.

The worried look that had settled upon her face had almost instantly vanished upon his answer, yet one thing still remained and he wanted to find an answer.

"Now I have a question of my own." Seiko nodded as she moved from her place looking out the window and had taken a seat at the far end of her dining table as if she knew it was to come. "How do you know so much about us Seiko? That type of information is considered classified you do know that..."

"That Adam may be rather a more difficult subject to explain."

Sighing as she closed her eyes as she remained silent for some minutes after words as if trying to sort through her many conflicting thoughts.

"Adam," she began, "I regret I can only really say this for right now, someone once very close to this family was one of your kind. He stood guard over us for many years and this is also the reason why I seem to be taking this all in stride. So please I must ask you to be patient, you will have your answers in due time."

*If she doesn't wish to tell me I suppose I can understand. But, no it couldn't be could it? Maybe Juno had more than I thought planed out.*

"I understand Seiko, I apologies for my rudeness," all the while bowing is head in respect to her.

"Don't Adam, if anything I'm the one who should apologies for putting you through this mess. But like I said please be patient. But for the time being aren't you supposed to be some were else."

Raising his head he nodded slightly, he knew he was going to have to do some thinking on this later but for now it would would be better to keep an eye on his new client's granddaughter.

"Oh and Adam?" Standing up he looked over his shoulder to the older woman. "Please one more favor for me." She now was sporting a small smile upon her aged face. Adam only starred at her in waiting for her response, "Look after Renamon as well, she may not look like it but I can tell she's just as lost as Rika is." Adam felt a shudder run through his body yet was unable to place it for some reason yet nodded anyway.

"I will, I promise no harm will come to them, that I swear."

"She seems to be becoming rather attached to you Adam, even just being around you seems to bring a spark to her eyes if only just a little. So please be good to her, protect her no matter what happens, like you would one of your own kind. It also doesn't help your quite the handsome young man as well." Adam only coughed and turned his head at that along with a light blush present as well. "Also before my old mind forgets I have something for you."

Walking to a closet in the corner of the room, she started hunting for the object. "You being out gave me a chance to look over some of your old destroyed clothes." After a few moments she pulled out a faded grey cloak to which seemed to be worn well judging by the newly repaired seams around the edges of the faded light grey beaked hood followed by a darker grey cloak with dark blue stripes running down its sides. It was pulled together by a black sash which went around the users waist and hung to the users knee length, followed by a leather buckle that raped around the upper part of the sash.

"This belonged to the man that protected us all them years ago Adam, honor his memory well."

"You don't have to do this Seiko."

"Nonsense Adam, consider this a small payment for you work in advance."

"I guess I don't really have much of a choice now do I..... So thank you Seiko. I will treasure this gift in honor of this man." Though he could only wonder who worn it.

Putting on the old cloak he noticed it almost fit him perfectly by size and only had to be slightly modified for his tail. But he also noticed something in one of the cloaks outer fitting pockets, feeling around Adam pulled out some type of wire wound around a leather brace. It appeared to be meant to fit around the wearer's upper arm and had a leather ring for the user's finger which was connected by a single wire running down the user's arm for quick use.

Looking up to Seiko expecting her to have a possible answer but she only smiles at him and nods. "Keep it Adam I know you're going to need it."

*Your just full of surprises aren't you Seiko.*

He pulled his sleeve up and buckled up the new weapon which connected with his arm bands.

*Renamon and myself, own kind... yeah... own kind!*


Walking out towards the back of the rather big house he had figured talking to Rika was probably the best course of action at the given moment, and maybe even give that vixen a piece of his mind while he was at it.

*I wish Renamon would have just disappeared from my mind already she's begining to drive me crazy!*

Funny thing though, the back yard were Rika was supposed to be at the moment was at the given moment empty with only the coy fish to keep him company. "Great just another delay," he stated rather grudgingly.

It would probably be in his best interest to stay within the house's secluded back yard at the moment seeing he had no idea how Renamon could disappear, or more likely just move at high speeds to become invisible or he could only presume anyway. Ether way searching for the duo would be fruitless untill nightfall came around, and that would be like pulling straws.

With this in mind Adam ended up walking to the edge of the coy pond to try and relax for the remainder of their time gone, ether they were going to return before nightfall came or he'd start searching. He personally wasn't looking forward to ether but as they say you have to take a step at a time, he'd just have to wait for the time being.

Adam had waited to what had to be an hour at the least. He even began nodding off slightly as the sun warmed his dark yellow fur. He wasn't sure how long he just dozed there but the next thing he heard was the creaking of the front gates opening, signaling the return of the two females he had been waiting for and within moments they were walking out the back of the house. Just in time for him to compose himself.

"What are you doing here?" Spoke the fiery tamer, seeming generally surprised or just plain annoyed depending on how you looked at it.

"Waiting for you, what the hell else would I be doing, oh that's right I just enjoy handing out candy to all the little brats that walk by your front door."

"That I'd actually like to see fleabag and oh I don't know maybe seeing you being deleted somewhere away from me." Said tamer only ended up gritting her teeth afterwards as the insult failed to affect the dark yellow fox digimon the way she expected, seeing as he had only kept a blank expression upon his muzzle, he had only really just crossed his arms. "Whatever you mutt, don't talk to me, I don't want to talk anyway so just leave me alone." Adam only starred down at her since he refused to be told off by some angry thirteen year old.

"Was that supposed to hurt my feelings?" His stated after her long winded preach , his voice only showing the slightest amount of agitation. Adam himself was really finding Rika to be more of a stubborn annoyance then anything else really at given moment.

"Now you listen to me you fleabag, I don't really care what you are or what you think your doing but just leave me the hell alone! You'll only get in mine and Renamon's way!" This time half yelling at him as her frustration with him only continued to grow by leaps and bounds.

"Sorry to disappoint you Rika but you along with Renamon here were set in place as my charges by your grandmother, so this is now officially my business and nothing you tell me is changing that." Adam himself stated in a harsh and flat tone, he was far from the mood to be playing these games anymore.

Blinking her eyes almost as if she had suddenly went into shock. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Your stuck with me for the time being."

Said girl looked like she wanted to beat Adam within an inch of his life span as she clenched her fist in her anger around his uncaring of the subject.

"So let me get this straight. I don't have to put up with not only one digimon... but two now?"

Adam nodded his head to confirm her statement but he just couldn't suppress the sudden shudder that began to run down his spine.

Both Renamons only watched as Rika had surprisingly kept quiet for a few moments, almost like if she was really giving this some archival logical thought to both Renamon and Adam's surprise...

But it was only short lived to their displeasure till she spoke in a very early soft tone of voice.

"I guess if all else failed and I lost one of you I could always use a replacement. Everyone always leaves me anyway and everyone always will." She had finished in a hushed tone.

She had kept this very calm and cool demeanor that she normally possessed but you could hear a sadness that had tainted her voice as she finished almost as if she couldn't believe herself at the same time.

Renamon who had been behind her the whole time had listening to the whole conversation while winced at her remark. She felt rather hurt seeing that her tamer would say such a thing, she would have always done anything to make her partner happy even give her life if it meant so.

Adam only stood there bewildered at what she had stated, not to say he hadn't taken notice as Renamon had an obvious hurt look upon her eyes yet said nothing to defend herself. But he had an idea what Rika was probably going through but it still gave no reason to act like that to someone that cared for her, and stuck by her.

Rika herself was just afraid that everyone would just leave her that no one would stand by her side to protect her and to talk to when everything went wrong. It was a feeling of emptiness and he wouldn't wish it upon even his most hated enemas. Adam himself suffered from this growing up, and still did to some point, but growing up changes things.

"Rika is that really what you think?" Spoke Adam in a soft whisper, said girl only slowly nodded before brushing past the two fox digimon heading back towards her room. Renamon only gave Adam a sad apologetic look before falling in step remaining not far behind her tamer.

"Rika." Adam spoke. But his pleas were only ignored by said girl as she continued walking towards the house. *Real smooth you dumb shit, just help her along why don't you*

Adam had to move at a quickened pace to catch up to the duo only to see Rika's door shut right in front of her partner as she had locked herself in her room.

Renamon herself was at a loss she had never seen her tamer so upset before, not to where she closed out everybody who cared about her...

Not completely.

She in the end only wanted to see her tamer happy like a normal child should be for her age.

But if she did admit it to herself, Rika's denial of her having any feelings or emotions for her outside of a fighting tool, well... it caught up every so often forcing her own confidence to be strained and it was ever hardly good for any type of moral and in general...

In general it hurt.

She could only stare at her tamer's locked door in wonder and loss. "Forgive me Rika," she spoke as she bowed her head in her own shame while feeling useless at the moment.

Without any warning Adam walked up next to the vixen digimon. "No response Renamon?"

Said digimon only shook her head with a soft and depressed sigh. "She doesn't wish to talk at the moment."

"I can always kick the door in you know." Renamon only glared daggers at Adam.

"Don't you even try pup." Adam held his hands up in mock defense.

"Don't worry I was only kidding. But the poor kid she just seems so depressed, maybe it would be better if we just gave her time to cool for a while, ya know."

Renamon's upset expression only deepened before turning on her heel, walking abruptly past Adam while he could only watch in pity of the duo.

Renamon had continued down the hall right untill she had almost left the building entirely only to suddenly stop and tap the wall just enough to acquire Adam attention and motioned with her large black digit claw for him to follow without even sparing him a single glance.

Adam deciding to follow her silent command, fell right in step right behind her as they walked out the back and easily leapt to the roof above the house just as dusk was begining to come above the beautiful city of Shinjuku.

Adam had only figured she was wanted to talk about this problem with Rika or maybe even how Seiko wanted him here to watch over the two of them, but he was left only to ponder as Renamon started taking a fighting stance while in front of him.

"You want to fight?" I'm supposed to be on your side remem..."

It was then he noticed the frustration on her face, the tenseness of her body as well as her lips being pulled back slightly to bare her teeth. It was then that he truly understood.

The two of them then locked eyes for a second as a silent conversation quickly went between them.

She wasn't planning on backing down from this nor was she one to shed grief. This was her way of showing herself, the only way she knew how.

Adam was left no choice but to do as she wished even if it meant hurting himself again.

*Seiko is going to kill me.*

But if it meant making her feel better as a goal he would. But with this his respect for her only continued to grow. *If that what she wants so be it.*

He had been hoping for a rematch anyway but he never expected one this soon by any meaning but it couldn't be helped, not now.

If he really admitted to himself he couldn't help but just feel excited at the moment at just the chance of some payback as well.

Moving into a fighting position himself they began to slowly circle the other, hunting the others weak spots to exploit. Before both jumped into the air at the same moment with Renamon throwing a few quick jabs only to be blocked by her male counterpart who just pushed her away, only for both to land in a crouch once more on opposite sides of the house roof. But the look upon Renamon's face had turned from one of frustration to one of pure determination in just them few short seconds to Adam's notice.

"Is this the best you got pup." She taunted.

"Just watch, you aren't going to beat me a second time."

This time Adam decided to make the first move as he ran head first remaining in a low key position bringing his right fist out in a straight strike only for it to be easily batted aside and countered by a solid round house kick aimed right at his head from Renamon. He in turn let himself drop to the ground, easily dodging her as he used his hands to catch himself off the ground at the last second only to continue into a sweeping kick and knocking her feet out from under her.

Renamon quickly rolled to the side before any follow up could begin, flipping back onto her hind paws once more. This time however a small smile danced across her muzzle, she was having fun for a change, no battle to the death just time to relax herself for a change.

Adam had used the momentum from his sweep kick to roll himself back onto his hind paws as well.

"Ready for round two pup?" Renamon chided. "I'm not taking it easy on you this time," and if possible her smile only grew bigger.

"I'm just getting started Renamon don't hold back on my account." He too was starting to get back into his groove, this was starting to become enjoyable now. No weapons no tricks just pure skill speaking for itself for right now anyway.

Both taking a fighting stance once more locking eyes: yellow, to blue, blue to yellow. You could see the reflection of the other in their eyes as they sized the other up both not wanting to back down from this challenge beheld to the other.

Seconds passed before they charged again each trying to gain the upper hand over the other but neither succeeding. Punches, kicks, tails, everything the other had as they became hardly viewable to the human eye for minutes unbound as the full moon slowly rose overhead, only the casting shadow seemed to grace there figures as they moved at high speeds.

After two hours of non stop fighting and moving around the area the two were now breathing heavily but still nether could become the victor of said other. They both had decided to start launching attacks, testing the other evading skills.

Painting Renamon could only grin at her sparring partner as her depression had seemed to be melting away while Adam's had been doing the same.

"So do you want to call this a draw Renamon?" She could only shake her head and smirk.

"Sorry but I'm in this to win it pup."

Quickly she jumped up to the sky preparing her signature move as she curled her arms and legs around her body.

Adam only stood there in fearless wonder of what she was planning. *Adam move it!* Spoke the female voice in his head, it was the same one that talked him into putting this mask on in the first place. But he wasn't left time to question it as Renamon brought her arms and legs out shouting Fox leaf arrow head ,unleashing the same ice shards he had came in contact with in the parking garage the week earlier.

His eyes widen in shock before he did the only thing he could...

He ran straight towards her trying to beat the white diamond's, or leaves' angled trajectory, only to roll at the last possible second, millimeters separating him from being a digital shiskibob.

Noticing the falling digimon in front of him now had a disadvantage he made his move, jumping up and ramming his shoulder into her stomach at the same time taking Renamon's breath away, being taken by total surprise as they both began plummeting quickly to the ground.

Adam quickly flipping them around so he would take the larger part of the blow before they hit as they began moving away from her tamer's house in their free fall landing with a audible groan of pain from both.

Opening his eyes after a bit, he watched as the world spun round before finally coming into focus, propping himself up on his elbows. But he also noticed the second weight now laying upon his chest that was Renamon, her eyes still closed.

He never really had taken notice how light she was actually was compared to a human. Adam could only wonder if a digimon's bones were possibly hollow like a bird of sort. So many questions left unsaid.

Either way he could barley resist the urge to say something smart about this but thought better of it as she started to move a little while groaning to herself. "Renamon?" She didn't answer but she did respond by subconsciously snuggling deeper into the crook of his neck, and sighing contentedly to herself. Adam on the other hand only blushed and looked away from her, he didn't want to disturb her but this was embarrassing, felling his face flare in response.

She really was beautiful human or not and he really couldn't deny that.

But if she found ether of them in this position he'd be a dead man no doubt there. Sitting himself up bringing Renamon to his lap as he gently shook her awake to the world of the living.

Her first response was to clutch her head before opening her eyes, while noticing the position they were in at the moment.

"Renamon this isn't what it looks like I swear," hurried Adam trying not have pissed her off like he had the other day again. But his surprise came again as Renamon only nuzzled under his chin trying to get warm as he felt her body shiver from a cold breeze coming in, seeing how they had both worked up a good sweat from their bought.

She had always seemed like the strong silent type to him even if he had only known her a short time. But she was most of the time around the others, remaining reserved and calculating never once asking for help from them. But why was she like this around him at times? She was at times very confusing.

Nudging her again, "Renamon wake up would you," he was starting to get rather flustered seeing as she only wanted to remain snuggled on his lap for warmth, which he no doubtingly couldn't blame her for. Luckily for him he had a heavy cloak on which protected him from such things.

He watched intently as her eyes flickered open finally. "Nice to see you in the world of the living again," he mumbled while looking down at her.

Renamon herself remembered both of them falling off the roof but she also remembered as she felt herself being flipped around mid flight as Adam had taken the major blow that she was expecting to receive. Selflessness was something she wasn't used to so she did the only thing she could.

She remained silent enjoying the rare moment while Adam thought she was out cold.

The warmth she felt was also something she hadn't felt from another living creature for some time as well and she had well... missed it.

She hated to admit it and would refuse it outright to anyone but she felt lonely sometimes, Rika like herself wasn't much for talking ether so even that didn't help her cause much.

A cold night breeze washed over her causing her body to shiver and instinctively snuggle closer to him much to her pride's contempt but this was just too nice to pass up at the moment so she really didn't care at the moment.

She was also surprised he had figured out a weakness to her fox leaf arrow head so quickly, a feat many never had the chance to talk about. He had only kept surprising her time and time again, she could feel herself heat up momentarily at the prospect, he was cunning she would give him that.

Better yet she could feel his body temperature rise to her amusement through his heavy cloak. She had to actually hold herself from letting a chuckle at his expense. But as much as she wanted this to continue she was going to have to make him work for anything if he did want to get closer to her by chance.

She flicked her eyes open while reluctantly pushing herself away from her male counterpart in a mock glare. "What are you doing pup?" She announced calmly while said digimon only seemed to panic more as she intensified her glare at him.

"What... I..." building his nerve at the creature "You were going to be the one who hit the ground so I flipped up mid fall."

Ten minutes later you could see the both of them back on the roof with Adam comically sporting a new lump on his head from said other vixen digimon who now only glared at him with her arms crossed over her chest.

Rubbing the large bruise on his head, *what the fuck have I just started?* He watched as Renamon turned her head from him only to look out over the city.

Adam hadn't meant for them to land that way but everything always seemed to want to act against him and now she was just as upset with him as Rika had been and that was the last thing he needed at the moment.

*Maybe... she would like that... instead...* If she ever tried it before and it was rather cold out tonight anyway. The smell had lingered up to him earlier when they were fighting each other It couldn't be that far out of range anyway.

"Hey Renamonm" he spoke," if it makes up for it any let me make it up to you alright." He was almost positive she would probably protest at the mere prospect of being around him he wasn't always the best person to be around at times this he knew.

But he truly ended up being generally surprised when she nodded for him to continue on.

Motioning with his head for her to follow him they jumped off the roof out into the night towards the center of the city while remaining to the upper roof tops.

Renamon was intrigued that he even considered wanting to make anything up to her since it wasn't even his fault to begin with. Didn't he care about his own opinion?

Shaking such thoughts aside she followed Adam silently a little ways into the city past all types of stands with very strange smelling aromas not unpleasant but unexpected, sweet, sour, spice anything one could imagine. She had never really traveled this far into the area before as well, all the smells were rather overwhelming making her crinkle her nose as it started to become overwhelming.

Finally he had stopped at a small stand out front of the city train station which was currently being occupied by a few people that all looked to be carrying around something sweat smelling on a small wood stick. Renamon felt her stomach rejoice from being neglected for so long, she couldn't even remember her last full meal.

To her distaste she knew this was rather more of a tease then anything because they would just have to take one good look at her and that would be that, she would just have to go hungry for a while longer till she could catch something out in the park later in tonight.

"Why did you bring me here?" Placing a paw over her empty stomach as it made its presence known with a rather loud growl to her further embarrassment.

Adam only turned back to look at her, If he had heard her stomach he paid no heed to it. "Just watch then throw your complaints at me later alright?"

"Humph... Now this I'd like to see pup," as she crossed her gloved arms under her chest main.

Adam walked over the the roof ledge, "Just don't tell Rika," he spoke before jumping to the shaded ally below.

"What is he planning to do?"

She watched as he emerged from the ally hood now drawn and his paws concealed in the long sleeves of his cloak.

*He wouldn't!* She thought to herself.

In shock she watched as he casually walked out into the open of the busy crowds below pushing himself through with relative ease untill he came to the small vending stand. The people standing out front eating only gave a few strange glances but nothing more became of it.

"The morons think he's a human!" she spoke softly to herself.

Adam had started talking to the shop's owners or so she thought anyway. Before dropping a few pieces of fabric down out of his cloak sleeve which the owner had taken most eagerly handing Adam a large bag of the sweet smelling food in return along with four containers of water.

The two of them talked a little more before parting ways Adam moving quickly back into the side ally before wall jumping back to where she had waited for him.

"How did you do that?" she asked in wonder.

Adam pulled down his hood while chuckling lightly to himself "There's a lot you have to learn about me so we'll just leave it at that."

Truth be told he was blowing that one out his ass he was only lucky enough to have a few American bills left on him and seeing since they were worth a bit more in this country helped as well. Add to the fact the owner or anyone else hadn't even bothered to glance under his hood was a blessing to follow.

He had picked up thirty sticks of dango figuring she probably hadn't eaten in a while by the sounds her stomach was making. Finding something to eat for himself would just have to take a top priority a little later he'd just have to fill himself on water for now to keep himself satisfied for the time being.

Renamon had only kept staring at him unmoving or maybe even unwilling to a point.

But her eyes refused to even glance at the bag that Adam was currently holding in his hands. She refused to look weak around anyone no matter what the situation.

"Here." Adam suddenly said tossing her the bag. "I don't need them I ate not long ago anyway."

Renamon was surprised he had done such a thing as risking himself like that just for her sake. This guy was either the biggest moron in this side of Shinjuku or a saint and she could only wonder if only a bit of both.

Adam had then voluntary turned his back to her thinking it might ease her awareness of there being any tricks involved from his part. He wanted to respect her wishes.

"You going to eat or what?" He asked politely. "I told you I already ate earlier so don't let me stop you. There should be two bottles of water in there as well I only wanted half."

He could then hear her padding towards the edge of the building to where he could only guess she must have sat as he heard the bag being opened up.

"What are they?" She spoke softly while briefly inhaling its contents.

"Dango if I remember right, its considered a rather sweat food here in this area of the world. I've had it before so I have a feeling you'll like it."

Renamon nodded before taking a small bight of the dango stick, this caused her eyes to light up almost instantly at the strange flavor before quickly demolishing the rest of it in the following seconds. She wasn't used to this kind of food seeing as Rika normally brought up a single meal in the late afternoon. But what Rika saw as a meal was in human standards she supposed descent size but to a digimon that constantly used energy and burned calories quickly it barely even consisted of more then a small appetizer. But she refused to be so rude as to say something finding it easier to just hunt for the local wildlife in turn.


She was just pulling out to what had to be her eighteenth stick as she realised Adam had been strangely quite and had yet to even turn his back around to her as he was now leaning up against a nearby wall in front of her view while simutaineously still trying to appear in a none threatening manner to her out in the open.

*Baka,* she thought while quickly snatching up another dumpling in her mouth

Pulling another stick from the bag she stood as quietly as she could and made her way up behind the unhooded assassin, which she noted he seemed to be dozing at the moment by the slight nodding of his head. *He hid it well, I wonder what else he hides?* Hearing his stomach suddenly growl didn't help anything as well. *The damn liar.*

Renamon had to hold back a snicker at this once intimidating digimon who was to be so unraveled so easily at the moment. Once behind him she reached around while simultaneously running the dango under his muzzle hearing him sniffing lightly at the sweat smelling food.

"Don't... take... away... you bastard," he mumbled subconsciously while at the same time smacking his lips together as if he was eating something. Renamon could barely contain her mirth but at this point figuring keeping this action while entertaining was rather cruel of her.

Moving the dango from his mouth she replaced it with the tip of her tail slowly moving it in a circular motion. She watched once more in much amusement as his nose twitched once... twice... three times... he sneezed, while almost throwing himself off his feet at the same time in the action.

"Wha... what the hell just happened?!" He was stumbling over his words now unable to even string together a complete sentence from being awakened so suddenly and unexpectedly.

"Adam." Renamon said trying to get his attention. Said digimon only looked to her dumbfounded.

"What is it Renamon?" He stated trying to sound more focused the he really was at the moment.

"Why?" She stated bluntly all humor now gone from her face and voice.

"Why what? Did I do something wrong?" Renamon shook her head to his response.

"No I mean why did you get me this food when you're hungry too? I don't understand"

"I already told you I ate already today."

Renamon growled for his half arsed response this was enough to cause Adam to back away a few steps using his hands as a shield, "Don't lie to me." Renamon spoke coldly to him.

Adam looked down at the ground in shame knowing he was caught red handed. "It doesn't take a genius to figure you were hungry Renamon or did you forget?" He mumbled barely audible to her ears while pointing to his own slender vulpine ones.

Renamon turned her head to the side blush ever present under her fur. *He never dropped his guard,* she thought silently to herself.

"Alright then just shut up and eat already were burning moon light." Adam continued, Ok probably not the smartest thing to say on his part seeing as Renamon's lips were quickly pulled back over her teeth while dealing a harsh glare towards him. Ok now this was getting dangerous on Adams part, along with his overly big mouth.

Adam then locked his tired eyes with hers and sighed tiredly. "Would you please just eat already?" He spoke exhaustion starting to settle in his voice. His old wounds were starting to catch up with him and his shoulder was starting to give the old familiar throb and not rightly eating like he should have been wasn't helping him in the matter ether. His body just felt tired and drained, that wasn't even starting to cover the mentally part of it.

Renamon must have taken note as she had not continued their conversation afterwards but instead her muzzle held something akin to sympathy on it.

"You really are a Baka you know that Adam." Renamon spoke suddenly as if in realization, using his name for a change instead of his odd nickname.

Adam barked out a tired laugh at that. "You know you wouldn't be the first one to say something similar to that." Grabbing his shoulder as he winced in pain, *If Seiko finds this out she's going to murder me.*

He could feel himself starting to wobble on his hind paws as he failed at holding his rigid posture. Only to be grabbed by the shoulders by Renamon who then gave him a worried glance.

Renamon then put his arm around her shoulder and moved him to where she had been sitting prior to his rather meaningless ramblings.

Sitting him down she noticed he had been awake yet said nothing being in pain as he was. She could admire that if nothing else. She had grabbed the half empty bag while sitting next to him and pulled out another dango.

"Pup," she spoke. Hearing this he looked up towards her. "Eat it will help replenish your energy." Adam only looked away from her stubbornly.

"I said I'm fine," as he put on his hand on the wall behind him while trying to stand under his own power again.

Renamon stared at him in confusion, didn't he know digimon needed food to maintain their form outside of the digital world. Yet she watched as he stood under his own strength, which should not have been possible seeing she had kept a consistent tab on him around Rika's house. He had barley eaten anything to her awareness even when Seiko had bluntly offered it to him, countless times.

What was he? Such questions would just have to wait for now seeing as he would just refuse to give up, and most likely end up hurting himself again. She could smell his blood again getting stronger. *Must have irritated his wounds again.*

Quickly jumping to her feet she grabbed him by his paw and teleported them to a nearby pond in the area. (Along with the food of course) Said assassin only cursed before they vanished into nothingness again.


"Oh shi....." he didn't even get to finish his panicked yell before he got a good face full of dirt as he landed face first with Renamon only feet behind him who landed in a graceful posture.

"You haven't teleported before?" She inquired in curiosity.

"I wish I even had the slightest idea of what you were talking about." Spitting out his mouth full, before standing on wobbling feet once more.

Renamon said nothing as she swiftly grabbed him by the cloak and pushed him into a nearby tree. Adam could only yelp in surprise at her sudden action towards him. "Now pup you're going to eat rather you like it or not."

Adam only glared at her before gripping her hand that was grasping his cloak with surprising strength for someone of his shape.

Adam gripped her and tried to make her release him. But his effort was for nout as his stomach made it's presents known by horrible cramps the harder he tried. It was almost as if this body wanted to eat itself from the inside out.

Finally after a few more painful moments Adam relented his effort while sighing in defeat.

"Alright fine," he hated to admit it but this was getting him nowhere fast, add to the fact he hated relying on other people more than he had to. Maybe it was stupid on his part but he had his own values in life too and this was far from helping them along. Not his fault for any type of appetite in this situation.

Keeping hold of his cloak Renamon handed him the dango which Adam almost uncontrollably ate.

"There that wasn't so hard now wasn't it pup?" She held him a few more seconds to make sure he ate everything before letting him go, as he landed back on his hind paws again. Adam could feel some of his strength returning in seconds to his astonishment.

Adam then glared right into the vixen's eyes for a few moments before they softened slightly. "Thanks," he mumbled before he abruptly turned all the while expecting it to be a long trek back to Rika's house.

"Where do you think you're going?" She chided as if he were a child.

"Back to Rika's home where else he mumbled while rubbing his sore shoulder, too tired to really put up any more of a fight even with having some type of food in his system.

"There was another reason why I brought us here pup." Adam only looked at her in silence. Figuring he was waiting for her she continued. "See them waters over there?" She said while motioning with her head to the still waters of the pond in front of them. Adam nodded to her though he had no idea what she was planning. "Pull off your cloak so I can see your wounds."

Adam complied figuring if anything a soak in cool water would hopefully stop the constant sting he was currently feeling all over his back. He could only wish they had some Epson salt to draw out some of the soreness at the moment as well, but beggars couldn't be choosers as the old saying goes.

Walking down to the small body of water he abruptly removed his cloak but had left his gloves in place as not to feel totally exposed to the world around him. Renamon had said nothing but followed none the less in silence.

"Now what do you want me to do Renamon?"

Renamon had only stared in relative shock as he had turned around, saying his wounds opened up was a major understatement seeing as blood had seeped through his bandages and had started to run down his lower back reaching the base of his pant line.

"Adam," she spoke trying to keep any concern from her voice, "lay down right next to the water's edge."

He only gritted his teeth in pain but complied none the less laying on his stomach. He was glad one of them was thinking straight seeing who knows what type of parasites could have been lurking in that water, he had totally forgotten about that in his pain clouded mind.

Renamon on the other hand moved next to him on her knees and quickly clipped his bandages with her razor sharp claws.

What she saw surprised her as most of the fur in that area had yet to regrow back and the skin was dried and inflamed, bright red. This was far from the standard wound. It was miraculous he was even able to move all day as he had been.

Getting up again she moved over to the small area of water and cupped a nice amount in her paws, it was far from the cleanest but it would have to do. She consentrated for a few seconds as her hand became covered in a ghostly blue flame which inturn caused the water to boil in her palms.

She had continued this for another three minutes untill she could be sure the bacteria would be destroyed, making the water safe to use on a open wound. Walking back over to were Adam was she found him resting peacefully asleep at the moment.

She ignored this and gently dripped the warm water over his back, while trying her best not to disturb him. Once his back was nicely coated in the luke warm water she closed her eyes again in concentration of her digital energy once more.

Opening her eyes she abruptly got to her knees and leaned over him, over his wound.

She started to gently lick his wounds, worst areas first, injecting some of her own energy into his body to speed of the healing process. At first to the naked eye nothing seemed to happen but almost out of nowhere the wounds began to steam lightly and close themselves along with most of the redness. Hopefully he would only have a stiff back when he awoke.

This process only lasted a relative few minutes untill most of his back had been closed minus the fur which would grow back in a week or so.

The only reason she knew this trick was of sheer accident during a battle she had been involved in. She had almost had been killed by a high champion level Strikedramon who had almost severed one of her shoulder couplings with one of its claws.

The idea itself was simple and originally came from data extortion, why couldn't it be reversed or in other words using a life force to heal a wound. As long as one kept absorbing data the skill was virtually unlimited depending on the user.

Hearing Adam beginning to move had brought her out of her current thoughts, looking down she saw a small smile clamming his muzzle since his pain had lessened.

*About time, I was starting to feel bad about putting him through everything.* Taking a quick second glance over his semi healed back she notice of some of his more well defined mussels of someone who should have fought battle after battle, mostly on his arms. The mussels actually could be even seen just enough through his sleek dark yellow fur above.

For such a young digimon he looked like he had been through a small war and barely came back alive. The thought of that made her shudder lightly, she could see his defined shoulders and even his face hadn't a trace of the baby fat of the normal youngster even at his age would have yet still normally had.

Such a shame he was all but clueless of everything around him, he thought more with his head than his primal instincts like a normal digimon should. But then again that alone made him unpredictable their earlier fight tested that theory, which turned out to be quite sound.

She sighed to herself as she continued her gaze over his body. If she thought about it he was unique in personality as well, he seemed to be able to think on the move yet seemed aloof and friendly any other time besides. Yet his selfishness was ether another thing entirely, he seemed honest but could it also be because of his own tasks at hand? One could only know.

But there was something more under it all though she couldn't place it rightly... A sort of self loathing maybe or maybe even a type of fear. "Strange"

*Renamon!* She suddenly heard her tamer yell to her in obvious distress, she was in trouble. But the real question did she really care for her?

Shaking her head picked up her unconscious counterpart by the shoulders.

*Rika I'm coming!* And teleported away.

Chapter 4 end

Wow that chapter broke a record in my book at least. But on another note this story had had over 318 views and only one review (who I thank), I feel like I'm working for a bunch of stiffs (Bad joke).

But some reviews if only a few would be good because I have no idea where I'm going this story is writing itself for the most part. Though on the up side I love being creative in my Assassin's weapons to come and are.

Reviews or not I plan to continue if only just for the self gratification involved.

So anyway thanks for even looking over my first posted story on this site.